Recep ÖZ | Erzincan - (original) (raw)
Papers by Recep ÖZ
Advanced Education
The purpose of this study was to measure the ICT competency levels and academic self-efficacy per... more The purpose of this study was to measure the ICT competency levels and academic self-efficacy perception levels of preservice teachers and to determine if those levels were a significant predictor of their academic self-efficacy. For this purpose, the data were obtained from 411 volunteer students studying in the second, third, and fourth grades of the Teacher Training Undergraduate Programs at Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Education Faculty. In total, 133 male and 278 female students participated in the study. As data collection tools, the Personal Information Form, the Information and Communication Technology Competencies Scale for Pre-service Teachers (ICTC-PT) developed by Tondeur et al. (2017) and adapted to Turkish language and culture by Alkan and Sarıkaya (2018) as well as the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES) developed by Kandemir (2010) were used. The Personal Information Form included information regarding department, grade, gender, and GPA. The reliability analys...
EKEV Akademi Dergisi
Araştırmanın amacı, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin Oyun Bağımlılığı (OB) düzeyinin cinsi... more Araştırmanın amacı, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin Oyun Bağımlılığı (OB) düzeyinin cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi, ekonomik durum algısı ve başarı durumuna göre anlamlı bir farklılık gösterip göstermediğini belirlemektir. Genel tarama modelinde tasarlanan bu çalışmada veriler 27’si kadın ve 114’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 141 gönüllü katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak Ilgaz tarafından Türk diline uyarlanan, yedi alt boyut ve 21 maddeden oluşan Ergenler İçin Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin geri çekilme alt boyutu ile ilgili olarak hesaplanan iç tutarlılık katsayısı düşük olduğundan (.42) bu alt boyutla ilgili bulgular analizlere dâhil edilmemiştir. Diğer alt boyutlarla ilgili hesaplanan iç tutarlılık katsayıları .73 ile .88 arasında değişmektedir. Parametrik test koşullarını sağlamaması sebebiyle toplanan veriler Kruskal Wallis H ve Mann Whitney U testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin OB puanlarının orta düzeyde olduğu belirlenmişt...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 28, 2022
The views of lecturers carrying out real laboratory (RL) and virtual laboratory (VL) implementati... more The views of lecturers carrying out real laboratory (RL) and virtual laboratory (VL) implementations were analyzed in this study. The descriptive phenomenology design as one of the qualitative research designs was used in the study. The study group was determined using the criterion sampling method. The study was carried out with six lecturers who voluntarily participated into the laboratory and virtual laboratory implementations of a university in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Participating faculty members carried out YÖK Virtual Laboratory implementations besides physics or chemistry laboratory implementations. Semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection tool. During the planning of the study, preliminary interviews were held with the faculty members in order to collect preliminary information and have information about the feasibility of the study. After completing the ethics committee process, a new interview was held with the faculty members making appointments. The interview records were written down after listening to several times, and the information out of the scope of the research was excluded. The answers were grouped categorically, and sub-themes related to each category were determined. The views related to the planning dimension of instruction and preparation for learning were possible to be discussed in three different groups as the views stating that VL was more advantageous, the views stating that RL was more advantageous, and the views that VL and GL provided sufficient opportunities to the lecturer. All the other participants except from one emphasized that RL was more advantageous in terms of correcting incomplete and incorrect learning.
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, Mar 23, 2012
Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviye... more Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviyelerinde örnek büyüklü¤ünün en az ne kadar al›nmas› gerekti¤i üzerinde durulan çal›flmada, örnek büyüklü¤ünü tahminde kullan›lan istatistik paket programlardan PS ve PASS programlar› kullan›ld›. Her iki programda da benzer sonuçlar al›nd›. Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z gruplar›n ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda örnek büyüklü¤ü belirlenirken I tip hata () seviyesi 0,05, 0,025, 0,01 ve 0,001, II. Tip hata (ß) seviyesi ise 0,10 ve 0,20 olarak al›nd›. Hata seviyeleri küçüldükçe örnek büyüklü¤ü artmaktad›r. Ayr›ca populasyon ortalamalar› aras›ndaki fark ve örnek de¤erlere ait standart sapma de¤erinin büyüklü¤ü de örnek büyüklü¤ü üzerinde önemli etkide bulun-maktad›r.
