Maxim Mordovin | Eötvös Loránd University (original) (raw)

Papers by Maxim Mordovin

Research paper thumbnail of Görlitz textilkereskedelme a Magyar Királyságban - Trade of the Gorlitz Cloth in the Kingdom of Hungary

Weisz Boglárka - Kádas István (eds): Határon innen és túl. Gazdaságtörténeti tanulmányok a magyar középkorról. Budapest, 2021, 379-420., 2021

A középkori és kora újkori Magyar Királyság textilkereskedelmének egyik legjelentősebb szereplője... more A középkori és kora újkori Magyar Királyság textilkereskedelmének egyik legjelentősebb szereplője Görlitz városa volt. Ezt egyértelműen jelzik egyrészt a 16. századi írott források, másrészt látványosan mutatják a régészeti leletek. Ember Győző feldolgozásában Görlitz termékei 1542-ben az összes behozott textil között a harmadik helyen jelennek meg. A plombaleleteknél a Kárpát- medencei ismert, nagyjából 2300 darabból legalább 330 érkezett a lausitzi városkából, vagyis a teljes mennyiség 14 százaléka.

Research paper thumbnail of Egy négy évszázados bűntény nyomában

Belügyi szemle, May 15, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Familiar yet unknown? Comines' textile industry in Flanders and its cloth seal finds

Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2022

Starting from the 13th century at the latest, the textiles meant for long-distance trade were mar... more Starting from the 13th century at the latest, the textiles meant for long-distance trade were marked with leaden seals indicating the site of production, quality of the cloth, distributing merchant, etc. Whereas the initial product-woven cloth-normally does not allow to pinpoint the exact place of production or has not survived at all, these small artefacts are well-suited to reconstruct, among other things, the late medieval and early modern trade connections and consumption patterns. However, whilst the archaeological study of cloth seals began in western Europe already more than 40 years ago, there are still numerous items and even groups of seals that are until today either unidentified or have not been handled at all. The present paper discusses one distinctive category of leaden cloth seals that were recently ascertained as quality marks of the well-known medieval and early modern Flemish textile production centre Comines (Dutch: Komen). Alongside the finds, we also give an in-depth overview of the historical background of Comines' cloth production and trade during the 14th and 15th centuries. As of 2022, only eleven cloth seals of Comines are known to the authors but publishing this corpus will help to change the situation in the future. As the collected data shows, these finds can be expected from both rural and urban sites.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MALINIAK, Pavol - MORDOVIN, Maxim - ŠIMKOVIC, Michal. Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013-2015 = Research into the Third (Originally the Upper) Gate of Čabraď Castle in 2013-2015.

Archaeologia historica, 2016, roč. 41, číslo 2, s. 99-132. (2016 - SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5823.

Abstrakt: Výskum tretej brány priniesol poznatky k stavebnému vývoju hradu a jeho podobe v 16. st... more Abstrakt: Výskum tretej brány priniesol poznatky k stavebnému vývoju hradu a jeho podobe v 16. storočí. Je jednou z kľúčových stavieb renesančného opevnenia hradu Čabraď. Po roku 1549 došlo k rozsiahlej obnove hradu spojenej s vybudovaním novej bránovej budovy. Účasťou talianskeho staviteľa Francesca de Pozzo je možné vysvetliť vyspelú architektúru brány. Obytné priestory v hornom podlaží brány spomínajú písomné pramene zo 16. a 17. storočia. Potvrdzujú ich aj výskumom získané archeologické nálezy. Medzi nimi sú tu zastúpené predovšetkým luxusné druhy keramiky. Reprezentujú ich napríklad bohato zdobené misy a taniere, ale aj rôzne tvary habánskej keramiky. Je tu tiež zastúpená kvalitná keramika vyrobená z bielych ílov z územia Gemeru a Novohradu. K vzácnejším nálezom patria strieborné pracky, zlatý drôtik a bronzové prstene, pútnické a obchodné známky. Takéto nálezy dokladajú diaľkové kontakty majiteľov hradu v závere stredoveku. Objavili sme aj numizmatické nálezy, ktoré napomohli spresniť chronológiu keramiky v tomto regióne.

Research paper thumbnail of Guide to the identification of archaeological lead cloth seals

Hungarian Archaeology, 2019

In Hungary, lead cloth seals have gained increasing recognition by those in the profession as wel... more In Hungary, lead cloth seals have gained increasing recognition by those in the profession as well as the interested public outside of it. These small metal objects were the trademarks indicating the origin and brand of textile products in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period, which ensured buyers that they were purchasing high-quality goods produced where the mark indicated. Behind the spectacular emergence of the importance of these finds is that before the appearance and general spread of metal detectors, there were only a few dozen of these seals known from the Carpathian Basin. Even these were often in private ownership and the scholarly literature hardly talked about them. This situation changed radically starting in the 1990s, when the number of finds increased by leaps and bounds, as well as in 2011 when the attention of the colleagues was drawn to these finds due to the excavations at Papa. Since then, Hungarian research into lead seals has been trying to catch up to the...

