dispute settlement body - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


In contrast, many FTAs/EPAs and BITs contain several different types of the provisions which "reference matters to a dispute settlement body"; such provisions differ from each other with respect to the organization of the dispute settlement body and the mechanics of referring matters to the dispute settlement body.例文帳に追加

一方、この「紛争解決組織への問題 の付託」については、当該紛争解決組織の性格 や付託の仕組みによっていくつかの類型に分類することが可能である。 - 経済産業省

Dispute settlement mechanisms under many FTAs and EPAs, like the WTO DSU (Dispute Settlement Understanding), provide for (1) consultations among the parties concerned, (2) referral to a dispute settlement body designated by the relevant agreement (3) a binding decision by the dispute settlement body and (4) corrective action or compensation by the country against which the complaint is filed.例文帳に追加

多くの協定の紛争解決手続は、WTOのDSUと同様、国家間で争いが生じた場合、(ⅰ) 当事国協議、(ⅱ)協定の定める紛争解決機関への付託、(ⅲ)紛争解決機関による拘束力のある決定、(ⅳ)被申立国による措置の是正又は補償、とのスキームを整備。 - 経済産業省

The dispute settlement provisions in most of such agreements, similar to the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (the "DSU") in the WTO Agreement; share the following four common elements:(i) if a dispute arises between the parties to a relevant agreement, they shall first conduct a consultation in respect of such dispute;(ii) if such consultation fails to settle such dispute, the complainant may then refer the matter to the dispute settlement body to be established pursuant to the relevant agreement;(iii) the dispute settlement body shall examine the relevant matter and render a binding decision on settlement of the dispute; and (iv) the respondent shall rectify violations of the relevant agreement, if found by the dispute settlement body, or provide for compensation to the complainant.例文帳に追加

多くの協定の紛争解決条項は、WTOにおけ る紛争解決手続(DSU)と同様、国家間で争い が生じた場合、①当該紛争案件について当事国 が協議を行い、②協議により問題が解決しない 場合は、協定の定める紛争解決機関に当該問題 を付託して判断を求め、③紛争解決機関は問題 を審理して解決方法について拘束力のある決定 を行い、④被申立国は当該決定に従い協定違反 とされた措置の是正又は補償を行う、との仕組 みを共通して採用している。 - 経済産業省

Since the EU did not file an appeal to the WTO Appellate Body, the report was adopted at the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) meeting in September 2010, and WTO recommended correction to the EU.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

EUは上訴せず、同年9月、同報告書が採択され、WTOがEUに是正を勧告。 - 経済産業省

Particular Features of Specific Dispute Settlement Procedures As stated above, the procedures for the settlement of state-to-state disputes in the FTAs/EPAs and BITs are similar to the WTO dispute settlement procedures, as all of them contain (i) consultation between disputing parties; (ii) referral of matters to a dispute settlement body; (iii) the rendition of a binding decision by such a dispute settlement body; and (iv) the rectification by the respondent of violations if any in the subject measure. However, the details of the relevant provisions vary between the agreements.例文帳に追加

個別的な手続の特徴 前述のとおり、国家間の紛争を解決するため の手続は、①当事国間協議、②紛争解決組織へ の問題付託、③紛争解決組織による拘束的決定、 ④被申立国による措置是正、というWTO紛争 解決手続に類似した仕組みを採用しているが、 個々の手続の規定ぶりは協定により様々であ る。 - 経済産業省

In addition, we should pay attention to the increasing tendency to bring AD cases before the WTO dispute settlement body.例文帳に追加

また、全体としてAD 案件のWTO協議要請自体が増加していく傾向にも注意を払う必要がある。 - 経済産業省


method of determination by the dispute settlement body例文帳に追加

紛争解決機関(パネル又は締約国の代表者から成る機関)が決定を行う際の方法 - 経済産業省
