Agus Muji Santoso | UNIVERSITY OF NUSANTARA PGRI KEDIRI (original) (raw)
Papers by Agus Muji Santoso
AIP Conference Proceedings
Research and Development in Education
The process of scientific argumentation skills in biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri is nonoptimal... more The process of scientific argumentation skills in biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri is nonoptimal yet. This study aimed at improving students’ scientific argumentation using ASICC-based electronic modules. This Research and Development employed Plomp development model. The subjects of this study were X graders of MIPA SMAN 1 Kediri which consisted of 32 students. There were three stages of the Plomp model conducted i.e., preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment. The expert validation score gained for subject matter and linguistic was 85% (valid category), the validation score for design and media professionals' validation is 81% with a valid category, the teacher validation score is 93% with a very valid category, and the small group test score is 88% with a very valid category. Implementation of the ASICC-based electronic module had results such as 25 of 32 students got the N-Gain score in the high category, 5 students in the medium category, and 2 students in the low ...
Critical thinking is a living thing that currently needs to be empowered in the learning process.... more Critical thinking is a living thing that currently needs to be empowered in the learning process. The results of a preliminary study at SMAN 1 Kediri showed that learning biology in class X MIPA during the pandemic was only limited to listening to teacher explanations and doing assignments at the Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) level. Based on these problems, the solution that can be done is to develop an e-module based on the ASICC strategy to empower students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to obtain a valid, practical, and effective ASICC-based emodule media to empower the critical thinking skills of class X MIPA A students of SMAN 1 Kediri. This research is development research with the Plomp model. The research data was obtained from a questionnaire on the needs of learning materials from teachers and students, according to the e-module based on the questionnaire results from expert validation, are material and language experts, design and media experts, teacher validation and student responses, implementation of e-module data from the results of students' critical thinking scores. Data analysis with descriptive statistics and descriptions of research results. The results showed that the ASICC strategy-based electronic module was very valid 92% based on material and language validation, valid 78% based on design and media validation, very valid 93% based on practitioner validation. The results of student responses are quite valid 88%. The results of the implementation of the e-module based on students' critical thinking with N gain category are high. The ASICC strategybased e-module that has been developed is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning
Kontribusi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Sartika Farm merupakan salah satu kelompok kerja ibu-ibu PKK di RT 39/RW 08 Kelurahan Singonegara... more Sartika Farm merupakan salah satu kelompok kerja ibu-ibu PKK di RT 39/RW 08 Kelurahan Singonegaran Kota Kediri yang masih memproduksi sayur hidroponik. Sartifa Farm berdiri sejak inisiasi program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL)di Kota Kediri (2019). Peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas setelah pendampingan oleh TIM Hibah PKM Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri terhadap produksi sayur hidroponik perlu di perhatikan pada sisi distribusi pemasarannya. Pemasaran saat ini masih menggunakan konvensional dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar. Tim pengabdian memberikan pelatihan dalam strategi pemasaran menggunakan media digital dan internet. Starategi yang digunakan dengan Social Messaging dan Google My Business. Hasil yang akan didapatkan yaitu Produk Sartika Farm lebih dikenal di media digital dan pemasaran lebih luas..
Archive: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kawasan wisata air terjun Irenggolo memiliki potensi keragaman hayati yang tinggi. Berdasarkan ha... more Kawasan wisata air terjun Irenggolo memiliki potensi keragaman hayati yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdahulu diketahui terdapat sebanyak 35 jenis kupu-kupu di kawasan ini. Jumlah individu sebanyak 1.622 individu tergolong tinggi. Populasi kupu dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan pakan dan habitatnya. Pengetahuan pengelola Kawasan wisata menjadi penting karena akan menentukan keberlangsungan jenis kupu yang ada. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan angket yang telah tervalidasi oleh ahli. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah diperoleh, diketahui bahwa sebanyak 8,6% responden dapat dengan benar menyebutkan lebih dari tiga jenis tumbuhan pakannya. 60% responden hanya mampu menjawab sebanyak kurang dari tiga jenis corak warna sayap kupu-kupu. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi kepada pengelola sangat penting untuk dilakukan.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Kontribusi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Era digital seperti sekarang ini, membuat para pelaku UMKM hendaknya bisa memanfaatkan media digi... more Era digital seperti sekarang ini, membuat para pelaku UMKM hendaknya bisa memanfaatkan media digital dan teknologi sebagai salah satu upaya pemasaran produknya sehingga konsumen lebih mengenal produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM tersebut. Tujuan program ini untuk mengetahui kendala dan respon serta pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai digital marketing. Program pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021 dengan subjek sasaran program yaitu kelompok pengrajin gerabah di Desa Kedungsari, Kecamatan Tarokan, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur yang menjadi sentra kerajinan gerabah di Kabupaten Kediri. Tahapan program menggunakan model ODSIMED (Observation, Development, Socialization, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, dan Dissemination). Hasil dari penerapan pelatihan ini terdapat peningkatan dari 14,29% pengrajin yang mengetahui digital marketing setelah pelatihan menjadi 71.43% pengrajin sudah mengetahui digital marketing.
Ramuan herbal dapat berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh dalam masa pandemi jika d... more Ramuan herbal dapat berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh dalam masa pandemi jika digunaan secara tepat. Rendahnya pengetahuan tentang takaran, teknik pengolahan, pola konsumsi ramuan herbal, dan efek sampingnya menjadikan fokus untuk program pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan informasi yang komprehensif tentang penggunaan ramuan herbal yang dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh secara baik dan benar. Program pemberdayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan dalam moda daring melalui media jejaring sosial secara asinkronus sesuai tahap ODSIMED (observasi, pengembangan, sosialisasi, implementasi, monitoring, evaluasi, diseminasi) Program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat sasaran tentang penggunaan ramuan herbal yang tepat. Khususnya tentang teknik pengolahan ramuan herbal (skor N-Gain 0,77).
Today’s, higher population cause the human necessary not only at basic food but also at medical c... more Today’s, higher population cause the human necessary not only at basic food but also at medical compounds has increased too (quality and quantity). The bad impact of modern therapy cause the society should look for the alternative therapy specifically using medical compounds from tropical plants as well as can be found in their environment. Providing medical compounds by tropical plant by conventional methods were inefficient, such us the limitation of reproduction ability plant (by vegetative or generative), were dependent to host plant (medical plant parasite), most of medical plants belonging to rare plant, and the fluctuation of concentration medical compounds will be crucial problem to fulfill their necessary. Based on previous study showed that the improvement of plant tissue culture technique included of the invention and growth plant substances application were able to solve the providing callus as source of medical compounds. However, the higher rate of variation genetic ca...
Penetapan Ubalan sebagai hutan wisata tidak didukung dengan lengkapnya data vegetasi, sehingga pe... more Penetapan Ubalan sebagai hutan wisata tidak didukung dengan lengkapnya data vegetasi, sehingga penetapan strategi konservasi in situ belum dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap jenis – jenis tanaman berkasiat obat dan sebarannya yang tumbuh di Ubalan Kediri untuk memberikan informasi ilmiah tentang vegetasi Ubalan. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Januari – Juli 2013 dengan metode jelajah. Sampel dikoleksi untuk diidentifikasi serta validasi lebih lanjut. Diperoleh 30 spesies yang terdiri dari suku Lauraceae ( Persea americana ), Magnoliaceae ( Michelia champaca ), Arecaceaae ( Cocos nucifera, Arecha catechu, Arenga pinnata, Saalaca zalacca, Calamus unifarius ), Moraceae ( Ficus septica ), Fabaceae ( Erythrina fusa ), Menispermaceae ( Cyclea barbata ), Mimosaceae ( Parkia timoriana ), Bombacaseae ( Durio zibethius ), Araceae ( Xanthosoma sagittifolium , Colocasia gigantea ), Zingiberaceae ( Zingiber officinale , Alpina galanga ), Caricaceae ( Carica papaya ), Eupho...