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogica... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program (PFCP) towards the Instructional Technologies and Material Design (ITMD) course and to analyze whether these attitudes differed according to gender, department and level of grade. The data were obtained from totally 110 trainees including 78 females and 38 males. In addition to the personal information form, the Attitude Scale towards ITMD Course was used as the data collection tool. The scale had three sub-dimensions as effectiveness, admiration and denial, and the internal consistency coefficients calculated for the current implementation were between .99 and .77. It was understood that the trainees regarded the ITMD course effective enough to be considered good, admired the course at a moderate level, and did not neglect the course very much. It was noticed that female trainees found the course more effective and admired it more rather than the male tra...
Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogica... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program (PFCP) towards the Instructional Technologies and Material Design (ITMD) course and to analyze whether these attitudes differed according to gender, department and level of grade. The data were obtained from totally 110 trainees including 78 females and 38 males. In addition to the personal information form, the Attitude Scale towards ITMD Course was used as the data collection tool. The scale had three sub-dimensions as effectiveness, admiration and denial, and the internal consistency coefficients calculated for the current implementation were between .99 and .77. It was understood that the trainees regarded the ITMD course effective enough to be considered good, admired the course at a moderate level, and did not neglect the course very much. It was noticed that female trainees found the course more effective and admired it more rather than the male tra...
American Journal of Educational Research, 2015
Aim of this study is to examine the relationship between individuals’ art preferences and persona... more Aim of this study is to examine the relationship between individuals’ art preferences and personality traits. In this study where relational scanning model was used, 336 students of a university, which has total 28.000 students, make up the research group. Students in the research group are from different classes and demographic traits. Five-factor personality scale, a computer-aided art preferences survey that includes 24 visuals from the arts of Renaissance, Cubism, Abstract Art, Traditional Art, Impressionism and Surrealism and personal information form were used to obtain the research data. According to results it was found that people with the personality traits of extroversion and openness to experience mostly prefer surrealist works and those with personality traits of tender-mindedness usually prefer Impressionist work of art.
International Education Studies, 2019
The determining the reaction time is a widely used as an indicator in sportive performance and fi... more The determining the reaction time is a widely used as an indicator in sportive performance and field of exercise physiology. The purpose of this study is to develop a new reaction times device (NRTD) to determine both hand and foot visual and auditory reaction times, which is practical and economical. In the developed system to be obtained are kept in a database which is all necessary the intervals between stimuli for the reaction variable and all records. The system consists of software loaded on a computer and buttons specially prepared for hands and feet. The buttons are designed for precise measurement. The software of the program is written with Visual Basic program. The program can be recorded different features separately for each subject in the database except the reaction times. Also the system metrics can be presentedas a report to the user. While comparisons were made with the Newtest 1000 reaction device to determine the validity of the tool we developed, repeated measur...
