「oas」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
西半球のほとんどの国を含む協会 an association including most countries in the western hemisphere oas, organization of american states 詳しく見る


oas, organization of american states


この場合の「oas, organization of american states」の意味

an association including most countries in the western hemisphere



international organization, global organization, world organization, international organisation, world organisation


antigua and barbuda, argentine republic, argentina, chile, republic of chile, republic of colombia, colombia, republic of costa rica, costa rica, guatemala, republic of guatemala, honduras, republic of honduras, salvador, el salvador, republic of el salvador, panama, republic of panama, mexico, united mexican states, republic of cuba, cuba, republic of haiti, haiti, dominican republic, jamaica, barbados, republic of trinidad and tobago, trinidad and tobago, dominica, commonwealth of dominica, ecuador, republic of ecuador, commonwealth of the bahamas, bahama islands, bahamas, bolivia, republic of bolivia, federative republic of brazil, brazil, brasil, grenada, republic of paraguay, paraguay, peru, republic of peru, federation of saint kitts and nevis, saint kitts and nevis, st. christopher-nevis, st. kitts and nevis, saint christopher-nevis, saint lucia, st. lucia, saint vincent and the grenadines, st. vincent and the grenadines, netherlands guiana, suriname, dutch guiana, surinam, republic of suriname, united states of america, united states, u.s., america, usa, us, the states, u.s.a., uruguay, republic of venezuela, venezuela

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