Linn Julia Temmann | University of Erfurt (original) (raw)

Papers by Linn Julia Temmann

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Health Responsibility Frames on Attributions, Emotions, and Social Support Intentions in the Context of Dementias

Health communication, Jan 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Health Responsibility Frames: Testing a Mediation Model of Attributions, Emotions, and Social Support Intentions

Journal of Health Communication, Jul 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is (Held) Responsible for Diabetes and Depression?

European journal of health communication, Feb 23, 2023

Responsibility frames and attributions of responsibility are closely linked to health-related sti... more Responsibility frames and attributions of responsibility are closely linked to health-related stigma and social support intentions, which present relevant influencing factors for health outcomes. According to social-ecological models, health responsibility can potentially be attributed to at least three levels: 1) the individual, 2) the social network, and 3) society. So far, little is known about responsibility attributions to the social network. This qualitative interview study explores how N = 22 persons with and without lived experience with diabetes and depression react to a media frame attributing responsibility to the social network level, aiming to understand how framing and responsibility attributions are linked to health-related stigma and endorsement of social support. Results demonstrate that specifically type 2 diabetes is linked to individually controllable attributions and behavioural stigma, and individuals living with type 2 diabetes are expected to manage their condition without considerable social support. In contrast, depression is seen as less controllable, less manageable, and dependent on social and professional support. For both diabetes and depression, frames attributing responsibility to the social network may stimulate social support but also carry certain risks. These results offer implications for health news reporting, and perspectives for further research on health-related responsibility framing.

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal and Visual Framing of Responsibility for Type 1 Diabetes by Patient Influencers on Instagram

Social media and society, Oct 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Framing Depression

European Journal of Health Communication

Responsibility framing research on health issues typically investigates the attribution of respon... more Responsibility framing research on health issues typically investigates the attribution of responsibility for causes and treatment options to either the individual or society. However, social epidemiological perspectives also stress the relevance of an individual’s social network and underline that the three levels of responsibility (individual, social network, and society) interact. Given that media portrayals can affect public perceptions, attitudes, responsibility attributions, and emotions, we examined causal and treatment responsibility attributions on these three levels in the media coverage of depression. Our quantitative content analysis of major German print and online news media from 2011 to 2020 (N = 755) shows that responsibility is not only assigned to the individual and societal level, but both to the social network and to interactions between the three levels. Our findings additionally stress that key events may influence the portrayal of responsibility in media cover...

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Review of Responsibility Frames and Their Effects in the Health Context

Journal of Health Communication

Responsibility frames potentially shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, d... more Responsibility frames potentially shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or mental illness, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. Which responsibility frames prevail in the health context, and the responses they may elicit from audiences, has not been studied systematically. This systematic review includes studies with different methodological approaches published between 2004 and 2019 (N = 68). Content analyses (n = 56) show that different media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Individual responsibility was especially emphasized for obesity, which was also the most studied health issue. Tendencies toward societal attributions of responsibility emerged over time, particularly regarding health risks for which the frames describe a specific cause (e.g., sugar, trans-fat). Experimental studies (n = 12) indicate that individual responsibility frames reduce policy support. The effects of responsibility frames were, however, not as clear-cut as expected with research gaps regarding behavioral and affective outcomes. Overall, there is a clear emphasis on noncommunicable diseases in this field. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility distracts from social network influences as another relevant health determinant. The implications for health communication are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Verantwortungsattribution als Wirkung von Responsibility Frames: Eine Experimentalstudie unter Berücksichtigung der sozialen Netzwerkebene

