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remittance requestの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 48


It is indispensable to understand the Necessary Information in order to confirm that a remittance is not an outgoing remittance subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that where a Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. conducts customer management through understanding, etc. of the status of customerstransactions and the content of routine remittances, when it is difficult to understand the Necessary Information at the time of receiving a request for a remittance from a customer via a Phone Line, etc. as remittance data from the customer lacks some of the Necessary Information, it is possible to confirm that the remittance is not an outgoing remittance subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze, by checking the remittance data from the customer with data understood through customer management in lieu of understanding the Necessary Information. However, when a remittance falls under cases Where There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information, etc., the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. must request the customer to present materials that give reasons for the remittance, such as a sales contract, an import permit, and a bill of lading, and confirm that the remittance is not an outgoing remittance subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze. 例文帳に追加

資産凍結等経済制裁対象の仕向送金ではないことを確認するため、必要情報の把握は不可欠であるが、顧客の取引状況や経常的な送金内容の把握等による顧客管理を行っている場合において、電話回線等を経由して顧客から送金を受け付けた際に顧客からの送金データに必要情報の一部が欠落しその把握が困難なときは、当該必要情報の把握に代えて、顧客からの送金データと顧客管理により把握しているデータとを照合することにより、資産凍結等経済制裁対象の仕向送金ではないことの確認ができることに留意する必要がある。ただし、当該送金が必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等に該当するときは、売買契約書、輸入許可書又は船荷証券等送金の理由となる資料の提示等を求め、資産凍結等経済制裁対象の仕向送金ではないことの確認を行う必要がある。 - 財務省

In addition, where there is a doubt about the truth of the Necessary Information obtained from a customer or where careful confirmation is recognized as necessary as a remittance could violate the regulations on trade-related payment (hereinafter referred to asWhere There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information”), does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. request the customer to present materials that give reasons for the remittance, such as a sales contract, an import permit, and a bill of lading, to carry out confirmation? Incidentally, it is necessary to keep in mind that confirmation in cases Where There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information applies in the same manner to cases of receiving a request for an outgoing remittance from a customer via a phone line, the Internet, etc. (hereinafter referred to asPhone Line, etc.”). 例文帳に追加

また、顧客から得た必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合又は貿易に関する支払規制に抵触することが考えられ慎重な確認が必要であると認められる場合(以資産凍結 20下「必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等」という。)には、売買契約書、輸入許可書又は船荷証券等送金の理由となる資料の提示等を求め、確認を行っているか。なお、必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等の確認については、電話回線、インターネット等(以下「電話回線等」という。)を経由して顧客から仕向送金を受け付ける場合においても、同様に適用されることに留意する必要がある。 - 財務省


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