Research paper thumbnail of Bavarian Cloth Seals in Hungary

The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the E... more The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the European Middle Ages and early modern period. Its history and impact on medieval economies have been studied by scholars for quite a long time, creating the impression that there are no new sources waiting to be found. Improved methods of archaeological excavations, however, have produced data significant to the international trade connections. This data was hidden in small leaden seals that were attached to the textile fabrics indicating their quality and origin. In this paper, I examine the cloth seals originating from Bavaria that have been found so far in the Carpathian Basin and compare the information provided by them with that already known from the available written sources. This comparison leads to several important conclusions. Perhaps most importantly, the dating range of the known cloth seals can be convincingly limited within the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for all the ...


The archaeological excavation in the last couple of years in the territory of the Western–Ukraini... more The archaeological excavation in the last couple of years in the territory of the Western–Ukrainian region of Transcarpathia (Zakarpattya) among many other results produced a significant group of a previously almost unknown type of finds, namely cloth seals. There are 20 such seals from the whole region: from four castles (Nevicke, Uzhgorod, Serednye and Korolevo), and one church (Palad'–Komarivci). Most of the identified cloth seals were attached to fabrics produced in the Silesian towns, namely Lwowek Śląski (Germ.: Lowenberg in Silesian; two finds from Nevicke); Wschowa (Germ.: Fraustadt; two finds from Serednye) and Chojnow (Germ.: Haynau; one find from Palad'–Komarivci). A small fragment identifiable as to be from Gdansk (Germ.: Danzig, found in Serednye) well supplements the first part of the finds. Another, although uncertain item might have come from Zittau (found in Korolevo), the German part of historical Lusatia. A relatively widespread in late medieval and early ...

Research paper thumbnail of New results of the excavations at the Saint James’ Pauline friary and at the Castle Čabraď

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

In 2015 the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd Univer... more In 2015 the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd University participated inexcavations at five different sites, including Pauline friary at Bakonyszentjakab, castles at Fiľakovo (Fülek), Zvolen(Zólyom) and Čabraď (Csábrág) in Slovakia, Franciscan friary in Szécsény and a post medieval château at Sângeorgiu deMureş (Marosszentgyörgy) in Romania. This report presents the two major from the aforementioned projects.

Research paper thumbnail of The first season of the excavation of Grd-i Tle. The Fortifications of Grd-i Tle (Field 1)

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

Research paper thumbnail of Short report on the excavations in 2014 of the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). Excavations at Castles Čabraď and Drégely, and at the Pauline Friary at Sáska

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

The Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology carried out three excavations i... more The Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology carried out three excavations in 2014, including two castles (Drégely and Čabraď) and a monastic site (Sáska – Bakonyszentjakab). The first two provided mainly early modern material, while the last one existed from the 13th until the mid-16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations inside the 16th-century gate tower at the Castle Čabraď in 2016

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakh–Hungarian Archaeological Investigations in the Zhetisu Region

Archaeologiai Ertesito, Mar 13, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013–2015

Archaeologia historica, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013–2015

Archaeologia historica, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Descoperiri numismatice și arheologice din nordul Bucovinei (I) // Archaeological and Numismatic Discoveries in the Northern Bukovina (I) (In Romanian)

Arheologia Moldovei, 2019

The article discusses some archeological and numismatic artefacts found in the medieval settlemen... more The article discusses some archeological and numismatic artefacts found in the medieval settlement, which was identified as the old nucleus of the modern village of Oprișeni, situated in the Hliboca district (also called Adâncata district), Cernăuți region, Ukraine. These are Moldovan coins (15 ex.), cloth seals originated from Mechelen and Gdansk (of Tudors rose type) (2 ex.), jewellery: earrings, finger rings, buttons, cloth hook, decorative appliques; household items; religious objects used in cults, as well as fragments of various other objects (48 ex.), which dates back from the end of the 14th century until the modern times. The importance of these objects, as well as the localization of these settlements, is extremely important for the history of the Moldovan medieval Principality. Due to the fact that the current territory of Cernăuţi region, known from the written sources as Șipeniț/Șipiniț Land (Ţara Șipenițului/Șipinițului) has been part of Moldovan principality since the 14th century. Moreover, the favorable geographic location of this village on the international trade route The Moldovan Route (Drumul Moldovenesc), benefited to the arrival of the goods coming from the south and the north. The existence of these contacts is proven by the detection of coins and decorative objects as well as the customs seals for textiles.