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
The remarkable increase in the usage of social media among college students has caused some psych... more The remarkable increase in the usage of social media among college students has caused some psychological issues in recent years. One of them is fear of missing out which can be described as one’s compulsive concern in relation with missing a trendy experience or opportunity for social interaction in social media sites. Innate psychological needs such as competence, relatedness and autonomy are the basic factors that one should satisfy in order to function properly in a social environment and in a state of well-being. The lack of fulfillment of these needs may gravitate increasing use of social media and, therefore to cause fear of missing out. There have been some studies about the media engagement and motivation of the students about the fear of missing out which is often brought out by researchers as well as educators. The purpose of the study is to investigate the fear of missing out (FoMO) in college students through use of and craving in social media environments as a measure of chronic deficits in psychological needs satisfaction. College students’ frequently participated social media applications are examined with a FoMO questionnaire constructed by the researchers. The research design of the study is basically descriptive with a side purpose of validating a standard measure to diagnose FoMO. Participants of the study consist of 1000 college students at a state University in Northeastern Turkey. The instrument of the study is a questionnaire with 25 likert-scale items constructed by researchers in the study. In the next process, data will be collected from the sample using the instrument. Data analysis will be carried out by using confirmatory factor analysis and SEM for validation, and using z-score and cluster analysis for determining the participant groups that have significantly differ in FoMO scores. Findings and practical implications will be interpreted and discussed. keywords: fear of missing out, social media, college students.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Journal of Education Faculty, 2007
Bu calismanin amaci; muhendislik fakultesi makina muhendisligi bolumu ogrencilerinin bilgisayar v... more Bu calismanin amaci; muhendislik fakultesi makina muhendisligi bolumu ogrencilerinin bilgisayar ve internet kullanimi ile ilgili cesitli ozelliklerini betimlemek; internet destekli olarak yurutulen Isitma-Havalandirma dersi ile geleneksel olarak yurutulen Isitma-Havalandirma dersinin etkililigini karsilastirmaktir. Bu amacla, internet destekli ders ogretiminde ogretim elemanlarinin kendi derslerini planlayabilecekleri bir program hazirlanmistir. Arastirmaya Erzurum Ataturk Universitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi Makine Muhendisligi Bolumu orgun egitim programina kayitli ogrenciler ile yine ayni bolumun ikinci ogretim programina kayitli ogrencilerinden olusan toplam 134 ogrenci katilmistir. Rastgele ornekleme yontemi ile bir deney grubu ve bir kontrol grubu olusturulmustur. Arastirma uygulamalari, 2005-2006 ogretim yilinin guz yariyilinda dort haftalik surede gerceklestirilmistir. Ogrenci basarisini degerlendirmek uzere ontest ve son testten olusan iki ayri test, bilgisayar tutumlarini te...
Journal of Education and Learning, 2021
The purpose of the study was to analyze the life quality of CEIT (Computer Education and Instruct... more The purpose of the study was to analyze the life quality of CEIT (Computer Education and Instructional Technologies) students according to their perception of gender, age, health status and level of income. The data were collected from the students studying at the third and fourth grades in CEIT undergraduate programs of Education Faculties affiliated to two different state universities. Among these students, 129 were third grade and 44 were fourth grade students. 86 of the students were female and 87 were male. While there were 34 students with a current disease, the number of students without a current disease was 139. Students’ perception of family income was at medium and low levels. 123 students who had the perception that their family had a medium level of income and 50 students who had the perception that their family had a low level of income were within the scope of the study. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Short Form (WHOQL-BREF) was used as the measur...
Journal of Education and Learning, 2021
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of associate degree formal and distance educa... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of associate degree formal and distance education students course attendance upon their course achievement. The data were obtained from the institutional records of 516 students who registered in formal education programs and 510 students who registered in distance education programs of a vocational school affiliated to a state university in Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. It was noticed that course attendance of formal education students was higher than those who registered in the distance education programs; on the other hand, formal education students were more successful rather than distance education students in terms of midterm, final exam and grade point average. It was determined that course attendance was a significant predictor of midterm, final exam and grade point average, and the achievement scores increased as the course attendance increased, as well. Taking measures to encourage students’ attendance in courses in...
Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic ... more Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic structure of the society but also changes its values. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to integrate science and technology to education. In fact, it is the most educational need to take effective and useful advantage of scientific and technological developments. This need is sensed at every level from
Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 2009
Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin matematik alan bilgileri ve pedagojik bilgi seviyeleri ile ha... more Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin matematik alan bilgileri ve pedagojik bilgi seviyeleri ile hazirlamis olduklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyallerinin niteligi arasinda iliski olup olmadigi arastirilmistir. Arastirma yontemi olarak yari deneysel modellerden tek gruplu on test - son test modeli kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak ise matematik basari testi, egitim bilimleri basari testi ve gorsel materyal degerlendirme olcegi on test ve son test olarak uygulanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda, ogretmen adaylarinin hazirladiklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyallerinin niteligi ile akademik matematik bilgisi ve ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi seviyeleri acisindan on test ve son test puanlari arasinda anlamli bir farklilik bulunmaktadir. Ayrica, ogretmen adaylarinin matematik ve ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi seviyelerindeki degisim hazirladiklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyalinin niteligindeki degisimi anlamli bir sekilde ac...