The annual research report, 2016
Critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes of eighth grade students in junior Pawyatan Daha 1 ... more Critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes of eighth grade students in junior Pawyatan Daha 1 Kediri still low. Application of PBL teaching model was conducted to determine its effectiveness to improve critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes. This research was a quasi-experimental and performed on two classes of known homogeneity. The students' critical thinking skills colected from the pre and post test scores of cognitive while sosial attitudes obtained from the questionnaire. Data of critical thinking were analyzed by ANACOVA and sosial attiudes were analyzed by descriptive. This study shows that an increase in critical thinking skills (significant results of the pretest scores against posttes for critical thinking skills with a yield of 0.280 to p <0:01) and sosial attitudes of learners.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Previous study at three leading high school in East Java have revealed that student’s higher orde... more Previous study at three leading high school in East Java have revealed that student’s higher order thinking skills are good but their collaboration skills are still low. This study was aimed to reveal the effect of implementation the ASICC problem-based learning model on student’s critical thinking and collaboration skills. The study included quasi-experimental research with a non-equivalent pre-post test control group design in second grade students in three leading high school in East Java. All instruments used are valid and reliable. Collaboration data that were normally and homogeneous were analyzed by t-test. The correlation between collaboration skills with critical thinking was analyzed with Pearson’s correlation. This study revealed that there were significant differences in student’s collaboration scores in the experimental and control classes. The ASICC class collaboration score is higher than the control class. There was a positive correlation between the ability of colla...
International Journal of Research, 2017
The silico-based learning is one of the new curriculum programs for prospective teachers at UN PG... more The silico-based learning is one of the new curriculum programs for prospective teachers at UN PGRI Kediri. Because of motivation plays an important role, this study aims to reveal the dimension of students' learning motivation to that program.This research is a case study at Biology Education Department. Respondents of this research were Biology Education students in Biochemistry class (52 students). The data were collected by a standard questionnaire of learning motivation of science and analyzed by correlation analysis. This study shows that all aspects of the motivational dimension are increasing. The dimension of career motivation experienced the highest increase compared to other dimensions in the medium category (0.36). There was a strong and positive correlation between the dimensions of self-efficacy and assessment anxiety with career motivation (0.669) and between self-determination and grade motivation (0.768).
Kertosono merupakan salah satu daerah industri yang memproduksi kertas. Selama ini pembuangan lim... more Kertosono merupakan salah satu daerah industri yang memproduksi kertas. Selama ini pembuangan limbah industri tersebut banyak dibuang di sungai. Padahal sungai mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting bagi mayarakat. Berbagai aktivitas manusia seperti pembuangan limbah industri dan rumah tangga menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas air sungai. Jenis limbah yang dapat mencemari kualitas air sungai yaitu adanya limbah fisik, kimiawi, mikroorganisme dan logam berat yang terkandung didalamnya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut diperlukan suatu solusi untuk menanganinya. Salah satunya dengan cara memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang alternatif penjernihan air yang tercemar limbah rumah tangga maupun limbah industri dengan pemanfaatan media tumbuhan. Metode penggunaan bahan penjernih air Spirogyra dan Azolla sebagai bahan penyaring air dari logam berat yang di susun dalam bak kaca nomer 1, kaporit dan tawas sebagai penyaring limbah kimiawi disusun dalam bak nomer 2, serbuk biji kelor sebagai ...
Biology teachers are expected to have competence of 21 st century skills, including mastering asp... more Biology teachers are expected to have competence of 21 st century skills, including mastering aspects of genetic material that continues to be advented. Therefore, studies that aim to empower genetic study needs to be done. This study aimed to describe some of the obstacles encountered during the course of genetics for prospective teachers UNP Biology in Kediri to be immediately followed up. This research was a case study, conducted by participant observation for three academic years (2013 - 2015) in the lecture class genetics. This study shown that the unavailability of relevant teaching materials, genetics practices were not supported of the concept, yet supported tools - genomic analysis, and lecturing genetics have not utilized the development of genomic data base that continues to grow. This condition causes the students still have misconceptions about the structure of the genetic structure, the regulation of gene expression, mutation, and recombination of genes. Keywords: gene...
Ekstrak sirih diketahui mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan sejumlah bakteri penyebab mastitis. Namun, i... more Ekstrak sirih diketahui mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan sejumlah bakteri penyebab mastitis. Namun, informasi tentang protein target dan aktivitas seluler senyawa aktif daun sirih dalam menekan bakteri patogen belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap molekul protein target dari senyawa aktif ekstrak sirih dan potensi aktivitasnya aksi secara seluler. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in silico dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Jenis senyawa aktif yang terdapat diekstrak daun sirih dihimpun dari telusur pustaka. Aktivitas dan protein target senyawa aktif dianalisis secara in silico dengan menggunakan web server (SwissTarget dan Passonline). Interaksi antar molekul dilakukan dengan perangkat Pyrx. Perangkat Pymol dan LigPlus untuk visualisasi interaksi molekul. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada dua senyawa utama dalam ekstrak daun sirih yaitu hydroxychavicol dan eugenol. Hydroxychavicol memiliki aktivitas dalam membrane integrity agonist (0,897), G...
