vera vratusa | Filozofski fakultet Beograd (original) (raw)
Papers by vera vratusa
Sociološki pregled, 2020
This paper examines the relevance of Lenin's theoretical work State and Revolution for the revol... more This paper examines the relevance of Lenin's theoretical work State and Revolution for the revolutionary practice on the eave of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, 150 years after the birth of this most influential Marxist of the XXth century and inspiration of potential revolutionaries in the XXIth century.
The basic method used in this paper is the analysis of the main aspects of the Lenin's State and Revolution’s content and placement of this analysis within the context of the historically specific social and economic circumstances of the time in which it was written in summer and autumn of 1917.
The main finding of this paper is that the relevance of Lenin's State and Revolution for the revolutionary practice of the October Revolution rests in the fact that in this work Lenin clarified both to himself and to his comrades the revolutionary program of smashing the exploiting and oppressing bourgeois state and how to invent and organize the new communal social form of withering away state, without a standing army, police or bureaucracy, in which all literate citizens could take part in the administration of the common social problems. The dictatorships of the proletariat of the Paris Commune type which Lenin advocates in State and Revolution, plaid its role of a strategic theoretic orienting program for the revolutionary praxis during the 1917 revolution in Russia, up until Krondstat mutiny of Red Army sailors and repression of the uprising by the Bolsheviks attending at the time the 1921 Communist party congress, characterizing the rebels as affiliates of the middle class that succumbed to the anti-communist propaganda.
Journal of The History of The Behavioral Sciences, 2001
Volker Meja and Nico Stehr’s end-of-the-millennium two volumes selection of 60 articles dealing w... more Volker Meja and Nico Stehr’s end-of-the-millennium two volumes selection of 60 articles dealing with the history, contemporary state, and future prospects of the sociology of knowledge presents a reliable reference source not only for those especially interested in this field of sociology, but also for those interested in social conditions of genesis and changes of cognitive content of human everyday, religious, philosophical, artistic, scientific, and other beliefs.
Sociološki pregled (Sociological Review), 2023
Touraine was a very prolific writer – he wrote more than fifty books. This overview of Touraine’s... more Touraine was a very prolific writer – he wrote more than fifty books. This overview of Touraine’s voluminous opus in the present in memoriam paper will therefore be necessarily focused on short presentation of Touraine’s the most important works in a chronological order, closely connected with Touraine’s life experiences. Touraine himself self-consciously oriented his sociological theory and practice on the political engagement which he dubbed also in one of his last video interviews the method of “subjectivation”.
Sociološki pregled , vol. 30, br. 4, str. 495-511, 1996
Ova studija je potvrdila nalaze ranijih istraživanja da su najmanje religiozni prema sopstvenoj i... more Ova studija je potvrdila nalaze ranijih istraživanja da su najmanje religiozni prema sopstvenoj izjavi Crnogorci, Makedonci i Srbi, odnosno pripadnici nacija iz pravoslavnog civilizacijskog kruga. Na teritoriji celokupne bivše Jugoslavije među pravoslavnima je bilo 8,5% uverenih vernika (UV) i 18,9% vernika koji ne prihvataju sve što vera uči (VNS). Pripadnici islamske veroispovesti saopštavali su veći stepen ubeđenog religioznog verovanja (25% UV) od katolika (19,4% UV), ali manji stepen verovanja bez prihvatanja svega što religija uči (25%) od katolika (33,4% VNS). Zaključeno je da je identifikacija Crnogoraca, Makedonaca i u nešto manjoj meri Srba u Srbiji sa pravoslavljem uglavnom imala značenje potvrđivanja zasebnog kulturnog identiteta ali ne i verovanja. Nasuprot tome, relativno niska identifikacija Muslimana u BiH sa islamom postojala je istovremeno sa relativno visokim procentom UV. Za Albance u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, te Muslimane u Srbiji, identifikacija sa islamom, kao i identifikacija sa katoličanstvom za Hrvate i Slovence, predstavljala je ne samo obeležje kulturnog identiteta nego i izraz verovanja. Istraživanje je takođe utvrdilo da postoji viši stepen identifikacije sa odgovarajućom konfesijom i viši procenat uverenih vernika među pripadnicima lokalnih demografskih i konfesionalnih manjina (Srbi na Kosovu i Metohiji, Albanci u Makedoniji, Muslimani u Srbiji, Hrvati u Bosni i Hercegovini), nego među pripadnicima većinske nacije ili narodnosti u lokalnoj sredini, kao i među sunarodnicima u 'matičnoj' republici. Objašnjenje je traženo u sukobu oko iste teritorije za formiranje nacionalne države. Izuzetak od ovog pravila predstavljali su Srbi u Hrvatskoj i Muslimani u Crnoj Gori, gde tek treba istražiti razmere i uzroke tadašnje tendencije ka njihovoj asimilaciji u okviru postojećih federalnih republika. Za uzrocima različitog stepena religiozne samoidentifikacije kod pripadnika pojedinih etničkih i verskih grupacija nije tragano u etničkom mentalitetu, već u različitom društvenom i ekonomskom položaju pripadnika odgovarajućih verskih zajednica i njihovih crkvenih organizacija.