Ozet: Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata ... more Ozet: Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviyelerinde ornekbuyuklu¤unun en az ne kadar al›nmas› gerekti¤i uzerinde durulan cal›flmada, ornek buyuklu¤unu tahmindekullan›lan istatistik paket programlardan PS ve PASS programlar› kullan›ld›. Her iki programda da benzer sonuclaral›nd›. Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z gruplar›n ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda ornek buyuklu¤u belirlenirkenI tip hata ( ) seviyesi 0,05, 0,025, 0,01 ve 0,001, II. Tip hata (s) seviyesi ise 0,10 ve 0,20 olarak al›nd›.Hata seviyeleri kuculdukce ornek buyuklu¤u artmaktad›r. Ayr›ca populasyon ortalamalar› aras›ndaki fark veornek de¤erlere ait standart sapma de¤erinin buyuklu¤u de ornek buyuklu¤u uzerinde onemli etkide bulunmaktad›r.Anahtar Kelimeler: Ornek buyuklu¤u, hata seviyesi, testin gucu Abstract: In this study, we focused on what the least sample size is at I and II type error level in comparisonsof paired and independent group averages and used PS and PAS...
Bilim ve teknoloji cagdas kulturun ozgun bir niteligi olarak maddi durumu degistirmenin otesinde ... more Bilim ve teknoloji cagdas kulturun ozgun bir niteligi olarak maddi durumu degistirmenin otesinde deger degisimine de neden olmaktadir. Bu nedenle, egitime bilimsel ve teknolojik nitelik kazandirmak kacinilmaz bir zorunluluk haline gelmistir. Gercekten de bugun varolan bilimsel ve teknolojik olanaklardan etkili ve verimli bicimde yararlanmak gunumuzun en onemli egitim ihtiyacidir. Bu gereksinim ilkogretimden yuksek ogretime kadar her seviyede, sanat egitiminden muhendislik egitimine kadar her alanda kendisini hissettirmektedir. Gunumuzde internet destekli egitimin, uzaktan egitim yontemleri icerisinde en avantajli yontem olmasi ulkemizde ve dunyadaki pek cok universiteyi bu konu uzerine calismaya tesvik etmistir. Hazirlanan ogretim modulu sayesinde ogretim elemanlari ve ogrenciler arasinda iletisiminin yeterli duzeyde gerceklestirilebilmesi amaclanmistir. Gelistirilen internet destekli ogretim modulunun iletisim ozelikleri sayesinde geleneksel ogretimin sinif ortami birebir internet ...
Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic ... more Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic structure of the society but also changes its values. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to integrate science and technology to education. In fact, it is the most educational need to take effective and useful advantage of scientific and technological developments. This need is sensed at every level from elementary education to higher education, from art education to engineering education. Being the most advantageus among the long-distance education techniques, internet-based education is encouraged to study in most universities in our country and in the world. Through this teaching module, it is aimed that there will be an adequate communication between the students and faculty members. Through this developed internet-based teaching module communication features, the traditional teaching environment will be directly carried to the internet environment. In fact, the internet environment ha...
