weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)


該当件数 : 11



When compared with Japan, the Secretariat corresponds to the Nakatsukasasho, the Chancellery corresponds to the Giseikan, and the Department of State Affairs corresponds to the Left and Right Benkan's Offices and the eight ministries under them; therefore, it is clear that the Daijokan had considerable influence in that it served concurrently as both the Chancellery and the Department of State Affairs and also controlled the Nakatsukasasho, which corresponds to the Secretariat, and above all, the Giseikan, i.e. the nobility, corresponding to the Chancellery, played a very important role in Japan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス





Daijokan was established as an organization integrating the roles of two ministries in the Tang government, Monkasho, responsible for deliberation of imperial documents, and Shoshosho, responsible for administration, with two ministries of Shonagonkyoku, that functioned as Monkasho, and Benkankyoku, that functioned as Shoshosho; however, Giseikan functioned as a deliberation branch, the essential power of Shonagonkyoku was lost, while Benkankyoku, responsible for civil service, gained power to exert its influence on Geki, the office placed under Shonagonkyoku. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス