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ご案内のとおり、中川大臣におかれましては、2月13日金曜日、14日土曜日、この2日間の日程で、イタリアのローマで開催されたG7財務大臣・*中央銀行総裁会議に出席をされ、会議終了後の14日土曜日の夕方4時頃、宿泊先ホテルに設置された会見場において、日本銀行* 総裁との共同記者会見に臨まれたと承知をいたしております。例文帳に追加

As you know, Minister Nakagawa attended the meetings of the G7 Finance Ministers and central bank governors that were held in Rome, Italy, on Friday, February 13, and Saturday, February 14, and held a joint press conference with the Bank of Japan’s governor after the meetings, from around 4 p.m., at a location within the hotel where he stayed, as I understand it. - 金融庁



To support our efforts toward meeting these commitments, we call on our Framework Working Group, with technical support from the IMF and other international organizations, to develop these indicative guidelines, with progress to be discussed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the first half of 2011; and, in Gyeongju, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors called on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the MAP on the progress toward external sustainability and the consistency of fiscal, monetary, financial sector, structural, exchange rate and other policies. - 財務省


To support our efforts toward meeting these commitments, we call on our Framework Working Group, with technical support from the IMF and other international organizations, to develop these indicative guidelines,with progress to be discussed by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the first half of 2011; and, in Gyeongju, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors called on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the MAP on the progress toward external sustainability and the consistency of fiscal, monetary, financial sector, structural, exchange rate and other policies. - 財務省


Finance and Central Bank Deputies from 14 economies: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States attended the meeting. - 財務省


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