Responsibility Frames in der Gesundheitsberichterstattung können die Verantwortungsattributionen ... more Responsibility Frames in der Gesundheitsberichterstattung können die Verantwortungsattributionen der Rezipierenden und somit die öffentliche Meinung zu Gesundheitsthemen wie Diabetes oder Depression beeinflussen. In den Medien wird häufig die individuelle Verantwortung für Gesundheit betont, obwohl die epidemiologische Forschung verstärkt auf Einflüsse der Gesellschaft und insbesondere des sozialen Netzwerks verweist. Während Experimentalforschung zu Responsibility Frames auf den Ebenen des Individuums und der Gesellschaft vorhanden ist, werden Frames und Attributionen auf Ebene des sozialen Netzwerks bislang jedoch außer Acht gelassen. Die Ergebnisse eines repräsentativen Online-Experiments (N = 1.088) bestätigen Befunde vorheriger Experimente zur Wirkung von Individualframes und erweitern diese um die Ebene des sozialen Netzwerks. Frames auf Ebene des Individuums und des sozialen Netzwerks führten jeweils zu mehr Attributionen zum Individuum bzw. zum sozialen Netzwerk. Ein Frame, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mediatisierte Selbsthilfe: Potenziale und Grenzen aus Sicht der Mitglieder einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe

Unsere digitalisierte Welt bietet erkrankten Menschen immer mehr Möglichkeiten, sich online mit a... more Unsere digitalisierte Welt bietet erkrankten Menschen immer mehr Möglichkeiten, sich online mit anderen Betroffenen zu vernetzen, Apps im Umgang mit der eigenen Krankheit zuverwenden oder mittels Suchmaschinen Gesundheitsinformationen zu finden. Doch was können Medienangebote wie Gesundheits-Apps und Online-Selbsthilfegruppen aus Sicht ihrer Nutzer*innen leisten und was nicht? Mit welchen Problemen sind sie bei der Medienaneignungim Kontext ihrer Erkrankung konfrontiert? Der Begriff mediatisierte Selbsthilfe vereint die drei Teildimensionen Alltag, Medienwandel und Vergemeinschaftung zu einem ganzheitlichen Konzept, um die Medienaneignung im Krankheitsfall zu untersuchen. Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Mitgliedern einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe für Migräne. Es werden insbesondere die Potenziale, Grenzenund Barrieren mediatisierter Selbsthilfe diskutiert

Research paper thumbnail of Medienberichterstattung zu Präventions- und Therapiemöglichkeiten an den Beispielen Diabetes mellitus und Depression

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 2020

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Diabetes mellitus und Depression sind Erkrankungen mit einer steigend... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Diabetes mellitus und Depression sind Erkrankungen mit einer steigenden Prävalenz in Deutschland. Die Bevölkerung über die entsprechenden Präventions- und Therapiemöglichkeiten zu informieren ist beispielsweise durch journalistische Medienberichterstattung möglich. Denn Untersuchungen zeigen, dass mediale Darstellungen von Präventions- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten das Gesundheitsverhalten, aber auch die Zustimmung zu bestimmten Maßnahmen und somit die strukturelle Gesundheitsversorgung beeinflussen können. Ziel der Arbeit (Fragestellung) Über die Berichterstattung deutscher Medien zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus und Depressionen ist bislang nur wenig bekannt. Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie diese beiden Erkrankungen in deutschen Medien dargestellt werden. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf den Präventions- und Therapieoptionen. Material und Methoden Es wurde eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse von deutschen Qualitätsmedien (Print und Online) im Zei...

Research paper thumbnail of Von Banting bis The Biggest Loser: Das (Re-)Framing der Verantwortung für Übergewicht vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute

The rising prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide is often referred to as an "epidemic". ... more The rising prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide is often referred to as an "epidemic". At the same time, people with a high body weight are stigmatized or discriminated against in many areas of life. This includes unfavorable to openly degrading portrayals in the media, whether in journalistic articles, governmental anti-obesity campaigns or entertainment media. In order to explain why people with a higher body weight are so often devalued, the concept of responsibility attribution is particularly suitable. This is because, in contrast to other health issues, it is assumed that the regulation of body weight is the individual's responsibility, for example through a disciplined diet and exercise. In this article I give an overview of prevailing interpretations of responsibility and obesity from the 19th century to the present. Using historical and current examples from advertising, literature and strategic health communication, I will explain which developments have contributed to today's understanding of obesity. Finally, taking into account the current state of research on responsibility framing, ethical implications for today's health communication will be discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Mut zur Lücke. Verantwortungszuschreibungen auf der Ebene sozialer Beziehungen als neuer Bereich der Framing-Forschung zu Gesundheitsthemen

