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common touchの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 56


For the common groundwork, hone-shibari (bonding of the frame), uchitsuke-bari (paste the paper to prevent light penetration, and so on), mino-bari (paste paper by placing glue its top and middle, but not bottom, as if making layers similar to a straw raincoat) (2 or 3 times), beta-bari (spread the paste evenly all over the paper), fukuro-bari (spread the paste only along the edge of the paper) (twice), kiyo-bari (pasting paper or cloth over fukuro-bari), uwa-bari (pasting paper or cloth for the final finishing touch) are applied, and for high-quality finishing ten pasting processes are needed. 例文帳に追加

代表的な下貼りは、骨縛り、打ち付け貼り、蓑貼り(2~3回)、べた貼り、袋貼り(2回)、清貼り(上貼りにより行う)と行い、高級な仕上げでは十遍貼りを行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a woven or knitted fabric for apparel use which has bulkiness, soft touch, and smooth surface, is applicable to wide application ranges such as common clothes, wiping, polishing, and rubbing, exhibits excellent wiping, polishing, and rubbing performance, and comprises a polyamide fiber and a polyester fiber, and to provide a method for producing the fabric.例文帳に追加

一般衣料、ワイピング、研磨、ラビングなど幅広い用途に適用され、“ふくらみ”があり、風合いがソフトで表面が滑らかな衣料用編織物であり、かつ、拭き取り性、研磨性、ラビング性などに優れたポリアミド系繊維とポリエステル系繊維からなる編織物およびその製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