Péter Kalocsai | Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (original) (raw)

Books by Péter Kalocsai

Research paper thumbnail of „Balra tarts, jobbra előzz!” Magyarország városi közlekedése régi képeslapokon

Szombathely, B. K. L. K., 128 p., 2001

This album would like to show how the town traffic of historical Hungary worked in the dualistic ... more This album would like to show how the town traffic of historical Hungary worked in the dualistic era with the help of beautiful contemporary picture postcards. The development of in town traffic and the establishment of public transport were very important factors of modernisation and urbanisation. In that time Hungary had several achievements which were among the bests of the world, to name but a few: the Erzsébet bridge, which was inaugurated in Budapest in 1903, was the arched bridge with the longest span in the world for 23 years; among the reinforced concrete bridges the Liget Street Bridge in Timişoara (Temesvár) held this record in 1908; in 1896 the first electric railcar operated subway of the world was opened in the Hungarian capital; etc… According to the present day research of traffic history the book includes all the towns in which the everyday public transport was carried out by fixed tracked vehicles. The volume wants to give a good picture only about the contemporary inland town transport. For this reason, it does not consider the water vehicles such as ferry-boats and ferries which of course also play very important role in the everyday life of some settlements. Not only do the postcards want to introduce vehicles but they wish to represent the contemporary town and street scape, the costumes and the atmosphere of that age. The postcards shown are supported by contemporary press-matters (120 articles of 49 newspapers). The majority of the 300 cards about 119 towns which appear in this book are from 1896-1920 but a few of them are from between 1920-1938. You may find an English summary on the 119–123 pages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Városi tömegközlekedés a Nyugat-Dunántúlon, 1867–1914

Szombathely, Vasi Múzeumbarát Egylet, 280 p., 2011

The monograph presents and analyses the development of transport, the beginning and the history o... more The monograph presents and analyses the development of transport, the beginning and the history of mass transit of 14 towns during the dualistic era as part of the urbanization of the Western Transdanubia (West Hungary). The regionally explicated topic also outlines the international, the Cisleithanian and the Hungarian background. The provision of mass transit services was an important prerequisite of the usage and usability of contemporary modern towns too. The book presents in the studied region, what laws regulated the traffic, what preconditions were needed to establish the urban mass transit, who were the entrepreneurs of public transport, the extent to which the city administration has taken advantage of the opportunities on offer in the field of establishing mass transit, what effect did this have on the way of life, habit etc. From the work you can also find out which towns were able to step up from the basic levels of mass transit (omnibus) onto higher ones (tram, bus).

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Research paper thumbnail of Közlekedés- és várostörténeti tanulmányok, 19–20. század

Pécs, Virágmandula Kft. 200 p., 2018

The writer’s field of research is the transport and urban history in Hungary during the 19th and ... more The writer’s field of research is the transport and urban history in Hungary during the 19th and 20th century. The book presents three national (Hungary), one regional (Western Transdanubia, West Hungary) and two Szombathely-related studies on these topics. In the volume you can find multiple statements related to urban transport too. For example in the 2nd study about the modernization of the Hungarian urban transport between 1867 and 1914 and the ranking of towns according to their level of development in urbanization. Namely that when ranking towns by their level of urbanization the aspect that whether or not the settlement had local mass transit was completely ignored by Hungarian urban history researchers until this point. Although the local mass transit is a significant indicator of the modernization of a town. The 4th study proves that not only the spatial extension of the railway network could have an inducing effect on rapid development in the process of modern urbanization in Hungary, but also the construction of the electric grid. From the 5th paper you can find out that in the urban traffic-oriented space usage there are unique and omnipresent factors too. Unique for example the expanse of the town, the street network, how densely packed the settlement is, the connection of the districts of the town, the terrain. Omnipresent factors are the traffic signs, the traffic lights, whether there is right-hand traffic or left-hand traffic, the usage of public vehicles etc. You could come across the latter ones in most towns. In terms of transport, the primary network in the use of urban space is the street network, on the structure of which the mass transit network is built upon as a secondary phenomenon. The last two Szombathely-related studies prove, that the local residents had better options in terms of mobility compared to the contemporary Hungarian average (railway, tram, aviation etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of Gyors, gyorsabb, leggyorsabb. A szombathelyi polgári repülés története a 20. században

Szombathely, Szülőföld Könyvkiadó, 160 p., 2019

The book is about the civil aviation history of a West Hungarian city, Szombathely. First the fam... more The book is about the civil aviation history of a West Hungarian city, Szombathely. First the familiarizing with aviation, then the establishment of the airfield in 1915 and the starting of the pilot training is presented. The airport which served military purposes too, quickly became the third biggest military aviation training facility of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy after Wiener Neustadt and Graz. (The air corps was relocated to Szombathely from Görz /Gorizia, Gorica/.) The unfolding civil aviation and airmail was interrupted by the Treaty of Trianon which put a ban of aviation into action. After the lifting of the ban during the interwar period the airfield welcomed not only Hungarian, but foreign passenger airplanes too. You can find photos of Austrian (Österreichische Luftverkehrs Aktiengesellschaft), German (Deutsche Luft Hansa), French and Italian passenger aircrafts in the book too. After World War II only inland flights departure and arrived to the airfield of Szombathely from which – after multiple attempts – one in 1956 was successfully hijacked to West Germany to escape from the communist regime. Since 1982 there is no scheduled civilian aviation in Szombathely.

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Research paper thumbnail of 50 évünk. A Vasi Volán Rt. és jogelőd vállalatainak története 1949–1999 között

Szombathely, Vasi Volán Rt., 152 p., 1999

The book explicates the half century long history of the vehicular transport company which played... more The book explicates the half century long history of the vehicular transport company which played a crucial role in the everyday lives of the citizens of Vas County and Szombathely. The book also presents the merging of the legal predecessor passenger and cargo transport companies (MÁVAUT, TEFU, VITAX) into one large company, and the nationalization of private companies on commands of the state. Then the book describes the history of the vehicular transport company of the County (AKÖV) later known as Volán-company and the history of its bus, lorry and taxi branch. It gives an overview of which towns of Vas County had local bus traffic, and which settlements were connected by scheduled bus services, how many taxis were available in Vas County etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of A 150 éves szombathelyi városi tömegközlekedés rövid története (1865–2015)

Budapest, VTTE. (VTTE közlekedéstörténeti füzetek sorozat. IV. füzet) 40 p., 2 térkép., 2015

