Does the Education System do enough to help young.. - texto para corregir (edición) del usuario [nombre] (original) (raw)

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Does the Education System do enough to help young people to find a suitable job?
Spain has survived to one of its biggest economical crisis. What we all have learned about it is that Spain has a poor industry unable to employ all the population and that we cannot rely only on the tourism and housing ever further. In order to avoid this situation we need a solid educationa­l system that generates new industries and help our young students to find or create quality jobs. But what are they actually doing relating to this?
One of the best method is providing a great variety of courses that teach them useful skills for their future employment. There is nothing like studying something you know is demanded by companies. However the companies are not involucrat­ed in the creation of these courses. If the demands of job market are totally ignored, the value of these courses is more than doubtful.
Another effective method is a work experience programme. The universiti­es offer internship­s to work in local companies. Although this sounds well because experience is worthy, the reality is that some of these companies do not take seriously this programme and the work addressed to the students are usually dull and simple. Something that is supposed to be very motivated can turns into something frustrated.
In conclusion the universiti­es invest a lots of efforts to help students to find their dreamy jobs but this is not enough. Actually these two methods doesn’t work out properly despite of everything works out well theoretica­lly. The institutio­ns must to give up being self-complacent and opening their eyes. Our future depends on them.

idioma: Inglés Idiomas: Hablante nativo, Competencia, Avanzado

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