Department name order - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


A specific author and joint name person correspondence table 5 is a table with document names, author names-department names, joint name persons-department names, description order described therein.例文帳に追加

特定の著作者と連名者との対応表5は、文献名と、著作名・部門名、連名者・部門名、記載順序を示すテーブルである。 - 特許庁

The table 3 is a table with document names, author names (top authors)-department names, joint name persons (the second and following authors)-department names and description order described therein.例文帳に追加

著作者連名者対応表3は、文献名と、著作者名(トップオーサー)・部門名と、連名者(セカンド以降のオーサー)・分門名と、記載順序とを記載したテーブルである。 - 特許庁

Therefore, when Fuhito grew old enough to assume the leadership, the official name of clan members other than Fuhito, the rightful successor to Kamatari, was changed to the original Nakatomi in order to create a system that enabled Dajokan (the grand council of state) to be governed by the Fujiwara clan and Jingikan (the Department of Worship) by the Nakatomi clan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そのため、後に不比等が成長し頭角を現すと、藤原氏が太政官を中臣氏が神祇官を領掌する体制とするために、鎌足嫡男の不比等以外は元の中臣姓に戻された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The order list has as its input items an ordering source 501 which performs payment processing, the name of a delivery destination 502 of an article, a department name 503 at the delivery destination, information 504 showing the location of the delivery destination, and information 505 indicating a person in charge of ordering.例文帳に追加

発注リストの入力項目として、支払い処理を行う発注元501および商品を届け先であるお届け先502の名称と、お届け先の部署名503と、お届け先の所在地を示す情報504と、発注担当者を示す情報505とを有している。 - 特許庁

However, the document that was submitted to Kyoto Prefecture as an 'application for school building rental' said, 'In the future, we plan to add two more departments--the Literature Department and the Medical Department--in order to take up one of the biggest issues of education in this country, which is to train junior high school teachers and doctors,' which implies that "Kyoto Hosei Gakko" was regarded as tentative name.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし開講直後に京都府に提出した「校舎敷地貸与願書」では、「将来は法政だけではなく文学、医学の二科を増設し、中学教員および医師を養成して、わが国教育の一大欠点を補充する一機関にしたい」と表明していることから、京都法政学校の校名は設立当時の一時的なものと考えられていたことが窺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the creation of the Ministry of Divinities, a mere six months later its name was changed to kyobusho (Ministry of Religion) in order to disseminate further the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for the Establishment of Shinto through the efforts of the senkyoshi (Shinto missionaries) who had been established in the final days of the Department of Divinities; the religious services of the Imperial Court were separated from this Ministry's jurisdiction and placed under the control of the shikiburyo (Bureau of Rites) of the Imperial Household Agency.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その後、神祇官末期に設置された宣教使による大教宣布を強化するために、わずか半年で教部省に改称され、宮中祭祀は分離されて宮内省式部寮に移されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to make it easier to search for job information for disaster victims in the "Job Net," created through the joint initiatives between the public and private sectors, the operational rules were established and announced on the "Job Net" homepage and the main economic organizations and associations of human resources business were requested under the name of the head of the Department on Measures for Temporary and Fixed-Term Employment that they promote the posting of job openings on the Job Net in an active manner. (May 30, 2011)例文帳に追加

官民が連携した「しごと情報ネット」において、被災者を対象とした求人情報を検索し易くするため、運用ルールを設定しホームページで周知するとともに、より積極的に求人情報の掲載を行うことを周知啓発していただくよう、主要経済団体や人材ビジネス事業者団体に派遣有期労働対策部長名で要請(平成23年5月30日) - 厚生労働省
