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Thursday, October 7, 2010


150 лѣтъ тому назадъ скончался выдающiйся русскiй мыслитель и общественный дѣятель (въ лучшемъ смыслѣ этаго слова) славянофилъ Алексѣй Степановичъ Хомяковъ
къ этой датѣ я , Кирилловецъ, предлагаю широкой публикѣ ознакомиться съ его Полнымъ Собранiемъ Сочиненiй ТУТЪ

Sunday, June 20, 2010

4:12PM - кое-что объ обычаяхъ и сужденiяхъ

навѣяно вотъ чемъ

остается вопросъ, почему цѣлый рядъ правильныхъ и обоснованныхъ мнѣнiй по разнымъ дѣламъ, въ т.ч. составляющихъ благочестивый обычай, НЕДОСТАТОЧНО кодифицированы и МАЛО распространены срѣди даже воцерковлённой общественности

привожу маленькiй примѣръ по кладбищенской части: насколько правиленъ порядокъ, при которомъ въ странахъ СНГ почти отсутствуютъ религiозные кладбища? то есть, православные захороненiя сосѣдствуютъ съ недостойными (сколь я помню, утопленниковъ, умершихъ отъ запоя, бродягъ и самоубiйцъ НЕ ПОЛОЖЕНО хоронить на православныхъ кладбищахъ... про актёровъ и проститутокъ я также слышалъ что-то подобное ...), безбожными, иновѣрными и хотя бы инославаными? не есть ли это оскорбленiе религiи? и насколько для РПЦ МП и иныхъ юрисдикцiй возможна РЕСТИТУЦIЯ сущихъ церковныхъ кладбищъ и учрежденiе новыхъ?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

4:59PM - имперское кино ...

Рекомендуется всякому кто любитъ Россiю въ вЬрЬ и правдЬ
спасибо вотъ кому

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Natalia L Trauberg, translator, specialist perhaps
in Lewis and Chesterton, died last night in Moscow.
I believe my post today with its accompanying
article by and interview with Trauberg , may be of
interest to you, to anyone reading exoriente
that is, and so I commend it to you
Natalia L. Trauberg 1928-2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

8:05PM - Поздравляю

всѣхъ вѣрныхъ съ Днёмъ Обрѣзанія Господня и съ правильнымъ гражданскимъ Новолѣтіемъ !

Также поздравляю съ днёмъ памяти Св.Василія Великаго, одного изъ Отцовъ Церкви!

Румынская икона праздника Обрѣзанія Господня

Греческая икона праздника Обрѣзанія Господня и дня иже во Святыхъ отца нашего Василія Великаго

Не стану созидать проповѣдь (это дѣло духовенства) но лишь напомню, что именно на день Василія Великаго Императоръ Пётръ перенесъ общее празднованіе Новолѣтія со дня Свъ.Симеона (1 сентября), оставивъ притомъ Новолѣтіе церковное (по счету лѣтъ отъ сотворенія міра) на прежній день.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12:36PM - новое по финской православной церковной истории

готовится к печати перевод книги финского православного церковного историка доцента Гельсингфорсского (Хельсинкского) Университета д-ра Юркки Лоймы "Национализм и Православная Церковь в Финляндии 1895-1958" , примерно 140 страниц
можете себе представить, что мог написать по этому поводу человек имеющий доступ к архивам Финляндии и Санкт-Петербурга!

автора отличает корректность в истолковании материала (и собственно толковательная часть там минимальна)... перевод снабжается также комментариями церковного историка и экономисторика из СПб , члена научно-исследовательской сети НордФорск (Копенгаген) магистра И.Боброва

приводимые материалы по геноциду русского и православного населения Финляндии во время финской гражданской войны 1918 года являются новым словом историографии данного периода

поскольку у переводчика имеются авторские права (да собственно и переводчику и автору полагается некий гонорар!), цена будет не минимальной , предполагаемый тираж не менее 500 экз.
собираю предварительные заказы

Friday, July 25, 2008


Hi there, I was just reading an Orthodox discussion on the subject of Christ's declaration "My Kingdom is not of this world', and I was wondering if anyone could identify the source for a particular quote from St. Isaac the Syrian, paraphrased therein:

St. Isaac the Syrian says if our heart is in Christ we should become sensitive to the suffering of all creatures, not only our fellow human beings, but all life. He wrote of the "eleimon heart" which is a heart of mercy “…for human beings, birds, wild animals, demons, and every creature on earth. An extreme empathy towards the whole of Creation renders such a heart incapable of hearing of any hurt or even of a minor sorrow taking place within Creation. For this reason the Eleimon heart offers prayers for the beasts and for the birds of prey, for animals and demons, for serpents and for everything else within Creation, including the enemies of truth.” This does not sound like a gospel that rejects the impulse to alleviate the suffering of others.

