fully exit - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


To provide a luminance-equalizing sheet free from the lowering of luminance and for fully uniformalizing the luminance without thickening as the whole and a surface light source device including the same and having high luminance and uniformalized exit light.例文帳に追加

輝度を低下させず、全体を厚くすることなく、充分に輝度を均斉化できる光拡散体である輝度均斉化シートと、それを具備した、輝度が高く、しかも出射光が充分に均斉化されている面光源装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a dwelling which enables an opening for entrance into/exit from a toilet to be opened/closed by a door when the toilet is disposed adjacently to a habitable room, and which enables a wheelchair to pass through the opening in the fully opened state of the door.例文帳に追加

居室に隣接してトイレが配置されている場合に、トイレに出入りするための開口部を戸によって開閉でき、かつ、戸の全開状態において開口部を車椅子が通れる住宅を提供する。 - 特許庁

It has a three-layer structure: a ticket wicket (Hachijo-guchi (Hachijo entrance/exit)), the station office and Meitengai shopping arcade are located on the first floor; the platforms and a ticket wicket (Chuo-guchi (Central entrance/exit)) are located on the second floor (a ticket gate was located inside the JNR/JR Station for a long time with a ticket machine for transfer, but when the new station building was constructed and the Nanboku-Jiyu-Tsuro was made, the ticket wickets of the two companies were fully separated); and the third floor has the platforms for the JR Central Shinkansen.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3層構造で、1階は改札口(八条口)・駅事務室・名店街、2階がホームと改札口(中央口、この改札口は開業当初から長らく旧国鉄→現JR京都駅の内部にある形で乗換用の改札機もあったが、現京都駅ビル建設および同駅南北自由通路設置に合わせて両社の改札口は完全分離化された)、3階はJR東海の新幹線ホームとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Start of a compressor can be smoothly performed in short time and at low cost, since all circuits through which coolant circulates are promptly opened and pressures of an entrance and exit of the compressor are counterbalanced by opening a solenoid valve of entrance side of the evaporator and heating heat exchanger corresponding to operation mode, and fully opening an electronic expansion valve, when starting of a cooling heating operation mode.例文帳に追加

冷却加熱運転モードの起動時に、運転モードに対応した蒸発器、加熱熱交換器の入口側の電磁弁を開成し、電子膨張弁を全開することにより、冷媒が循環するすべての回路を速やかに開放して圧縮機の出入口の圧力を平衡させるので、短時間で、しかも、低コストで圧縮機の起動を円滑に行うことができる。 - 特許庁