Publizistik, 2021

Frames der Verantwortungszuschreibung (Responsibility Frames) in der Medienberichterstattung beto... more Frames der Verantwortungszuschreibung (Responsibility Frames) in der Medienberichterstattung betonen sowohl spezifische Ursachen als auch spezifische Lösungen für ein Thema. Die Forschung zum Responsibility Framing von Medieninhalten und deren Wirkungen untersucht diese Betonung bislang zumeist auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen: der Individualebene und der gesellschaftlichen Ebene. Diese Betrachtungsweise vernachlässigt allerdings die wichtige mittlere Ebene des sozialen Umfelds der Menschen. Hier befinden sich zentrale Akteur*innen (wie Familie, Freund*innen oder Kolleg*innen), die als Ursache oder Lösung zu einem Problem beitragen können, was insbesondere bei Gesundheitsproblemen deutlich wird. Das Ziel des Beitrags ist es daher, die Ebene sozialer Beziehungen in das Konzept des Responsibility Framings zu integrieren. Dafür verknüpfen wir zentrale Elemente der sozialen Netzwerktheorie (Akteur*innen und ihre Funktionen für das Individuum) und der Attributionstheorie mit den Framing-Kon...

Research paper thumbnail of Mediatisierte Selbsthilfe. Potenziale und Grenzen aus Sicht der Mitglieder einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe

kommunikation.medien, 2019

Our digitalized world offers increasing opportunities for ill people to connect with others suffe... more Our digitalized world offers increasing opportunities for ill people to connect with others suffering from the same medical conditions, to use apps for managing diseases and to access health information with the help of search engines. But what can media such as health apps and online Support Groups achieve from the perspective of their users and what can they not achieve? Which problems do recipients encounter in the context of their illness while using these types of media? The term “mediatized self-help” merges the three subdimensions: daily life, communitization and media change into a holistic concept, and aims to examine the practices of media appropriation in the case of a disease. The paper at hand presents the results of a qualitative interview study with members of a migraine support group on Facebook. This article will particularly discuss the potentials, limits and barriers of mediatized self-help.

Conference Presentations by Linn Julia Temmann

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Narrative Review of Responsibility Frames in Health-Related Media Content and Their Effects

70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, 2020

Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or ... more Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. They may not only affect individual health behaviors, but also social judgements and health policy support. This systematic review on health responsibility frames in the media includes studies published 2004-2019 (N = 69). Content analyses (n = 56) show that the media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Experimental studies (n = 13) indicate that the focus on individual responsibility affects the conceptions and attitudes of the audience: While the effects on attributions of responsibility were inconsistent, individual responsibility frames effectively reduced health policy support. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility is deemed problematic for neglecting a third, essential and relevant health determinant – the social network.

Research paper thumbnail of Strong and Powerful or Sexy and Skinny? Effects of Objectifying Video Game Avatars in Virtual Reality

Media Psychology. 11th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, 2019

 No significant differences in presence between the VR and non-VR condition (t = -.045, p = .964... more  No significant differences in presence between the VR and non-VR condition (t = -.045, p = .964)  unexpectedly, there were no higher presence scores in the VR condition Additional results: Cybersickness  There were higher levels of cybersickness in the VR condition (M = 2.13) than in the non-VR condition (M =1.38)  as expected, VR had a significant effect on cybersickness (η² = .354, p = .000)

Research paper thumbnail of Responsibility Frames in Health Communication. A Systematic Review of Their Representation and Effects

European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), 2019

Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or ... more Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. They may not only affect individual health behaviors, but also social judgements and health policy support. This systematic review on health responsibility frames in the media includes studies published 2004-2019 (N = 69). Content analyses (n = 56) show that the media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Experimental studies (n = 13) indicate that the focus on individual responsibility affects the conceptions and attitudes of the audience: While the effects on attributions of responsibility were inconsistent, individual responsibility frames effectively reduced health policy support. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility is deemed problematic for neglecting a third, essential and relevant health determinant – the social network.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Health Responsibility Frames on Attributions, Emotions, and Social Support Intentions in the Context of Dementias

Health communication, Jan 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Health Responsibility Frames: Testing a Mediation Model of Attributions, Emotions, and Social Support Intentions

Journal of Health Communication, Jul 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Who Is (Held) Responsible for Diabetes and Depression?

