Elisabetta Bini | European University Institute (original) (raw)
Books by Elisabetta Bini
The 1973 'Oil Shock' is considered a turning point in the history of the twentieth century. At th... more The 1973 'Oil Shock' is considered a turning point in the history of the twentieth century. At the time it seemed to mark a definitive shift from the era of low priced oil to the era of expensive oil. For most Western industrialized countries, it became the symbolic marker of the end of an era. For many oil producers, it translated into an unprecedented control over their energy resources, and completed the process of decolonization, leading to a profound redefinition of international relations.This book provides an analysis of the crisis and its global political and economic impact. It features contributions from a range of perspectives and approaches, including political, economic, environmental, international and social history. The authors examine the origins of what was defined as an 'oil revolution' by the oil-producing countries, as well as the far-reaching effects of the 'shock' on the Cold War and decolonization, on international energy markets and the global economy. In doing so, they help place the event in its historical context as a key moment in the transformation of the international economy and of North-South relations.
La pubblicità in Italia. Che ruolo ha svolto dalla belle époque alla Prima guerra mondiale, negli... more La pubblicità in Italia. Che ruolo ha svolto dalla belle époque alla Prima guerra mondiale, negli anni del fascismo e del “miracolo economico”, e poi nella fase che dalla prima crisi petrolifera ci ha portato sino ad oggi? Questo libro offre una documentata e agile risposta a queste domande, ripercorrendo oltre un secolo di storia italiana, attraverso l’analisi delle principali campagne pubblicitarie, i loro autori, i prodotti che ne sono derivati, l’impatto che hanno avuto sulla società.
Special issue of the journal "900. Per una storia del tempo presente," n.4, 2011 elisabetta bi... more Special issue of the journal "900. Per una storia del tempo presente," n.4, 2011
elisabetta bini e simone selva, introduzione
katayoun shafiee, il settore petrolifero iraniano tra conflitto industriale e irreggi-x mentazione della manodopera, 1922-1951
rania ghosn, la pianificazione e costruzione di una infrastruttura energetica. il caso della trans-arabian pipeline (tapline)
david webster, petrolio, imperi e nazionalismo economico. il saskatchewan e l’indonesia a confronto, 1944-1963
ferdinando fasce, immaginare la benzina. mezzo secolo di pubblicità erg, 1950-2000
ksenia demidova, la politica degli stati uniti nei confronti dell’influenza sovietica sull’europa occidentale, 1973-1985
michael watts, crimini dimenticati. vita, morte e inganno nei giacimenti petroliferi della nigeria
timothy mitchell, la democrazia del carbonio
andrea prontera, petrolio e relazioni internazionali
simone misiani, il futuro democratico nella comunicazione dell’eni di enrico mattei
francesco petrini, ascesa e declino dell’età dell’oro (nero). l’industria del petrolio tra interessi privati, conflitto sociale e relazioni internazionali
wilko graf von hardenberg, la creazione del modello petrolifero: società, stato e ambiente agli albori di un’industria
Articles by Elisabetta Bini
In Matthew Evangelista, ed., "Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Political Economy, Security, and Socie... more In Matthew Evangelista, ed., "Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Political Economy, Security, and Society in the 21st Century" (London: Routledge, 2018)
Nuclear energy represents one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history and politi... more Nuclear energy represents one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history and politics, and raises either vehement opposition or unconditional support. On the one hand, the use of nuclear technology in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War shaped postwar discussions about the use of nuclear power, while at the same time influencing the balance of power between the two superpowers and relations inside the Atlantic bloc and with Third World countries. On the other hand, the same technology that raised fears of a potential nuclear conflict -and therefore of a Third World War and of a total annihilation of mankind -also became the object of widespread beliefs in the possibility of producing an unlimited, clean and effi-cient source of energy. This apparent contradiction between the hopes and fears of nuclear power was declined differently in different national contexts, but characterized most countries in the post-World War II period. For many, including Italy, the «nuclear euforia» of the 1950s and 1960s was strongly linked to the lack of energy resources. For others, such as Third World countries, access to nuclear power became a way of overcoming the technological gap with the developed world, and establishing their place in the international arena. In all cases, debates about nuclear policies intersected in complex ways with wider discussions about modernization and international relations 1 . Over the last twenty years, scholars have devoted an increased attention to the study
Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi LGBTIQ in una prospettiva interdisciplinar... more Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi LGBTIQ in una prospettiva interdisciplinare Abstract Il saggio fornisce una panoramica degli studi LGBTIQ, attraverso l"analisi di alcuni testi che più di altri hanno influenzato il dibattito e le ricerche sulla storia della sessualità e la riflessione sulle identità LGBTIQ. La prima parte esamina le forme di reciproca contaminazione tra gli studi LGBTIQ e la storiografia. L"a. sostiene che, sin dalla loro nascita negli anni "70, gli studi LGBTIQ hanno avuto lo scopo di contrastare le specifiche forme di discriminazione cui erano (e sono) sottoposti gli omosessuali, ponendo al centro dell"attenzione la costruzione storica e sociale delle categorie della sessualità e delle identità sessuali. Evidenzia in particolare l"importanza ricoperta dai lavori di Michel Foucault, Adrienne Rich, Monique Wittig, Judith Butler, Teresa de Lauretis e delle women of color americane e sulla loro influenza sul dibattito storiografico. La seconda parte del saggio si sofferma sull"opera fotografica di alcune/i artiste/i che hanno posto al centro del loro lavoro le identità sessuali, tra cui Claude Cahun, Nan Goldin, Catherine Opie e Del LaGrace Volcano.
Maurizio Vaudagna, ed., Reinstating Europe in American History in a Global Context (Turin: Otto, forthcoming).
Elisabetta Bini and Igor Londero, eds., Nuclear Italy: an International History of Italian Nuclear Policies during the Cold War (Trieste: EUT, forthcoming).
Alain Beltran, Eric Boussière and Giuliano Garavini (eds.), Europe and Energy from the 1960s to the 1980s (Brussels: Peter Lang, forthcoming)
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, no.7, 1 (2015)
This article examines the presence and influence of US advertising in Italy between the early 195... more This article examines the presence and influence of US advertising in Italy between the early 1950s and the mid-1970s. It argues that there is a need to further qualify and deconstruct the notion of “Americanization” by integrating the now well-established notions of “hybridization” and “mediation” with more specific attention to the competing “hearts and souls”, the different strategies and discursive
practices that different individual actors (American, British and Italian) operating within the Italian advertising business tried to instil into goods and consumers and the economic and cultural results that they achieved. This is the first research on the history of Italian advertising that fully places it within a transnational and comparative perspective using so far unpublished records, aiming at moving beyond traditional, eastbound Americanization frameworks through a detailed empirical investigation.
Special Issue: The Energy Crises of the 1970s. Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf (Eds.): The Energy Cri... more Special Issue: The Energy Crises of the 1970s.
Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf (Eds.): The Energy Crises of the 1970s. Anticipations and Reactions in the Industrialized World.
The 1973 'Oil Shock' is considered a turning point in the history of the twentieth century. At th... more The 1973 'Oil Shock' is considered a turning point in the history of the twentieth century. At the time it seemed to mark a definitive shift from the era of low priced oil to the era of expensive oil. For most Western industrialized countries, it became the symbolic marker of the end of an era. For many oil producers, it translated into an unprecedented control over their energy resources, and completed the process of decolonization, leading to a profound redefinition of international relations.This book provides an analysis of the crisis and its global political and economic impact. It features contributions from a range of perspectives and approaches, including political, economic, environmental, international and social history. The authors examine the origins of what was defined as an 'oil revolution' by the oil-producing countries, as well as the far-reaching effects of the 'shock' on the Cold War and decolonization, on international energy markets and the global economy. In doing so, they help place the event in its historical context as a key moment in the transformation of the international economy and of North-South relations.
