凡 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

See also: , , 𠁽, , and 𠔼

Stroke order
0 strokes

(Kangxi radical 16, +1, 3 strokes, cangjie input 竹弓戈 (HNI), four-corner 77210, composition)

| | Old Chinese | | | -------------------------------- | --------------- | | | *b·ruːm | | | *b·uːm | | | *pʰomʔ | | | *pʰoms, *bum | | | *bom | | | *bom, *boms | | | *bom, *boms | | | *bomʔ | | | *bloms, *bum | | | *boːŋ, *bum | | | *plum, *plums | | | *plum | | | *plum | | | *plum | | | *plum | | | *plum | | | *plum | | | *plums | | | *blum | | | *blum | | | *bums |

Pictogram (象形) – a plate, a flat dish.

Borrowed for abstract meanings. Another character (OC *baːn) was created to refer to the original word.

simp. and trad.

According to Schuessler (2007), Sino-Tibetan in origin; compare Mizo pum (“whole; all”), Burmese ဘုံ (bhum, “common, public, communal”). Cognate with (OC *pqab, “law”).


BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/1
ModernBeijing(Pinyin) fán
MiddleChinese bjom
OldChinese /*[b]rom/
English in every case
Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system: * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary; * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1
No. 2914
Rimesubdivision 3
CorrespondingMC rime
OldChinese /*bom/

  1. in general; every, all, any; indicates that the statement applies generally, to all cases.
  2. altogether; in total (of numbers)
  3. ordinary; commonplace
    fēifán ― extraordinary
    fánrén ― common people
  4. worldly; mortal; earthly
  5. (literary) outline; gist
  6. a surname
simp. and trad.

  1. (music) Kunqu gongche notation for the note fa (4).
    Synonym: (Cantonese opera)

(Jōyō kanji)

  1. in general, by and large
  2. ordinary, common, mediocre
  3. outline, gist
Kanji in this term
ぼんGrade: S
Alternative spelling

*/bɨəm/ → /bomʉ/ → /boɴ/

From Middle Chinese (MC bjom).

凡(ぼん) (bon) -na (adnominal 凡(ぼん) (bon na), adverbial 凡(ぼん) (bon ni))

  1. mediocre, ordinary
    Antonym: 非凡 (hibon)
Stem forms
Imperfective (未然形) 凡だろ ぼんだろ bon daro
Continuative (連用形) 凡で ぼんで bon de
Terminal (終止形) 凡だ ぼんだ bon da
Attributive (連体形) 凡な ぼんな bon na
Hypothetical (仮定形) 凡なら ぼんなら bon nara
Imperative (命令形) 凡であれ ぼんであれ bon de are
Key constructions
Informal negative 凡ではない凡じゃない ぼんではないぼんじゃない bon de wa naibon ja nai
Informal past 凡だった ぼんだった bon datta
Informal negative past 凡ではなかった凡じゃなかった ぼんではなかったぼんじゃなかった bon de wa nakattabon ja nakatta
Formal 凡です ぼんです bon desu
Formal negative 凡ではありません凡じゃありません ぼんではありませんぼんじゃありません bon de wa arimasenbon ja arimasen
Formal past 凡でした ぼんでした bon deshita
Formal negative past 凡ではありませんでした凡じゃありませんでした ぼんではありませんでしたぼんじゃありませんでした bon de wa arimasen deshitabon ja arimasen deshita
Conjunctive 凡で ぼんで bon de
Conditional 凡なら(ば) ぼんなら(ば) bon nara (ba)
Provisional 凡だったら ぼんだったら bon dattara
Volitional 凡だろう ぼんだろう bon darō
Adverbial 凡に ぼんに bon ni
Degree 凡さ ぼんさ bonsa

凡(ぼん) (bon)

  1. mediocrity
    Antonym: 非凡 (hibon)
Kanji in this term
おおGrade: S

/opo/ → /ofo/ → /oho/ → /oː/

From Old Japanese.

Cognate with (ō, “great, large”), and the oho- element in おほほし (ohohoshi, “unclear, indistinct; depressed, gloomy; stupid, imbecilic”).[2][1]

Historically also realized as obo in old texts, and cognate with the obo- element in (oboro, “hazy, vague, dim, indistinct”).[2][1]

凡(おお) (ō) ←**おほ** (ofo)?†-nari

  1. (archaic) dim, faint
    Synonym: 仄か (honoka)
    • , text here
      天(そら)數(かぞふ)凡津(おほつの)子之(こが)相(あひし)日(ひに)於保(おほ)尓(に)見(み)敷(しか)者(ば)今(いま)叙(ぞ)悔(くやしき) [Man'yōgana]
      に見(み)しかば今(いま)ぞ悔(くや)しき [Modern spelling]
      sora kazou Ōtsu no ko ga aishi hi ni oboni mishikaba ima zo kuyashiki
      (please add an English translation of this example)
  2. (archaic) moderate
    Synonym: いい加減 (iikagen)
    • , text here
      於能我乎遠(おのがをを)於保(おほ)尓奈於毛比曽(になおもひそ)尓波尓多知(にはにたち)恵麻須我可良尓(ゑますがからに)古麻尓安布毛能乎(こまにあふものを) [Man'yōgana]
      にな思(おも)ひそ庭(には)に立(た)ち笑(ゑ)ますがからに駒(こま)に逢(あ)ふものを [Modern spelling]
      onoga o o ōni na omoi so niwa ni tachi emasu ga kara ni koma ni au mono o
      (please add an English translation of this example)
  3. (archaic) mediocre, ordinary
    Synonyms: 普通 (futsū), 平凡 (heibon)
    • , text here
      **凡(おほ)**有(なら)者(ば)左毛右毛将為乎(かもかもせむを)恐(かしこみ)跡(と)振痛袖(ふりたきそで)乎(を)忍(しのび)而(て)有(ある)香聞(かも) [Man'yōgana]
      おほならばかもかもせむを畏(かしこ)みと振(ふ)りたき袖(そで)を忍(しの)びてあるかも [Modern spelling]
      ōnaraba ka mo ka mo semu o kashikomi to furitaki sode o shinobite aru ka mo
      (please add an English translation of this example)
  4. (archaic) : large, big; roomy, loose
Kanji in this term
おおしGrade: S

From Old Japanese.

Appears to be a lexicalized adverbial use of the 終止形 (shūshikei, “terminal form”) of classical adjective 多し (ōshi, “many”, modern 多い (ōi), same opoofoohoō root).

Alternatively, might be adjective stem ō + conjunctive particle (shi).

凡(おおし) (ōshi) ←**おほし** (ofosi)?

  1. about, generally, in general
    Synonyms: 凡そ (oyoso), 大体 (daitai)
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  2. 2.0 2.1 Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN

(eumhun 무릇 (mureut beom))

  1. hanja form? of (“all, any, every”)
  2. hanja form? of (“ordinary, common”)

凡: Hán Nôm readings: phàm

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{[rfdef](/wiki/Template:rfdef#top "Template:rfdef")}}.