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該当件数 : 1720



After the Meiji Restoration, Kokokushikan (emperor-centered historiography which is based on state Shinto) was established in society, it was prohibited to talk about suspicions and scandals in public concerning the Imperial Family, it was prohibited to talk about the theory of Emperor's assassination for a long time, but in July 1940, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Kyoto, Riichiro SAEKI wrote in his essay while he was attending the Kansai Branch of the Japan Society of Medical History, that 'when the Emperor had smallpox, Tomomi IWAKURA ordered his younger sister and the lady-in-waiting, Motoko HORIKAWA, to purposely give poison to the Emperor.' 例文帳に追加

その後明治維新を過ぎると、世の中には皇国史観が形成され、皇室に関する疑惑やスキャンダルを公言する事はタブーとなり、学術的に孝明天皇の暗殺説を論ずる事は長く封印されたが、1940年(昭和15年)7月、日本医史学会関西支部大会の席上において、京都の婦人科医・佐伯理一郎が「天皇が痘瘡に罹患した機会を捉え、岩倉具視がその妹の女官・堀河紀子を操り、天皇に毒を盛った」旨の論説を発表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the minister in charge, I hope that the discussion pays due attention to the fact that the “accounting standards” are not merely technical issues, but much broader issues highly relevant to the status of Japanese firms based on the country’s history, business culture, and national heritage- there are differences in economic culture between countries like the United Kingdom, which started the Industrial Revolution from scratch, and countries like Japan, which adopted development-oriented capitalism, as often seen in Asia, led by the government in order to strengthen its military power and develop industries after Commodore Perry arrived in Japan around 150 years ago - as well as related legal systems including the Companies Act and the tax system, and Japanese firmsglobal competitiveness. 例文帳に追加

この論議に当たりましては、会計基準が単なる会計の技術論だけでなく、我が国における歴史、経済文化、まさにイギリスのように産業革命を最初から興した国なのか、あるいは日本のように150年ぐらい前にペリーが来て以来、国家が主導的に富国強兵・殖産興業ということで、非常に国が主導してきた開発型の資本主義が、今アジアにはたくさんございますが、そういった違いが経済文化にもございますし、風土を踏まえた企業のあり方や会社法、特にこれは会社法と税制です。 - 金融庁




In order to revitalize the economy and generate employment in the local regions, the Headquarters for the Regional Revitalization attaches importance on the various resources and strengths of the regions including their industry, technology, human resources, tourism resources, natural environment, culture and history to revitalize the regional communities through cultural and social interactions while making use of its knowledge and ingenuity, and on securing sufficient employment through the sound development of private business. Therefore, based on theBasic Guidelines for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” 673 ideas were submitted from 392 entities in January 2004. From them, selection was made on February 27, 2004 for “the Program for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” with 23 adopted as measures limited to certain regions and 118 adopted as national measures.例文帳に追加

地域再生本部では、地域経済の活性化と地域雇用の創造の実現のためには、地域の産業、技術、人材、観光資源、自然環境、文化、歴史等地域が有する様々な資源や強みを知恵と工夫により有効活用し、文化的・社会的つながりによる地域コミュニティの活性化や、民間事業者の健全なビジネス展開を通じ十分な雇用を確保することが重要としており、「地域再生推進のための基本指針」に基づき、2004年1月に392の提案主体から673の構想が提出され、2004年2月27日には地域限定措置として23件、全国措置として118件が「地域再生推進のためのプログラム」として決定された。 - 経済産業省

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