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3 職員団体が登録される資格を有し、及び引き続いて登録されているためには、規約の作成又は変更、役員の選挙その他これらに準ずる重要な行為が、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実にその手続によりこれらの重要な行為が決定されることを必要とする。ただし、連合体である職員団体又は全国的規模をもつ職員団体にあつては、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する構成団体ごと又は地域若しくは職域ごとの直接かつ秘密の投票による投票者の過半数で代議員を選挙し、この代議員の全員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実に、その手続により決定されることをもつて足りるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In order to qualify for and maintain registration, an employee organization is required to provide procedures whereby the adoption or revision of its constitution, election of officers, and other equivalently important acts are decided by a majority of all its members (by a majority of those who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate, and is required to ensure that these important acts are actually decided in accordance with the procedures so provided for. In the case of an employee organization which is a federation or is national in scope, however, it shall suffice to establish and to actually observe such procedures provided for that delegates are elected by a majority vote by direct secret vote held for each constituent organization or each geographical area or occupational area which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate in, and, further, that the foregoing important acts be decided by a majority of all the delegates (by a majority of the delegates who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which each delegate is given an equal opportunity to participate. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム