吳 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

See also: and


(Kangxi radical 30, +4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 口女弓大 (RVNK), four-corner 26801, composition ⿺⿱𠃑)

trad. /*
simp. *
alternative forms 𠯵𡗾𡗿

| | Old Chinese | | | -------------------------------- | --------------- | | | *ŋʷaː | | | *ŋʷaː | | | *ŋʷaː, *ŋʷraː | | | *ŋʷaː, *ŋʷaʔ | | | *ŋaː | | | *ŋʷaːs | | | *ŋʷaːs | | | *ŋʷaːs, *ŋʷa | | | *ŋʷa | | | *ŋʷa | | | *ŋʷa | | | *ŋʷaʔ | | | *ŋʷaʔ |

Ideogrammic compound (會意会意) : (“mouth”) + (“man with tilted head”) – to speak loudly.

"to shout"

Perhaps related to Tibetan ངར་སྐད (ngar skad, “roar; shout”), Tibetan ང་རོ (nga ro, “roar; yell; shout”) (Schuessler, 2007).


Note: ng, n - vernacular pronunciation;wu, vu, ghou - literary (if contrasted with vernacular).

BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/1
MiddleChinese ngu
OldChinese /*ŋʷˁa/
English shout; name of a state
Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system: * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary; * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1
No. 13094
Rimesubdivision 0
CorrespondingMC rime
OldChinese /*ŋʷaː/

  1. † to speak loudly; to shout
  2. big
  3. (historical) (~國) Wu, a state during the Western Zhou dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period
  4. (historical) (~國) Eastern Wu, one of the Three Kingdoms
  5. (historical) (~國) Wu, one of the Ten Kingdoms in eastern China which was in existence from 907 to 937
  6. the region comprising southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang
  7. Wu; the Chinese dialects of that territory, including Suzhounese and Shanghainese
    See also: 吳語
  8. (~市) Kure (a city in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan)
  9. a surname
    SānguìWu Sangui (Chinese military leader)
    [Hokkien, _trad._]
    [Hokkien, _simp._]
    Gô͘ Chok-tòng [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    Goh Chok Tong (Singapore's second Prime Minister; currently Emeritus Senior Minister)
Dynasties (朝代) in Chinese history
Name Time period Divisions
Xia (~朝, ~代) 2070 – 1600 BCE
Shang (~朝, ~代) (~朝, ~代) 1600 – 1046 BCE
Zhou (~朝, ~代) 1046 – 256 BCE Western Zhou西周
Eastern Zhou東周东周 Spring and Autumn period春秋
Warring States period戰國战国
Qin (~朝, ~代) 221 – 206 BCE
Han (~朝, ~代) 206 BCE – 220 C.E. Western Han西漢西汉
Xin (~朝)
Eastern Han東漢东汉
Three Kingdoms三國三国 220 – 280 C.E. Wei
Shu Han蜀漢蜀汉
Jin (~朝, ~代) 265 – 420 C.E. Western Jin西晉西晋
Eastern Jin東晉东晋
Southern and Northern dynasties南北朝 420 – 589 C.E. Northern dynasties北朝 Northern Wei北魏
Western Wei西魏
Eastern Wei東魏东魏
Northern Zhou北周
Northern Qi北齊北齐
Southern dynasties南朝 Liu Song劉宋刘宋
Southern Qi南齊南齐
Liang (~朝, ~代)
Chen (~朝, ~代)
Sui (~朝, ~代) 581 – 618 C.E.
Tang (~朝, ~代) 618 – 907 C.E.
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms五代十國五代十国 907 – 960 C.E.
Liao (~朝, ~代) 907 – 1125 C.E.
Song (~朝, ~代) 960 – 1279 C.E. Northern Song北宋
Southern Song南宋
Western Xia西夏 1038 – 1227 C.E.
Jin (~朝, ~代) 1115 – 1234 C.E.
Western Liao西遼西辽 1124 – 1218 C.E.
Yuan (~朝, ~代) 1271 – 1368 C.E.
Ming (~朝, ~代) 1368 – 1644 C.E.
Qing (~朝, ~代) 1636 – 1912 C.E.

  1. Alternative form of (yú)

(Hyōgai kanji, kyūjitai kanji, shinjitai form )

  1. China
  2. to give something, to do something for someone

This character lacks JIS support. The character (U+5449) is used instead in Japanese.

(eumhun 성씨 (seongssi o)) Surname:Oh

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{[rfdef](/wiki/Template:rfdef#top "Template:rfdef")}}.

(eumhun 큰소리칠 (keunsorichil hwa))Making a loud noise or Make a loud noise.

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{[rfdef](/wiki/Template:rfdef#top "Template:rfdef")}}.

吳: Hán Nôm readings: ngô

  1. chữ Hán form of Ngô (“a surname”).
    吳寶珠Ngô Bảo Châu