Research paper thumbnail of Középkori ólom textilplombadepó Újireg-Kulcsár-pusztáról / Mittelalterliche Blei-Textilplombendepo von Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (Ungarn) / Hoard of Medieval Cloth Seals from Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (Hungary)

Wosinsky Mór Megyei Múzeum Évkönyve, 2019

Die Studie stellt die Gruppe einer mittelalterlichen Blei-Textilplombensammlung aus einer Private... more Die Studie stellt die Gruppe einer mittelalterlichen Blei-Textilplombensammlung aus einer Privatensammlung dar, welche sich heute im Szekszarder Museum befindet. Das größte Teil bildet die Depo mit 112 Stücken, welche aus der Gegend Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta, jedoch nicht vom Gelände des archäologischen Fundortes (Bild 1.1.; Bild 2.1.) vorgekommen sind (Kat. 8–112.); weitere 5 Stücke stammen von einem in der Nähe der Depo liegenden, einst zerstörten mittelalterlichen Dorfplatz (Fundort Nr. 289 Újireg-István Torma) (Bild 1.2; Bild 2.2) (Kat. 3–7.); sowie zwei Stück von einem dritten, von den obigen zwei Fundorten weit, am Rand des Innengebiets der Gemeinde Nagykónyi liegenden Fundort (Nagykónyi-Koppánymenti LPG) (Bild 1.3) (Kat. 1–2.).
Die aus 112 Stücken bestehende Plombendepo kam in der Nähe eines durchschnittlichen Dorfplatzes, aber im Außengebiet und auf einem Grundstück hervor. Nach der Stückzahl gilt es als die viergrößte solche Sammlung im Karpatenbecken, nach den Sammlungen von Rákóczifalva-Tiszavarsány,
Pápa-Hauptplatz und Szolnok. Das Fundmaterial läßt sich nach seinem Vorkommen in drei Teile aufteilen: Nagykónyi- Koppánymenti LPG (2 Stk.), Újireg-Torma István Fundort 289 (5 Stk.) und Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (112 Stk.). Nach ihrer Herkunftsort lassen sich Elemente aus vier Regionen unter den Plombenfundstücken unterscheiden: England (7 Stk.), Niederlande (2 Plomben der Städte Gent und Lier), Deutschland (Aachen, Köln, Butzbach, Memmingen und Wöhrd: insgesamt 8 Stk.). Zuletzt muß man Ost-Mitteleuropa durch ihre Stücke aus österreichischen,
mährischen und schlesisch-lausitzen Gebieten erwähnen. In Österreich kann man ein einziges Fundstück aus Wien, aus den mährische Stadt Jihlava (Iglau) jedoch 3 Plomben identifizieren. Die meisten – insgesamt 28 Fundstücken – stammen aus den schlesisch-lausitzen Städten, wie Görlitz, Chojnów (Haynau), Lwówek Śląski (Löwenberg), Leszno (Lissa), Brodnice (Strasburg), Boroszló (Wrocław). Nach der Zusammensetzung des Fundkomplexes weisen die beiden kleineren Stückzahlserien
eindeutig auf die ehemaligen Handelsbeziehungen der beschriebenen Fundorte hin. Die größere Plombenserie aus Újireg mit ihren 112 Fundstücken wurde dagegen schon durch ein neuzeitliches, aber illegales Metalldetektorsuchen entdeckt, es ist nun ein aussortiertes Material, welches aus einem uns unbekannten Grund von sekundärer Bedeutung versteckt wurde.

Research paper thumbnail of A Collection of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Cloth Seals from Szolnok

Genius loci Laszlovszky 60 edited by Dóra Mérai and Ágnes Drosztmér, Kyra Lyublyanovics, Judith Rasson, Zsuzsanna Papp Reed, András Vadas, Csilla Zatykó, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Bavarian Cloth Seals in Hungary

The Hungarian Historical Review, 2017

The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the E... more The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the European Middle Ages and early modern period. Its history and impact on medieval economies have been studied by the scholars for quite a long time, creating the impression that there are no new sources waiting to be found. Improved methods of archaeological excavations, however, have produced data significant to the international trade connections. This data was hidden in small leaden seals that were attached to the textile fabrics indicating their quality and origin. In this paper, I examine the cloth seals originating from Bavaria that have been found so far in the Carpathian Basin and compare the information provided by them with that already known from the available written sources. This comparison leads to several important conclusions. Perhaps most importantly, the dating range of the known cloth seals can be convincingly limited within the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for all the nineteen known textile production centers. Also, the cloth marked by these seals indicates that some serious changes arose in textile consumption at the end of the Middle Ages. In this study, I identify some new places of origin not mentioned in the written sources and trace their distribution in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MORDOVIN, M. - KALIČIAKOVÁ, Z. - ŠIMKOVIC, M. Archeologický výskum na hrade Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2013-2015.

