「lingo」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)

argot, patois, cant, slang, lingo, jargon, vernacular

通言、 スラング、 隠詞、 通符牒、 隠し言葉、 隠語、 ジャーゴン、 通りことば、 通言葉、 位相語、 通語、 隠し詞、 通り符牒、 通り言葉、 隠言葉、 隠しことば、 慣用語

この場合の「argot, patois, cant, slang, lingo, jargon, vernacular」の意味

a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)


「ある特定のグループ(泥棒など)に固有の言語」の意味で使われる「argot, patois, cant, slang, lingo, jargon, vernacular」の例文

they don't speak our lingo



non-standard speech


street name, rhyming slang


square, straight, sloshed, crocked, fuddled, pie-eyed, tight, pissed, loaded, stiff, soaked, sozzled, squiffy, pixilated, smashed, blind drunk, wet, besotted, slopped, blotto, plastered, soused, cockeyed, can-do, freaky, uncool, butch, grotty, some, mean, bolshy, stroppy, pint-sized, sawn-off, runty, sawed-off, pint-size, slam-bang, plumb, clean, plum, drop-dead, bite, swiz, heist, rip-off, shakedown, power trip, fucking, piece of tail, piece of ass, shag, nooky, nookie, shtup, screwing, screw, ass, fuck, roll in the hay, cock sucking, blowjob, jacking off, jerking off, hand job, wank, dekko, square-bashing, caff, deck, rod, gat, mickey finn, nick, shlock, dreck, schlock, cert, legs, soup-strainer, toothbrush, arsehole, arse, asshole, bunghole, pot, corporation, tummy, potbelly, bay window, niff, pong, corker, stuff and nonsense, hooey, poppycock, stuff, tommyrot, drool, tosh, twaddle, boloney, bosh, tarradiddle, taradiddle, bilgewater, humbug, baloney, rubbish, codswallop, applesauce, trumpery, trash, folderol, wish-wash, tripe, skin flick, dibs, bunfight, bun-fight, burnup, nosh-up, hood, 'hood, paleface, poor white trash, white trash, honkey, honky, honkie, whitey, gook, slant-eye, injun, red man, redskin, yid, kike, hymie, sheeny, chink, chinaman, ginzo, dago, guinea, wop, greaseball, nip, jap, spic, spick, spik, jerry, krauthead, boche, hun, kraut, airhead, sister, baby, babe, bad egg, boffin, dyke, dike, good egg, guvnor, old man, out-and-outer, shlockmeister, schlockmeister, squeeze, suit, tripper, wog, juice, pile, big money, megabucks, big bucks, bundle, key, skinful, the shits, the trots, jitters, heebie-jeebies, screaming meemies, bitch, give, buy it, pip out, feel, hoof, ditch, chuck, bunk off, play hooky