La pubblicità in Italia. Che ruolo ha svolto dalla belle époque alla Prima guerra mondiale, negli... more La pubblicità in Italia. Che ruolo ha svolto dalla belle époque alla Prima guerra mondiale, negli anni del fascismo e del “miracolo economico”, e poi nella fase che dalla prima crisi petrolifera ci ha portato sino ad oggi? Questo libro offre una documentata e agile risposta a queste domande, ripercorrendo oltre un secolo di storia italiana, attraverso l’analisi delle principali campagne pubblicitarie, i loro autori, i prodotti che ne sono derivati, l’impatto che hanno avuto sulla società.
Special issue of the journal "900. Per una storia del tempo presente," n.4, 2011 elisabetta bi... more Special issue of the journal "900. Per una storia del tempo presente," n.4, 2011
elisabetta bini e simone selva, introduzione
katayoun shafiee, il settore petrolifero iraniano tra conflitto industriale e irreggi-x mentazione della manodopera, 1922-1951
rania ghosn, la pianificazione e costruzione di una infrastruttura energetica. il caso della trans-arabian pipeline (tapline)
david webster, petrolio, imperi e nazionalismo economico. il saskatchewan e l’indonesia a confronto, 1944-1963
ferdinando fasce, immaginare la benzina. mezzo secolo di pubblicità erg, 1950-2000
ksenia demidova, la politica degli stati uniti nei confronti dell’influenza sovietica sull’europa occidentale, 1973-1985
michael watts, crimini dimenticati. vita, morte e inganno nei giacimenti petroliferi della nigeria
timothy mitchell, la democrazia del carbonio
andrea prontera, petrolio e relazioni internazionali
simone misiani, il futuro democratico nella comunicazione dell’eni di enrico mattei
francesco petrini, ascesa e declino dell’età dell’oro (nero). l’industria del petrolio tra interessi privati, conflitto sociale e relazioni internazionali
wilko graf von hardenberg, la creazione del modello petrolifero: società, stato e ambiente agli albori di un’industria
In Matthew Evangelista, ed., "Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Political Economy, Security, and Socie... more In Matthew Evangelista, ed., "Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Political Economy, Security, and Society in the 21st Century" (London: Routledge, 2018)
Nuclear energy represents one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history and politi... more Nuclear energy represents one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history and politics, and raises either vehement opposition or unconditional support. On the one hand, the use of nuclear technology in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War shaped postwar discussions about the use of nuclear power, while at the same time influencing the balance of power between the two superpowers and relations inside the Atlantic bloc and with Third World countries. On the other hand, the same technology that raised fears of a potential nuclear conflict -and therefore of a Third World War and of a total annihilation of mankind -also became the object of widespread beliefs in the possibility of producing an unlimited, clean and effi-cient source of energy. This apparent contradiction between the hopes and fears of nuclear power was declined differently in different national contexts, but characterized most countries in the post-World War II period. For many, including Italy, the «nuclear euforia» of the 1950s and 1960s was strongly linked to the lack of energy resources. For others, such as Third World countries, access to nuclear power became a way of overcoming the technological gap with the developed world, and establishing their place in the international arena. In all cases, debates about nuclear policies intersected in complex ways with wider discussions about modernization and international relations 1 . Over the last twenty years, scholars have devoted an increased attention to the study
Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi LGBTIQ in una prospettiva interdisciplinar... more Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi LGBTIQ in una prospettiva interdisciplinare Abstract Il saggio fornisce una panoramica degli studi LGBTIQ, attraverso l"analisi di alcuni testi che più di altri hanno influenzato il dibattito e le ricerche sulla storia della sessualità e la riflessione sulle identità LGBTIQ. La prima parte esamina le forme di reciproca contaminazione tra gli studi LGBTIQ e la storiografia. L"a. sostiene che, sin dalla loro nascita negli anni "70, gli studi LGBTIQ hanno avuto lo scopo di contrastare le specifiche forme di discriminazione cui erano (e sono) sottoposti gli omosessuali, ponendo al centro dell"attenzione la costruzione storica e sociale delle categorie della sessualità e delle identità sessuali. Evidenzia in particolare l"importanza ricoperta dai lavori di Michel Foucault, Adrienne Rich, Monique Wittig, Judith Butler, Teresa de Lauretis e delle women of color americane e sulla loro influenza sul dibattito storiografico. La seconda parte del saggio si sofferma sull"opera fotografica di alcune/i artiste/i che hanno posto al centro del loro lavoro le identità sessuali, tra cui Claude Cahun, Nan Goldin, Catherine Opie e Del LaGrace Volcano.
