Rehabilitation service - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)

「Rehabilitation service」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 29


Article 8-2 (1) The term "Preventive Long-Term Care Service" as used in this Act means Home-Visit Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Bathing Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Nursing Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Rehabilitation Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Management and Guidance for In-Home Medical Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, other Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care, Short-Term Admission for Daily Preventive Long-Term Care, Short-Term Admission for Recuperation for Preventive Long-Term Care, Daily Preventive Long-Term Care Admitted to a Specified Facility, Rental of Specified Equipment for Preventive Long-Term Care Covered by Public Aid, and the Sale of Specified Equipment for Preventive Long-Term Care Covered by Public Aid. The term "Preventive Long-Term Care Service Business" as used in this Act means a business that provides Preventive Long-Term Care Service.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第八条の二 この法律において「介護予防サービス」とは、介護予防訪問介護、介護予防訪問入浴介護、介護予防訪問看護、介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、介護予防居宅療養管理指導、介護予防通所介護、介護予防通所リハビリテーション、介護予防短期入所生活介護、介護予防短期入所療養介護、介護予防特定施設入居者生活介護、介護予防福祉用具貸与及び特定介護予防福祉用具販売をいい、「介護予防サービス事業」とは、介護予防サービスを行う事業をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) A prefectural governor, in a case of an application as set forth in the preceding paragraph, when the application corresponds to any provision of item (i) to item (iii), item (v) to item (vii), item (ix) or item (x) (in a case of application for appointment as a service provider pertaining to Management and Guidance for In-Home Medical Service for Preventive Long-Term Care provided by a Hospital, etc., or Home-Visit Nursing Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Rehabilitation Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care provided by a clinic, or Short-Term Admission for Recuperation for Preventive Long-Term Care, item (ii) to item (xi)), shall not provide an appointment as service provider as set forth in the main clause of Article 53, paragraph (1):発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 都道府県知事は、前項の申請があった場合において、第一号から第三号まで、第五号から第七号まで、第九号又は第十号(病院等により行われる介護予防居宅療養管理指導又は病院若しくは診療所により行われる介護予防訪問看護、介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、介護予防通所リハビリテーション若しくは介護予防短期入所療養介護に係る指定の申請にあっては、第二号から第十一号まで)のいずれかに該当するときは、第五十三条第一項本文の指定をしてはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the amount equivalent to 90 percent of the expenses calculated based on the standards provided by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare (but shall be the actual expenses required for Designated In-Home Service in a case when the standard amount exceeds the actual expenses required for said Designated In-Home Service) by considering the average expenses required for said Designated In-Home Service calculated by considering the content of Designated In-Home Service pertaining to the type of said In-Home Service, the area where the provider that performs said Designated In-Home Service business is located, etc. (with regard to the expenses necessary for Outpatient Day Long-Term Care and Outpatient Rehabilitation, excluding the expenses necessary to provide meals, residence, and other necessary expenses for daily life as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare), according to by the type of In-Home Service including Home-Visit Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Bathing Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Nursing, Home-Visit Rehabilitation, Guidance for Management of In-Home Medical Long-Term Care, Outpatient Day Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation, and Rental Service of Equipment for Long-Term Care Covered by Public Aid;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 訪問介護、訪問入浴介護、訪問看護、訪問リハビリテーション、居宅療養管理指導、通所介護、通所リハビリテーション及び福祉用具貸与これらの居宅サービスの種類ごとに、当該居宅サービスの種類に係る指定居宅サービスの内容、当該指定居宅サービスの事業を行う事業所の所在する地域等を勘案して算定される当該指定居宅サービスに要する平均的な費用(通所介護及び通所リハビリテーションに要する費用については、食事の提供に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。)の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該指定居宅サービスに要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に指定居宅サービスに要した費用の額とする。)の百分の九十に相当する額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Home-Visit Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Bathing Long-Term Care for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Nursing for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Rehabilitation Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Management and Guidance for In-Home Medical Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care, and Rental Service of Preventive Long-Term Care Covered by Public Aid Equipment: the amount equivalent to 90 percent of the amount calculated by the type of Preventive Service of Long-Term Care and after considering the average expenses necessary for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care that is calculated after considering the content of the Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care pertaining to the type of said Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, the area where the provider that performs said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care Business is located, etc. (excluding the expenses necessary to provide meals and other expenses as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as necessary for daily life with regard to the expenses necessary for Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Care and Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care), based on the standards provided by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare (when said calculated amount exceeds the actual expenses required for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, said amount shall be the actual expenses that are required for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care);発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 介護予防訪問介護、介護予防訪問入浴介護、介護予防訪問看護、介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、介護予防居宅療養管理指導、介護予防通所介護、介護予防通所リハビリテーション及び介護予防福祉用具貸与 これらの介護予防サービスの種類ごとに、当該介護予防サービスの種類に係る指定介護予防サービスの内容、当該指定介護予防サービスの事業を行う事業所の所在する地域等を勘案して算定される当該指定介護予防サービスに要する平均的な費用(介護予防通所介護及び介護予防通所リハビリテーションに要する費用については、食事の提供に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。)の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該指定介護予防サービスに要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に指定介護予防サービスに要した費用の額とする。)の百分の九十に相当する額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) In a case as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, with regard to Home-Visit Nursing, Home-Visit Rehabilitation, Outpatient Rehabilitation, Short-Term Admission for Recuperation, Home-Visit Nursing Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Rehabilitation Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care, Short-Term Admission for Recuperation for Preventive Long-Term Care, when an insurance benefit for said services is granted because a physician who diagnoses the degree of necessity of said treatment or another physician or dentist who engages in In-Home Long-Term Care or equivalent services, Facility Service, Preventive Long-Term Care Service or equivalent services, has made a false entry on the medical certification which is to be submitted to a Municipality, the Municipality may order said physician or dentist to pay the levy as prescribed by the above paragraph jointly and severally with the person that received the insurance benefit.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項に規定する場合において、訪問看護、訪問リハビリテーション、通所リハビリテーション若しくは短期入所療養介護又は介護予防訪問看護、介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、介護予防通所リハビリテーション若しくは介護予防短期入所療養介護についてその治療の必要の程度につき診断する医師その他居宅サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービス、施設サービス又は介護予防サービス若しくはこれに相当するサービスに従事する医師又は歯科医師が、市町村に提出されるべき診断書に虚偽の記載をしたため、その保険給付が行われたものであるときは、市町村は、当該医師又は歯科医師に対し、保険給付を受けた者に連帯して同項の徴収金を納付すべきことを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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