Valentín Balaša a jeho doba - historické súvislosti : Zborník z II. medzinárodnej konferencie Modrý Kameň, september 2014. Helena Ferencová, Erika Antolová (zost.). - Modrý Kameň : Hradčan, 2016, s. 277-293. ISBN 978-80-970221-1-2.

Úvod a metóda výskumu Archeologický výskum v súvislosti s obnovou NKP hrad Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2... more Úvod a metóda výskumu Archeologický výskum v súvislosti s obnovou NKP hrad Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2013-2015 vyvolal projekt sanácie hradného jadra. To bolo v 19. storočí vtedajšími majite¾mi hradu upravené do parkovej podoby zasypaním objektov pôvodného hradu a vytvorením umelých terás. Zároveň boli nadzemné murivá stabilizované cementovým poterom. Výsledkom úpravy bolo vytvorenie terasovo upraveného priestoru hradného jadra, z ktorého po obvode vystupovali len zvyšky obvodových hradieb a palácovej stavby na juhovýchodnej strane. K stabilite hradnej ruiny neprispeli ani čiastkové obnovy hradu zo 70. a 80. rokov 20. storočia. Spomenuté úpravy v spojení s absenciou dlhodobej vízie pamiatkovej obnovy spôsobili, že zachované nadzemné murivá hradu postupne degradovali a bolo nevyhnutné začať s ich čo najskoršou sanáciou.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MORDOVIN, Maxim. Kutatások Csábrág várában 2013-ban = Excavation of the Čabraď castle in 2013.

Castrum : A Castrum Bene Egyesület folyóirata, 2014, 17. szám, s. 114-120. ISSN 1787-1093

Research paper thumbnail of Görlitz textilkereskedelme a Magyar Királyságban - Trade of the Gorlitz Cloth in the Kingdom of Hungary

Weisz Boglárka - Kádas István (eds): Határon innen és túl. Gazdaságtörténeti tanulmányok a magyar középkorról. Budapest, 2021, 379-420., 2021

A középkori és kora újkori Magyar Királyság textilkereskedelmének egyik legjelentősebb szereplője... more A középkori és kora újkori Magyar Királyság textilkereskedelmének egyik legjelentősebb szereplője Görlitz városa volt. Ezt egyértelműen jelzik egyrészt a 16. századi írott források, másrészt látványosan mutatják a régészeti leletek. Ember Győző feldolgozásában Görlitz termékei 1542-ben az összes behozott textil között a harmadik helyen jelennek meg. A plombaleleteknél a Kárpát- medencei ismert, nagyjából 2300 darabból legalább 330 érkezett a lausitzi városkából, vagyis a teljes mennyiség 14 százaléka.

Research paper thumbnail of Egy négy évszázados bűntény nyomában

Belügyi szemle, May 15, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Familiar yet unknown? Comines' textile industry in Flanders and its cloth seal finds

Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2022

Starting from the 13th century at the latest, the textiles meant for long-distance trade were mar... more Starting from the 13th century at the latest, the textiles meant for long-distance trade were marked with leaden seals indicating the site of production, quality of the cloth, distributing merchant, etc. Whereas the initial product-woven cloth-normally does not allow to pinpoint the exact place of production or has not survived at all, these small artefacts are well-suited to reconstruct, among other things, the late medieval and early modern trade connections and consumption patterns. However, whilst the archaeological study of cloth seals began in western Europe already more than 40 years ago, there are still numerous items and even groups of seals that are until today either unidentified or have not been handled at all. The present paper discusses one distinctive category of leaden cloth seals that were recently ascertained as quality marks of the well-known medieval and early modern Flemish textile production centre Comines (Dutch: Komen). Alongside the finds, we also give an in-depth overview of the historical background of Comines' cloth production and trade during the 14th and 15th centuries. As of 2022, only eleven cloth seals of Comines are known to the authors but publishing this corpus will help to change the situation in the future. As the collected data shows, these finds can be expected from both rural and urban sites.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MALINIAK, Pavol - MORDOVIN, Maxim - ŠIMKOVIC, Michal. Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013-2015 = Research into the Third (Originally the Upper) Gate of Čabraď Castle in 2013-2015.

