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該当件数 : 44



But in 1871, the 'Gaikoku keihoboyaku' and the 'Kyoryuchi mawarigata' were disbanded, leaving the 'Kyoryuchi torishimari kakari' with exclusive police jurisdiction over the settlement. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

一つは奥野定良(1,000石組頭)・進藤源四郎(400石足軽頭)・小山良師(300石足軽頭)・岡本重之(400石大阪留守居)ら高禄取りを中心にしたお家再興優先派、もう一つは堀部武庸(200石江戸留守居)・高田郡兵衛(石馬 )・奥田重盛(150石武具奉行)ら腕自慢の家臣を中心に、小禄の家臣たちに支持された吉良上野介への仇討ち優先派である。例文帳に追加

One area of contention regarded the fact that some members from certain branches of the family received a higher salary such as Sadayoshi OKUNO who received 1,000 koku as kumigashira (group leader), and Genshiro SHINDO who received 400 koku as ashigarugashira (head of the ashigaru) who retained warriors controlling the ashigaru, Yoshikazu KOYAMA who received 300 koku as ashigarugashira, and Shigeyuki OKAMOTO who received 400 koku as Osaka rusuiyaku (a regent) amongst others, as opposed to the Adauchi faction, which prioritized avenging Kozukenosuke KIRA, primarily powerful vassals such as Taketsune HORIBE who received 200 koku as Edo rusuiyaku, Gunbei TAKADA who received 200 koku as Umamawariyaku (body guard), and Shigemori OKUDA who received 150 koku as arms bugyo (magistrate) amongst others who were supported by a smaller stipend. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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