Adem Turanlı | Erciyes University (original) (raw)
Papers by Adem Turanlı
Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Dec 1, 2009
This qualitative case study aimed at investigating the ways students with different previous lear... more This qualitative case study aimed at investigating the ways students with different previous learning experiences go through in order to survive the problems faced within a foreign language learning context. The data were gathered qualitatively through semi structured interviews. The students who were purposefully sampled were each interviewed twice. It was found that when students with different entry characteristics go through a similar challenge, they react differently to the obstacles in the way. Students with former failures in learning find it harder to cope with the problems than students with little or no earlier experience in language learning. Since self-efficacy is closely related to students backgrounds, the knowledge of students previous experience in language learning and students strategies against the learning problems may enable teachers to help their students throughout the process.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 1, 2010
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2009
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2010
Bu arastirma, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmeleriyle ilinti... more Bu arastirma, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmeleriyle ilintili bazi degiskenler arasindaki iliskileri irdelemeyi amaclamistir. Calisma grubunu, universite duzeyinde bir dil okulunda calismakta olan 48 ogretmen olusturmustur. Arastirmacinin kendisi, arastirma sorularina kosut olarak, iki makale (yazi-essay) yazmis ve gerekli verileri temin edecek arastirma desenini olusturmustur. Calisma, olcme yaklasimi ve daha iyi olan yazinin once ya da sonra okunmasinin, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmelerini etkileyebilecegini gostermistir. Olcme yaklasiminin etkisi denetlenince de benzer sonuclar bulunmustur. Ayrica, yazinin algilanan niteligi (verilen notlar); okunan metnin uzunluguyla iliskili bulunmustur
This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and wh... more This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and whether their perceptions differed and was conducted with 147 students attending grades 2 through 5 and their parents (father or mother). A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and piloted for its reliability. Some items were either eliminated or reworded so that they could be well understood. The participants were asked to show on a dichotomous 'yes-no' scale whether they agreed with the given statements about their homework assignments. The frequencies and percentages of the responses were calculated, and Pearson chi square was used as the statistical procedure to test if students' and parents' perceptions differed. It was found that students and parents do not find homework very beneficial and do not think that the efforts that students put on homework pay off. In addition, the participants believe that teachers cannot meet the expectations related to monitoring homework assignments and provision of correctives and feedback. On the other hand, it was identified that students and parents think differently about homework assignments in various aspects.
Eğitim ve Bilim, 2009
This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and wh... more This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and whether their perceptions differed and was conducted with 147 students attending grades 2 through 5 and their parents (father or mother). A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and piloted for its reliability. Some items were either eliminated or reworded so that they could be well understood. The participants were asked to show on a dichotomous 'yes-no' scale whether they agreed with the given statements about their homework assignments. The frequencies and percentages of the responses were calculated, and Pearson chi square was used as the statistical procedure to test if students' and parents' perceptions differed. It was found that students and parents do not find homework very beneficial and do not think that the efforts that students put on homework pay off. In addition, the participants believe that teachers cannot meet the expectations related to monitoring homework assignments and provision of correctives and feedback. On the other hand, it was identified that students and parents think differently about homework assignments in various aspects.
Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Jun 1, 2009
Bu çal man n amac , ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar yla bu davran lar n, ö rencil... more Bu çal man n amac , ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar yla bu davran lar n, ö rencilerin kendi ö renme miktarlar na dair alg lar üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Bu amaç do rultusunda ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar n ve ö rencilerin alg lad ö renme düzeylerini belirlemek için 12 maddelik bir anket kullan ld. Veriler, 58 ö retmenin sosyal duygusal destek davran lar n belirlemek üzere 1200 den fazla ö renciden elde edildi. Faktör analizi ve güvenilirlik testleri, anketin tek faktörlü bir ölçek olarak kullan labilece ini ve regresyon analizi, ö retmenin destek davran lar n n alg lanan ö renme miktar n kestirmede kullan labilece ini gösterdi. Ö renciler gereken deste i ald nda daha çok ö rendiklerini dü ünmektedirler. Son olarak bu ara t rma, ö retmenler aras nda sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar aç s ndan farkl l klar oldu unu ortaya koydu: daha yüksek ö renme alg s na sahip olan ö rencilerin ö retmenlerinin, sosyal duygusal destek davran lar n daha fazla sergiledikleri görüldü.
