weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)



To reduce the load of describing a halfway image in a service for creating a single desired image in such a way that a plurality of element images (e.g. block-like small images) are stacked up according to predetermined operations by a plurality of users. - 特許庁


To provide a Web application system for enabling a Web client device to plot the CG of a three-dimensional model at a high speed even when a service for operating modeling is provided from a Web application server device to a client device. - 特許庁


When a tourist connects his or her home personal computer 2 to a guide book order server 3 installed in a service company and enters or selects a destination country, city, or area on the web or draws a tour route on a map, the guide book order server 3 transfers the entered or selected destination to a guide book production device 4 installed in a printing company. - 特許庁



This image print service system is a printer 2 equipped with an image photographing device 25 and an image data reader as an image input means, a drawing device, and a display means and can print image data that a customer 6 inputs by using the image input means. - 特許庁