The aim of the study is to identify some characteristics of the students enrolling on the usage o... more The aim of the study is to identify some characteristics of the students enrolling on the usage of computer and internet and to compare the effectiveness of internet-supported approach with traditional teaching approach on Heating and
Advanced Education
The purpose of this study was to measure the ICT competency levels and academic self-efficacy per... more The purpose of this study was to measure the ICT competency levels and academic self-efficacy perception levels of preservice teachers and to determine if those levels were a significant predictor of their academic self-efficacy. For this purpose, the data were obtained from 411 volunteer students studying in the second, third, and fourth grades of the Teacher Training Undergraduate Programs at Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Education Faculty. In total, 133 male and 278 female students participated in the study. As data collection tools, the Personal Information Form, the Information and Communication Technology Competencies Scale for Pre-service Teachers (ICTC-PT) developed by Tondeur et al. (2017) and adapted to Turkish language and culture by Alkan and Sarıkaya (2018) as well as the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES) developed by Kandemir (2010) were used. The Personal Information Form included information regarding department, grade, gender, and GPA. The reliability analys...
EKEV Akademi Dergisi
Araştırmanın amacı, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin Oyun Bağımlılığı (OB) düzeyinin cinsi... more Araştırmanın amacı, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin Oyun Bağımlılığı (OB) düzeyinin cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi, ekonomik durum algısı ve başarı durumuna göre anlamlı bir farklılık gösterip göstermediğini belirlemektir. Genel tarama modelinde tasarlanan bu çalışmada veriler 27’si kadın ve 114’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 141 gönüllü katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak Ilgaz tarafından Türk diline uyarlanan, yedi alt boyut ve 21 maddeden oluşan Ergenler İçin Oyun Bağımlılığı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin geri çekilme alt boyutu ile ilgili olarak hesaplanan iç tutarlılık katsayısı düşük olduğundan (.42) bu alt boyutla ilgili bulgular analizlere dâhil edilmemiştir. Diğer alt boyutlarla ilgili hesaplanan iç tutarlılık katsayıları .73 ile .88 arasında değişmektedir. Parametrik test koşullarını sağlamaması sebebiyle toplanan veriler Kruskal Wallis H ve Mann Whitney U testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin OB puanlarının orta düzeyde olduğu belirlenmişt...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 28, 2022
The views of lecturers carrying out real laboratory (RL) and virtual laboratory (VL) implementati... more The views of lecturers carrying out real laboratory (RL) and virtual laboratory (VL) implementations were analyzed in this study. The descriptive phenomenology design as one of the qualitative research designs was used in the study. The study group was determined using the criterion sampling method. The study was carried out with six lecturers who voluntarily participated into the laboratory and virtual laboratory implementations of a university in the Eastern Anatolia Region. Participating faculty members carried out YÖK Virtual Laboratory implementations besides physics or chemistry laboratory implementations. Semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection tool. During the planning of the study, preliminary interviews were held with the faculty members in order to collect preliminary information and have information about the feasibility of the study. After completing the ethics committee process, a new interview was held with the faculty members making appointments. The interview records were written down after listening to several times, and the information out of the scope of the research was excluded. The answers were grouped categorically, and sub-themes related to each category were determined. The views related to the planning dimension of instruction and preparation for learning were possible to be discussed in three different groups as the views stating that VL was more advantageous, the views stating that RL was more advantageous, and the views that VL and GL provided sufficient opportunities to the lecturer. All the other participants except from one emphasized that RL was more advantageous in terms of correcting incomplete and incorrect learning.
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, Mar 23, 2012
Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviye... more Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviyelerinde örnek büyüklü¤ünün en az ne kadar al›nmas› gerekti¤i üzerinde durulan çal›flmada, örnek büyüklü¤ünü tahminde kullan›lan istatistik paket programlardan PS ve PASS programlar› kullan›ld›. Her iki programda da benzer sonuçlar al›nd›. Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z gruplar›n ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda örnek büyüklü¤ü belirlenirken I tip hata () seviyesi 0,05, 0,025, 0,01 ve 0,001, II. Tip hata (ß) seviyesi ise 0,10 ve 0,20 olarak al›nd›. Hata seviyeleri küçüldükçe örnek büyüklü¤ü artmaktad›r. Ayr›ca populasyon ortalamalar› aras›ndaki fark ve örnek de¤erlere ait standart sapma de¤erinin büyüklü¤ü de örnek büyüklü¤ü üzerinde önemli etkide bulun-maktad›r.
