go out of date - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


go-pear.php or bundled packages in the windows build of PHP 4.3.x is out of date!発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

windows 版 PHP 4.3.x にバンドルされている go-pear.php やパッケージが古いようですか? - PEAR

Then please go out on a date with me for the rest of the day!例文帳に追加

今日一日 私とデートしてください - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

Nancy will never go on a date with me. She's out of my league.例文帳に追加

ナンシーが僕とデートするなんて有り得っこないんだ。高嶺の花だよ。 - Tatoeba例文

But a woman out of curiosity peeked out from her house on the date that the god was said to go through the village, and she saw the oxcart on one wheel, with a beautiful woman on it, go by.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、ある女が好奇心から、神が通るといわれた日に家の中から外を覗き見ると、片輪の車輪が美女を乗せて道を通っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(2) Additionally, state of the art shall also be deemed to be the content of the following patent applications with earlier relevant filing dates which have been made available to the public only on or after the date relevant for the priority of the later application: 1. national applications as originally filed with the Patent Office; 2. European applications as originally filed with the competent authority where protection is sought for the Federal Republic of Germany and if the designation fee for the Federal Republic of Germany has been paid in accordance with Article 79(2) of the European Patent Convention, and if it is an application for a regular European patent based on an international application (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as originally filed with the receiving office when the Patent Office has been designated for the application. When the earlier date relevant for priority of an application is based on a claim to priority of a prior application, the first sentence of subsection (2) shall be applicable only to the extent that the content of the application to be considered in accordance therewith does not go beyond the content of the prior application. Patent applications under no. 1 of the first sentence of subsection (2), which are the subject of an order under Section 50(1) or (4) of this Act, shall be considered to have been made available to the public upon expiry of the eighteenth month following their filing. (3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not exclude from patentability any substance or substance mixture included in the state of the art when such is intended for use in a process cited in Section 2a(1), no. 2, and its use for such a process is not included in the state of the art.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(2) 更に,先の優先日を有する次の特許出願の内容であって,後の出願の優先日以後に初めて公衆も利用に供されたものも,技術水準とみなされる。1. ドイツ特許庁に最初になされた国内出願2. 所轄当局に最初になされた欧州出願であって,その出願においてドイツ連邦共和国における保護が求められ,かつ,その出願に関してドイツ連邦共和国についての指定手数料が欧州特許条約第 79条(2)に従って納付されているもの,及び国際出願に基づく正規の欧州特許出願(欧州特許条約第 153条(2))であって,欧州特許条約第 153条(5)に規定された条件を満たしているもの3. 受理官庁に最初になされた特許協力条約に基づく国際出願であって,その出願についてドイツ特許庁が指定官庁であるもの 出願の優先権に関する先の基準日が先の出願に係る優先権の主張に基づくものである場合は,(2)第 1文は,それに従って考慮される出願の内容が先の出願の内容を超えていない範囲に限り適用する。(2)第 1文 1.に基づく特許出願であって,それに対して第 50条(1)又は(4)に基づく命令が出されたものは,その提出後 18月が経過したときに,公衆の利用に供されたものとみなされる。 - 特許庁