Keberadaan dan populasi lumut terrestrial di kawasan wisata lebih berpeluang terintervensi oleh k... more Keberadaan dan populasi lumut terrestrial di kawasan wisata lebih berpeluang terintervensi oleh keberadaan pengujung dan aktivitas pegelolaan lokasi wisata, termasuk lumut terestrial di Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo. Selain itu, beberapa anggota lumut terestrial berpotensi besar sebagai sumber antioksidan yang baik dan mengandung metabolit sekunder sebagai kadidat antimikroba. Sejauh ini informasi tentang lumut terestial tersebut belum pernah ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengiventaris keanekaragaman lumut yang berada di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo, Kabupaten Kediri, mulai September 2012 – Mei 2013, dengan metode jelajah secara purposive sampling. Dari hasil survei diiventariskan sebanyak 10 jenis lumut. Jenis itu terdiri dari 6 Marchanticae , 2 Anthocerotae, dan 2 Musci. Kata - Kata Kunci : Inventarisasi, Lumut, dan Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo
The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of guided discovery learning model... more The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of guided discovery learning model for the skills of inquiry, metacognition skills, and results of cognitive learning outcome of students. The research was non-equivalent control group design in the eighth grade students of MTsN Panglungan Jombang conducted on 12th until 25th May, 2015. Some instruments to support this study were the instrument of inquiry skills which consisted of rubric of learning process and product, assessment of metacognition skills in the form of initial and final test integrated with the cognitive achievement test, and measurement of students’ cognitive learning outcomes using essay test. Data were tabulated and analysed by t- test independent using the SPSS16 program for windows 2007. This research showed that: (1) there were differences in the skills of inquiry process between the control and the treatment group (α = 0.01 <0.05), (2) there was a difference between the product of inquiry skill...
AIP Conference Proceedings
Research and Development in Education
The process of scientific argumentation skills in biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri is nonoptimal... more The process of scientific argumentation skills in biology learning at SMAN 1 Kediri is nonoptimal yet. This study aimed at improving students’ scientific argumentation using ASICC-based electronic modules. This Research and Development employed Plomp development model. The subjects of this study were X graders of MIPA SMAN 1 Kediri which consisted of 32 students. There were three stages of the Plomp model conducted i.e., preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment. The expert validation score gained for subject matter and linguistic was 85% (valid category), the validation score for design and media professionals' validation is 81% with a valid category, the teacher validation score is 93% with a very valid category, and the small group test score is 88% with a very valid category. Implementation of the ASICC-based electronic module had results such as 25 of 32 students got the N-Gain score in the high category, 5 students in the medium category, and 2 students in the low ...
Critical thinking is a living thing that currently needs to be empowered in the learning process.... more Critical thinking is a living thing that currently needs to be empowered in the learning process. The results of a preliminary study at SMAN 1 Kediri showed that learning biology in class X MIPA during the pandemic was only limited to listening to teacher explanations and doing assignments at the Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) level. Based on these problems, the solution that can be done is to develop an e-module based on the ASICC strategy to empower students' critical thinking skills. This study aims to obtain a valid, practical, and effective ASICC-based emodule media to empower the critical thinking skills of class X MIPA A students of SMAN 1 Kediri. This research is development research with the Plomp model. The research data was obtained from a questionnaire on the needs of learning materials from teachers and students, according to the e-module based on the questionnaire results from expert validation, are material and language experts, design and media experts, teacher validation and student responses, implementation of e-module data from the results of students' critical thinking scores. Data analysis with descriptive statistics and descriptions of research results. The results showed that the ASICC strategy-based electronic module was very valid 92% based on material and language validation, valid 78% based on design and media validation, very valid 93% based on practitioner validation. The results of student responses are quite valid 88%. The results of the implementation of the e-module based on students' critical thinking with N gain category are high. The ASICC strategybased e-module that has been developed is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning
Kontribusi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Sartika Farm merupakan salah satu kelompok kerja ibu-ibu PKK di RT 39/RW 08 Kelurahan Singonegara... more Sartika Farm merupakan salah satu kelompok kerja ibu-ibu PKK di RT 39/RW 08 Kelurahan Singonegaran Kota Kediri yang masih memproduksi sayur hidroponik. Sartifa Farm berdiri sejak inisiasi program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL)di Kota Kediri (2019). Peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas setelah pendampingan oleh TIM Hibah PKM Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri terhadap produksi sayur hidroponik perlu di perhatikan pada sisi distribusi pemasarannya. Pemasaran saat ini masih menggunakan konvensional dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar. Tim pengabdian memberikan pelatihan dalam strategi pemasaran menggunakan media digital dan internet. Starategi yang digunakan dengan Social Messaging dan Google My Business. Hasil yang akan didapatkan yaitu Produk Sartika Farm lebih dikenal di media digital dan pemasaran lebih luas..