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogica... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program (PFCP) towards the Instructional Technologies and Material Design (ITMD) course and to analyze whether these attitudes differed according to gender, department and level of grade. The data were obtained from totally 110 trainees including 78 females and 38 males. In addition to the personal information form, the Attitude Scale towards ITMD Course was used as the data collection tool. The scale had three sub-dimensions as effectiveness, admiration and denial, and the internal consistency coefficients calculated for the current implementation were between .99 and .77. It was understood that the trainees regarded the ITMD course effective enough to be considered good, admired the course at a moderate level, and did not neglect the course very much. It was noticed that female trainees found the course more effective and admired it more rather than the male tra...
Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogica... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of the trainees registered in Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program (PFCP) towards the Instructional Technologies and Material Design (ITMD) course and to analyze whether these attitudes differed according to gender, department and level of grade. The data were obtained from totally 110 trainees including 78 females and 38 males. In addition to the personal information form, the Attitude Scale towards ITMD Course was used as the data collection tool. The scale had three sub-dimensions as effectiveness, admiration and denial, and the internal consistency coefficients calculated for the current implementation were between .99 and .77. It was understood that the trainees regarded the ITMD course effective enough to be considered good, admired the course at a moderate level, and did not neglect the course very much. It was noticed that female trainees found the course more effective and admired it more rather than the male tra...
American Journal of Educational Research, 2015
Aim of this study is to examine the relationship between individuals’ art preferences and persona... more Aim of this study is to examine the relationship between individuals’ art preferences and personality traits. In this study where relational scanning model was used, 336 students of a university, which has total 28.000 students, make up the research group. Students in the research group are from different classes and demographic traits. Five-factor personality scale, a computer-aided art preferences survey that includes 24 visuals from the arts of Renaissance, Cubism, Abstract Art, Traditional Art, Impressionism and Surrealism and personal information form were used to obtain the research data. According to results it was found that people with the personality traits of extroversion and openness to experience mostly prefer surrealist works and those with personality traits of tender-mindedness usually prefer Impressionist work of art.
International Education Studies, 2019
The determining the reaction time is a widely used as an indicator in sportive performance and fi... more The determining the reaction time is a widely used as an indicator in sportive performance and field of exercise physiology. The purpose of this study is to develop a new reaction times device (NRTD) to determine both hand and foot visual and auditory reaction times, which is practical and economical. In the developed system to be obtained are kept in a database which is all necessary the intervals between stimuli for the reaction variable and all records. The system consists of software loaded on a computer and buttons specially prepared for hands and feet. The buttons are designed for precise measurement. The software of the program is written with Visual Basic program. The program can be recorded different features separately for each subject in the database except the reaction times. Also the system metrics can be presentedas a report to the user. While comparisons were made with the Newtest 1000 reaction device to determine the validity of the tool we developed, repeated measur...