Daily Journal "Politics", 2010
In the period after a January 2010 survey of daily journal Politics („What Serbia should solve th... more In the period after a January 2010 survey of daily journal Politics („What Serbia should solve the first in 2010”) several studies were published in which the key elements оf the neoliberal strategy of ”transition” are questioned. Impoverishing and de-industrializing effects of the squandering privatization, indebting “stabilization” and one-sided deregulation of the merchandise’s, labor and capital markets are documented on the basis of relevant statistical data. The bad results of the implementation of this strategy are resumed in the title of one of these studies as “still another lost decade”. By such titles their authors suggest that Serbia in January 2010 there where it was ten years before, loosing from their sight that back then all spheres of social activity in Serbia were still not (semi) colonially occupied. To ever gloomier diagnoses of the entire social situation in the nearer and furtherer surrounding, recently was added an ascertainment by the president of the state that served as an example of “successful transition”, that „Slovenia has entered in the period of stagnation approximately two years ago”.
In the paper is pointed out the necessary practial political and economic measures for getting out of systemically induced cyclical crises of depression, that is of hyper accumulation of capital and insufficient payment capable demand in Serbia, Western Balkans and entire world system of capitalist economy.
Дневне новине "Политика" , 2010
У периоду после јануарске анкете "Политике" ("Шта Србијa прво треба да реши у 2010") објављено ј... more У периоду после јануарске анкете "Политике" ("Шта Србијa прво треба да реши у 2010") објављено је више студија у којима се преиспитују кључни елементи неолибералне стратегије "транзиције". Статистичким подацима су документоване осиромашујуће и деиндустријализујуће последице распикућанске приватизације, задуживачке "стабилизације" и једностране дерегулације тржишта робе, рада и капитала. Лоши резултати примене ове стратегије резимирани су у наслову једне од ових студија као "још једна изгубљена деценија". Оваквим насловима њихови аутори сугеришу да је Србија данас тамо где је била пре десет година, губећи из вида да тада све сфере друштвене делатности у Србији још нису биле (полу)колонијално окупиране.
У раду се указује на неопходне практично политичке и економске кораке за излажење из системски изазване кризе депресије, односно хиперакумулације капитала и недовољне платежно способне потражње у светским размерама.
The paper seeks the answers to some of the following questions: (1) was the new electro-magnetic ... more The paper seeks the answers to some of the following questions: (1) was the new electro-magnetic and chemical technology for the weather modification really applied already during the NATO 1999 aggression on Serbia? (2) does NATO still use it in this and other regions? (3) why do not the US and other NATO member states' army forces use this technology, or do not use it more successfully, for prevention of the more elementary types of disasters at home?
Sociologija, 2022
This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic... more This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic thinking, governance and action within the World Social Forum needed in order to achieve "another world". The main method used to achieve as much as possible exhaustive reconstruction of Wallerstein's answers to the title questions concerning the strategic thinking, governance and action among the World Social Forum's members, is the qualitative content analysis of 500 Wallerstein's commentaries, from Commentary No. 1, published on Oct. 1 1998, to Commentary No. 500, published on July 1 2019, some three months before his death. This paper's main aim is to induce like - thinking people within World Social Forum to carry on to best of their ability strategic thinking, governance and action within the WSF keeping in mind Wallerstein's ideas on these themes, over two decades after the first meeting of WSF in 2001 in Porto Alegre and less than one year before the next WSF meeting in Mexico.