Archive: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kawasan wisata air terjun Irenggolo memiliki potensi keragaman hayati yang tinggi. Berdasarkan ha... more Kawasan wisata air terjun Irenggolo memiliki potensi keragaman hayati yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdahulu diketahui terdapat sebanyak 35 jenis kupu-kupu di kawasan ini. Jumlah individu sebanyak 1.622 individu tergolong tinggi. Populasi kupu dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan pakan dan habitatnya. Pengetahuan pengelola Kawasan wisata menjadi penting karena akan menentukan keberlangsungan jenis kupu yang ada. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan angket yang telah tervalidasi oleh ahli. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah diperoleh, diketahui bahwa sebanyak 8,6% responden dapat dengan benar menyebutkan lebih dari tiga jenis tumbuhan pakannya. 60% responden hanya mampu menjawab sebanyak kurang dari tiga jenis corak warna sayap kupu-kupu. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi kepada pengelola sangat penting untuk dilakukan.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Kontribusi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Era digital seperti sekarang ini, membuat para pelaku UMKM hendaknya bisa memanfaatkan media digi... more Era digital seperti sekarang ini, membuat para pelaku UMKM hendaknya bisa memanfaatkan media digital dan teknologi sebagai salah satu upaya pemasaran produknya sehingga konsumen lebih mengenal produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM tersebut. Tujuan program ini untuk mengetahui kendala dan respon serta pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai digital marketing. Program pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021 dengan subjek sasaran program yaitu kelompok pengrajin gerabah di Desa Kedungsari, Kecamatan Tarokan, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur yang menjadi sentra kerajinan gerabah di Kabupaten Kediri. Tahapan program menggunakan model ODSIMED (Observation, Development, Socialization, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, dan Dissemination). Hasil dari penerapan pelatihan ini terdapat peningkatan dari 14,29% pengrajin yang mengetahui digital marketing setelah pelatihan menjadi 71.43% pengrajin sudah mengetahui digital marketing.
Ramuan herbal dapat berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh dalam masa pandemi jika d... more Ramuan herbal dapat berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh dalam masa pandemi jika digunaan secara tepat. Rendahnya pengetahuan tentang takaran, teknik pengolahan, pola konsumsi ramuan herbal, dan efek sampingnya menjadikan fokus untuk program pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan informasi yang komprehensif tentang penggunaan ramuan herbal yang dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh secara baik dan benar. Program pemberdayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan dalam moda daring melalui media jejaring sosial secara asinkronus sesuai tahap ODSIMED (observasi, pengembangan, sosialisasi, implementasi, monitoring, evaluasi, diseminasi) Program ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat sasaran tentang penggunaan ramuan herbal yang tepat. Khususnya tentang teknik pengolahan ramuan herbal (skor N-Gain 0,77).
Today’s, higher population cause the human necessary not only at basic food but also at medical c... more Today’s, higher population cause the human necessary not only at basic food but also at medical compounds has increased too (quality and quantity). The bad impact of modern therapy cause the society should look for the alternative therapy specifically using medical compounds from tropical plants as well as can be found in their environment. Providing medical compounds by tropical plant by conventional methods were inefficient, such us the limitation of reproduction ability plant (by vegetative or generative), were dependent to host plant (medical plant parasite), most of medical plants belonging to rare plant, and the fluctuation of concentration medical compounds will be crucial problem to fulfill their necessary. Based on previous study showed that the improvement of plant tissue culture technique included of the invention and growth plant substances application were able to solve the providing callus as source of medical compounds. However, the higher rate of variation genetic ca...
