emily_david - Profile (original) (raw)

on 5 December 2006 (#11759849)

Emily/David Shippers Unite

RPF community for David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel

WelcomeThis community is for those who ship Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz. If real life shipping isn't your cup of tea, please, click that little 'x' in the top right corner of your screen. Flames will be used to make s'mores *grin*Emily and David play Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan and Special Agent Seeley Booth on Fox's hit tv show Bones. Their undeniable chemistry onscreen is just as strong and adorable when the cameras stop rolling.Pretty much anything goes in this community. Fanfic, icons, graphics, pictures, videos, etc. You name it, we love it! Just make sure it's Emily/David related *wink*All fic at the community is organized in this Delicious archive.The Demily fic beta-post, where you can offer your beta services or find a beta, is located here.Your Modssam; veilsjen; miss1nformationliz; lizook12Rules• Please make sure your posts are legible (ie. DuN tYpE lYk dIs)• Make sure your posts are directly relevant to Emily and David• Don't disable comments for your entries• Please keep large images, wallpapers, fic, etc. underneath an LJ cut• Warn for any spoilers as appropriate in fic, posts, or comments• Please cite ideas, words, and concepts in your fanfiction posts by linking back to the original source• Please include a header on your fic posts that lists Title, Author, Rating, Genre, and Summary of the fic, along with any warnings as appropriate• Please be respectful and polite. No name-calling or insults allowed• Please follow Livejournal's Terms of Services• Last, but not least, have fun!Affiliatesbones_asylumsquintygraphicsbones_rpfhomeby_fiveboothandbrennanbones_newslayout codes from introject @ mintyapplemood theme from pasadoraprofile codes from reversescollideprofile and info images by trilliane

bones, bones tv, david boreanaz, david/emily, db/ed, demily, ed/db, emily deschanel, emily/david, rpf, rps