Archaeologia historica, 2016, roč. 41, číslo 2, s. 99-132. (2016 - SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5823.

Abstrakt: Výskum tretej brány priniesol poznatky k stavebnému vývoju hradu a jeho podobe v 16. st... more Abstrakt: Výskum tretej brány priniesol poznatky k stavebnému vývoju hradu a jeho podobe v 16. storočí. Je jednou z kľúčových stavieb renesančného opevnenia hradu Čabraď. Po roku 1549 došlo k rozsiahlej obnove hradu spojenej s vybudovaním novej bránovej budovy. Účasťou talianskeho staviteľa Francesca de Pozzo je možné vysvetliť vyspelú architektúru brány. Obytné priestory v hornom podlaží brány spomínajú písomné pramene zo 16. a 17. storočia. Potvrdzujú ich aj výskumom získané archeologické nálezy. Medzi nimi sú tu zastúpené predovšetkým luxusné druhy keramiky. Reprezentujú ich napríklad bohato zdobené misy a taniere, ale aj rôzne tvary habánskej keramiky. Je tu tiež zastúpená kvalitná keramika vyrobená z bielych ílov z územia Gemeru a Novohradu. K vzácnejším nálezom patria strieborné pracky, zlatý drôtik a bronzové prstene, pútnické a obchodné známky. Takéto nálezy dokladajú diaľkové kontakty majiteľov hradu v závere stredoveku. Objavili sme aj numizmatické nálezy, ktoré napomohli spresniť chronológiu keramiky v tomto regióne.

Research paper thumbnail of Guide to the identification of archaeological lead cloth seals

Hungarian Archaeology, 2019

In Hungary, lead cloth seals have gained increasing recognition by those in the profession as wel... more In Hungary, lead cloth seals have gained increasing recognition by those in the profession as well as the interested public outside of it. These small metal objects were the trademarks indicating the origin and brand of textile products in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period, which ensured buyers that they were purchasing high-quality goods produced where the mark indicated. Behind the spectacular emergence of the importance of these finds is that before the appearance and general spread of metal detectors, there were only a few dozen of these seals known from the Carpathian Basin. Even these were often in private ownership and the scholarly literature hardly talked about them. This situation changed radically starting in the 1990s, when the number of finds increased by leaps and bounds, as well as in 2011 when the attention of the colleagues was drawn to these finds due to the excavations at Papa. Since then, Hungarian research into lead seals has been trying to catch up to the...

Research paper thumbnail of Bavarian Cloth Seals in Hungary

The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the E... more The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the European Middle Ages and early modern period. Its history and impact on medieval economies have been studied by scholars for quite a long time, creating the impression that there are no new sources waiting to be found. Improved methods of archaeological excavations, however, have produced data significant to the international trade connections. This data was hidden in small leaden seals that were attached to the textile fabrics indicating their quality and origin. In this paper, I examine the cloth seals originating from Bavaria that have been found so far in the Carpathian Basin and compare the information provided by them with that already known from the available written sources. This comparison leads to several important conclusions. Perhaps most importantly, the dating range of the known cloth seals can be convincingly limited within the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for all the ...


The archaeological excavation in the last couple of years in the territory of the Western–Ukraini... more The archaeological excavation in the last couple of years in the territory of the Western–Ukrainian region of Transcarpathia (Zakarpattya) among many other results produced a significant group of a previously almost unknown type of finds, namely cloth seals. There are 20 such seals from the whole region: from four castles (Nevicke, Uzhgorod, Serednye and Korolevo), and one church (Palad'–Komarivci). Most of the identified cloth seals were attached to fabrics produced in the Silesian towns, namely Lwowek Śląski (Germ.: Lowenberg in Silesian; two finds from Nevicke); Wschowa (Germ.: Fraustadt; two finds from Serednye) and Chojnow (Germ.: Haynau; one find from Palad'–Komarivci). A small fragment identifiable as to be from Gdansk (Germ.: Danzig, found in Serednye) well supplements the first part of the finds. Another, although uncertain item might have come from Zittau (found in Korolevo), the German part of historical Lusatia. A relatively widespread in late medieval and early ...

Research paper thumbnail of New results of the excavations at the Saint James’ Pauline friary and at the Castle Čabraď

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

In 2015 the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd Univer... more In 2015 the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd University participated inexcavations at five different sites, including Pauline friary at Bakonyszentjakab, castles at Fiľakovo (Fülek), Zvolen(Zólyom) and Čabraď (Csábrág) in Slovakia, Franciscan friary in Szécsény and a post medieval château at Sângeorgiu deMureş (Marosszentgyörgy) in Romania. This report presents the two major from the aforementioned projects.