Penetapan Ubalan sebagai hutan wisata tidak didukung dengan lengkapnya data vegetasi, sehingga pe... more Penetapan Ubalan sebagai hutan wisata tidak didukung dengan lengkapnya data vegetasi, sehingga penetapan strategi konservasi in situ belum dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap jenis – jenis tanaman berkasiat obat dan sebarannya yang tumbuh di Ubalan Kediri untuk memberikan informasi ilmiah tentang vegetasi Ubalan. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Januari – Juli 2013 dengan metode jelajah. Sampel dikoleksi untuk diidentifikasi serta validasi lebih lanjut. Diperoleh 30 spesies yang terdiri dari suku Lauraceae ( Persea americana ), Magnoliaceae ( Michelia champaca ), Arecaceaae ( Cocos nucifera, Arecha catechu, Arenga pinnata, Saalaca zalacca, Calamus unifarius ), Moraceae ( Ficus septica ), Fabaceae ( Erythrina fusa ), Menispermaceae ( Cyclea barbata ), Mimosaceae ( Parkia timoriana ), Bombacaseae ( Durio zibethius ), Araceae ( Xanthosoma sagittifolium , Colocasia gigantea ), Zingiberaceae ( Zingiber officinale , Alpina galanga ), Caricaceae ( Carica papaya ), Eupho...
The annual research report, 2016
Critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes of eighth grade students in junior Pawyatan Daha 1 ... more Critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes of eighth grade students in junior Pawyatan Daha 1 Kediri still low. Application of PBL teaching model was conducted to determine its effectiveness to improve critical thinking skills and sosial attitudes. This research was a quasi-experimental and performed on two classes of known homogeneity. The students' critical thinking skills colected from the pre and post test scores of cognitive while sosial attitudes obtained from the questionnaire. Data of critical thinking were analyzed by ANACOVA and sosial attiudes were analyzed by descriptive. This study shows that an increase in critical thinking skills (significant results of the pretest scores against posttes for critical thinking skills with a yield of 0.280 to p <0:01) and sosial attitudes of learners.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Previous study at three leading high school in East Java have revealed that student’s higher orde... more Previous study at three leading high school in East Java have revealed that student’s higher order thinking skills are good but their collaboration skills are still low. This study was aimed to reveal the effect of implementation the ASICC problem-based learning model on student’s critical thinking and collaboration skills. The study included quasi-experimental research with a non-equivalent pre-post test control group design in second grade students in three leading high school in East Java. All instruments used are valid and reliable. Collaboration data that were normally and homogeneous were analyzed by t-test. The correlation between collaboration skills with critical thinking was analyzed with Pearson’s correlation. This study revealed that there were significant differences in student’s collaboration scores in the experimental and control classes. The ASICC class collaboration score is higher than the control class. There was a positive correlation between the ability of colla...
International Journal of Research, 2017
The silico-based learning is one of the new curriculum programs for prospective teachers at UN PG... more The silico-based learning is one of the new curriculum programs for prospective teachers at UN PGRI Kediri. Because of motivation plays an important role, this study aims to reveal the dimension of students' learning motivation to that program.This research is a case study at Biology Education Department. Respondents of this research were Biology Education students in Biochemistry class (52 students). The data were collected by a standard questionnaire of learning motivation of science and analyzed by correlation analysis. This study shows that all aspects of the motivational dimension are increasing. The dimension of career motivation experienced the highest increase compared to other dimensions in the medium category (0.36). There was a strong and positive correlation between the dimensions of self-efficacy and assessment anxiety with career motivation (0.669) and between self-determination and grade motivation (0.768).
