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road projectsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 25



In the Meiji period, an ordinance for granting rewards was prescribed by imperial edict -- such that rewards were to be granted to the most conspicuous among: those who saved a life; koshi; junson; giboku; hard-working businessman; a person who involved in invention and innovation; and those who served the public interest by devoted themselves to education, hygiene, social service, projects to prevent epidemics, repair and construction of road, alveus, bank, and bridge, construction of school and hospital, and development of farms and fields. 例文帳に追加

明治になって、勅令によって褒章条例がさだめられ、人命救助者、孝子、順孫、義僕、精励実業家、発明改良家、教育、衛生、社会事業、防疫の諸事業、道路、河渠、堤防、橋梁の修築、学校、病院の建設、田野の墾闢などにつくして公衆の利益をはかり、成績のすこぶる顕著なものにたいして褒章をあたえることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

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