Durum incelemesi tarzindaki bu nitel calisma; farkli ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrencilerin, yaban... more Durum incelemesi tarzindaki bu nitel calisma; farkli ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrencilerin, yabanci dil ogrenilen bir ortamda karsilasilan problemlerin ustesinden gelmek icin basvurduklari yaklasimlari belirlemeyi hedeflemistir. Veriler, yari yapilandirilmis gorusme yontemiyle toplanmisur. Amacli ornekleme yontemiyle secilen ogrencilerin her biriyle iki defa gorusulmustur. Farkli giris nitelikleri olan ogrencilerin; daha once denenmis bir ‘zorlukla! yeniden yuzlestirildiklerinde, engellere farkli tepki gosterdikleri tespit edilmistir. Basarisiz ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrenciler, deneyimi cok az olan veya hic olmayan ogrencilere gore, yabanci dil ogrenmeyle ilgili sorunlarla basa cikmada daha fazla zorlanmaktadir. Oz-yeterlik, ogrencilerin gecmii deneyimleriyle yakindan ilgili oldugu icin, ogrencilerin gecmii yasantilanna ve ogrenme sorunlarina karci tercih ettikleri yaklasimlara iliskin bilgi, ogretmenlerin ogrencilerine yardimci olmasini kolaylasurabilir.
Istenmeyen davranislarla karsilastiklarinda ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri yontemler, durumdan du... more Istenmeyen davranislarla karsilastiklarinda ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri yontemler, durumdan duruma onemli degisiklikler gosterir; bu durum, farkli uygulamalara yol acan etkenlerin tespit edilmesini gerekli kilar. Bu calisma, ogretmenlerin davranislarinin bazi belirleyicilerini belirlemek amaciyla planlandi. Veri toplamak amaciyla, 127 ilkogretim (ikinci kademe) ve lise ogretmeninden, kendilerine verilen on tane ornek durumda nasil davranacaklarini yazmalari istendi. Ogretmenlerin cevaplari, icerik cozumlemesine tabi tutuldu ve alanyazinda karsilastirilan sinif yonetimi yaklasimlara gore kodlandi. Kodlanan veriler, nitel hale getirildi ve arastirma sorusuna paralel olarak islendi. Bulgular, Turk ogretmenlerinin, etkilesimci veya daha yuksek kontrol duzeyindeki yontemleri tercih ettikleri, bu tercih edilen yontemlerin ogretmenlerin cinsiyeti, konu alani, calistiklari okul duzeyi ve sorun davranisa bas vuran ogrencinin akademik durumuna gore farklilik gosterdigini gostermistir. Bunl...
Retrieved February, 2006
Teachers' disciplinary strategies when faced with disruptive behaviors differ considerably f... more Teachers' disciplinary strategies when faced with disruptive behaviors differ considerably from incident to incident, which requires identification of the factors contributory to this differential treatment. With this aim in mind, this small-scale study was designed to identify certain ...
ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED, 1999
This study examined how Turkish students in an English preparatory school expected their teachers... more This study examined how Turkish students in an English preparatory school expected their teachers to manage their classes. A sample of 161 students who were studying at the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University were administered the Questionnaire of Preferred Teacher's Classroom Management Behaviors. The questionnaire included 32 items in 3 dimensions: emotional, instructional, and managerial. Results provided a set of classroom management behaviors that students expected from teachers in English learning classes. Students wanted teachers to be willing to teach and display enthusiasm while teaching. They expected teachers to assign tasks that were neither too easy nor too difficult. Students believed that teachers should be aware of students' individual needs and do their best to motivate and encourage them. Students expected teachers to be patient, understanding, and friendly toward them and avoid having favorites. Students wanted teachers to clearly describe objectives, thus decreasing ambiguity. They also expected teachers to be open to, and provide time for, questions and to offer necessary feedback. Students wanted teachers to manage time, student behaviors, and environment effectively. They expected teachers to be considerate about time management. They also expected teachers to never laugh at students for any reason. (Contains 21 references.) (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. STUDENTS'EXPECTATIONS OF TEACHERS' CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT BEHAVIORS IN ELT CLASSES
ED440105 - A Comparative Assessment of Student Classroom Behaviors and Learning Environment in Cl... more ED440105 - A Comparative Assessment of Student Classroom Behaviors and Learning Environment in Classes of a High Control and a Low Control Teacher through Student Perceptions and Class Observations.
