Director introduction - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


Introduction “The 8th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring SocietiesPoverty alleviation with a focus on vulnerable people” (Mr. Daisuke Koga, Deputy Director, Office of International Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MHLW)例文帳に追加

本会合の趣旨説明(古賀大輔 厚生労働省大臣官房国際課国際協力室長補佐) - 厚生労働省

HONDA was a movie director who was consistently involved with cinematography and the use of "special effects" to create image effects and examples start from his frequent use of underwater filming in his debut movie, "Aoi Shinju," and the introduction of Hi-Vision synthesizing in KUROSAWA's movies, "Dreams" and "Rhapsody in August,"which HONDA worked as an assistant producer.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

劇映画の処女作『青い真珠(映画)』における水中撮影の多用から、黒澤明の演出補という形で参加した『夢(映画)』、『八月の狂詩曲』のハイビジョン合成の導入に至るまで、一貫して撮影技術、映画効果としての“特撮”に関わり続けた映画監督である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He successively worked in different positions such as principal of Women's Higher Normal School and director of the Gakushuin School Corporation while he devoted himself to the presidency of compiling "Kojiruien" (Dictionary of Historical Terms) and also the introduction of new printing and agricultural technologies, and in his later years the title of doctor (literature) and membership of the Japan Academy were awarded to him.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

女子高等師範学校校長・学習院院長心得などを歴任する一方、『古事類苑』の編纂総裁や、新しい印刷・農業技術の紹介などに力を尽くして、晩年には博士(文学)・日本学士院会員の称号が贈られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Petitioner in a cancellation proceeding and in a compulsory licensing proceeding and the Opposer in an opposition proceeding shall be deemed to be in the position of a plaintiff while the Respondent in a cancellation, compulsory licensing or opposition proceeding shall be in the position of defendant, with respect thereto. The Petition for Cancellation, Petition for Compulsory Licensing and Notice of Opposition shall correspond to the Complaint, while the Answer thereto shall correspond to the Answer. The taking of testimony orally before the Director or any Hearing Officer, the introduction of documentary evidence during the hearings and the submission of briefs or memoranda, shall correspond to trial.例文帳に追加

取消手続及び強制ライセンス許諾手続における申請人及び異議申立手続における異議申立人は,これらに関して原告の立場にあるものとみなし,取消,強制ライセンス許諾又は異議申立手続における被申請人はこれらに関して被告の立場にあるものとみなす。取消申請,強制ライセンス許諾申請及び異議申立は訴状に相当し,これらに対する応答は答弁に相当する。局長又は聴聞官の面前での口頭証言の録取,聴聞中の文書証拠の提出及び準備書面又は覚書の提出は,審理に相当する。 - 特許庁
