weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)


該当件数 : 530



Ingredients used for toppings are typically seafood used for sushi such as tune, negitoro (fatty tuna and leek onion), scallop, salmon, squid, shrimp, octopus, salmon roe and sea-urchin egg, as well as a soy-flavored omelet and vinegared ginger pickles, and often served with such colorful vegetables as green perillas, cucumber slices and boiled snow peas together with wasabi. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The visible light-responsive photocatalyst is prepared by dispersing at least one element selected from the group consisting of platinum, silver, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, chrome, vanadium, palladium, molybdenum and zinc on the inside and surface of a titanium oxide particle. - 特許庁