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
The remarkable increase in the usage of social media among college students has caused some psych... more The remarkable increase in the usage of social media among college students has caused some psychological issues in recent years. One of them is fear of missing out which can be described as one’s compulsive concern in relation with missing a trendy experience or opportunity for social interaction in social media sites. Innate psychological needs such as competence, relatedness and autonomy are the basic factors that one should satisfy in order to function properly in a social environment and in a state of well-being. The lack of fulfillment of these needs may gravitate increasing use of social media and, therefore to cause fear of missing out. There have been some studies about the media engagement and motivation of the students about the fear of missing out which is often brought out by researchers as well as educators. The purpose of the study is to investigate the fear of missing out (FoMO) in college students through use of and craving in social media environments as a measure of chronic deficits in psychological needs satisfaction. College students’ frequently participated social media applications are examined with a FoMO questionnaire constructed by the researchers. The research design of the study is basically descriptive with a side purpose of validating a standard measure to diagnose FoMO. Participants of the study consist of 1000 college students at a state University in Northeastern Turkey. The instrument of the study is a questionnaire with 25 likert-scale items constructed by researchers in the study. In the next process, data will be collected from the sample using the instrument. Data analysis will be carried out by using confirmatory factor analysis and SEM for validation, and using z-score and cluster analysis for determining the participant groups that have significantly differ in FoMO scores. Findings and practical implications will be interpreted and discussed. keywords: fear of missing out, social media, college students.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Journal of Education Faculty, 2007
Bu calismanin amaci; muhendislik fakultesi makina muhendisligi bolumu ogrencilerinin bilgisayar v... more Bu calismanin amaci; muhendislik fakultesi makina muhendisligi bolumu ogrencilerinin bilgisayar ve internet kullanimi ile ilgili cesitli ozelliklerini betimlemek; internet destekli olarak yurutulen Isitma-Havalandirma dersi ile geleneksel olarak yurutulen Isitma-Havalandirma dersinin etkililigini karsilastirmaktir. Bu amacla, internet destekli ders ogretiminde ogretim elemanlarinin kendi derslerini planlayabilecekleri bir program hazirlanmistir. Arastirmaya Erzurum Ataturk Universitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi Makine Muhendisligi Bolumu orgun egitim programina kayitli ogrenciler ile yine ayni bolumun ikinci ogretim programina kayitli ogrencilerinden olusan toplam 134 ogrenci katilmistir. Rastgele ornekleme yontemi ile bir deney grubu ve bir kontrol grubu olusturulmustur. Arastirma uygulamalari, 2005-2006 ogretim yilinin guz yariyilinda dort haftalik surede gerceklestirilmistir. Ogrenci basarisini degerlendirmek uzere ontest ve son testten olusan iki ayri test, bilgisayar tutumlarini te...
Journal of Education and Learning, 2021
The purpose of the study was to analyze the life quality of CEIT (Computer Education and Instruct... more The purpose of the study was to analyze the life quality of CEIT (Computer Education and Instructional Technologies) students according to their perception of gender, age, health status and level of income. The data were collected from the students studying at the third and fourth grades in CEIT undergraduate programs of Education Faculties affiliated to two different state universities. Among these students, 129 were third grade and 44 were fourth grade students. 86 of the students were female and 87 were male. While there were 34 students with a current disease, the number of students without a current disease was 139. Students’ perception of family income was at medium and low levels. 123 students who had the perception that their family had a medium level of income and 50 students who had the perception that their family had a low level of income were within the scope of the study. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Short Form (WHOQL-BREF) was used as the measur...
Journal of Education and Learning, 2021
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of associate degree formal and distance educa... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of associate degree formal and distance education students course attendance upon their course achievement. The data were obtained from the institutional records of 516 students who registered in formal education programs and 510 students who registered in distance education programs of a vocational school affiliated to a state university in Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. It was noticed that course attendance of formal education students was higher than those who registered in the distance education programs; on the other hand, formal education students were more successful rather than distance education students in terms of midterm, final exam and grade point average. It was determined that course attendance was a significant predictor of midterm, final exam and grade point average, and the achievement scores increased as the course attendance increased, as well. Taking measures to encourage students’ attendance in courses in...
Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic ... more Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic structure of the society but also changes its values. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to integrate science and technology to education. In fact, it is the most educational need to take effective and useful advantage of scientific and technological developments. This need is sensed at every level from
Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 2009
Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin matematik alan bilgileri ve pedagojik bilgi seviyeleri ile ha... more Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin matematik alan bilgileri ve pedagojik bilgi seviyeleri ile hazirlamis olduklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyallerinin niteligi arasinda iliski olup olmadigi arastirilmistir. Arastirma yontemi olarak yari deneysel modellerden tek gruplu on test - son test modeli kullanilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak ise matematik basari testi, egitim bilimleri basari testi ve gorsel materyal degerlendirme olcegi on test ve son test olarak uygulanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda, ogretmen adaylarinin hazirladiklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyallerinin niteligi ile akademik matematik bilgisi ve ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi seviyeleri acisindan on test ve son test puanlari arasinda anlamli bir farklilik bulunmaktadir. Ayrica, ogretmen adaylarinin matematik ve ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi seviyelerindeki degisim hazirladiklari bilgisayar destekli matematik ogretim materyalinin niteligindeki degisimi anlamli bir sekilde ac...
