威 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

Stroke order
Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Japan(Swap strokes 9 and 8 for Taiwan.)

(Kangxi radical 38, +6, 9 strokes, cangjie input 戈竹一女 (IHMV), four-corner 53200, composition)

| | Old Chinese | | | -------------------------------- | ------- | | | *qruːl | | | *qul | | | *qul | | | *qul | | | *qul | | | *qul | | | *qul |

Ideogrammic compound (會意会意) : + .

simp. #

(OC *quls, “to fear”) is the exoactive derivation of (OC *qul, “to overawe”), literally "to be intimidated" (Schuessler, 2007). In early writing, the character for 畏 was sometimes used directly as a substitute of (wēi) (e.g. in the Da Yu ding inscription).

(OC *kulʔ, “ghost”) is a derivation (Baxter and Sagart, 1998).

BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/1
ModernBeijing(Pinyin) wēi
MiddleChinese ʔjwɨj
OldChinese /*ʔuj/
English awe-inspiring
Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system: * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary; * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1
No. 12789
Rimesubdivision 2
CorrespondingMC rime
OldChinese /*qul/

  1. pomp
  2. power
  3. powerful
  4. to dominate; to display power
  5. (Cantonese) imposing; awe-inspiring
  6. (Cantonese) to be imposing; to be awe-inspiring
  7. a surname
simp. #

  1. (Hokkien) Alternative form of (ui, “to prick; to poke; to bore”)

(Jōyō kanji)

Kanji in this term
Grade: S

/wi/ → /i/

From Middle Chinese (MC 'jw+j).

威() (i) ←**** (wi)?

  1. power; might; strength; authority

威() (i) ←**** (wi)?

  1. power; might; strength; authority; dignity; majesty

Derived terms

  1. ^ Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN

(eumhun 위엄 (wieom wi))

  1. dignity

威: Hán Nôm readings: uy, oai

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