Research paper thumbnail of The first season of the excavation of Grd-i Tle. The Fortifications of Grd-i Tle (Field 1)

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

Research paper thumbnail of Short report on the excavations in 2014 of the Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). Excavations at Castles Čabraď and Drégely, and at the Pauline Friary at Sáska

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

The Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology carried out three excavations i... more The Department of Hungarian Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology carried out three excavations in 2014, including two castles (Drégely and Čabraď) and a monastic site (Sáska – Bakonyszentjakab). The first two provided mainly early modern material, while the last one existed from the 13th until the mid-16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations inside the 16th-century gate tower at the Castle Čabraď in 2016

Dissertationes Archaeologicae

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakh–Hungarian Archaeological Investigations in the Zhetisu Region

Archaeologiai Ertesito, Mar 13, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013–2015

Archaeologia historica, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Výskum tretej (pôvodne hornej) brány hradu Čabraď v rokoch 2013–2015

Archaeologia historica, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Descoperiri numismatice și arheologice din nordul Bucovinei (I) // Archaeological and Numismatic Discoveries in the Northern Bukovina (I) (In Romanian)

Arheologia Moldovei, 2019

The article discusses some archeological and numismatic artefacts found in the medieval settlemen... more The article discusses some archeological and numismatic artefacts found in the medieval settlement, which was identified as the old nucleus of the modern village of Oprișeni, situated in the Hliboca district (also called Adâncata district), Cernăuți region, Ukraine. These are Moldovan coins (15 ex.), cloth seals originated from Mechelen and Gdansk (of Tudors rose type) (2 ex.), jewellery: earrings, finger rings, buttons, cloth hook, decorative appliques; household items; religious objects used in cults, as well as fragments of various other objects (48 ex.), which dates back from the end of the 14th century until the modern times. The importance of these objects, as well as the localization of these settlements, is extremely important for the history of the Moldovan medieval Principality. Due to the fact that the current territory of Cernăuţi region, known from the written sources as Șipeniț/Șipiniț Land (Ţara Șipenițului/Șipinițului) has been part of Moldovan principality since the 14th century. Moreover, the favorable geographic location of this village on the international trade route The Moldovan Route (Drumul Moldovenesc), benefited to the arrival of the goods coming from the south and the north. The existence of these contacts is proven by the detection of coins and decorative objects as well as the customs seals for textiles.

Research paper thumbnail of Középkori ólom textilplombadepó Újireg-Kulcsár-pusztáról / Mittelalterliche Blei-Textilplombendepo von Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (Ungarn) / Hoard of Medieval Cloth Seals from Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (Hungary)

Wosinsky Mór Megyei Múzeum Évkönyve, 2019

Die Studie stellt die Gruppe einer mittelalterlichen Blei-Textilplombensammlung aus einer Private... more Die Studie stellt die Gruppe einer mittelalterlichen Blei-Textilplombensammlung aus einer Privatensammlung dar, welche sich heute im Szekszarder Museum befindet. Das größte Teil bildet die Depo mit 112 Stücken, welche aus der Gegend Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta, jedoch nicht vom Gelände des archäologischen Fundortes (Bild 1.1.; Bild 2.1.) vorgekommen sind (Kat. 8–112.); weitere 5 Stücke stammen von einem in der Nähe der Depo liegenden, einst zerstörten mittelalterlichen Dorfplatz (Fundort Nr. 289 Újireg-István Torma) (Bild 1.2; Bild 2.2) (Kat. 3–7.); sowie zwei Stück von einem dritten, von den obigen zwei Fundorten weit, am Rand des Innengebiets der Gemeinde Nagykónyi liegenden Fundort (Nagykónyi-Koppánymenti LPG) (Bild 1.3) (Kat. 1–2.).
Die aus 112 Stücken bestehende Plombendepo kam in der Nähe eines durchschnittlichen Dorfplatzes, aber im Außengebiet und auf einem Grundstück hervor. Nach der Stückzahl gilt es als die viergrößte solche Sammlung im Karpatenbecken, nach den Sammlungen von Rákóczifalva-Tiszavarsány,
Pápa-Hauptplatz und Szolnok. Das Fundmaterial läßt sich nach seinem Vorkommen in drei Teile aufteilen: Nagykónyi- Koppánymenti LPG (2 Stk.), Újireg-Torma István Fundort 289 (5 Stk.) und Újireg-Kulcsár-puszta (112 Stk.). Nach ihrer Herkunftsort lassen sich Elemente aus vier Regionen unter den Plombenfundstücken unterscheiden: England (7 Stk.), Niederlande (2 Plomben der Städte Gent und Lier), Deutschland (Aachen, Köln, Butzbach, Memmingen und Wöhrd: insgesamt 8 Stk.). Zuletzt muß man Ost-Mitteleuropa durch ihre Stücke aus österreichischen,
mährischen und schlesisch-lausitzen Gebieten erwähnen. In Österreich kann man ein einziges Fundstück aus Wien, aus den mährische Stadt Jihlava (Iglau) jedoch 3 Plomben identifizieren. Die meisten – insgesamt 28 Fundstücken – stammen aus den schlesisch-lausitzen Städten, wie Görlitz, Chojnów (Haynau), Lwówek Śląski (Löwenberg), Leszno (Lissa), Brodnice (Strasburg), Boroszló (Wrocław). Nach der Zusammensetzung des Fundkomplexes weisen die beiden kleineren Stückzahlserien
eindeutig auf die ehemaligen Handelsbeziehungen der beschriebenen Fundorte hin. Die größere Plombenserie aus Újireg mit ihren 112 Fundstücken wurde dagegen schon durch ein neuzeitliches, aber illegales Metalldetektorsuchen entdeckt, es ist nun ein aussortiertes Material, welches aus einem uns unbekannten Grund von sekundärer Bedeutung versteckt wurde.