The existence of public mass transport was a good indicator of the urbanization of a city in the ... more The existence of public mass transport was a good indicator of the urbanization of a city in the 19th century. The book presents us straightforwardly the one and a half century of public mass transport of a significant West Hungarian city Szombathely, which had a vital role in the urbanization of the town. First it shows us the history of the omnibus traffic established in 1865, than the Tramway inaugurated in 1897 and finally from 1929 the autobus transport, as well as the establishment and operation of the public mass transport network lavishly illustrated (pictures, maps, tickets etc.). The booklet was published for the 150th anniversary of the starting of the public mass transport in Szombathely.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Szövőtől az Antalon át a Nyitráig. Az alapfokú oktatás története Szombathely vasúton túli, keleti városrészén (1928–1956–2016)

Szombathely, Nyitra Utcai Iskola Alapítványa, 272 p., 2016

The book presents nearly one century of basic education of the eastern district of Szombathely wh... more The book presents nearly one century of basic education of the eastern district of Szombathely while indicating the national trends in Hungary
(Klebelsberg cultural policy, single-sex education, introduction of primary school, coeducation, pioneering movement, ideological burden of the socialist era, etc.) and placing them into the education of Szombalthely (shortage of teachers and classrooms, institutional reorganization, etc.).

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Papers by Péter Kalocsai

Research paper thumbnail of A közlekedési folyosók és Szombathely mint közlekedési csomópont az ókortól napjainkig.

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor (szerk.): Ezerarcú közlekedés II. köt. Fókuszban a személyszállítás. Budapest, 251-298. p. , 2023

The study presents, which transport corridors went through Szombathely, a city in West Hungary, i... more The study presents, which transport corridors went through Szombathely, a city in West Hungary, in different historical periods (from the beginning to the present day). How did they change due to landmark historical events (e.g. the peace treaties after the First World War, the Cold War, etc.), and how did they affect the role of the city as a transport hub. Through Szombathely goes a two thousand year old North-South transport corridor of European significance (Amber road, Central European Transport Corridor), which connects the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea. The study covers the main roads, railway lines and air corridors crossing the city throughout the centuries, thanks to which Szombathely has become the most important transport hub of West-Transdanubia.

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Research paper thumbnail of A nyugat-magyarországi közlekedési hálózat változásai a trianoni békeszerződés következtében

Világtörténet, 4. sz. 241-268. p., 2022

Because of the peace treaties that ended the First World War, Hungary lost its western borderland... more Because of the peace treaties that ended the First World War, Hungary lost its western borderlands. In this area, the Austrian province of Burgenland was formed in 1922. The study presents and analyses in a complex way the impact of the new Austrian-Hungarian border on transport in the region. The new borders have taken away, cut in two or dismembered many of the long-established transport corridors (road and rail) of West Hungary. The main transport corridors of Western Transdanubia traditionally led not only to Budapest but also to Vienna, and the Central European transport corridor going from north to south, the Amber Road, passed through it. Thanks to the new state border, the latter area was shared by four states. Occasionally absurd situations arose, such as the railway lines connecting two Hungarian towns, Kőszeg and Sopron, or Kőszeg and Csepreg, being given to Austria without any connection to the Austrian railway network, or the splitting up of the Sopron-Kismarton(Eisenstadt)-Pozsony(Bratislava) railway, which was shared by three countries. Due to the terms of the Treaty of Trianon, air traffic stopped for almost a year and a half. Service halted on the Budapest–Vienna and the Budapest–Szombathely air corridors. The transport in the new Austrian province of Burgenland was also adversely affected by the fact that the major transport hubs (rail, road) remained in Hungary and initially it had no transport corridor going from north to south, and several of its railway lines were not connected to the Austrian railway network, only to the Hungarian. The conclusion of the study is that due to the treaties closing World War 1. agglomerations, transport routes and habits have greatly changed in the studied region.

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Research paper thumbnail of A MÁV filléres vonatai és Szombathely (1932–1940). 1. rész

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 4. köt. 231-246. p., 2021

The study presents why Hungarian Railways decided on introducing excursion trains with a 75% redu... more The study presents why Hungarian Railways decided on introducing excursion trains with a 75% reduced fare (nickel-and-dime trains) in 1932 (boosting passenger traffic and domestic tourism, etc.). Then it outlines the preconditions, the class distribution of the carriages, the seasons (why in spring and autumn – why not in winter and summer) and the destinations whereby the cheap expresses, for which there was effective demand, operated. The favourable national balance of the first three months already demonstrates the attempt’s success: 116 nickel-and-dime trains, 125 782 passengers, 59 trains departing from Budapest, 23 from the countryside, and 34 operating between rural cities. The study, however, not only outlines the positive characteristics of those excursion trains (e.g. the boom of domestic tourism, the publication of the Nickel-and-dime newspaper, and Nickel-and-dime tourist guides) but also touches upon the adverse effects (smaller than expected spending, local customers directed towards the capital). The tense international political situation that arose due to the outbreak of World War II in 1939 resulted in the decline of the cheap trains; the last nickel-and-dime express train operated in 1940. After the outline of the national framework, the second part of the study will describe what impact the cheap tourism initiative had on the population of Vas county and Szombathely, the largest Transdanubia railway junction, through a specific example.

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Research paper thumbnail of A MÁV filléres vonatai és Szombathely (1932–1940). 2. rész

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 5. köt. 69-92. p.., 2023

The study presents the impact of the 75%-discount special trains put into operation by the Hungar... more The study presents the impact of the 75%-discount special trains put into operation by the Hungarian State Railways
(MÁV) in 1932 on Szombathely’s and its inhabitants’ tourism. Szombathely was the largest railway hub in Western
Transdanubia during the review period. Several types of trains (for excursions, culture, spa, sports, harvest, fairs, and
religious purposes) arrived and departed from the city’s station. The special trains for touristic purposes left Szombathely
for Budapest and the major towns and cities of the Transdanubia (Esztergom, Győr, Nagykanizsa, Pécs, Sopron, Székesfehérvár
etc.), for excursion and bathing sites (Badacsony, Balatonfüred, Fonyód, Siófok etc.). To specific destinations and
events (e.g. Balatonfüred Wine Week, Szeged Open Air Festival, Budapest International Fair, etc.), cheap services were
organised usually and repeatedly every year. The special trains brought people to Szombathely mainly from Budapest and
from the midsize cities of Transdanubia (Győr, Nagykanizsa, Pápa, Pécs, Sopron, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém). Overall, it
can be stated that in the 1930s, the high-speed nickel-and-dime trains played a significant role in Szombathely’s tourism.

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Research paper thumbnail of The main aspects of the modernisation of urban transport in Hungary, 1867–1914

Эрлихсон И. М.; Савосина Ю. В. (ред./ed.): Актуальные проблемы изучения и преподавания всеобщей истории и международных отношений: Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 12-13 мая 2021 года. ИП Коняхин А.В./IP Konjahin A.V, Рязань/Ryazan. 311-318. p., 2021

Annotation The process of modernisation of the Hungarian urban transport was happening simultaneo... more Annotation The process of modernisation of the Hungarian urban transport was happening simultaneously in four fi elds between 1867 and 1914. 1. The creation of modern transport infrastructure. The roads and sidewalks were paved mainly with stone, ceramite and asphalt. Bridges, under-and overpasses were built. 2. Traffi c became regulated, fi rst on a local (ordinances, instructions of the city's police chief), later on a national level (laws, decrees of the Minister of Interior). Lefthand traffi c was ordained by law. The fi rst traffi c signs appeared on the streets. 3. The rise of vehicle traffi c began at the expense of pedestrian traffi c. The progress of technical sciences and technology allowed the motorization of the means of transport to advance. As a result, traditional animal-drawn vehicles were slowly replaced by mechanically driven vehicles from the 1890s. 4. In Hungarian cities that were at the forefront of modernisation and urban development, local public transport started up and its network was developed. The fi rst pieces of Hungarian literature on the subject were published.

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Research paper thumbnail of Szombathely és a különvonatok a két világháború között

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor et al. (szerk.): Ezerarcú közlekedés. 1. köt. Fókuszban a járművek. Budapest, 73-113. p., 2021

The study aims to give a picture, about the special trains turning up in the train station of Szo... more The study aims to give a picture, about the special trains turning up in the train station of Szombathely between the two world wars. It mostly discusses where, and for what reason did they travel to, or from where did they arrive. It lists a wide range and variety of these occasional services, while giving their contemporary names as well. The paper also partly mentions those ones, which eventually were not started due to a lack of interest. A great deal of these special trains were run with a touristic initiative in mind, thus the study can also be viewed as an important contribution to the history of tourism of Szombathely between the two world wars.

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Research paper thumbnail of A trianoni béke hatása Vas vármegye közlekedésére

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 3. köt. 213-261. p., 2020

The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following ... more The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following the Treaty of Trianon and the new borders impacted transport in the western Hungarian county of Vas, and its largest transport hub of Szombathely. Neither the catchment areas nor the transport corridors were considered when the borders of the county were redrawn, while ethnic aspects were only partially asserted. The Pozsony (today: Bratislava)–Sopron–Kőszeg–Szombathely–Körmend–Zalalövő–Varasd (today: Varaždin) route dating back to ancient times (Amber Road) was simply sliced up by the new borders and split among 3 countries. Absurd situations emerged with the railways for example, where the rail lines connecting Kőszeg with Sopron and Csepreg were handed over to Austria – without any link to the Austrian railway network. In the years after World War I, the quality of both road and rail travel in Vas county fell well short of the customary standard of peacetime. On a positive note, however, international express trains still travelled from Szombathely to Bratislava, Brno, Graz, Prague, Rijeka, Vienna and Zagreb. The flight ban had little impact on transport in Vas county.

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Research paper thumbnail of A nyugat-dunántúli polgári repülés története a 20. században

In: Horváth Balázs – Horváth Gábor (szerk.): X. Közlekedéstudományi konferencia, Győr. 2020.10.29–30. Győr, Széchenyi István Egyetem – Közlekedéstudományi Egyesület. 1-32. p. , 2020

The study presents while focusing on the Western Transdanubia (Hungary) first of all the beginnin... more The study presents while focusing on the Western Transdanubia (Hungary) first of all the beginning of civil aviation and it's attributes (getting familiar with flight, airshows, airmail etc.) until the ban on aviation was put in place in 1921 dictated by the Treaty of Trianon. Following this we get informed about the reestablishment of aviation in 1922, the pilot training in Szombathely in 1923 and the airmail service. Following this the aviation history of the Western Transdanubia gets presented until 1945. After the second world war the aerial traffic was restarted under the umbrella of the MASZOVLET (Hungarian-Soviet Civil Aviation Co., 1946–1954), a common Hungarian and soviet company. The corporation created an ever-expanding network in the region in question. The company involved the cities and airports of Szombathely, Győr, Nagykanizsa and Zalaegerszeg into civil aviation. The following pages present the scheduled civil aviation of the Western Transdanubia in the era of MALÉV (Hungarian Aviation Company, 1954–2012), the termination in 1969 and the restart attempt in 1982 on the Szeged–Szombathely–Győr–Budapest route. As a colourful note we can read about the successful and unsuccessful hijacking attempts as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Az első világháború utáni vasúti változások az osztrák–magyar határ mentén

Közlekedéstudományi Szemle, 6. sz. 13-26. p., 2019

After the Treaty of Trianon, numerous railway lines in Western Hungary were cut in half by the ne... more After the Treaty of Trianon, numerous railway lines in Western Hungary were cut in half by the new borders, or divided into several sections. In the years following the First World War, the quality of rail travel in this area was far below the standard of the pre-war period. Those wishing to travel could only be provided with low-quality rail transport and service during this period with few services, crowded and unheated wagons, frequent changes in timetables, and ever increasing fares. For many travel had become almost unaffordable, which was made more difficult by border crossings (passport and customs checks). At the same time, it can be considered a positive factor that the West-Transdanubian region had become accessible by international high-speed trains to Vienna, Graz, Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Rijeka, and Zagreb. Hungary's loss of territory, and the reduced rail traffic had a very negative impact on the region's trade, supply and many other areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of A közlekedés szerepe a városi térhasználatban Szombathelyen, 1945–1968

Korall, 52. sz. 113-144. p., 2013

A városi tér közlekedés-szempontú használatában vannak egyedi és uniformizált tényezők. Egyedi p... more A városi tér közlekedés-szempontú használatában vannak egyedi és uniformizált tényezők. Egyedi például a város kiterjedése, utcahálózata, beépítettsége, a városrészek kapcsolódása, a terepviszonyok. Uniformizált tényezők a közlekedési táblák, a jelzőlámpák, a jobb- vagy a baloldali forgalmi rend, a közhasználatú (közösségi, tömegközlekedési) járművek használata stb. Utóbbiakkal a városok többségében találkozni lehet. A közlekedés tekintetében a városi tér használatában az elsődleges az utcahálózat, amelynek struktúrájára épül másodlagos jelenségként a tömegközlekedési hálózat. A tanulmány e kérdésköröket vizsgálja a szocialista kori Szombathely esetében, ahol kevés pénz jutott a polgári korból öröklött közlekedési infrastruktúra fejlesztésére. A város közlekedésére vonatkozó fontos döntések nem helyben születtek, a település ki volt szolgáltatva a központi akaratnak. A város terület- és lakosságnövekedésével, az ingázókat vonzó ipar fejlődésével Szombathely közlekedésének, különösen tömegközlekedésének fejlődése nem tartott lépést. A városi térhasználatban nem érvényesült a tömegközlekedés túlsúlya.

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Research paper thumbnail of A városi közlekedés modernizációja Magyarországon (1867–1914)

In: H. Németh István – Szívós Erika – Tóth Árpád (szerk.): A város és társadalma. Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére. Budapest., Hajnal István Kör, 62-77. p., 2011

The study presents, that the modernization of the Hungarian urban mass transportation happened in... more The study presents, that the modernization of the Hungarian urban mass transportation happened in three independent fields at the same time between 1867 and 1914. 1. The creation of modern transport infrastructure. The roads and sidewalks were paved with mainly stone, keramit and asphalt. Bridges, over- and underpasses were built. 2. The traffic was regulated, first on local (rule ordinances, city police chief's instructions), later on national level (laws, decrees of the Minister of Interior). Driving on the left side of the road was prescribed by law. The first traffic signs were put onto the streets. 3. At the expense of pedestrian traffic, the rise of vehicle traffic began. Thanks to the advances in technical sciences and technology, the motorization of means of transport has moved forward. As a result, traditional animal drawn vehicles, though slowly, began to be replaced by power-driven vehicles from the 1890s.

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Research paper thumbnail of A regionális központok és a városi tömegközlekedés a dualizmus korában

In: Csapó Tamás – Kocsis Zsolt (szerk.): A hazai közép- és nagyvárosok településföldrajza. Szombathely, Savaria University Press, 292-307. p., 2009

According to the research conducted by Pál Beluszky, in 1900, in the Hungarian network of towns t... more According to the research conducted by Pál Beluszky, in 1900, in the Hungarian network of towns there were five main (Zágráb–Zagreb, Kolozsvár–Cluj-Napoca, Pozsony–Bratislava, Szeged, Kassa–Kosice) and five particular (Debrecen, Pécs, Temesvár–Timisoara, Nagyvárad–Oradea, Arad) regional centres. The first public transportation lines connected the city centres with the train stations in every regional centre, but later the routes were gradually extended to reach tourist locations, spas, factories and industrial ones. In the majority of these cities (e.g. Debrecen, Kassa, Szeged, Temesvár) it is possible to trace the classical way of improvement in the public vehicles: omnibus, horse tramway, steam engine, tramway. In every regional centre there was a variety of public transportation vehicles to serve the public. Each of these cities boasted a public transport network as early as in the late 19th century. In Hungary, between the period of 1867 and 1918 only the regional centres could upgrade their public transportation to the level allowed by be latest technology (network of road, rail and Public transportation). Vehicles of public transportation had several favourable effects: traffic became faster; the city centres, the train stations and the city parts were connected to each other; the value of properties increased; in addition they also made an impact on peoples way of life; they were available for people of different walks of life and added rank to the cities.

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Research paper thumbnail of A vidéki városi villamosvasutak településfejlesztő hatása a dualizmus kori Magyarországon

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor et al. (szerk.): Ezerarcú vasút. 2. köt. Fókuszban a vasúti építészet. Pécs, 283-310. p., 2018

The study presents through the example of 16 towns the role of the highest level of above-ground ... more The study presents through the example of 16 towns the role of the highest level of above-ground urban public transport of the era, the tram in the Hungarian urban development outside Budapest complexly (urban development, forms of enterprise, control of traffic, way of life etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of „Balra tarts, jobbra előzz!” Magyarország városi közlekedése régi képeslapokon

Szombathely, B. K. L. K., 128 p., 2001

This album would like to show how the town traffic of historical Hungary worked in the dualistic ... more This album would like to show how the town traffic of historical Hungary worked in the dualistic era with the help of beautiful contemporary picture postcards. The development of in town traffic and the establishment of public transport were very important factors of modernisation and urbanisation. In that time Hungary had several achievements which were among the bests of the world, to name but a few: the Erzsébet bridge, which was inaugurated in Budapest in 1903, was the arched bridge with the longest span in the world for 23 years; among the reinforced concrete bridges the Liget Street Bridge in Timişoara (Temesvár) held this record in 1908; in 1896 the first electric railcar operated subway of the world was opened in the Hungarian capital; etc… According to the present day research of traffic history the book includes all the towns in which the everyday public transport was carried out by fixed tracked vehicles. The volume wants to give a good picture only about the contemporary inland town transport. For this reason, it does not consider the water vehicles such as ferry-boats and ferries which of course also play very important role in the everyday life of some settlements. Not only do the postcards want to introduce vehicles but they wish to represent the contemporary town and street scape, the costumes and the atmosphere of that age. The postcards shown are supported by contemporary press-matters (120 articles of 49 newspapers). The majority of the 300 cards about 119 towns which appear in this book are from 1896-1920 but a few of them are from between 1920-1938. You may find an English summary on the 119–123 pages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Városi tömegközlekedés a Nyugat-Dunántúlon, 1867–1914

Szombathely, Vasi Múzeumbarát Egylet, 280 p., 2011

The monograph presents and analyses the development of transport, the beginning and the history o... more The monograph presents and analyses the development of transport, the beginning and the history of mass transit of 14 towns during the dualistic era as part of the urbanization of the Western Transdanubia (West Hungary). The regionally explicated topic also outlines the international, the Cisleithanian and the Hungarian background. The provision of mass transit services was an important prerequisite of the usage and usability of contemporary modern towns too. The book presents in the studied region, what laws regulated the traffic, what preconditions were needed to establish the urban mass transit, who were the entrepreneurs of public transport, the extent to which the city administration has taken advantage of the opportunities on offer in the field of establishing mass transit, what effect did this have on the way of life, habit etc. From the work you can also find out which towns were able to step up from the basic levels of mass transit (omnibus) onto higher ones (tram, bus).

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Research paper thumbnail of Közlekedés- és várostörténeti tanulmányok, 19–20. század

Pécs, Virágmandula Kft. 200 p., 2018

The writer’s field of research is the transport and urban history in Hungary during the 19th and ... more The writer’s field of research is the transport and urban history in Hungary during the 19th and 20th century. The book presents three national (Hungary), one regional (Western Transdanubia, West Hungary) and two Szombathely-related studies on these topics. In the volume you can find multiple statements related to urban transport too. For example in the 2nd study about the modernization of the Hungarian urban transport between 1867 and 1914 and the ranking of towns according to their level of development in urbanization. Namely that when ranking towns by their level of urbanization the aspect that whether or not the settlement had local mass transit was completely ignored by Hungarian urban history researchers until this point. Although the local mass transit is a significant indicator of the modernization of a town. The 4th study proves that not only the spatial extension of the railway network could have an inducing effect on rapid development in the process of modern urbanization in Hungary, but also the construction of the electric grid. From the 5th paper you can find out that in the urban traffic-oriented space usage there are unique and omnipresent factors too. Unique for example the expanse of the town, the street network, how densely packed the settlement is, the connection of the districts of the town, the terrain. Omnipresent factors are the traffic signs, the traffic lights, whether there is right-hand traffic or left-hand traffic, the usage of public vehicles etc. You could come across the latter ones in most towns. In terms of transport, the primary network in the use of urban space is the street network, on the structure of which the mass transit network is built upon as a secondary phenomenon. The last two Szombathely-related studies prove, that the local residents had better options in terms of mobility compared to the contemporary Hungarian average (railway, tram, aviation etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of Gyors, gyorsabb, leggyorsabb. A szombathelyi polgári repülés története a 20. században

Szombathely, Szülőföld Könyvkiadó, 160 p., 2019

The book is about the civil aviation history of a West Hungarian city, Szombathely. First the fam... more The book is about the civil aviation history of a West Hungarian city, Szombathely. First the familiarizing with aviation, then the establishment of the airfield in 1915 and the starting of the pilot training is presented. The airport which served military purposes too, quickly became the third biggest military aviation training facility of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy after Wiener Neustadt and Graz. (The air corps was relocated to Szombathely from Görz /Gorizia, Gorica/.) The unfolding civil aviation and airmail was interrupted by the Treaty of Trianon which put a ban of aviation into action. After the lifting of the ban during the interwar period the airfield welcomed not only Hungarian, but foreign passenger airplanes too. You can find photos of Austrian (Österreichische Luftverkehrs Aktiengesellschaft), German (Deutsche Luft Hansa), French and Italian passenger aircrafts in the book too. After World War II only inland flights departure and arrived to the airfield of Szombathely from which – after multiple attempts – one in 1956 was successfully hijacked to West Germany to escape from the communist regime. Since 1982 there is no scheduled civilian aviation in Szombathely.

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Research paper thumbnail of 50 évünk. A Vasi Volán Rt. és jogelőd vállalatainak története 1949–1999 között

Szombathely, Vasi Volán Rt., 152 p., 1999

The book explicates the half century long history of the vehicular transport company which played... more The book explicates the half century long history of the vehicular transport company which played a crucial role in the everyday lives of the citizens of Vas County and Szombathely. The book also presents the merging of the legal predecessor passenger and cargo transport companies (MÁVAUT, TEFU, VITAX) into one large company, and the nationalization of private companies on commands of the state. Then the book describes the history of the vehicular transport company of the County (AKÖV) later known as Volán-company and the history of its bus, lorry and taxi branch. It gives an overview of which towns of Vas County had local bus traffic, and which settlements were connected by scheduled bus services, how many taxis were available in Vas County etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of A 150 éves szombathelyi városi tömegközlekedés rövid története (1865–2015)

Budapest, VTTE. (VTTE közlekedéstörténeti füzetek sorozat. IV. füzet) 40 p., 2 térkép., 2015

The existence of public mass transport was a good indicator of the urbanization of a city in the ... more The existence of public mass transport was a good indicator of the urbanization of a city in the 19th century. The book presents us straightforwardly the one and a half century of public mass transport of a significant West Hungarian city Szombathely, which had a vital role in the urbanization of the town. First it shows us the history of the omnibus traffic established in 1865, than the Tramway inaugurated in 1897 and finally from 1929 the autobus transport, as well as the establishment and operation of the public mass transport network lavishly illustrated (pictures, maps, tickets etc.). The booklet was published for the 150th anniversary of the starting of the public mass transport in Szombathely.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Szövőtől az Antalon át a Nyitráig. Az alapfokú oktatás története Szombathely vasúton túli, keleti városrészén (1928–1956–2016)

Szombathely, Nyitra Utcai Iskola Alapítványa, 272 p., 2016

The book presents nearly one century of basic education of the eastern district of Szombathely wh... more The book presents nearly one century of basic education of the eastern district of Szombathely while indicating the national trends in Hungary
(Klebelsberg cultural policy, single-sex education, introduction of primary school, coeducation, pioneering movement, ideological burden of the socialist era, etc.) and placing them into the education of Szombalthely (shortage of teachers and classrooms, institutional reorganization, etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of A közlekedési folyosók és Szombathely mint közlekedési csomópont az ókortól napjainkig.

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor (szerk.): Ezerarcú közlekedés II. köt. Fókuszban a személyszállítás. Budapest, 251-298. p. , 2023

The study presents, which transport corridors went through Szombathely, a city in West Hungary, i... more The study presents, which transport corridors went through Szombathely, a city in West Hungary, in different historical periods (from the beginning to the present day). How did they change due to landmark historical events (e.g. the peace treaties after the First World War, the Cold War, etc.), and how did they affect the role of the city as a transport hub. Through Szombathely goes a two thousand year old North-South transport corridor of European significance (Amber road, Central European Transport Corridor), which connects the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea. The study covers the main roads, railway lines and air corridors crossing the city throughout the centuries, thanks to which Szombathely has become the most important transport hub of West-Transdanubia.

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Research paper thumbnail of A nyugat-magyarországi közlekedési hálózat változásai a trianoni békeszerződés következtében

Világtörténet, 4. sz. 241-268. p., 2022

Because of the peace treaties that ended the First World War, Hungary lost its western borderland... more Because of the peace treaties that ended the First World War, Hungary lost its western borderlands. In this area, the Austrian province of Burgenland was formed in 1922. The study presents and analyses in a complex way the impact of the new Austrian-Hungarian border on transport in the region. The new borders have taken away, cut in two or dismembered many of the long-established transport corridors (road and rail) of West Hungary. The main transport corridors of Western Transdanubia traditionally led not only to Budapest but also to Vienna, and the Central European transport corridor going from north to south, the Amber Road, passed through it. Thanks to the new state border, the latter area was shared by four states. Occasionally absurd situations arose, such as the railway lines connecting two Hungarian towns, Kőszeg and Sopron, or Kőszeg and Csepreg, being given to Austria without any connection to the Austrian railway network, or the splitting up of the Sopron-Kismarton(Eisenstadt)-Pozsony(Bratislava) railway, which was shared by three countries. Due to the terms of the Treaty of Trianon, air traffic stopped for almost a year and a half. Service halted on the Budapest–Vienna and the Budapest–Szombathely air corridors. The transport in the new Austrian province of Burgenland was also adversely affected by the fact that the major transport hubs (rail, road) remained in Hungary and initially it had no transport corridor going from north to south, and several of its railway lines were not connected to the Austrian railway network, only to the Hungarian. The conclusion of the study is that due to the treaties closing World War 1. agglomerations, transport routes and habits have greatly changed in the studied region.

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Research paper thumbnail of A MÁV filléres vonatai és Szombathely (1932–1940). 1. rész

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 4. köt. 231-246. p., 2021

The study presents why Hungarian Railways decided on introducing excursion trains with a 75% redu... more The study presents why Hungarian Railways decided on introducing excursion trains with a 75% reduced fare (nickel-and-dime trains) in 1932 (boosting passenger traffic and domestic tourism, etc.). Then it outlines the preconditions, the class distribution of the carriages, the seasons (why in spring and autumn – why not in winter and summer) and the destinations whereby the cheap expresses, for which there was effective demand, operated. The favourable national balance of the first three months already demonstrates the attempt’s success: 116 nickel-and-dime trains, 125 782 passengers, 59 trains departing from Budapest, 23 from the countryside, and 34 operating between rural cities. The study, however, not only outlines the positive characteristics of those excursion trains (e.g. the boom of domestic tourism, the publication of the Nickel-and-dime newspaper, and Nickel-and-dime tourist guides) but also touches upon the adverse effects (smaller than expected spending, local customers directed towards the capital). The tense international political situation that arose due to the outbreak of World War II in 1939 resulted in the decline of the cheap trains; the last nickel-and-dime express train operated in 1940. After the outline of the national framework, the second part of the study will describe what impact the cheap tourism initiative had on the population of Vas county and Szombathely, the largest Transdanubia railway junction, through a specific example.

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Research paper thumbnail of A MÁV filléres vonatai és Szombathely (1932–1940). 2. rész

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 5. köt. 69-92. p.., 2023

The study presents the impact of the 75%-discount special trains put into operation by the Hungar... more The study presents the impact of the 75%-discount special trains put into operation by the Hungarian State Railways
(MÁV) in 1932 on Szombathely’s and its inhabitants’ tourism. Szombathely was the largest railway hub in Western
Transdanubia during the review period. Several types of trains (for excursions, culture, spa, sports, harvest, fairs, and
religious purposes) arrived and departed from the city’s station. The special trains for touristic purposes left Szombathely
for Budapest and the major towns and cities of the Transdanubia (Esztergom, Győr, Nagykanizsa, Pécs, Sopron, Székesfehérvár
etc.), for excursion and bathing sites (Badacsony, Balatonfüred, Fonyód, Siófok etc.). To specific destinations and
events (e.g. Balatonfüred Wine Week, Szeged Open Air Festival, Budapest International Fair, etc.), cheap services were
organised usually and repeatedly every year. The special trains brought people to Szombathely mainly from Budapest and
from the midsize cities of Transdanubia (Győr, Nagykanizsa, Pápa, Pécs, Sopron, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém). Overall, it
can be stated that in the 1930s, the high-speed nickel-and-dime trains played a significant role in Szombathely’s tourism.

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Research paper thumbnail of The main aspects of the modernisation of urban transport in Hungary, 1867–1914

Эрлихсон И. М.; Савосина Ю. В. (ред./ed.): Актуальные проблемы изучения и преподавания всеобщей истории и международных отношений: Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 12-13 мая 2021 года. ИП Коняхин А.В./IP Konjahin A.V, Рязань/Ryazan. 311-318. p., 2021

Annotation The process of modernisation of the Hungarian urban transport was happening simultaneo... more Annotation The process of modernisation of the Hungarian urban transport was happening simultaneously in four fi elds between 1867 and 1914. 1. The creation of modern transport infrastructure. The roads and sidewalks were paved mainly with stone, ceramite and asphalt. Bridges, under-and overpasses were built. 2. Traffi c became regulated, fi rst on a local (ordinances, instructions of the city's police chief), later on a national level (laws, decrees of the Minister of Interior). Lefthand traffi c was ordained by law. The fi rst traffi c signs appeared on the streets. 3. The rise of vehicle traffi c began at the expense of pedestrian traffi c. The progress of technical sciences and technology allowed the motorization of the means of transport to advance. As a result, traditional animal-drawn vehicles were slowly replaced by mechanically driven vehicles from the 1890s. 4. In Hungarian cities that were at the forefront of modernisation and urban development, local public transport started up and its network was developed. The fi rst pieces of Hungarian literature on the subject were published.

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Research paper thumbnail of Szombathely és a különvonatok a két világháború között

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor et al. (szerk.): Ezerarcú közlekedés. 1. köt. Fókuszban a járművek. Budapest, 73-113. p., 2021

The study aims to give a picture, about the special trains turning up in the train station of Szo... more The study aims to give a picture, about the special trains turning up in the train station of Szombathely between the two world wars. It mostly discusses where, and for what reason did they travel to, or from where did they arrive. It lists a wide range and variety of these occasional services, while giving their contemporary names as well. The paper also partly mentions those ones, which eventually were not started due to a lack of interest. A great deal of these special trains were run with a touristic initiative in mind, thus the study can also be viewed as an important contribution to the history of tourism of Szombathely between the two world wars.

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Research paper thumbnail of A trianoni béke hatása Vas vármegye közlekedésére

Közlekedés- és Technikatörténeti Szemle, 3. köt. 213-261. p., 2020

The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following ... more The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following the Treaty of Trianon and the new borders impacted transport in the western Hungarian county of Vas, and its largest transport hub of Szombathely. Neither the catchment areas nor the transport corridors were considered when the borders of the county were redrawn, while ethnic aspects were only partially asserted. The Pozsony (today: Bratislava)–Sopron–Kőszeg–Szombathely–Körmend–Zalalövő–Varasd (today: Varaždin) route dating back to ancient times (Amber Road) was simply sliced up by the new borders and split among 3 countries. Absurd situations emerged with the railways for example, where the rail lines connecting Kőszeg with Sopron and Csepreg were handed over to Austria – without any link to the Austrian railway network. In the years after World War I, the quality of both road and rail travel in Vas county fell well short of the customary standard of peacetime. On a positive note, however, international express trains still travelled from Szombathely to Bratislava, Brno, Graz, Prague, Rijeka, Vienna and Zagreb. The flight ban had little impact on transport in Vas county.

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Research paper thumbnail of A nyugat-dunántúli polgári repülés története a 20. században

In: Horváth Balázs – Horváth Gábor (szerk.): X. Közlekedéstudományi konferencia, Győr. 2020.10.29–30. Győr, Széchenyi István Egyetem – Közlekedéstudományi Egyesület. 1-32. p. , 2020

The study presents while focusing on the Western Transdanubia (Hungary) first of all the beginnin... more The study presents while focusing on the Western Transdanubia (Hungary) first of all the beginning of civil aviation and it's attributes (getting familiar with flight, airshows, airmail etc.) until the ban on aviation was put in place in 1921 dictated by the Treaty of Trianon. Following this we get informed about the reestablishment of aviation in 1922, the pilot training in Szombathely in 1923 and the airmail service. Following this the aviation history of the Western Transdanubia gets presented until 1945. After the second world war the aerial traffic was restarted under the umbrella of the MASZOVLET (Hungarian-Soviet Civil Aviation Co., 1946–1954), a common Hungarian and soviet company. The corporation created an ever-expanding network in the region in question. The company involved the cities and airports of Szombathely, Győr, Nagykanizsa and Zalaegerszeg into civil aviation. The following pages present the scheduled civil aviation of the Western Transdanubia in the era of MALÉV (Hungarian Aviation Company, 1954–2012), the termination in 1969 and the restart attempt in 1982 on the Szeged–Szombathely–Győr–Budapest route. As a colourful note we can read about the successful and unsuccessful hijacking attempts as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Az első világháború utáni vasúti változások az osztrák–magyar határ mentén

Közlekedéstudományi Szemle, 6. sz. 13-26. p., 2019

After the Treaty of Trianon, numerous railway lines in Western Hungary were cut in half by the ne... more After the Treaty of Trianon, numerous railway lines in Western Hungary were cut in half by the new borders, or divided into several sections. In the years following the First World War, the quality of rail travel in this area was far below the standard of the pre-war period. Those wishing to travel could only be provided with low-quality rail transport and service during this period with few services, crowded and unheated wagons, frequent changes in timetables, and ever increasing fares. For many travel had become almost unaffordable, which was made more difficult by border crossings (passport and customs checks). At the same time, it can be considered a positive factor that the West-Transdanubian region had become accessible by international high-speed trains to Vienna, Graz, Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Rijeka, and Zagreb. Hungary's loss of territory, and the reduced rail traffic had a very negative impact on the region's trade, supply and many other areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of A közlekedés szerepe a városi térhasználatban Szombathelyen, 1945–1968

Korall, 52. sz. 113-144. p., 2013

A városi tér közlekedés-szempontú használatában vannak egyedi és uniformizált tényezők. Egyedi p... more A városi tér közlekedés-szempontú használatában vannak egyedi és uniformizált tényezők. Egyedi például a város kiterjedése, utcahálózata, beépítettsége, a városrészek kapcsolódása, a terepviszonyok. Uniformizált tényezők a közlekedési táblák, a jelzőlámpák, a jobb- vagy a baloldali forgalmi rend, a közhasználatú (közösségi, tömegközlekedési) járművek használata stb. Utóbbiakkal a városok többségében találkozni lehet. A közlekedés tekintetében a városi tér használatában az elsődleges az utcahálózat, amelynek struktúrájára épül másodlagos jelenségként a tömegközlekedési hálózat. A tanulmány e kérdésköröket vizsgálja a szocialista kori Szombathely esetében, ahol kevés pénz jutott a polgári korból öröklött közlekedési infrastruktúra fejlesztésére. A város közlekedésére vonatkozó fontos döntések nem helyben születtek, a település ki volt szolgáltatva a központi akaratnak. A város terület- és lakosságnövekedésével, az ingázókat vonzó ipar fejlődésével Szombathely közlekedésének, különösen tömegközlekedésének fejlődése nem tartott lépést. A városi térhasználatban nem érvényesült a tömegközlekedés túlsúlya.

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Research paper thumbnail of A városi közlekedés modernizációja Magyarországon (1867–1914)

In: H. Németh István – Szívós Erika – Tóth Árpád (szerk.): A város és társadalma. Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére. Budapest., Hajnal István Kör, 62-77. p., 2011

The study presents, that the modernization of the Hungarian urban mass transportation happened in... more The study presents, that the modernization of the Hungarian urban mass transportation happened in three independent fields at the same time between 1867 and 1914. 1. The creation of modern transport infrastructure. The roads and sidewalks were paved with mainly stone, keramit and asphalt. Bridges, over- and underpasses were built. 2. The traffic was regulated, first on local (rule ordinances, city police chief's instructions), later on national level (laws, decrees of the Minister of Interior). Driving on the left side of the road was prescribed by law. The first traffic signs were put onto the streets. 3. At the expense of pedestrian traffic, the rise of vehicle traffic began. Thanks to the advances in technical sciences and technology, the motorization of means of transport has moved forward. As a result, traditional animal drawn vehicles, though slowly, began to be replaced by power-driven vehicles from the 1890s.

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Research paper thumbnail of A regionális központok és a városi tömegközlekedés a dualizmus korában

In: Csapó Tamás – Kocsis Zsolt (szerk.): A hazai közép- és nagyvárosok településföldrajza. Szombathely, Savaria University Press, 292-307. p., 2009

According to the research conducted by Pál Beluszky, in 1900, in the Hungarian network of towns t... more According to the research conducted by Pál Beluszky, in 1900, in the Hungarian network of towns there were five main (Zágráb–Zagreb, Kolozsvár–Cluj-Napoca, Pozsony–Bratislava, Szeged, Kassa–Kosice) and five particular (Debrecen, Pécs, Temesvár–Timisoara, Nagyvárad–Oradea, Arad) regional centres. The first public transportation lines connected the city centres with the train stations in every regional centre, but later the routes were gradually extended to reach tourist locations, spas, factories and industrial ones. In the majority of these cities (e.g. Debrecen, Kassa, Szeged, Temesvár) it is possible to trace the classical way of improvement in the public vehicles: omnibus, horse tramway, steam engine, tramway. In every regional centre there was a variety of public transportation vehicles to serve the public. Each of these cities boasted a public transport network as early as in the late 19th century. In Hungary, between the period of 1867 and 1918 only the regional centres could upgrade their public transportation to the level allowed by be latest technology (network of road, rail and Public transportation). Vehicles of public transportation had several favourable effects: traffic became faster; the city centres, the train stations and the city parts were connected to each other; the value of properties increased; in addition they also made an impact on peoples way of life; they were available for people of different walks of life and added rank to the cities.

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Research paper thumbnail of A vidéki városi villamosvasutak településfejlesztő hatása a dualizmus kori Magyarországon

In: Horváth Csaba Sándor et al. (szerk.): Ezerarcú vasút. 2. köt. Fókuszban a vasúti építészet. Pécs, 283-310. p., 2018

The study presents through the example of 16 towns the role of the highest level of above-ground ... more The study presents through the example of 16 towns the role of the highest level of above-ground urban public transport of the era, the tram in the Hungarian urban development outside Budapest complexly (urban development, forms of enterprise, control of traffic, way of life etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of A városi vasutak és a történetírás Magyarországon a kezdetektől napjainkig

In: Horváth Csaba et al. (szerk.): Ezerarcú vasút. Vasút – Történet – Írás. Budapest–Pécs, Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park Alapítvány–Virágmandula Kft., 137-150. p., 2016

Urban railways and historiography in Hungary from the beginning until today.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trolibuszok és benzinelektromos motorkocsik Magyarország városi közlekedésében a XX. század elején

In: Puskás János (szerk.): III. Természet-, műszaki és gazdasági tudományok alkalmazása nemzetközi konferencia. Szombathely, Berzsenyi Dániel Főiskola. (CD). 1-10. p., 2004

A dualizmus kori urbanizációnak, modernizációnak fontos részét képezte a városi közlekedés fejlőd... more A dualizmus kori urbanizációnak, modernizációnak fontos részét képezte a városi közlekedés fejlődése, a helyi tömegközlekedés megteremtése, kiépítése. A 19-20. század fordulójának fantasztikus járművei, közlekedés- és technikatörténeti kuriózumai voltak a korabeli trolibuszok. A városi közlekedés történetében érdekes színfoltot képeztek a benzinelektromos motorkocsik is, amelyek valójában saját erőgéppel rendelkező villamosok voltak..

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Research paper thumbnail of A vidéki közúti vasutak és az urbanizáció a dualizmus korában

In: Katona András (főszerk.), Frisnyák Zsuzsa (szerk.): Közlekedés a Kárpát-medencében. Újabb kutatási eredmények. Budapest., Közlekedési Múzeum, 109-120. p., 2003

In the study the writer as the first one defined the common features of the towns in the dualisti... more In the study the writer as the first one defined the common features of the towns in the dualistic era which had modern mass transportation that is, the ones possessing urban railways. From the study you can find out what central function, population, geographical location, rail passenger traffic, infrastructure etc. did the towns had where urban railway was typical.

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Research paper thumbnail of Az ikervári vízi erőmű hatása a nyugat-dunántúli városfejlődésre (1895–1914)

In: Kenyeres István (főszerk.): Urbs. Magyar várostörténeti évkönyv. X–XI. köt. Budapest., BFL, 169-208. p., 2017

A történelmi Magyarországon az első nagy és úttörő jellegű vállalkozás vizi erőből elektromos ene... more A történelmi Magyarországon az első nagy és úttörő jellegű vállalkozás vizi erőből elektromos energia előállítására a Rába-folyó ikervári szakaszán va­lósult meg 1896-ban. Hazánkban ekkor még csak a felvidéki Gölnicbányán-szepességi egykori bányaváros-működött egy kisebb vizi erőmű.1 A vizs­gált intervallumban a városok vizi erővel nyert villamos árammal való ellátá­sára csak néhány sikeres hazai próbálkozást lehet példaként felsorakoztatni: a Maros folyón Szászrégennél, a Bega-csatomán Temesvárnál, a Czód-patakon Nagyszebennél és Budapesttől délre, a soroksári Duna-ágon.2 Másutt többnyire városi erőműveket építettek, és azok termelték az elektromos áramot. Ez a je len esettanulmányban körüljárt téma - vizi erőből mint természeti erőforrásból elektromos energia előállítása városok számára-jelentőségét növeli. A villamos áram sokrétű (ipari, közlekedési, mezőgazdasági, közvilágítá­si, háztartási) hasznosításának bemutatásával kívánom érzékeltetni, hogy az ikervári vizi erőmű hogyan segítette elő a vizsgált nyugat-dunántúli városok modernizációját. A villanyvilágítást, mivel nincs égéstermék, nem használja el az oxigént a helyiségekben, nem termel széndioxidot, a korábbiakhoz képest hatalmas fényerőt biztosít és nem utolsó sorban tűzvédelmi szempontjából is előnyös, a korabeli kőszegi sajtó "modem fény"-nek nevezte.3 A vizsgált nyugat-dunántúli városok Az ikervári vizi erőmű hatósugarába tartozó nyugat-dunántúli városokat funk­cionális értelemben kezelem tanulmányomban, így nemcsak a városi jogállá­sú Szombathellyel, Sopronnal és Kőszeggel foglalkozom, hanem Csepreggel és Sárvárral is-utóbbiak Beluszky Pál és Győri Róbert közismert komplex vizsgálatai szerint községek, kisvárosi funkciókkal.

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Research paper thumbnail of Közlekedéstörténeti emlékek és emlékhelyek a Nyugat-Dunántúlon

In: Szívós Erika – Veress Dániel (szerk.): Örökség, történelem, társadalom. Budapest, Hajnal István Kör, 366-385. p., 2020

The study collects the Historical monuments, memorial sites and museums of the different transpor... more The study collects the Historical monuments, memorial sites and museums of the different transport sectors of Western Hungary.

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Research paper thumbnail of Városi közlekedés – hálózat – tömegközlekedés Nyugat-Magyarországon (Sopron, Szombathely), 1867–1914

In: Á. Varga László (főszerk.): Urbs. Magyar várostörténeti évkönyv. II. köt. Budapest., BFL, 153-199. p., 2007

Tanulmányomban Sopron és Szombathely példáján keresztül megpróbálok képet al­kotni arról, hogy Ny... more Tanulmányomban Sopron és Szombathely példáján keresztül megpróbálok képet al­kotni arról, hogy Nyugat-Magyarországon mi jellemezte a városi közlekedést, a helyi tömegközlekedést, volt-e utóbbinak hálózata, s hogyan szolgálta mindez a szóban for­gó települések modernné válását a 19. század utolsó harmadában és a 20. század elején. (A vidéki Magyarország modernizációjának e szegmense eddig csak érintőle­gesen került a történészek látókörébe. A korabeli magyar városok rangsorba állításánál minősítő tényezőként e szempontot /tömegközlekedés, közúti vasút léte/ eddig senki sem vette figyelembe.).

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Research paper thumbnail of A Batthyányak szerepe a Nyugat-Dunántúl modernizációjában a 19–20. század fordulóján

Vasi Honismereti és Helytörténeti Közlemények, 1. sz. 59-78. p., 2008

Tanulmányomban a Batthyányak Nyugat-Magyarország 19. század végi és 20. század eleji modernizáci... more Tanulmányomban a Batthyányak Nyugat-Magyarország 19. század végi és 20. század eleji modernizációjában játszott szerepét kívánom bemutatni. A történet főszereplői: az első felelős magyar kormány tragikus sorsú minisz­terelnökének, Batthyány Lajos grófnak a veje (Batthyány Géza gróf) és unokája (Batthyány Lajos gróf).

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