Maurizio Vaudagna, ed., Reinstating Europe in American History in a Global Context (Turin: Otto, forthcoming).
Elisabetta Bini and Igor Londero, eds., Nuclear Italy: an International History of Italian Nuclear Policies during the Cold War (Trieste: EUT, forthcoming).
Alain Beltran, Eric Boussière and Giuliano Garavini (eds.), Europe and Energy from the 1960s to the 1980s (Brussels: Peter Lang, forthcoming)
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, no.7, 1 (2015)
This article examines the presence and influence of US advertising in Italy between the early 195... more This article examines the presence and influence of US advertising in Italy between the early 1950s and the mid-1970s. It argues that there is a need to further qualify and deconstruct the notion of “Americanization” by integrating the now well-established notions of “hybridization” and “mediation” with more specific attention to the competing “hearts and souls”, the different strategies and discursive
practices that different individual actors (American, British and Italian) operating within the Italian advertising business tried to instil into goods and consumers and the economic and cultural results that they achieved. This is the first research on the history of Italian advertising that fully places it within a transnational and comparative perspective using so far unpublished records, aiming at moving beyond traditional, eastbound Americanization frameworks through a detailed empirical investigation.
Special Issue: The Energy Crises of the 1970s. Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf (Eds.): The Energy Cri... more Special Issue: The Energy Crises of the 1970s.
Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf (Eds.): The Energy Crises of the 1970s. Anticipations and Reactions in the Industrialized World.
This article analyzes the ways in which Esso Standard Italiana, the Italian affiliate of Standard... more This article analyzes the ways in which Esso Standard Italiana, the Italian affiliate of Standard Oil (New Jersey), and the state-owned firm Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli (Italian General Oil Company, Agip), redefined the job of gas station attendants in post-war Italy. It argues that, drawing on US scientific management and marketing, the two companies advanced a new understanding of masculinity and class. They promoted the idea that gas station attendants should distance themselves from the forms of male working-class identity that were associated with mechanical work and combine technical expertise with the ability to market products by relying on appearance. It shows how during the 1960s Agip exported such Americanized business practices to the developing world, by organizing a series of training courses for gas station attendants from North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. This article looks in turn at how attendants challenged the two companies' efforts to standardize and rationalize their services by joining trade associations and organizing strikes, in the name of their rights as shopkeepers and small businessmen.
Moving Bodies, Displaying Nations: National Cultures, Race and Gender in World Expositions. 19th to 21st Century (edited by Guido Abbattista)
Countershock/ Counterrevolution. Energy and Politics in the 1980s
Panel: "The Oil Industry and Independence: Algeria and Libya in the Aftermath of Decolonisation" ... more Panel: "The Oil Industry and Independence: Algeria and Libya in the Aftermath of Decolonisation"
As recent events in Libya, Algeria and Nigeria have shown, oil workers play (and have played) a crucial role in shaping international oil politics, by blocking or rederecting the flow of oil, and organizing through trade unions. Yet, scholars have often overlooked their importance, focusing instead on diplomatic relations and high politics, or on the economic strategies carried out by single oil firms. This paper analyzes the ways in which U.S. oil companies transformed Libya’s economy and society between the Suez Crisis of 1956 and the rise of Muammar Qaddafi’s regime in 1969, as the country became one of the main oil producers in North Africa and the Middle East. It examines the forms of exploitation and resistance that were carried out in American oil fields and the role oil workers had in challenging U.S. labor policies by organizing trade unions, promoting strikes, and sabotaging pipelines. This paper argues that oil workers in Libya challenged the politics of informal empire pursued by U.S. oil companies and shaped the emergence of oil nationalism. They resisted the forms of segregation and discrimination introduced in oil camps and company towns, by demanding the right to redefine labor relations through trade unions, and establishing ties with other trade unions in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. In the early 1960s, a concerted effort led by the Libyan government, conservative Libyan trade unions, the U.S. administration and the main American trade union, the AFL-CIO, marginalized them. Nevertheless, during the Six Day War of 1967, oil workers constituted one of the main forces behind Libya’s attempt to promote oil nationalism, by placing an embargo on oil exports. By doing so, they set the stage for the emergence of Qaddafi’s regime in 1969.