Research paper thumbnail of A Collection of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Cloth Seals from Szolnok

Genius loci Laszlovszky 60 edited by Dóra Mérai and Ágnes Drosztmér, Kyra Lyublyanovics, Judith Rasson, Zsuzsanna Papp Reed, András Vadas, Csilla Zatykó, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Bavarian Cloth Seals in Hungary

The Hungarian Historical Review, 2017

The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the E... more The import of cloth was one of the most important sectors of international trade throughout the European Middle Ages and early modern period. Its history and impact on medieval economies have been studied by the scholars for quite a long time, creating the impression that there are no new sources waiting to be found. Improved methods of archaeological excavations, however, have produced data significant to the international trade connections. This data was hidden in small leaden seals that were attached to the textile fabrics indicating their quality and origin. In this paper, I examine the cloth seals originating from Bavaria that have been found so far in the Carpathian Basin and compare the information provided by them with that already known from the available written sources. This comparison leads to several important conclusions. Perhaps most importantly, the dating range of the known cloth seals can be convincingly limited within the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for all the nineteen known textile production centers. Also, the cloth marked by these seals indicates that some serious changes arose in textile consumption at the end of the Middle Ages. In this study, I identify some new places of origin not mentioned in the written sources and trace their distribution in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MORDOVIN, M. - KALIČIAKOVÁ, Z. - ŠIMKOVIC, M. Archeologický výskum na hrade Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2013-2015.

Valentín Balaša a jeho doba - historické súvislosti : Zborník z II. medzinárodnej konferencie Modrý Kameň, september 2014. Helena Ferencová, Erika Antolová (zost.). - Modrý Kameň : Hradčan, 2016, s. 277-293. ISBN 978-80-970221-1-2.

Úvod a metóda výskumu Archeologický výskum v súvislosti s obnovou NKP hrad Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2... more Úvod a metóda výskumu Archeologický výskum v súvislosti s obnovou NKP hrad Modrý Kameň v rokoch 2013-2015 vyvolal projekt sanácie hradného jadra. To bolo v 19. storočí vtedajšími majite¾mi hradu upravené do parkovej podoby zasypaním objektov pôvodného hradu a vytvorením umelých terás. Zároveň boli nadzemné murivá stabilizované cementovým poterom. Výsledkom úpravy bolo vytvorenie terasovo upraveného priestoru hradného jadra, z ktorého po obvode vystupovali len zvyšky obvodových hradieb a palácovej stavby na juhovýchodnej strane. K stabilite hradnej ruiny neprispeli ani čiastkové obnovy hradu zo 70. a 80. rokov 20. storočia. Spomenuté úpravy v spojení s absenciou dlhodobej vízie pamiatkovej obnovy spôsobili, že zachované nadzemné murivá hradu postupne degradovali a bolo nevyhnutné začať s ich čo najskoršou sanáciou.

Research paper thumbnail of BELJAK, Ján - MORDOVIN, Maxim. Kutatások Csábrág várában 2013-ban = Excavation of the Čabraď castle in 2013.