Ozet: Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata ... more Ozet: Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z grup ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda belirli I. ve II. tip hata seviyelerinde ornekbuyuklu¤unun en az ne kadar al›nmas› gerekti¤i uzerinde durulan cal›flmada, ornek buyuklu¤unu tahmindekullan›lan istatistik paket programlardan PS ve PASS programlar› kullan›ld›. Her iki programda da benzer sonuclaral›nd›. Ba¤›ml› ve ba¤›ms›z gruplar›n ortalamalar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda ornek buyuklu¤u belirlenirkenI tip hata ( ) seviyesi 0,05, 0,025, 0,01 ve 0,001, II. Tip hata (s) seviyesi ise 0,10 ve 0,20 olarak al›nd›.Hata seviyeleri kuculdukce ornek buyuklu¤u artmaktad›r. Ayr›ca populasyon ortalamalar› aras›ndaki fark veornek de¤erlere ait standart sapma de¤erinin buyuklu¤u de ornek buyuklu¤u uzerinde onemli etkide bulunmaktad›r.Anahtar Kelimeler: Ornek buyuklu¤u, hata seviyesi, testin gucu Abstract: In this study, we focused on what the least sample size is at I and II type error level in comparisonsof paired and independent group averages and used PS and PAS...
Bilim ve teknoloji cagdas kulturun ozgun bir niteligi olarak maddi durumu degistirmenin otesinde ... more Bilim ve teknoloji cagdas kulturun ozgun bir niteligi olarak maddi durumu degistirmenin otesinde deger degisimine de neden olmaktadir. Bu nedenle, egitime bilimsel ve teknolojik nitelik kazandirmak kacinilmaz bir zorunluluk haline gelmistir. Gercekten de bugun varolan bilimsel ve teknolojik olanaklardan etkili ve verimli bicimde yararlanmak gunumuzun en onemli egitim ihtiyacidir. Bu gereksinim ilkogretimden yuksek ogretime kadar her seviyede, sanat egitiminden muhendislik egitimine kadar her alanda kendisini hissettirmektedir. Gunumuzde internet destekli egitimin, uzaktan egitim yontemleri icerisinde en avantajli yontem olmasi ulkemizde ve dunyadaki pek cok universiteyi bu konu uzerine calismaya tesvik etmistir. Hazirlanan ogretim modulu sayesinde ogretim elemanlari ve ogrenciler arasinda iletisiminin yeterli duzeyde gerceklestirilebilmesi amaclanmistir. Gelistirilen internet destekli ogretim modulunun iletisim ozelikleri sayesinde geleneksel ogretimin sinif ortami birebir internet ...
Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic ... more Science and technology as an integral part of modern culture result in not only changes economic structure of the society but also changes its values. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to integrate science and technology to education. In fact, it is the most educational need to take effective and useful advantage of scientific and technological developments. This need is sensed at every level from elementary education to higher education, from art education to engineering education. Being the most advantageus among the long-distance education techniques, internet-based education is encouraged to study in most universities in our country and in the world. Through this teaching module, it is aimed that there will be an adequate communication between the students and faculty members. Through this developed internet-based teaching module communication features, the traditional teaching environment will be directly carried to the internet environment. In fact, the internet environment ha...
The aim of the study is to identify some characteristics of the students enrolling on the usage o... more The aim of the study is to identify some characteristics of the students enrolling on the usage of computer and internet and to compare the effectiveness of internet-supported approach with traditional teaching approach on Heating and