This study examines whether a teacher's classroom behavior, students' responses to this b... more This study examines whether a teacher's classroom behavior, students' responses to this behavior and the learning environment in two of his/her classes differ. The 40 students in the two classes of a voluntary teacher who worked in the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University constituted the sample of the study. The "Classroom Management Questionnaire" was developed by the researcher and piloted for reliability. The examiner also visited the two classes to gather information through observation. The data obtained were analysed using t-test and content analysis. The data pointed out that the teacher's classroom behavior and the learning environment differed in the two classes. Although the t-test indicated no difference between the two groups in terms of the students' behavior, the observation data showed that there were some differences between the two groups in certain aspects of their behavior. Last of all, the findings of the study were discussed...
This study was designed to determine how English learning students expect their teacher to manage... more This study was designed to determine how English learning students expect their teacher to manage their classes. A sample of 161 students who were studying English in the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University were administered the "Questionnaire of Preferred Teacher's Classroom Management Behaviour." The questionnaire included 32 items in three dimensions: emotional, instructional, and managerial. The data obtained through the students' responses provided a set of types of classroom management behavior that students expect from the teacher in ELT classes. The study indicated that certain types of teacher behavior are more commonly expected from the teachers and it was concluded that these types of behavior help teachers manage their classrooms successfidly. Finally, some suggestions were made in line with the findings of the study.
In this paper, the relationship between classroom management and instruction and how misbehaviors... more In this paper, the relationship between classroom management and instruction and how misbehaviors likely to occur in classroom can influence instruction badly are investigated. Misbehaviors that are commonly faced in FLT classes are identified and, in view of their reasons, they are classified under some headings. Then, the measures teachers can take in order to prevent misbehaviors before they occur are examined. Also, instructional effectiveness, motivation and objectivity in evaluation are emphasized in terms of how they are related to discipline. in addition, it is emphasized that clarity of the classroom rules and discipline, teacher characteristics compatible with teaching and effective and orderly communication and interaction can reduce misbehaviors considerably.
... Genç ve daha idealist olan öğretmen, ödevleri daha yararlı bulurken deneyimle beraber bu algı... more ... Genç ve daha idealist olan öğretmen, ödevleri daha yararlı bulurken deneyimle beraber bu algının değiştiği ve ödeve daha az önem atfedildiği görülmektedir. ... Page 12. Adem Sultan TURANLI Ç.Ü. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (2009) 129-143 140 2009a). ...
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between teachers' orientations to cl... more This study was designed to investigate the relationship between teachers' orientations to classroom management and their classroom management behaviours. Two teachers with different orientations to classroom management (low and high control) were ...
Ö Özzeett Her ö¤renci, s›n›f içerisindeki sözel etkinliklere ayn› oranda kat›lma- maktad›r. Baz› ... more Ö Özzeett Her ö¤renci, s›n›f içerisindeki sözel etkinliklere ayn› oranda kat›lma- maktad›r. Baz› ö¤renciler, s›k söz hakk› al›rken, baz›lar› bundan kaç›nmaktad›r. Kat›l›m›, gerek içsel gerekse çevresel bir tak›m etmenlerin flekillendirdii kabul edilmektedir. Ayr›ca, bu etmenlerin alg›lanan kuvveti, kifliden kifliye farkl›l›k gösterebilecei düflünülmektedir. Yabanc› dil ö¤rencilerinin derse kat›l›mlar›n› etkileyen etmenleri ve bunlar›n etki düzeylerini belirlemeyi hedefleyen bu çal›fl- ma, üniversite düzeyinde ‹ngilizce'yi yabanc› dil olarak ö¤renen 182 ö¤renciyle yürütülmüfltür. Çal›flmaya dahil edilen deiflkenlerden baz›lar› ö¤renciler taraf›ndan daha çok d›flsal olarak alg›lan›rken, baz›lar› da içsel olarak alg›lanm›flt›r. Ayr›- ca, ö¤rencilerin bu etmenlere yükledikleri etki düzeyleri ise, ö¤renciler için her bir etmenin önem düzeyine de iflaret etmektedir. Böyle bir s›n›fland›rman›n oluflmas›, ö¤rencilerin sözel etkinliklere kat›l›m davran›fllar›n› anlamay› kolay- laflt›rab...
Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Dec 1, 2009
This qualitative case study aimed at investigating the ways students with different previous lear... more This qualitative case study aimed at investigating the ways students with different previous learning experiences go through in order to survive the problems faced within a foreign language learning context. The data were gathered qualitatively through semi structured interviews. The students who were purposefully sampled were each interviewed twice. It was found that when students with different entry characteristics go through a similar challenge, they react differently to the obstacles in the way. Students with former failures in learning find it harder to cope with the problems than students with little or no earlier experience in language learning. Since self-efficacy is closely related to students backgrounds, the knowledge of students previous experience in language learning and students strategies against the learning problems may enable teachers to help their students throughout the process.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 1, 2010
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2009
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2010
Bu arastirma, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmeleriyle ilinti... more Bu arastirma, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmeleriyle ilintili bazi degiskenler arasindaki iliskileri irdelemeyi amaclamistir. Calisma grubunu, universite duzeyinde bir dil okulunda calismakta olan 48 ogretmen olusturmustur. Arastirmacinin kendisi, arastirma sorularina kosut olarak, iki makale (yazi-essay) yazmis ve gerekli verileri temin edecek arastirma desenini olusturmustur. Calisma, olcme yaklasimi ve daha iyi olan yazinin once ya da sonra okunmasinin, ogrencilerin yazili calismalarina iliskin ogretmenlerin degerlendirmelerini etkileyebilecegini gostermistir. Olcme yaklasiminin etkisi denetlenince de benzer sonuclar bulunmustur. Ayrica, yazinin algilanan niteligi (verilen notlar); okunan metnin uzunluguyla iliskili bulunmustur
This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and wh... more This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and whether their perceptions differed and was conducted with 147 students attending grades 2 through 5 and their parents (father or mother). A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and piloted for its reliability. Some items were either eliminated or reworded so that they could be well understood. The participants were asked to show on a dichotomous 'yes-no' scale whether they agreed with the given statements about their homework assignments. The frequencies and percentages of the responses were calculated, and Pearson chi square was used as the statistical procedure to test if students' and parents' perceptions differed. It was found that students and parents do not find homework very beneficial and do not think that the efforts that students put on homework pay off. In addition, the participants believe that teachers cannot meet the expectations related to monitoring homework assignments and provision of correctives and feedback. On the other hand, it was identified that students and parents think differently about homework assignments in various aspects.
Eğitim ve Bilim, 2009
This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and wh... more This descriptive study aimed to identify students' and parents' perceptions about homework and whether their perceptions differed and was conducted with 147 students attending grades 2 through 5 and their parents (father or mother). A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and piloted for its reliability. Some items were either eliminated or reworded so that they could be well understood. The participants were asked to show on a dichotomous 'yes-no' scale whether they agreed with the given statements about their homework assignments. The frequencies and percentages of the responses were calculated, and Pearson chi square was used as the statistical procedure to test if students' and parents' perceptions differed. It was found that students and parents do not find homework very beneficial and do not think that the efforts that students put on homework pay off. In addition, the participants believe that teachers cannot meet the expectations related to monitoring homework assignments and provision of correctives and feedback. On the other hand, it was identified that students and parents think differently about homework assignments in various aspects.
Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Jun 1, 2009
Bu çal man n amac , ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar yla bu davran lar n, ö rencil... more Bu çal man n amac , ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar yla bu davran lar n, ö rencilerin kendi ö renme miktarlar na dair alg lar üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Bu amaç do rultusunda ö retmenlerin sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar n ve ö rencilerin alg lad ö renme düzeylerini belirlemek için 12 maddelik bir anket kullan ld. Veriler, 58 ö retmenin sosyal duygusal destek davran lar n belirlemek üzere 1200 den fazla ö renciden elde edildi. Faktör analizi ve güvenilirlik testleri, anketin tek faktörlü bir ölçek olarak kullan labilece ini ve regresyon analizi, ö retmenin destek davran lar n n alg lanan ö renme miktar n kestirmede kullan labilece ini gösterdi. Ö renciler gereken deste i ald nda daha çok ö rendiklerini dü ünmektedirler. Son olarak bu ara t rma, ö retmenler aras nda sosyal-duygusal destek davran lar aç s ndan farkl l klar oldu unu ortaya koydu: daha yüksek ö renme alg s na sahip olan ö rencilerin ö retmenlerinin, sosyal duygusal destek davran lar n daha fazla sergiledikleri görüldü.
