被譲渡人 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)

第十四条 第四条及び第八条の規定並びに第五条、第六条及び第九条から前条までの規定中債権の譲渡に係る部分は、法が債権を目的として質権を設定した場合において、当該質権の設定につき債権譲渡登記ファイルに記録された質権の設定の登記(以下「質権設定登記」という。)について準用する。この場合において、第四条の見出し並びに同条第一項、第二項及び第四項並びに第十条第一項第一号及び第二号中「債権の譲渡」とあるのは「質権の設定」と、第四条第一項中「譲渡の登記」とあるのは「質権の設定の登記」と、同項から同条第三項までの規定中「債権の債務者」とあるのは「質権の目的とされた債権の債務者」と、同条第一項及び第八条第五項中「民法第四百六十七条」とあるのは「民法第三百六十四条の規定によりその規定に従うこととされる同法第四百六十七条」と、第四条第二項及び第四項、第五条第一項及び第二項、第六条、第八条の見出し並びに同条第四項及び第五項、第九条第一項、第十条第一項及び第三項並びに第十二条第二項中「債権譲渡登記」とあるのは「質権設定登記」と、第四条第二項中「その譲渡」とあるのは「その質権の設定」と、同項から同条第四項まで、第五条第二項、第八条第二項、第九条第一項、第十条第一項、第十一条第二項第一号及び第四号並びに第十二条第三項中「譲渡 」とあるのは「質権設定者」と、第四条第二項から第四項まで、第八条第二項、第四項及び第五項、第九条第一項、第十条第一項並びに第十一条第二項第一号中「譲受」とあるのは「質権者」と、第五条第一項中「第七条から第十一条まで及び第十二条第二項」とあり、第六条第一号中「次条から第十一条まで及び第十二条第二項」とあるのは「第十四条において準用する第八条から第十一条まで及び第十二条第二項の規定」と、第五条第二項及び第六条第二号中「第十二条第一項及び第三項並びに第十三条第一項」とあるのは「第十四条第一項において準用する第十二条第一項及び第三項並びに第十三条第一項の規定」と、第八条第二項中「債権譲渡登記は」とあるのは「質権設定登記は」と、同項第二号及び第五号並びに第九条第二項第一号中「債権譲渡登記の」とあるのは「質権設定登記の」と、第八条第二項第二号中「登記原因及びその日付」とあるのは「登記原因及びその日付並びに担保債権の額又は価格」と、同項第三号及び第四号、同条第三項第一号、第四項及び第五項、第十条第一項第三号及び第三項並びに第十一条第二項第一号、第三号及び第四号中「譲渡に係る債権」とあるのは「質権の目的とされた債権」と、第八条第二項第三号中「譲渡する」とあるのは「目的として質権を設定する」と、同条第四項及び第五項中「譲渡をし」とあるのは「質権を設定し」と、同項中「同法第四百六十七条」とあるのは「同法第三百六十四条の規定によりその規定に従うこととされる同法第四百六十七条」と、第九条第二項及び第十条第二項中「債権譲渡登記に」とあるのは「質権設定登記に」と、同項第一号中「債権譲渡登記を」とあるのは「質権設定登記を」と、第十一条第二項中「債権の譲渡に」とあるのは「質権の設定に」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 14 (1) The provisions of Article 4 and Article 8, and such parts of the provisions of Article 5, Article 6, and Article 9 to the preceding Article that pertain to the assignment of a claim, shall apply, in case where a juridical person has created a pledge on a claims, to a registration of creation of pledge recorded in a claim assignment registration file with regard to the creation of said pledge (hereinafter referred to as a "Registration of Creation of Pledge"). In this case: in the title of Article 4 and paragraph (1), paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) of said Article, and Article 10, paragraph (1), item (i) and item (ii), the phrase "assignment of (a/the) claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "creation of (a/the) pledge"; in Article 4, paragraph (1), the phrase "registration of assignment" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Registration of Creation of Pledge"; in the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) to paragraph (3), the phrase "obligor of the claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "obligor of the claim on which the pledge is created"; in Article 4, paragraph (1) and Article 8, paragraph (5), the term "Article 467 of the Civil Code" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 467 of the Civil Code, which shall govern pursuant to the provision of Article 364 of said Code"; in Article 4, paragraph (2) and paragraph (4), Article 5, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 6, the title of Article 8 and paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) of said Article, Article 9, paragraph (1), Article 10, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), and Article 12, paragraph (2), the phrase "registration of assignment of claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Registration of Creation of Pledge"; in Article 4, paragraph (2), the phrase "such assignment" shall be deemed to be replaced with "such creation of pledge"; in Article 4, paragraph (2) to paragraph (4), Article 5, paragraph (2), Article 8, paragraph (2), Article 9, paragraph (1), Article 10, paragraph (1), Article 11, paragraph (2), item (i) and item (iv), and Article 12, paragraph (3), the term "assignor" shall be deemed to be replaced with "pledgor"; in Article 4, paragraph (2) to paragraph (4), Article 8, paragraph (2), paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 9, paragraph (1), Article 10, paragraph (1), and Article 11, paragraph (2), item (i), the term "assignee" shall be deemed to be replaced with "pledgee"; the phrase "Article 7 to Article 11, and Article 12, paragraph (2)" in Article 5, paragraph (1), and the phrase "the following Article to Article 11, and Article 12, paragraph (2)" in Article 6, item (i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of Article 8 to Article 11, and Article 12, paragraph (2), which are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 14"; in Article 5, paragraph (2) and Article 6, item (ii), the phrase "Article 12, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), and Article 13, paragraph (1)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 12, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), and Article 13, paragraph (1), which are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 14, paragraph (1)"; in Article 8, paragraph (2), the phrase "registration of assignment of claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Registration of Creation of Pledge"; in Article 8, paragraph (2), item (ii) and item (v) and Article 9, paragraph (2), item (i), the phrase "registration regarding the registration of assignment of claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "registration regarding the Registration of Creation of Pledge"; in Article 8, paragraph (2), item (ii), the phrase "the cause of registration regarding the registration of assignment of claims and the date thereof" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the cause of registration regarding the Registration of Creation of Pledge and the date thereof, and the amount or value of the claim secured"; in Article 8, paragraph (2), item (iii) and item (iv), Article 8, paragraph (3), item (i), paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 10, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (3), and Article 11, paragraph (2), item (i), item (iii) and item (iv), the term "assigned claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "claim on which the pledge is created"; in Article 8, paragraph (2), item (iii), the phrase "assigning a claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "creating a pledge on a claim"; in Article 8, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), the phrase "further assigned" shall be deemed to be replaced with "further created a pledge on"; in Article 8, paragraph (5), the phrase "Article 467 of the Civil Code" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 467 of the Civil Code, which shall govern pursuant to the provision of Article 364 of said Code"; in Article 9, paragraph (2) and Article 10, paragraph (2), the phrase "pertaining to the registration of assignment of claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "pertaining to the Registration of Creation of Pledge"; in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (i), the phrase "registration of assignment of claims" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Registration of Creation of Pledge"; and in Article 11, paragraph (2), the phrase "assignment of a claim" shall be deemed to be replaced with "creation of a pledge."発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ハ 当該有価証券の発行者又はその役員(取締役、監査役、執行役、理事若しくは監事又はこれらに準ずる者をいう。)であり、かつ、当該発行者の総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権に係る株式若しくは出資を自己若しくは他の名義をもって所有する者(以下この条及び第十三条の五第一項第二号ハにおいて「特定役員」という。)若しくは当該特定役員の支配法等(当該発行者を除く。以下この条及び同号ハにおいて同じ。)に対して譲渡する場合例文帳に追加