Sociološki pregled (Sociological Review) , 1995
The latest shift of the dominant research paradigm or theoretico-methodological paradigmatic refe... more The latest shift of the dominant research paradigm or theoretico-methodological paradigmatic reference frame in social sciences is analyzed in the light of the deep socio-economic stagflation crisis and resultant social relations restructuration processes symbolized by the Berlin wall collapse.
The inappropriateness of Kun’s monoparadigmatic scientific revolution model for the explanation of the permanent confrontation between conservative positivist, reformist evolutionist or hermeneutical and critical revolutionary variant of social scientists’ worldview and self-perception orienting his/her practical political orientation is pointed out. The impossibility of social scientists’ “research neutrality” and their changing choice of social class affiliation is explained by their ambivalent intellectual petite bourgeoisie position in social division of labor. Optimistic or pessimistic spiritual mood of social scientists is explained by their role of ideological representatives of the ascending technocratic fraction of the bourgeoisie or the descending etatistic one. The impoverishment and atomization of direct producers without immediate chance of creating their “organic intelligentsia” especially in former "real-socialist" countries is ascertained.
sociologija, 2022
This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic... more This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic thinking, governance and action within the World Social Forum needed in order to achieve "another world". The main method used to achieve as much as possible exhaustive reconstruction of Wallerstein's answers to the title questions concerning the strategic thinking, governance and action among the World Social Forum's members, is the qualitative content analysis of 500 Wallerstein's commentaries, from Commentary No. 1, published on Oct. 1 1998, to Commentary No. 500, published on July 1 2019, some three months before his death. This paper's main aim is to induce like-thinking people within World Social Forum to carry on to best of their ability strategic thinking, governance and action within the WSF keeping in mind Wallerstein's ideas on these themes, over two decades after the first meeting of WSF in 2001 in Porto Alegre and less than one year before the next WSF meeting in Mexico.
Sociologija, 1992
Ascertaining the tendency, visible in the development research and management since the end of si... more Ascertaining the tendency, visible in the development research and management since the end of sixties, of 'economistic' paradigm being substituted by 'culturalistic' one, author analyses the possibilities and limits of Weber's theoretico-methodological framework for the task of overcoming both the vulgar materialistic and the vulgar idealistic conception of the nature' of social determinism. Rejecting epigonic simplifications author affirms the principle of plurideterminism and mutual feedback causation in social development. Proposed interdisciplinary and historico-comparative approach to the research of the relationship between the socio-cultural values and economic development, in the center of which is the social actor conceived as the simultaneous subject and object of the process of social structural differentiation and integration, author applies in the case study of post-war dynamic development on the divided Korean peninsula. The 'unexpected' development promoting role of Konfucian ethics on the one side, as well as the differential efficacy of development strategies in two states with identical Konfucian socio-cultural tradition on the other, namely, can not be explained through the myopic perspective of Eurocentristically and spiritualistically interpreted Weber's 'Protestant thesis', but only in a wider national and international context of the structural changes of social power relations and of institutional organization forms of social reproduction.
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, 1999
The paper examines the existence, intensity and the direction of the relationship between the con... more The paper examines the existence, intensity and the direction of the relationship between the confessional belonging, the degree of subjective religiosity and inter-ethnic distance two years before the violent breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Empirical foundation of the research is the data base of the Consortium of Yugoslav social sciences; institutes from 1989-1990. The main finding of the paper is that the ethnic distance between the members of three most numerous confessions in the Balkans, Orthodox, Catholic and Islamic, that is between the members of respective nationalities, Serbs, Croats and Muslims, was notable two years before the outbreak of the war. Even when the Catholic and Orthodox respondents verbally denied the significance of the spouse's national belonging in two fifths of the cases, and the respondents belonging to all confessions negated the importance of the work colleague's national belonging in somewhat lesser percentage, they themselves were rar...
Sociologija, 2016
This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to p... more This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to privatization of remaining state and social property, public services, infrastructure and natural resources among majority of respondents in Serbia, on the one hand, and the policy of imposition of privatization by domestic and international social actors interested in „finalization“ of privatization, on the other.