Kertosono merupakan salah satu daerah industri yang memproduksi kertas. Selama ini pembuangan lim... more Kertosono merupakan salah satu daerah industri yang memproduksi kertas. Selama ini pembuangan limbah industri tersebut banyak dibuang di sungai. Padahal sungai mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting bagi mayarakat. Berbagai aktivitas manusia seperti pembuangan limbah industri dan rumah tangga menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas air sungai. Jenis limbah yang dapat mencemari kualitas air sungai yaitu adanya limbah fisik, kimiawi, mikroorganisme dan logam berat yang terkandung didalamnya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut diperlukan suatu solusi untuk menanganinya. Salah satunya dengan cara memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang alternatif penjernihan air yang tercemar limbah rumah tangga maupun limbah industri dengan pemanfaatan media tumbuhan. Metode penggunaan bahan penjernih air Spirogyra dan Azolla sebagai bahan penyaring air dari logam berat yang di susun dalam bak kaca nomer 1, kaporit dan tawas sebagai penyaring limbah kimiawi disusun dalam bak nomer 2, serbuk biji kelor sebagai ...
Biology teachers are expected to have competence of 21 st century skills, including mastering asp... more Biology teachers are expected to have competence of 21 st century skills, including mastering aspects of genetic material that continues to be advented. Therefore, studies that aim to empower genetic study needs to be done. This study aimed to describe some of the obstacles encountered during the course of genetics for prospective teachers UNP Biology in Kediri to be immediately followed up. This research was a case study, conducted by participant observation for three academic years (2013 - 2015) in the lecture class genetics. This study shown that the unavailability of relevant teaching materials, genetics practices were not supported of the concept, yet supported tools - genomic analysis, and lecturing genetics have not utilized the development of genomic data base that continues to grow. This condition causes the students still have misconceptions about the structure of the genetic structure, the regulation of gene expression, mutation, and recombination of genes. Keywords: gene...
Ekstrak sirih diketahui mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan sejumlah bakteri penyebab mastitis. Namun, i... more Ekstrak sirih diketahui mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan sejumlah bakteri penyebab mastitis. Namun, informasi tentang protein target dan aktivitas seluler senyawa aktif daun sirih dalam menekan bakteri patogen belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap molekul protein target dari senyawa aktif ekstrak sirih dan potensi aktivitasnya aksi secara seluler. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in silico dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Jenis senyawa aktif yang terdapat diekstrak daun sirih dihimpun dari telusur pustaka. Aktivitas dan protein target senyawa aktif dianalisis secara in silico dengan menggunakan web server (SwissTarget dan Passonline). Interaksi antar molekul dilakukan dengan perangkat Pyrx. Perangkat Pymol dan LigPlus untuk visualisasi interaksi molekul. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada dua senyawa utama dalam ekstrak daun sirih yaitu hydroxychavicol dan eugenol. Hydroxychavicol memiliki aktivitas dalam membrane integrity agonist (0,897), G...
Keberadaan dan populasi lumut terrestrial di kawasan wisata lebih berpeluang terintervensi oleh k... more Keberadaan dan populasi lumut terrestrial di kawasan wisata lebih berpeluang terintervensi oleh keberadaan pengujung dan aktivitas pegelolaan lokasi wisata, termasuk lumut terestrial di Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo. Selain itu, beberapa anggota lumut terestrial berpotensi besar sebagai sumber antioksidan yang baik dan mengandung metabolit sekunder sebagai kadidat antimikroba. Sejauh ini informasi tentang lumut terestial tersebut belum pernah ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengiventaris keanekaragaman lumut yang berada di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo, Kabupaten Kediri, mulai September 2012 – Mei 2013, dengan metode jelajah secara purposive sampling. Dari hasil survei diiventariskan sebanyak 10 jenis lumut. Jenis itu terdiri dari 6 Marchanticae , 2 Anthocerotae, dan 2 Musci. Kata - Kata Kunci : Inventarisasi, Lumut, dan Wisata Air Terjun Irenggolo
The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of guided discovery learning model... more The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of guided discovery learning model for the skills of inquiry, metacognition skills, and results of cognitive learning outcome of students. The research was non-equivalent control group design in the eighth grade students of MTsN Panglungan Jombang conducted on 12th until 25th May, 2015. Some instruments to support this study were the instrument of inquiry skills which consisted of rubric of learning process and product, assessment of metacognition skills in the form of initial and final test integrated with the cognitive achievement test, and measurement of students’ cognitive learning outcomes using essay test. Data were tabulated and analysed by t- test independent using the SPSS16 program for windows 2007. This research showed that: (1) there were differences in the skills of inquiry process between the control and the treatment group (α = 0.01 <0.05), (2) there was a difference between the product of inquiry skill...