empty_women - Profile (original) (raw)
on 23 May 2009 (#20241420)
A 21+ community for women with eating disorders.
Empty_Women is a small group for women 21 years and older dealing with any type of eating disorder. It is a place to have intelligent conversations with friends who are going through the same thing you are, and support one another in our day to day lives. Please be kind and be active. Here are the ground rules:
1. 21 years of age or older only, please.
2. Be kind and respectful to all members, both in and outside of this group. We are here to support one another, not insult, degrade, or otherwise cause harm.
3. This group is for women who already have an eating disorder, professionally diagnosed. Please do not join in the hopes of cultivating an eating disorder.
4. Numbers, thinspo, and other triggering items are all allowed, so tread gently if you are feeling fragile. Remember that you are responsible for your own safety.
5. Weekly weigh-ins will take place every Sunday and are tagged with “Community Weigh-Ins”. You may participate as much or as little as you would like on a week-to-week basis.
6. Introductions are required to help everyone know each other. Feel free to share us much, or little, as you feel comfortable.
7. Please title and tag your entries for easy navigation. Titles should include possible trigger warnings for any binging, fasting, food, purging, SI, trauma, etc.
8. All posts are members-locked automatically. Please don’t alter this, as it keeps your posts private and out of sight from those just “browsing.”
9. Pictures and long entries belong behind an LJ-cut.
10. Absolutely NO advertising of any kind unless pre-approved by the mods.
**If you have any problems or concerns, please send an LJ message to a mod.**
Our stomachs are empty, our hearts are full, and we are NEVER ALONE!!!
21+, anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anorexic, anorexics, b/p, being skinny, binge, binge and purge, binge eating, binge eating disorder, binge purge, binging, bmi, body dysmorphia, body image, bones, bulimarexia, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, bulimic, bulimics, burning calories, calories, coe, compulsive eating, compulsive overeating, diet, diet pills, dieting, diets, discipline, eating, eating disorder, eating disorders, ed, ed-nos, ednos, exercise, exercising, extreme dieting, fasting, fasts, food, hip bones, hunger, juice fasts, laxatives, laxing, losing weight, low fat, models, nervosa, obsession, overeating, perfect, purge, purging, recipes, restricting, restriction, ribs, self image, size 0, skinny, starvation, starving, thin, thinspo, thinspo pics, underweight, weight, weight issues, weight loss, working out