law of large numbers - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


Besides, military men who agreed to the Seikanron, they didn't blame SAIGO who returned home without training the replacement of the downfall councilor, Konoe-totoku (Commander-in-Chief of the Inner Palace Guard) that was violation of law, instead, on the contrary, they encouraged only SAIGO to make a comeback to the government, and the large numbers of bureaucracies and military men who were close to ITAGAKI and GOTO were resentful at it and resigned.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また征韓論に賛成する軍人、下野した参議近衛都督の引継ぎを行わないまま帰国した法令違反で西郷を咎めるどころか、逆に西郷に対してのみ政府への復帰を働きかけている事に憤慨して、板垣・後藤に近い官僚・軍人が大量に辞職した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This positive acceptance of international law was not shared by large numbers of people at the time of yomu undo but it was a chance that Kaichitsujo based on Sinocentrism, in which China maintained self-centered attitude was unsettled and changed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そうした国際法を肯定的に捉える受容は、洋務運動時期にはまだ少数であったが、それは中国を唯我独尊的な存在と自認する中華思想とそれに基づく華夷秩序が動揺し、変化させられていく契機の一つだったといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As observed in the 2005 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan, the characteristics of quick loans include the following: 5) 1) Screening of loan applications based on, among other things, the probability of bankruptcy calculated statistically from data on the parent population. 2) Risk management of loans in a portfolio as a whole based on the law of large numbers, rather than management of risks on a per-loan basis. 3) Rapid processing of loans. 4) Capping of the maximum value of loans. 5) Reduction of screening costs through automation of much of the screening process.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

中小企業白書(2005年版)において見たように、クイックローンの特性としては、〔1〕母集団となるデータから統計的に算出した倒産確率等によって融資審査を行う〔2〕貸出案件ごとにリスクを管理するのではなく、大数の法則に基づき、貸出債権をポートフォリオ全体でリスク管理する〔3〕短期間で融資審査を行う〔4〕貸出額に限度制限がある〔5〕審査の多くの部分が自動化されるため、審査コストの削減を図れるなどが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省
