「impairment」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
何かを無益で役に立たないようにする行為(定期的に) the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine) constipation, deadening, impairment, stultification 詳しく見る
力や品質の減少を引き起こす損害 damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality impairment 詳しく見る
悪い方へ変化する出来事 the occurrence of a change for the worse harm, damage, impairment 詳しく見る
身体的もしくは精神的に欠陥があるゆえに行うことが不可能である状態 the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness handicap, disablement, disability, impairment 詳しく見る
品質や強さが減少する兆し a symptom of reduced quality or strength deterioration, impairment 詳しく見る


constipation, deadening, impairment, stultification

この場合の「constipation, deadening, impairment, stultification」の意味

the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)



debasement, degradation




damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality



scathe, harm, damage, hurt


harm, damage, impairment

害悪、 不都合、 害、 毀傷、 禍害、 毀損、 厄、 傷害、 ダメージ、 厄難、 損傷、 危害、 損壊、 弊害、 損害

この場合の「harm, damage, impairment」の意味

the occurrence of a change for the worse



change, alteration, modification


detriment, hurt, deformation, distortion, ravel, run, ladder


handicap, disablement, disability, impairment

障碍、 障害、 身体障害、 不具、 障礙

この場合の「handicap, disablement, disability, impairment」の意味

the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness


「身体的もしくは精神的に欠陥があるゆえに行うことが不可能である状態」の意味で使われる「handicap, disablement, disability, impairment」の例文


softness, unfitness


genu varum, tibia vara, bow leg, bandy leg, bowleg, bandyleg, anorgasmia, dysphasia, disability of walking, astasia, amputation, hearing impairment, hearing disorder, dysomia, visual disorder, visual impairment, visual defect, vision defect, prolapsus, prolapse, descensus, hypesthesia, hypoesthesia, tibia valga, genu valgum, knock-knee, pigeon toes, bandy legs, bow legs, disintegration


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