Castrum : A Castrum Bene Egyesület folyóirata, 2014, 17. szám, s. 114-120. ISSN 1787-1093

Research paper thumbnail of Posztó Pápa piacán – Vándorkiállítás 2016. Katalógus - Cloth at the Market of Pápa. Catalogue 2016

A jelen kötet alapját képező vándorkiállítás ötlete 2014-ben merült fel a közreműködőkben. A Pápa... more A jelen kötet alapját képező vándorkiállítás ötlete 2014-ben merült fel a közreműködőkben. A Pápa város első fennmaradt említésének 800. évfordulójára rendezett konferencián az előző évek Fő téri ásatásainak eredményeit bemutató előadások hatására kezdett el érlelődni bennünk a feltárt leletanyag, annak is egy különleges szelete, a textilplombák szélesebb közönség előtti bemutatásának gondolata. A konferenciát követő ebéden meg is egyeztünk a részletekben az ásató régésszel, Mordovin Maximmal és a pápai múzeum igazgatójával, Nagy-L. Istvánnal. A kiállítás megnyitásáig azonban még sok feladat állt előttünk. A feltárás eredményeinek kiértékelése, az előkerült leletek, legalábbis a kiállításon bemutatott darabok meghatározása, leírása, partnerek és pénzügyi források felkutatása. A Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Veszprém Megyei Levéltára és a pápai Gróf Esterházy Károly Múzeum mellett értékes szakmai és nem utolsó sorban anyagi támogatást nyújtott a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézete, amelynek „Lendület” Középkori Magyar Gazdaságtörténeti Kutatócsoportja és annak
vezetője, Weisz Boglárka állt a kezdeményezésünk mellé.

Research paper thumbnail of Beljak, J./Beljak Pažinová, N./Beláček, B./Golis, M./Hunka, J./Krištín, A./Kohút, V./Maliniak, P./Mordovin, M./Przybyla, M. S./Repka, D./Slámová, M./Šimkovic, M./Tóth, B. /Žaár, O.: Pustý hrad vo Zvolene, Dolný hrad 2009 - 2014. Zvolen - Nitra 2014. (ISBN 978-80-558-0734-8)

Beljak, J./Beljak Pažinová, N./Beláček, B./Golis, M./Hunka, J./Krištín, A./Kohút, V./Maliniak, P./Mordovin, M./Przybyla, M. S./Repka, D./Slámová, M./Šimkovic, M./Tóth, B. /Žaár, O.: Pustý hrad vo Zvolene, Dolný hrad 2009 - 2014. Zvolen - Nitra 2014. (ISBN 978-80-558-0734-8)

Research paper thumbnail of Mixtura texturalis - recent research of archaeological textiles and textile production in Hungary

Research paper thumbnail of MIXTURA TEXTURALIS. Ember és textil a Kárpát-medencében

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of Bukovyna VІ / Археологія Буковини: здобутки та перспективи: Тези доповідей VІ міжнародного наукового семінару (м. Чернівці, 16 грудня 2022 р.). – Чернівці, 2022. – 156 с.

Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх ... more Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також історії вивчення, охорони та використання об’єктів археологічної спадщини, музеєфікації старожитностей краю. Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької, Львівської, Івано-Франківської, Тернопільської областей, Києва, Вінниці, Чернігова, Ужгорода, Кам’янця-Подільського (Україна), Сянока (Польща), Сучави (Румунія), Стамбула (Туреччина), Будапешта (Угорщина).

Research paper thumbnail of Археологія Буковини: здобутки та перспективи: Тези доповідей ІІІ міжнародного наукового семінару, присвяченого 100-літтю від дня народження відомого науковця Бориса Тимощука (м. Чернівці, 13 грудня 2019 р.). – Чернівці: Технодрук, 2019. – 176 с.

by Vitaliy Kalinichenko, Mykola Il'kiv, Sergiy Gorbanenko, Dergaciova Lilia, Валерія Легета, Maxim Mordovin, Ігор Старенький, Терський Святослав, Олександр Руснак, Iryna Yaremiy, and Alexandru Berzovan

Research paper thumbnail of Археологія Буковини: здобутки та перспективи: Тези доповідей ІІ наукового семінару (м. Чернівці, 6 грудня 2018 р.). – Чернівці: Технодрук, 2018. – 109 с.

Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх ... more Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням
археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика
кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та
раннього нового часу, а також охорони об’єктів археологічної спадщини,
історичних реконструкцій і музеєфікації старожитностей краю.
Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької,
Тернопільської, Івано-Франківської областей, Києва, Львова, Ужгорода,
Луцька, Кам’янця-Подільського, Будапешта.

Research paper thumbnail of Археологія Буковини: здобутки та перспективи: Тези доповідей  наукового  семінару  (м. Чернівці,  15 грудня 2017  р.).  –  Чернівці:  Технодрук, 2017. – 104 с.