Does anyone know where I could read the original? I'm not Orthodox, (more of a churchless Quaker), but I think I'd very much like to read this. Thanks =)

Current mood: curious

Monday, January 14, 2008

3:32PM - Pope faces the East and the Cross and turns back on congregation in old Mass ritual January 13, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI celebrated parts of Sunday's Mass with his face looked up the East and the Cross and his back turned on the congregation, re-introducing an old ritual that had not been used in decades.

The Pope used the Sistine Chapel's ancient altar set right against the wall under Michelangelo's dramatic depiction of the Last Judgment, instead of the altar placed on a mobile platform that allowed his predecessor John Paul II to face the faithful.

A statement by the Vatican's office for liturgical celebrations said it had been decided to use the old altar, where ballots are placed during papal elections, to respect "the beauty and the harmony of this architectonic jewel."

That meant that for the first time in this kind of celebration since the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), the Pope turned his back on the faithful and faced the East and the Cross. He also read his homily from an old wooden throne on the left of the altar used by Pius IX in the 19th century.

The Pontiff is slowly reintroducing some of the old rituals phased out after Vatican II, which substituted Latin for local languages, modernized the Church and encouraged inter-religious dialogue.

In July, the Pope issued a decree allowing wider use of the old Latin Mass, in what was regarded as a nod to Church traditionalists. He has also said he would like the centuries-old Gregorian chant to make a comeback.

During Sunday's mass commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ, which was celebrated in Italian, the Pope baptized 13 babies, carefully pouring water on their heads from a golden shell.

He spoke about the significance of baptism, which marks the admission of a person in the community of Christians.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

5:09PM - Inna-I-Malak

hi there, I have two recordings of a spectacularly beautiful peace of sacred music, Maronite chant I think, and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a translation and/or a transcription in latin script. I initially encountered it on Azam Ali's "Portals of Grace", where she just titles it "Inna-I-Malak (Byzantine, Arabic)", and then later I found Sœur Marie Keyrouz preforming it, titled ""Inna-l-Malak..." 9e Ode du Canon de l'Office du Dimanche de Pâques (arabe)" - I'm assuming it's the 9th paschal ode, but I'm not sure in which liturgy (are they all the same?) and even when I google it I'm not readily finding the words, and I wouldn't know enough to recognize them anyway. does anyone recognize this, or know where I could find it?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I would like to introduce a book
Here it is:
You can ,and I think most of you might want to,
purchase it by clicking on this url and following
the simple directions as at amazon.
the cost is $8.50 per copy.

You can read my general description of the book at:

What I would like to add here is the thought that it
seems to me that in a remarkable harmony of quite various
writers, the authors of these essays have brought something
new to the understanding of and speaking of Theosis
"Becoming-as-Divine" in author John Chico Martin's expression,
and also really something new to the way of doing theology.
Besides eight essays, the book includes two poems, and
Chico Martin's essay could also be considered a poem
cycle/prose poem, but all of them have a directness and
openness and clarity which make what might seem the
most obscure of subjects ,a subject which is vivid and
vital and immediate.
I ask your consideration of the book and after you have
read it ,I will be in particular interested in your
response to it. Yours
+Seraphim Joseph Sigrist

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


In 1492, a dramatic discovery was made in the course of repairs to a mosaic in Church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Rome): a brick inscribed with the words TITULUS CRUCIS (Title of the Cross). Sealed behind the brick was a fragment of an inscription in wood, with the word «Nazarene» written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

****. . . . . . . . . . הנצ . . . . . . . . . . . . B S U N E R A Z A N S I** . . . . . R SVNIRAZAN.I

[ ישו ] הנצ [ רי מלק היהודים ] [ N W I A D U O I N W T S U E L I S A ] B S U N E R A Z A N S I [MVROEADVI XE]R SVNIRAZAN.I

This Title is mentioned in all four Gospels accounts:

Pilate also wrote a title (joltit-John 19:19) and put it on the cross; it read, «Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews». Many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Christ was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek (John 19:19-20; also Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38).

Saturday, August 18, 2007

9:36PM - St. Gregory Palamas. Homily on the Transfiguration

For an explanation of the present Feast and understanding of its truth, it is necessary for us to turn to the very start of today's reading from the Gospel: "Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, and led them up onto a high mountain by themselves" (Mt 17:1).

First of all we must ask, from whence does the Evangelist Matthew begin to reckon with six days? From what sort of day be it? What does the preceding turn of speech indicate, where the Savior, in teaching His disciples, said to them: "For the Son of Man shall come with his angels in the glory of His Father," and further: "Amen I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death, until they have seen the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom" (Mt 16:27-28)? That is to say, it is the Light of His own forthcoming Transfiguration which He terms the Glory of His Father and of His Kingdom.

