築堤する - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
To provide a manufacturing method for levee soil for manufacturing the levee soil by utilizing bottom mud soildeposited in a pond, sand and gravel, and sediment by supply on the spot and to provide a dam body repair method for a fill dam for repairing the dam body of the fill dam by utilizing this levee soil. - 特許庁
To provide a porous concrete slope face sticking block and its manufacturing method useful by application to a banking slope face. - 特許庁
池内に堆積した底泥土や土砂、あるいは工事中に発生した掘削土などに固化材を加えて所要の強度と遮水性を有する 築堤土を製造し、この築堤土を使用して遮水用コアゾーンG_C及び堤体安定化用シェルゾーンG_SやトランジションゾーンG_TRを築造する。例文帳に追加
The levee soil having required strength and impervious property is manufactured by adding solidifying agent to the bottom mud soil deposited in a pond and sediment or excavated soil brought about during construction work, and an impervious core zone G_C and a shell zone G_S and a transition zone G_TR for stabilizing the dam body are constructed by using this levee soil. - 特許庁
To provide a soil improving method for improving impervious performance and the soil function of soil for constituting an impervious civil engineering structure, and earth usable for embankment instead of conventional steel earth. - 特許庁
To provide a construction method which can easily prevent the leakage of water and the wash-out of the construction work of a bank at a low cost, and enables the soil or the like of the original ground to be used in its natural condition. - 特許庁
To provide a sandbag which has a small mass and a small volume so as to be conveniently stored and transported before use, and which enables the construction of a bank etc. by absorbing water and increasing in its volume and mass, when used on the occurrence of a disaster. - 特許庁
Ogura-ike Pond was transformed through time by various civil engineering works including banking during the construction of Fushimi-jo Castle by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and, ultimately, it was converted to farmland by the land reclamation project that took place between 1933 and 1941.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス