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fair trade law

「fair trade law」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13

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fair-trade law

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Fair trade law

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/10/02 06:08 UTC 版)



「fair trade law」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


(Note 1) "Financial Holding Company" means a holding company which falls under one or more of the following categories of holding companies: "Bank Holding Company" set forth in Article 2, paragraph 13 of the Banking Law; "Long-term Credit Bank Holding Company" set forth in Article 16-4 of the Long-term Credit Bank Law; "Insurance Holding Company" set forth in Article 2, paragraph 16 of the Insurance Business Law or a holding company owning, as its subsidiary, a securities firm set forth in Article 59, paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law (a holding company set forth in Article 9, paragraph 5, item 1 of the Law relating to Prohibition of Private Monopoly and Methods of Preserving Fair Trade; hereinafter referred to as a "Securities Holding Company" ) and which owns, as its subsidiaries, financial institutions engaged in more than one type of the following businesses: banks (including long-term credit banks), insurance companies, securities firms, etc. (securities firms, securities investment advisers and investment trust management companies).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(注1)「金融持株会社」とは、銀行法第2条第13項に定める「銀行持株会社」、長期信用銀行法16条の4に定める「長期信用銀行持株会社」、保険業法第2条第16項に定める「保険持株会社」、又は証券取引法第59条第1項に定める証券会社を子会社とする持株会社(私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律第9条第5項第1号に規定する持株会社。以下「証券持株会社」という。)の複数に該当する持株会社又はこれらのいずれかであって、銀行(長期信用銀行含む)、保険会社、証券会社等(証券会社、証券投資顧問業者又は投資信託委託業者)のうち、2以上の異なる業態の金融機関を子会社とする会社をいう。 - 金融庁

Does the Customer Explanation Manager, in accordance with internal rules concerning the representations used in materials for advertisement and solicitation (hereinafter referred to as the “Advertisements, etc.”), etc., subject the Advertisements etc. of Transactions and products to legal checks, etc. in advance and verify that there is no violation of the Banking Law, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the notification thereof, the Act concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade and other relevant Laws as well as rules established by voluntary regulatory organizations and that the Advertisements etc. provide appropriate and sufficient explanations to customers, or does the Customer Explanation Manager have a person in charge of screening of Advertisements, etc. conduct such checks?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

顧客説明管理責任者は、広告及び勧誘に用いる資料等における表示(以下「広告等」という。)に関する内部規程等に従い、取引又は商品に関する広告等について事前にリーガル・チェック等を受け、銀行法、金融商品取引法、私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律及びその告示、不当景品類及び不当表示防止法その他の関係法令及び自主規制機関の規則等に反しないものとなっているか、また顧客に対する説明として十分かつ適切なものとなっているか確認し、又は広告審査担当者等に確認させる態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

Article 1105, paragraph 1 of NAFTA provides an obligation to accord fair and equitable treatmentin accordance with international law.” However, in the Pope and Talbot case it was held that because NAFTA was entered into for the purpose of building a closer economic relationship between the three countries of North America, there is not only an obligation to provide treatment consistent with the minimum standard under international law, but also obligations in addition to such minimum standard. In addition, in the S.D. Myers case it was held that a breach of other provisions under NAFTA automatically establishes a breach of general treatment obligations. Criticisms regarding the interpretation of this provision were raised mainly in the U.S. With a view to posing limitations on the expansive reading of this obligation, the NAFTA Free Trade Commission, in response to such criticisms, publishedNotes of Interpretation of Certain Chapter 11 Provisionson August 1, 2001 confirming that general treatment obligations do not exceed that which is required by the customary international law minimum standard for treatment of aliens, and a breach of another provision of NAFTA, or of a separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of the general treatment obligations.例文帳に追加

なお、NAFTA 第1105条第1項は、「国際法に従って」公正衡平待遇を与える義務を規定しているが、Pope and Talbot 事件で、NAFTAが北米三国間により一層強固な経済関係を築く目的で締結されたものであることなどから一般国際法上の義務のみでなく、これに付加的なものであるとの判断が下されたこと、また、S.D.Myers事件ではNAFTA 上のこの他の規定に違反している場合、必然的に一般待遇義務にも違反するとの判断が下されたことから、米国を中心にこの規定の解釈について批判の声があがり、これを受ける形で2001年8 月1 日にNAFTA 自由貿易委員会(NAFTA FreeTrade Commission)は、公正衡平待遇義務は慣習国際法上の最低基準を付与するものであり、それ以上の待遇を求めるものではないこと、NAFTA 上又は他の国際協定の公正衡平待遇義務以外の義務違反があったことによって、公正衡平待遇義務違反があったこととはならないことを確認する覚書(Notes of Interpretationof Certain Chapter 11Provisions)を公表し、この義務の範囲に制限をかけた。 - 経済産業省


Does the Customer Explanation Manager, in accordance with internal rules concerning the representations used in materials for advertisement and solicitation (hereinafter referred to as the "Advertisements, etc."), etc., subject the Advertisements etc. of Transactions and products to legal checks, etc. in advance and verify that there is no violation of the Banking Law8, the Securities and Exchange Law, the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the notification thereof, the Act concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade and other relevant Laws as well as rules established by voluntary regulatory organizations and that the Advertisements etc. provide appropriate and sufficient explanations to customers, or does the Customer Explanation Manager have a person in charge of screening of Advertisements, etc. conduct such checks?例文帳に追加

顧客説明管理責任者は、広告及び勧誘に用いる資料等における表示(以下「広告等」という。)に関する内部規程等に従い、取引又は商品に関する広告等について事前にリーガル・チェック等を受け、銀行法 11、金融商品取引法、私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律及びその告示、不当景品類及び不当表示防止法その他の関係法令及び自主規制機関の規則等に反しないものとなっているか、また顧客に対する説明として十分かつ適切なものとなっているか確認し、又は広告審査担当者等に確認させる態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁


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fair trade law