The Evangelist Luke points this out and reveals this more clearly saying: "Now it came to pass about eight days after these words, that He took Peter and John and James, and went up the mountain to pray. And as He prayed, His countenance was altered, and His raiment became a radiant white" (Lk 9:28 -29). But how can the two be reconciled, when one of them speaks definitively about the interval of time as being eight days between the sayings and the manifestation, whereas the other (says): "after six days?"

There were eight on the mountain, but only six were visible. Three, Peter, James and John, had come up with Jesus, and they saw Moses and Elias standing there and conversing with Him, so altogether there were six of them. However, the Father and the Holy Spirit were invisibly with the Lord: the Father, with His Voice testifying that this was His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit shining forth with Him in the radiant cloud. Thus, the six are actually eight, and there is no contradiction regarding the eight. Similarly, there is no contradiction with the Evangelists when one says "after six days," and the other says "eight days after these words."

But these twofold sayings as it were present us a certain format set in mystery, and together with it that of those actually present upon the Mount. It stands to reason, and everyone rationally studying in accordance with Scripture knows that the Evangelists are in agreement one with another. Luke spoke of eight days without contradicting Matthew, who declared "after six days." There is not another day added on to represent the day on which these sayings were uttered, nor is the day on which the Lord was transfigured added on (which a rational person might reasonably imagine to be added to the days of Matthew).

Sunday, August 5, 2007

3:10PM - Saints and sainthood in Eastern Europe

The Slavonic & East European Medieval Studies Group (SEEMSG) is sponsoring a panel on the topic of 'Saints' for the next

conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES), which will be held on 29-31 March 2008

in Cambridge. Papers may focus on saints and sainthood in any time period and area of Eastern Europe, and may address the topic

from any disciplinary perspective. Please contact Professor Simon Franklin ( by 15 July

if you would like to present a paper or act as chair or discussant. For more

information on the conference, see

Thursday, July 12, 2007

9:20PM - The Holy day of St. Glorious First Capital Apostles Peter and Paul

The scenic terrace of San Pietro in Montorio (Mons Aureus = Golden Mountain), on which rises the Church of San Pietro in Montorio, built on the spot where the tradition claims St. Peter was crucified head downwards in Rome.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

4:34PM - The nativity of St. John the Precursor

Thaumaturgical image of St. John the Precursor.

XVII c. St. Jovan Bigorski Church.

Macedonia, the monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

6:32PM - The meaning of the creative act

I can't find the on-line version of this work by Berdyaev.
Please help me if you can I am feeling down.

Friday, May 25, 2007

8:26AM - maronite hymn

question: I'm listening to a hymn called Inna-l-Malak (sung with stunning beauty by Azam Ali) - I found a performance of it (also superlatively beautiful) by Sister Marie Keyrouz of the National Institute of Sacred Music in Paris, and she lists what I'm pretty sure is the same hymn as "Inna-l-Malak" 9e Ode du Canon de l'Office du Dimanche de Pâques - 9th Ode of the Pachal Office, I'm guessing. in the Maronite church is this the same as the 9th Ode "Shine, Shine Oh New Jerusalem"? (its one of my favorites so if it were it'd make me very happy), and if it's not, where could I find an english translation?

also, does anyone know of a saint whose intercession is particularly recommended for overcoming despair? seems like the sort of thing *all of them* would be good at, but I have a friend who is dealing with a particularly nasty sort of depression and I'd like to see if I could find an Icon for her that would be an encouragement. she appreciates christian iconography but is not one herself, though as something of a cultural catholic I think she'd still appreciate and respect an icon.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Friday, September 29, 2006

11:19AM - Prayers by the Lake

I hope that, at least, some of the readers of this lj community will be interested in the English translation of The Prayers by the Lake by St. Nikolai of Ochrid and Zica (Nikolai Velimirovic). So beautiful and meaningful they are!

"He thinks through prayer, he philosophizes through prayer. One senses that the luminous souls of the great Orthodox ascetics, especially the mystical soul of St. Simeon the New Theologian, are speaking through him. Through prayer he senses God, and through prayer he senses all creation. He is in a prayerful relationship with everything. Orthodoxy, and only Orthodoxy, leads to this. The whole soul collects itself into prayer, for prayer is the only sharp-eyed guide of the mind, the heart and the will...

...When he turns his soul, moved by prayer, toward creation, he seethes with sadness and starts sobbing with stirring cries. For all creation is sick, wounded, and melancholy. Truly, in his tears "the sadness of all creatures seethes." Truly, in his weeping all human eyes and all human hearts weep. He is afflicted with the pains of all creation; he grieves with the laments of all creatures..." (from St. Justin Popovic's Introduction to The Prayers by the Lake by St. Nikolai of Ochrid and Zica)

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