European journal of health communication, Feb 23, 2023

Responsibility frames and attributions of responsibility are closely linked to health-related sti... more Responsibility frames and attributions of responsibility are closely linked to health-related stigma and social support intentions, which present relevant influencing factors for health outcomes. According to social-ecological models, health responsibility can potentially be attributed to at least three levels: 1) the individual, 2) the social network, and 3) society. So far, little is known about responsibility attributions to the social network. This qualitative interview study explores how N = 22 persons with and without lived experience with diabetes and depression react to a media frame attributing responsibility to the social network level, aiming to understand how framing and responsibility attributions are linked to health-related stigma and endorsement of social support. Results demonstrate that specifically type 2 diabetes is linked to individually controllable attributions and behavioural stigma, and individuals living with type 2 diabetes are expected to manage their condition without considerable social support. In contrast, depression is seen as less controllable, less manageable, and dependent on social and professional support. For both diabetes and depression, frames attributing responsibility to the social network may stimulate social support but also carry certain risks. These results offer implications for health news reporting, and perspectives for further research on health-related responsibility framing.

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal and Visual Framing of Responsibility for Type 1 Diabetes by Patient Influencers on Instagram

Social media and society, Oct 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Framing Depression

European Journal of Health Communication

Responsibility framing research on health issues typically investigates the attribution of respon... more Responsibility framing research on health issues typically investigates the attribution of responsibility for causes and treatment options to either the individual or society. However, social epidemiological perspectives also stress the relevance of an individual’s social network and underline that the three levels of responsibility (individual, social network, and society) interact. Given that media portrayals can affect public perceptions, attitudes, responsibility attributions, and emotions, we examined causal and treatment responsibility attributions on these three levels in the media coverage of depression. Our quantitative content analysis of major German print and online news media from 2011 to 2020 (N = 755) shows that responsibility is not only assigned to the individual and societal level, but both to the social network and to interactions between the three levels. Our findings additionally stress that key events may influence the portrayal of responsibility in media cover...

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Review of Responsibility Frames and Their Effects in the Health Context

Journal of Health Communication

Responsibility frames potentially shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, d... more Responsibility frames potentially shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or mental illness, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. Which responsibility frames prevail in the health context, and the responses they may elicit from audiences, has not been studied systematically. This systematic review includes studies with different methodological approaches published between 2004 and 2019 (N = 68). Content analyses (n = 56) show that different media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Individual responsibility was especially emphasized for obesity, which was also the most studied health issue. Tendencies toward societal attributions of responsibility emerged over time, particularly regarding health risks for which the frames describe a specific cause (e.g., sugar, trans-fat). Experimental studies (n = 12) indicate that individual responsibility frames reduce policy support. The effects of responsibility frames were, however, not as clear-cut as expected with research gaps regarding behavioral and affective outcomes. Overall, there is a clear emphasis on noncommunicable diseases in this field. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility distracts from social network influences as another relevant health determinant. The implications for health communication are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Verantwortungsattribution als Wirkung von Responsibility Frames: Eine Experimentalstudie unter Berücksichtigung der sozialen Netzwerkebene

Responsibility Frames in der Gesundheitsberichterstattung können die Verantwortungsattributionen ... more Responsibility Frames in der Gesundheitsberichterstattung können die Verantwortungsattributionen der Rezipierenden und somit die öffentliche Meinung zu Gesundheitsthemen wie Diabetes oder Depression beeinflussen. In den Medien wird häufig die individuelle Verantwortung für Gesundheit betont, obwohl die epidemiologische Forschung verstärkt auf Einflüsse der Gesellschaft und insbesondere des sozialen Netzwerks verweist. Während Experimentalforschung zu Responsibility Frames auf den Ebenen des Individuums und der Gesellschaft vorhanden ist, werden Frames und Attributionen auf Ebene des sozialen Netzwerks bislang jedoch außer Acht gelassen. Die Ergebnisse eines repräsentativen Online-Experiments (N = 1.088) bestätigen Befunde vorheriger Experimente zur Wirkung von Individualframes und erweitern diese um die Ebene des sozialen Netzwerks. Frames auf Ebene des Individuums und des sozialen Netzwerks führten jeweils zu mehr Attributionen zum Individuum bzw. zum sozialen Netzwerk. Ein Frame, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mediatisierte Selbsthilfe: Potenziale und Grenzen aus Sicht der Mitglieder einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe

Unsere digitalisierte Welt bietet erkrankten Menschen immer mehr Möglichkeiten, sich online mit a... more Unsere digitalisierte Welt bietet erkrankten Menschen immer mehr Möglichkeiten, sich online mit anderen Betroffenen zu vernetzen, Apps im Umgang mit der eigenen Krankheit zuverwenden oder mittels Suchmaschinen Gesundheitsinformationen zu finden. Doch was können Medienangebote wie Gesundheits-Apps und Online-Selbsthilfegruppen aus Sicht ihrer Nutzer*innen leisten und was nicht? Mit welchen Problemen sind sie bei der Medienaneignungim Kontext ihrer Erkrankung konfrontiert? Der Begriff mediatisierte Selbsthilfe vereint die drei Teildimensionen Alltag, Medienwandel und Vergemeinschaftung zu einem ganzheitlichen Konzept, um die Medienaneignung im Krankheitsfall zu untersuchen. Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Mitgliedern einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe für Migräne. Es werden insbesondere die Potenziale, Grenzenund Barrieren mediatisierter Selbsthilfe diskutiert

Research paper thumbnail of Medienberichterstattung zu Präventions- und Therapiemöglichkeiten an den Beispielen Diabetes mellitus und Depression

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 2020

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Diabetes mellitus und Depression sind Erkrankungen mit einer steigend... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Diabetes mellitus und Depression sind Erkrankungen mit einer steigenden Prävalenz in Deutschland. Die Bevölkerung über die entsprechenden Präventions- und Therapiemöglichkeiten zu informieren ist beispielsweise durch journalistische Medienberichterstattung möglich. Denn Untersuchungen zeigen, dass mediale Darstellungen von Präventions- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten das Gesundheitsverhalten, aber auch die Zustimmung zu bestimmten Maßnahmen und somit die strukturelle Gesundheitsversorgung beeinflussen können. Ziel der Arbeit (Fragestellung) Über die Berichterstattung deutscher Medien zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus und Depressionen ist bislang nur wenig bekannt. Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie diese beiden Erkrankungen in deutschen Medien dargestellt werden. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf den Präventions- und Therapieoptionen. Material und Methoden Es wurde eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse von deutschen Qualitätsmedien (Print und Online) im Zei...

Research paper thumbnail of Von Banting bis The Biggest Loser: Das (Re-)Framing der Verantwortung für Übergewicht vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute

The rising prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide is often referred to as an "epidemic". ... more The rising prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide is often referred to as an "epidemic". At the same time, people with a high body weight are stigmatized or discriminated against in many areas of life. This includes unfavorable to openly degrading portrayals in the media, whether in journalistic articles, governmental anti-obesity campaigns or entertainment media. In order to explain why people with a higher body weight are so often devalued, the concept of responsibility attribution is particularly suitable. This is because, in contrast to other health issues, it is assumed that the regulation of body weight is the individual's responsibility, for example through a disciplined diet and exercise. In this article I give an overview of prevailing interpretations of responsibility and obesity from the 19th century to the present. Using historical and current examples from advertising, literature and strategic health communication, I will explain which developments have contributed to today's understanding of obesity. Finally, taking into account the current state of research on responsibility framing, ethical implications for today's health communication will be discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Mut zur Lücke. Verantwortungszuschreibungen auf der Ebene sozialer Beziehungen als neuer Bereich der Framing-Forschung zu Gesundheitsthemen