(c) cases where the relevant person transfers the Securities to the Issuer of the relevant Securities or the Officer (meaning directors, company auditors, executive officers, board members, auditors, or persons equivalent thereto) thereof, who holds shares or equity pertaining to voting rights exceeding 50 percent of the Voting Rights Held by All the Shareholders of said Issuer under his/her own name or another person's name (hereinafter such Officer shall be referred to as the "Specified Officer" in this Article and Article 13-5, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (c)), or to the Controlled Juridical Person, etc. (excluding the relevant Issuer; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 13-5, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (c)) of the relevant Specified Officer; and発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

権利者であって,その発明についての非権利者によって出願がされたもの,又は窃取による害者は,特許出願に対し,特許付与を受ける権利を同譲渡するよう要求することができる。出願が既に特許を生じさせている場合は,権利者は,特許所有者が同にその特許を譲渡するよう要求することができる。この権利は,第 4文及び第 5文に従うことを条件として,特許付与の公告(第 58条(1))から 2年以内に,訴訟によって主張することができる。害者が窃取(第21条(1)3.)に基づく異議申立を提起しているときは,当該害者は,その異議申立手続に関する最終的決着から 1年以内において訴訟を提起することができる。第 3文及び第 4文は,特許所有者が,特許の取得にあたって善意で行動していなかったときは適用されない。1. 特許の対象である製品を生産し,提供し,市販し若しくは使用し,又は当該目的のためにこれらの製品を輸入し若しくは保持すること 2. 特許の対象である方法を使用すること,又は特許所有者の同意を得ないでその方法を使用することが禁止されていることを当該第三者が知っているか若しくはそれが状況からみて明らかである場合に,本法の施行領域内での使用のために,その方法を提供すること3. 特許の対象である方法によって直接に得られた製品を提供し,市販し若しくは使用し,又は当該目的のために輸入し若しくは保持すること例文帳に追加

An entitled person whose invention has been applied for by a person not entitled to do so, or a person injured by usurpation, may demand that the patent applicant surrenders to him the right to the grant of a patent. If the application has already resulted in a patent, the entitled person may demand that the patentee assigns the patent to him. This right may only be asserted, subject to sentences 4 and 5, by legal action within two years of publication of the grant of the patent (Section 58(1)). Should the injured person have filed an opposition on the grounds of usurpation (Section 21(1), no. 3), said injured person may bring the legal action within one year of the final conclusion of the opposition proceedings. The third and fourth sentences shall not apply if the patentee did not act in good faith when obtaining the patent.A patent shall have the effect that the patentee alone shall be authorized to use the patented invention within the applicable laws. A third party not having the consent of the patentee shall be prohibited 1. from making, offering, putting on the market or using a product which is the subject matter of the patent, or from importing or possessing said product for such purposes; 2. from using a process which is the subject matter of the patent, or, when said third party knows or it is obvious from the circumstances that use of the process without the consent of the patentee is prohibited, from offering the process for use within the territory to which this Act applies; 3. from offering, putting on the market or using or importing or possessing for such purposes the product produced directly by a process which is the subject matter of the patent.発音を聞く - 特許庁