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It was agreed that, in addition to the existing cooperation, the following five areas will be studied and researched, with ERIA playing a core role: (A) charting outlook for energy demand and saving potential over the medium-to-long term; (B) coordinating emergency response policies and measures; (C) enhancing the use of existing fossil fuel resources in the region; (D) improving electric power infrastructure, including nuclear power generation; and (E) developing clean energy and smart communities for efficient use of energy in the region; this agreement was also welcomed at East Asia top-level meetings.例文帳に追加

既存の協力に加え、①中長期に渡るエネルギー需要と省エネポテンシャルのアウトルックの策定、②緊急時の政策及び対応の連携、③地域における既存の化石燃料資源利用の促進、④原子力発電を含む電力インフラの改善、⑤地域の効率的なエネルギー利用を目的としたクリーンエネルギーやスマートコミュニティの開発の 5 つの分野についてERIA を中核に調査研究を行うことが合意され、東アジア首脳会議においても合意が歓迎された。 - 経済産業省

To provide an ice heat storage type air conditioning system capable of easily introducing an ice heat storage method to an existing air conditioning system capable of performing a power saving operation without securing potential energy of a refrigerant in a cooling operation, and performing an air conditioning operation by circulating a refrigerant excluding the water.例文帳に追加

冷房運転を行う場合に、冷媒の位置エネルギーを確保することなく、省電力運転を実現することができ、さらに、水以外の冷媒を循環させて空調運転を行う既設の空調システムであっても、容易に氷蓄熱方式を導入することが可能な氷蓄熱式空調システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a recycled waste-paper reproducing unit recycling waste of papers and documents of a section unit of a company, etc., reducing resources, saving energy, and shortening times required for recollecting waste papers, by realizing a new dryer part for paper making process which is comparatively small in size and not becoming high temperature and in no way inferior in drying potential, downsizing the unit, and simplifying and abbreviating the method.例文帳に追加

比較的小型で高熱とならず且つ乾燥能力の劣らない新たな抄紙工程のドライヤーパートの実現と、古紙再生装置の小型化・簡略化及び方法の省略化によって、文書細断屑を企業等の各組織単位でリサイクル可能とし、省資源・省エネルギー化、古紙回収にかかる時間短縮や労力軽減を図ることのできる文書細断屑用古紙再生装置を提供する。 - 特許庁


In addition, the government will promote objective evaluations of the performance of each initiative made by the factories/workplaces by using tools such as benchmarking, taking into account the differences in the organizational structures of companies. Further, it plans to establish frameworks in which multiple enterprises jointly undertake voluntary initiatives for energy conservation and emissions reduction (joint initiatives for energy/CO2 reductions). Such joint efforts include the “promotion of emission reduction measures for small and medium-sized enterprises” (described in the next section) and the mutual utilization of exhaust heat from factories at industrial complexes and at other industry-concentrated areas. Providing support for large-scale partnership projects with significant potential energy-saving effects is also planned.例文帳に追加

あわせて、企業の経営形態等を踏まえつつ、工場・事業場等ごとの取組に対するベンチマーク等の指標を活用した客観的評価を推進するとともに、次の項目に掲げる「中小企業の排出削減対策の推進」やコンビナート等の産業集積地において工場排熱を企業間で融通する等、複数の事業者が共同して自主的に省エネ・排出削減を行う仕組み(エネルギー・CO2共同削減事業)を構築し、また、省エネルギー効果の大きい連携事業に対して支援を行う。 - 経済産業省