Publizistik, 2021

Frames der Verantwortungszuschreibung (Responsibility Frames) in der Medienberichterstattung beto... more Frames der Verantwortungszuschreibung (Responsibility Frames) in der Medienberichterstattung betonen sowohl spezifische Ursachen als auch spezifische Lösungen für ein Thema. Die Forschung zum Responsibility Framing von Medieninhalten und deren Wirkungen untersucht diese Betonung bislang zumeist auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen: der Individualebene und der gesellschaftlichen Ebene. Diese Betrachtungsweise vernachlässigt allerdings die wichtige mittlere Ebene des sozialen Umfelds der Menschen. Hier befinden sich zentrale Akteur*innen (wie Familie, Freund*innen oder Kolleg*innen), die als Ursache oder Lösung zu einem Problem beitragen können, was insbesondere bei Gesundheitsproblemen deutlich wird. Das Ziel des Beitrags ist es daher, die Ebene sozialer Beziehungen in das Konzept des Responsibility Framings zu integrieren. Dafür verknüpfen wir zentrale Elemente der sozialen Netzwerktheorie (Akteur*innen und ihre Funktionen für das Individuum) und der Attributionstheorie mit den Framing-Kon...

Research paper thumbnail of Mediatisierte Selbsthilfe. Potenziale und Grenzen aus Sicht der Mitglieder einer Facebook-Selbsthilfegruppe

kommunikation.medien, 2019

Our digitalized world offers increasing opportunities for ill people to connect with others suffe... more Our digitalized world offers increasing opportunities for ill people to connect with others suffering from the same medical conditions, to use apps for managing diseases and to access health information with the help of search engines. But what can media such as health apps and online Support Groups achieve from the perspective of their users and what can they not achieve? Which problems do recipients encounter in the context of their illness while using these types of media? The term “mediatized self-help” merges the three subdimensions: daily life, communitization and media change into a holistic concept, and aims to examine the practices of media appropriation in the case of a disease. The paper at hand presents the results of a qualitative interview study with members of a migraine support group on Facebook. This article will particularly discuss the potentials, limits and barriers of mediatized self-help.

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Narrative Review of Responsibility Frames in Health-Related Media Content and Their Effects

70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, 2020

Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or ... more Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. They may not only affect individual health behaviors, but also social judgements and health policy support. This systematic review on health responsibility frames in the media includes studies published 2004-2019 (N = 69). Content analyses (n = 56) show that the media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Experimental studies (n = 13) indicate that the focus on individual responsibility affects the conceptions and attitudes of the audience: While the effects on attributions of responsibility were inconsistent, individual responsibility frames effectively reduced health policy support. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility is deemed problematic for neglecting a third, essential and relevant health determinant – the social network.

Research paper thumbnail of Strong and Powerful or Sexy and Skinny? Effects of Objectifying Video Game Avatars in Virtual Reality

Media Psychology. 11th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, 2019

 No significant differences in presence between the VR and non-VR condition (t = -.045, p = .964... more  No significant differences in presence between the VR and non-VR condition (t = -.045, p = .964)  unexpectedly, there were no higher presence scores in the VR condition Additional results: Cybersickness  There were higher levels of cybersickness in the VR condition (M = 2.13) than in the non-VR condition (M =1.38)  as expected, VR had a significant effect on cybersickness (η² = .354, p = .000)

Research paper thumbnail of Responsibility Frames in Health Communication. A Systematic Review of Their Representation and Effects

European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), 2019

Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or ... more Responsibility frames shape the public perception of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, specifically regarding responsibility attributions for their causes and treatment. They may not only affect individual health behaviors, but also social judgements and health policy support. This systematic review on health responsibility frames in the media includes studies published 2004-2019 (N = 69). Content analyses (n = 56) show that the media attribute health responsibility most frequently, but not exclusively to individuals. Experimental studies (n = 13) indicate that the focus on individual responsibility affects the conceptions and attitudes of the audience: While the effects on attributions of responsibility were inconsistent, individual responsibility frames effectively reduced health policy support. Finally, the conceptual focus on individual vs. societal health responsibility is deemed problematic for neglecting a third, essential and relevant health determinant – the social network.