weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)



該当件数 : 9




Unlike in the case of share flotations, bonds are, like bank borrowing, liabilities ? they incur interest expenses, and the rise in the value of outstanding SME issues in the past few years has probably been prompted by factors such as the following: 1) Being able to raise comparatively long-term funds at fixed interest rates fixes the cost of raising funds for capital investment and other purposes, and so makes it easier to formulate investment and business plans. 2) Privately-placed bonds are placed and underwritten from an investor perspective, ensuring that only prime enterprises can issue bonds. Accordingly, issuing privately-placed bonds not only improves an SME’s image and strengthens its position when negotiating interest rates and loan terms with a financial institution, but can also contribute to improving creditworthiness as an enterprise, and assist in improving an enterprise’s appeal to business partners and attracting human resources. (Some prelisted enterprises issue privately-placed bonds to assist in investor relations.) 3) As they can charge fees for bond issues, financial institutions, too, are focusing on such issues as a means of increasing revenues from non-interest sources. - 経済産業省

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