unfree - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



In Joseon Dynasty, hakucho was called Pekuchon or Petchon and the term for victim of discrimination placed in the lowest rank of the following people of the lower classes (unfree people): Shichihankosen (the following seven kinds of government-owned humble or lowly people: kannuhi [government-owned slave], kisaeng [female entertainers], court lady, Rizoku [lower ranked local government official], ekisotsu [guards], Gokusotsu ogre, criminal fugitive) and Hachihanshisen (the following eight kinds of privately-owned humble or lowly people: miko [a shrine maiden], a craftsman of leather footwear, shirei [musicians of court music], Buddhist monk, saijin [an entertainer], syado [a group which earned a living by singing or dancing, traveling around], kyoshi [people singing, dancing or performing with girls], hakucho).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

李氏朝鮮においては「」(ペクチョン/ペッチョン)と呼び、七般公賤(官奴婢、妓生、官女、吏族、駅卒、獄卒、犯罪逃亡者)八般私賤(巫女、革履物の職人、使令:宮中音楽の演奏家、僧侶、才人:芸人、社堂:旅をしながら歌や踊りで生計をたてるグループ、挙史:女連れで歌・踊り・芸をする人、白丁)と言われた賤民(非自由民)のなかで最下位に位置する被差別民を指す言葉である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