Conference, "Oil, Gas and Pipelines: New Perspectives on the Role of Soviet Energy during the Col... more Conference, "Oil, Gas and Pipelines: New Perspectives on the Role of Soviet Energy during the Cold War," University of Zurich, January 14-16, 2015
Conference: Labor Politics in the Oil Industry: New Historical Perspectives
The 1973 oil crisis is considered a turning point in the late 20 th Century. For the Western indu... more The 1973 oil crisis is considered a turning point in the late 20 th Century. For the Western industrialized countries an era sustained growth ended and was followed by crisis, stagnation, unemployment and social unrest. Eric Hobsbawm set a standard for this interpretation in his Age of Extremes: "The history of the twenty years after 1973 is that of a world which has lost its bearings and slid into instability and crisis." This description of the quadrupling of oil prices and the oil embargo as something entirely unexpected, an exogenous "shock" to industrialized countries leading to instability and economic crisis can be challenged in many ways. This conference, forty years after the oil shock, aims at assessing the multiple dimensions and the global impact of the energy crisis. It will focus on four main themes: 1) a long-term contextualization of the "oil shock" in a broad historical perspective; 2) the oil shock in the context of changing international relations; 3) long-term transformations in the global economy; 4) cultural and intellectual repercussions.
The importance of labor in the history of national and international oil politics has been largel... more The importance of labor in the history of national and international oil politics has been largely overlooked by scholars. Yet, as recent events in Libya, Algeria and Nigeria show, oil workers play (and have played) a crucial role in blocking or rederecting the flow of oil, while labor policies have often been central in defining relations between international oil companies and oil-producing states.
Valerio Castronovo su "Il Sole 24 ore", 18 settembre 2016
Eogan (the European Network for Oil and Gas Archives) will hold its annual meeting in Copenhagen ... more Eogan (the European Network for Oil and Gas Archives) will hold its annual meeting in Copenhagen on the 28th-29th May. We welcome any abstract on history of energy and/or business archival preservation
Quale energia vogliamo per il futuro? sviluppo e ambiente sono compatibili? che cosa ci propone l... more Quale energia vogliamo per il futuro? sviluppo e ambiente sono compatibili? che cosa ci propone la scienza? nucleare e petrolio ci servono ancora? o possiamo convertirci completamente alle energie alternative? come evitare i conflitti per
le fonti energetiche, e garantire equità e giustizia? Quattordici incontri per rispondere a queste domande cruciali tenendo conto degli intrecci tra scienza, politica, economia, cultura, e della nostra percezione su questo tema che ha profonde radici nel passato.
I mestieri del vivere, Jan 2004
Per salvare i primi cinque anni di attività di «Zapruder» e farne un patrimonio comune, gratuitam... more Per salvare i primi cinque anni di attività di «Zapruder»
e farne un patrimonio comune, gratuitamente accessibile a chiunque,
abbiamo lanciato #adottaZapruder: campagna di digitalizzazione collettiva.
Ringraziamo Alessandro per aver digitalizzato il numero 3.
L'intero numero è scaricabile qui: http://storieinmovimento.org/2014/10/26/terzo-numero/
Storica, 74, 2019
Over the last fifty years, the study of late modern and contemporary history has enormously expan... more Over the last fifty years, the study of late modern and contemporary history has enormously expanded in Italy and elsewhere. The field attracted many scholars from younger generations, strengthened its presence in university curricula, and assumed a central role in funding programs for historical research. The growing status of the field appears to be characterized by two contradictory aspects: on the one hand, an extension of the spatial perspective of analysis, with a new interest in the global dimension; on the other hand, a contraction of the period under study, as new research has often narrowed its focus to the twentieth century. The editorial board of «Storica» drew up a document that tackles this paradox and the complex relationship between modern history and the social sciences, and asked a group of six Italian modern historians to debate it in a workshop. This section contains their reflections.