weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)


該当件数 : 12


Changes in the economic environment, including the downturn in domestic demand and effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake, are confronting SMEs with increasingly diverse and complex business challenges, such as the need to adapt to offshoring by customers, develop markets overseas, and develop new business operations. Alongside conventional sources of support, such as societies and chambers of commerce and industry, therefore, it is important that providers of more specialized and sophisticated forms of support, such as financial institutions and accounting firms, become involved in providing support to strengthen SMEsbusiness capabilities. 例文帳に追加

内需減退や震災の影響等、経済環境が変化する中、中小企業が直面する経営課題は、取引先企業の海外流出、海外販路開拓や新事業展開等、より多様化、複雑化しており、従来までの支援機関(商工会、商工会議所等)に加え、中小企業の新たなニーズに対応し、中小企業に対して高度かつ専門的な経営支援を行う金融機関や税理士事務所等を取り込むことにより、中小企業の経営力強化を図ることが重要である。 - 経済産業省


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