delegate responsibility ... - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


First, the delegation of authority and clarified responsibility. In order for the Bank to respond in a timely manner to country specific situations, it is essential to improve its time-consuming decision-making method to delegate more authority to the front-line staff and clarify their responsibility.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第一に、国毎に異なる環境に適時に対応するためには煩雑な意思決定方式を改め、第一線のスタッフに権限を委譲し、責任を明確化することが必要です。 - 財務省

Web services trust and delegate user authentication responsibility to a trustable third party that acts as an identity provider for the trusting Web services.例文帳に追加

Webサービスは、ユーザ認証責任を信頼し、信頼するWebサービスに対する識別情報プロバイダとして機能する信頼できる第三者に委任する。 - 特許庁

It is a must to develop experienced staff that can make adequate contributions to policy dialogue and coordination with donors. It is also imperative to delegate authority to the front-line staff in resident missions and clarify their responsibility so that they can make timely decisions. To this end, the ADB Management has recently decided to expand internal mobility, to further advance the delegation of authority, and to increase operational staff. Under such initiatives, I hope the ADB will listen to recipient countries even more carefully and thus increase the efficiency of aid.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

最近決定された組織内流動性(internal mobility)の拡大や権限委譲の拡大、オペレーション・スタッフの増員といった事務局のイニシアティブの下で、AfDBが受益国の声に耳を傾け、援助効率の向上が図られることを希望します。 - 財務省


(5) The Federal Ministry of Justice shall have power to establish by statutory order that civil servants of the higher and intermediate grades as well as comparable employees shall be entrusted with the handling of matters that are the responsibility of the Examining Sections or the Patent Divisions and present no particular technical or legal difficulties; with the exception, however, of the grant of a patent and the rejection of a patent application on grounds which the applicant has contested. The Federal Ministry of Justice may delegate such power by statutory order to the German Patent and Trademark Office.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(5) 連邦法務省は,審査課又は特許部の責務であって,特に法律的又は技術的な困難性を伴わない事項についての処理を上級及び中級職の公務員並びにこれらに準じる職員に委任する旨を,法定命令をもって定める権限を有する。ただし,特許の付与,及び出願人が異論を唱えている拒絶理由に基づいての出願の拒絶については,この限りでない。連邦法務省は,法定命令によって,これらの権限をドイツ特許商標庁に委譲することができる。 - 特許庁
