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天保7年(1836年)11 3日、薩摩国鹿児島城下加治屋町清滝川小路(高見馬場方限)で高橋八郎の第三子として生まれ、幼にして村田十蔵(経典)の養子となった。例文帳に追加

On December 10, 1836, Shinpachi MURATA, the third child of Hachiro TAKAHASHI, was born near the Kagoshima-jo Castle in Kiyotakigawakoji, Shitakajiya-cho, (Hogiri, Takamibaba), Kagoshima-jo, Satsuma Province, and adopted by Juzo (Tsunenori) MURATA when he was young. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

隠元隆琦(いんげんりゅうき、特諡として大光普照国師、仏慈広鑑国師、径山首出国師、覚性円明国師、勅賜として真空大師、華光大師、万暦20年・文禄元年114日(旧暦)(1592年127日)-寛文13年4 3日(旧暦)(1673年519日))は、中国明末清初の禅宗の僧で、福建省福州福清の生まれで俗姓は林である。例文帳に追加

INGEN Ryuki (December 7, 1592 – May 19, 1673) was a Chinese Zen Buddhist priest in the periods of the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, who was born in Fuqing, Fuzhou of Fujian Province, China; his secular family name was Hayashi (), and his imperially bestowed titles in Japan were Shinku daishi (daishi: a great teacher monk) and Kako daishi; and he was given special posthumous Buddhist names, Daiko-fusho kokushi (kokushi: a posthumous Buddhist title given by the Emperor), Butsuji-kokan kokushi, Kinzan-shushutsu kokushi, and Kakusho-enmyo kokushi. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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