Durum incelemesi tarzindaki bu nitel calisma; farkli ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrencilerin, yaban... more Durum incelemesi tarzindaki bu nitel calisma; farkli ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrencilerin, yabanci dil ogrenilen bir ortamda karsilasilan problemlerin ustesinden gelmek icin basvurduklari yaklasimlari belirlemeyi hedeflemistir. Veriler, yari yapilandirilmis gorusme yontemiyle toplanmisur. Amacli ornekleme yontemiyle secilen ogrencilerin her biriyle iki defa gorusulmustur. Farkli giris nitelikleri olan ogrencilerin; daha once denenmis bir ‘zorlukla! yeniden yuzlestirildiklerinde, engellere farkli tepki gosterdikleri tespit edilmistir. Basarisiz ogrenme deneyimleri olan ogrenciler, deneyimi cok az olan veya hic olmayan ogrencilere gore, yabanci dil ogrenmeyle ilgili sorunlarla basa cikmada daha fazla zorlanmaktadir. Oz-yeterlik, ogrencilerin gecmii deneyimleriyle yakindan ilgili oldugu icin, ogrencilerin gecmii yasantilanna ve ogrenme sorunlarina karci tercih ettikleri yaklasimlara iliskin bilgi, ogretmenlerin ogrencilerine yardimci olmasini kolaylasurabilir.
Istenmeyen davranislarla karsilastiklarinda ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri yontemler, durumdan du... more Istenmeyen davranislarla karsilastiklarinda ogretmenlerin tercih ettikleri yontemler, durumdan duruma onemli degisiklikler gosterir; bu durum, farkli uygulamalara yol acan etkenlerin tespit edilmesini gerekli kilar. Bu calisma, ogretmenlerin davranislarinin bazi belirleyicilerini belirlemek amaciyla planlandi. Veri toplamak amaciyla, 127 ilkogretim (ikinci kademe) ve lise ogretmeninden, kendilerine verilen on tane ornek durumda nasil davranacaklarini yazmalari istendi. Ogretmenlerin cevaplari, icerik cozumlemesine tabi tutuldu ve alanyazinda karsilastirilan sinif yonetimi yaklasimlara gore kodlandi. Kodlanan veriler, nitel hale getirildi ve arastirma sorusuna paralel olarak islendi. Bulgular, Turk ogretmenlerinin, etkilesimci veya daha yuksek kontrol duzeyindeki yontemleri tercih ettikleri, bu tercih edilen yontemlerin ogretmenlerin cinsiyeti, konu alani, calistiklari okul duzeyi ve sorun davranisa bas vuran ogrencinin akademik durumuna gore farklilik gosterdigini gostermistir. Bunl...
Retrieved February, 2006
Teachers' disciplinary strategies when faced with disruptive behaviors differ considerably f... more Teachers' disciplinary strategies when faced with disruptive behaviors differ considerably from incident to incident, which requires identification of the factors contributory to this differential treatment. With this aim in mind, this small-scale study was designed to identify certain ...
ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED, 1999
This study examined how Turkish students in an English preparatory school expected their teachers... more This study examined how Turkish students in an English preparatory school expected their teachers to manage their classes. A sample of 161 students who were studying at the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University were administered the Questionnaire of Preferred Teacher's Classroom Management Behaviors. The questionnaire included 32 items in 3 dimensions: emotional, instructional, and managerial. Results provided a set of classroom management behaviors that students expected from teachers in English learning classes. Students wanted teachers to be willing to teach and display enthusiasm while teaching. They expected teachers to assign tasks that were neither too easy nor too difficult. Students believed that teachers should be aware of students' individual needs and do their best to motivate and encourage them. Students expected teachers to be patient, understanding, and friendly toward them and avoid having favorites. Students wanted teachers to clearly describe objectives, thus decreasing ambiguity. They also expected teachers to be open to, and provide time for, questions and to offer necessary feedback. Students wanted teachers to manage time, student behaviors, and environment effectively. They expected teachers to be considerate about time management. They also expected teachers to never laugh at students for any reason. (Contains 21 references.) (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. STUDENTS'EXPECTATIONS OF TEACHERS' CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT BEHAVIORS IN ELT CLASSES
ED440105 - A Comparative Assessment of Student Classroom Behaviors and Learning Environment in Cl... more ED440105 - A Comparative Assessment of Student Classroom Behaviors and Learning Environment in Classes of a High Control and a Low Control Teacher through Student Perceptions and Class Observations.
