write in blood - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


Tonight, we write our message in blood.例文帳に追加

我々は今夜 血で伝言を書く - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

The identity confirmation adhesive seal 3 provided with the writing part of a shape stored in the caseback 1 of the optional wrist watch 5 is bonded to the reverse face 1 to write the name, the contact address, the birth date, a blood type and the like, and is covered by the convex transparent protection seal 4 thereon.例文帳に追加

任意の腕時計(5)の裏蓋(1)に収まる形状の氏名、連絡先、生年月日、血液型等を記入できる書き込み部を設けた身元確認粘着シール(3)を裏面(1)に貼り付け、このうえに凸面形状の透明保護シール(4)で被うことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

Here, too, "Yakushikyo Sutra" has a description in the section where every evil act done by people will be expiated by the power of Yakushi Nyorai, 'They pray to the spirits of the mountain forests, trees, and graves. They kill living beings in order to make sacrifices of blood and flesh to the yaksha and rakshasa ghosts. They write down the names of their enemies and make images of them, and then they hex those names and images with evil mantras. They summon paralysis ghosts, cast hexes, or command corpse-raising ghosts to kill or injure their enemies' and the section following 'They kill living beings' in particular.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これも『薬師経』に薬師如来の力で人々の悪行が全て消滅するであろうと説いている中の、「告林神・樹神・山神・塚神・種々別神、殺諸畜生、取其血肉、祭祀一切夜叉羅刹食血肉者、書怨人字、并作其形、成就種々毒害呪術・厭魅蠱道・起屍鬼呪、欲断彼命、及壊其身」の句、特に「殺諸畜生」以下が基になったものとの説もある - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"A severed head must: be well washed with water, blood and grime washed off, have the hair combed, and arranged as before in a topknot; if you are applying face powder or lip rouge to the head at the same time, you must apply it as if to yourself (as per original text), if there are wounds on the face sprinkle rice flour on the damage to conceal the wound and write the full name of the head (i.e.. deceased) on a slip of paper and affix to the head."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「首を水にて能く洗ひ、血又は土などを洗ひ落し、髪を引きさき、もとゆひに髻を高くゆひ上ぐべし。もし、かねつけおしろいべになどつけたる首ならば、其の如くにこしらへ(原文のまま)べし、顔に疵付きたらば米の粉をふりかけて、疵をまぎらかす也、紙札に首の姓名を書いて付くる也」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For Fukuzawa, the government of the Korean Dynasties appeared to be totally against 'Equality' by discrimination by putting too much value on lineage and Keibatsu blood connection, Sinocentrism or petit Sinocentrism and disrespect for Japan as well as families repeating bloody strife over authority, no intention to be independent with their Sadaejuui policy and no consistency in their diplomacy; these things led him to write 'Datsu-A Ron' with his standpoint of 'ten wa hito no ue ni hito o tsukurazu...' (The heavens do not create Man above his station...) ("Gakumon no Susume" [An Encouragement of Learning]).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

つまり、門閥、閨閥政治や中華思想また小中華思想など民族(人種)差別、日本蔑視思想で、「平等」の精神に真っ向から反する思想、親子(姑、嫁)が血みどろの権力闘争を繰り広げ、そのために事大主義に走り独立心がなく外交の一貫性がないこと、と福澤諭吉らから見れば、そう見える朝鮮王朝政府に対し、「天は人の上に人をつくらず...」(『学問のすゝめ』)とする思想を重んじる立場から「脱亜論」に至ったのだ、という解釈がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
