「chile」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
激辛で、特別な辛味をもつ、細くとがったコショウ very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency chile, chilli, chilly, chili pepper, chili 詳しく見る
南太平洋海岸のアンデス山脈の西の傾斜にある南アメリカ南部の共和国 a republic in southern South America on the western slopes of the Andes on the south Pacific coast chile, republic of chile 詳しく見る


chile, chilli, chilly, chili pepper, chili

この場合の「chile, chilli, chilly, chili pepper, chili」の意味

very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency



hot pepper


jalapeno, jalapeno pepper, cayenne pepper, cayenne


chili powder, long pepper, jalapeno, chilli pepper, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, cayenne, capsicum annuum longum


chile, republic of chile

この場合の「chile, republic of chile」の意味

a republic in southern South America on the western slopes of the Andes on the south Pacific coast



chilean, patagonia, antofagasta, chiloe, santiago, santiago de chile, gran santiago, capital of chile, punta arenas, temuco, valparaiso, vina del mar, tierra del fuego, cape horn, cape froward, atacama desert, guallatiri, lascar, tupungatito, andes, el muerto, llullaillaco, ojos del salado, tupungato


oas, organization of american states, south america


lautaro faction of the united popular action movement, lautaro youth movement, lautaro popular rebel forces, manuel rodriquez patriotic front

south american country, south american nation

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