This study examines whether a teacher's classroom behavior, students' responses to this b... more This study examines whether a teacher's classroom behavior, students' responses to this behavior and the learning environment in two of his/her classes differ. The 40 students in the two classes of a voluntary teacher who worked in the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University constituted the sample of the study. The "Classroom Management Questionnaire" was developed by the researcher and piloted for reliability. The examiner also visited the two classes to gather information through observation. The data obtained were analysed using t-test and content analysis. The data pointed out that the teacher's classroom behavior and the learning environment differed in the two classes. Although the t-test indicated no difference between the two groups in terms of the students' behavior, the observation data showed that there were some differences between the two groups in certain aspects of their behavior. Last of all, the findings of the study were discussed...
This study was designed to determine how English learning students expect their teacher to manage... more This study was designed to determine how English learning students expect their teacher to manage their classes. A sample of 161 students who were studying English in the English Preparatory School at Erciyes University were administered the "Questionnaire of Preferred Teacher's Classroom Management Behaviour." The questionnaire included 32 items in three dimensions: emotional, instructional, and managerial. The data obtained through the students' responses provided a set of types of classroom management behavior that students expect from the teacher in ELT classes. The study indicated that certain types of teacher behavior are more commonly expected from the teachers and it was concluded that these types of behavior help teachers manage their classrooms successfidly. Finally, some suggestions were made in line with the findings of the study.
In this paper, the relationship between classroom management and instruction and how misbehaviors... more In this paper, the relationship between classroom management and instruction and how misbehaviors likely to occur in classroom can influence instruction badly are investigated. Misbehaviors that are commonly faced in FLT classes are identified and, in view of their reasons, they are classified under some headings. Then, the measures teachers can take in order to prevent misbehaviors before they occur are examined. Also, instructional effectiveness, motivation and objectivity in evaluation are emphasized in terms of how they are related to discipline. in addition, it is emphasized that clarity of the classroom rules and discipline, teacher characteristics compatible with teaching and effective and orderly communication and interaction can reduce misbehaviors considerably.
... Genç ve daha idealist olan öğretmen, ödevleri daha yararlı bulurken deneyimle beraber bu algı... more ... Genç ve daha idealist olan öğretmen, ödevleri daha yararlı bulurken deneyimle beraber bu algının değiştiği ve ödeve daha az önem atfedildiği görülmektedir. ... Page 12. Adem Sultan TURANLI Ç.Ü. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 37 (2009) 129-143 140 2009a). ...
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between teachers' orientations to cl... more This study was designed to investigate the relationship between teachers' orientations to classroom management and their classroom management behaviours. Two teachers with different orientations to classroom management (low and high control) were ...
Ö Özzeett Her ö¤renci, s›n›f içerisindeki sözel etkinliklere ayn› oranda kat›lma- maktad›r. Baz› ... more Ö Özzeett Her ö¤renci, s›n›f içerisindeki sözel etkinliklere ayn› oranda kat›lma- maktad›r. Baz› ö¤renciler, s›k söz hakk› al›rken, baz›lar› bundan kaç›nmaktad›r. Kat›l›m›, gerek içsel gerekse çevresel bir tak›m etmenlerin flekillendirdii kabul edilmektedir. Ayr›ca, bu etmenlerin alg›lanan kuvveti, kifliden kifliye farkl›l›k gösterebilecei düflünülmektedir. Yabanc› dil ö¤rencilerinin derse kat›l›mlar›n› etkileyen etmenleri ve bunlar›n etki düzeylerini belirlemeyi hedefleyen bu çal›fl- ma, üniversite düzeyinde ‹ngilizce'yi yabanc› dil olarak ö¤renen 182 ö¤renciyle yürütülmüfltür. Çal›flmaya dahil edilen deiflkenlerden baz›lar› ö¤renciler taraf›ndan daha çok d›flsal olarak alg›lan›rken, baz›lar› da içsel olarak alg›lanm›flt›r. Ayr›- ca, ö¤rencilerin bu etmenlere yükledikleri etki düzeyleri ise, ö¤renciler için her bir etmenin önem düzeyine de iflaret etmektedir. Böyle bir s›n›fland›rman›n oluflmas›, ö¤rencilerin sözel etkinliklere kat›l›m davran›fllar›n› anlamay› kolay- laflt›rab...