The main method of research is secondary analysis of data pertaining to attitudes of representative samples of respondents in Serbia on private property and privatization gathered during surveys conducted in 1989, 2003 and 2012, in local and global social and historical context of accumulation of capital systemic crisis in global proportions.
Research demonstrates that scarcity and insufficient comparability of survey data on attitudes towards private property and privatization, as well as ignoring of scarce findings by the decision making power centers, are socially structured by contradictory class interests of domestic and international social actors.
In conclusion the author proposes the construction of a common core of a research instrument for longitudinal, on action oriented comparative research of socializing alternatives to privatization and its destructive effects in all sub-systems of social activity, in both former „real socialist“ as well as in present „real capitalist“ societies.
This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to privatization of remaining state and social property, public services, infrastructure and natural resources among majority of respondents in Serbia, on the one hand, and the policy of imposition of privatization by domestic and international social actors interested in „finalization“ of privatization, on the other.
The main method of research is secondary analysis of data pertaining to attitudes of representative samples of respondents in Serbia on private property and privatization gathered during surveys conducted in 1989, 2003 and 2012, in local and global social and historical context of accumulation of capital systemic crisis in global proportions.
Research demonstrates that scarcity and insufficient comparability of survey data on attitudes towards private property and privatization, as well as ignoring of scarce findings by the decision making power centers, are socially structured by contradictory class interests of domestic and international social actors.
In conclusion the author proposes the construction of a common core of a research instrument for longitudinal, on action oriented comparative research of socializing alternatives to privatization and its destructive effects in all sub-systems of social activity, in both former „real socialist“ as well as in present „real capitalist“ societies.
Key words: privatization, socialization, class interests, real socialism, real capitalism, systemic crisis of capital accumulation, action oriented research of alternatives
Socioloski pregled, 2018
One century and seventy years that passed since the first publishing of the Manifesto of the Comm... more One century and seventy years that passed since the first publishing of the Manifesto of the Communist Party (Marx, Engels, 1848), present a good reason to invite the interested authors to reflect on the actuality of main theses of Marx and Engels who summarized them already in this programmatic work while they were still in their twenties, elaborating these theses further in later works, closely related to ups and down of the proletarian class struggle. In the following paragraphs we will review the main theses that are still relevant for
understanding the contemporary historical processes and for orienting the action of anti systemic social movements.
Sociološki pregled Sociological Review, 1972
Review of Stane Južnič: Politička kultura (Fakultet za sociologijo, politične vede in novinstvo,... more Review of Stane Južnič: Politička kultura (Fakultet za sociologijo, politične vede in
novinstvo, Ljubljana 1971)
Finally, a few remarks about this work, the main value of which we see in its encouragement. Although the author criticizes the "institutional utopianism" of the normative approach, one gets the impression that he himself failed to completely avoid conclusions with idealistic and paternalistic overtones: "The values of self-governing socialism are undoubtedly ideal and sublime, achieve them, is full of shortcomings "(p. 161). "So, let's give people new roles, which means specifically: let's invite them to participate in politics, and we will have a starting point for a new political culture" (p. 160).
This attitude towards self-management neglects real events. A very simple question that arises - who are we? - suggests that the author probably forgot not only that freedom is not a gift but that we must fight for it, but also some other "constants" that he did not remember. Namely, problematic is the statement that un- participative political culture presents only the remnant of the old political system, since it is very close to reason (which should be checked by research), that those social forces in the existing system whose positions and interests would be endangered in the case of a real direct democracy, want to maintain it as such. They succeed in that by manipulating, expelling, applying negative sanctions and intimidation. There is also the question of the "common denominator" of political culture in society, which the author says himself is increasingly differentiated today. Will it be the "rules of the game"? They are necessary but do not go beyond civil society if they mean a compromise of interests of different groups’ elites .
Sociologija, 2010
The paper focuses on socially and historically structured circumstances surrounding and moral pro... more The paper focuses on socially and historically structured circumstances surrounding and moral problems involved in the pragmatic definition of innovation as "novelty proven useful by its users". Contending conceptions and strategies of innovation of the organization of social relations in dialectical social systems are compared and socially and historically contextualized in the so-called “transition countries ” on the new Eastern border of the European Union. The conclusion is that the cited pragmatic definition of innovation may be misused for an apology of morally dubious new ends and means in the narrow interest of particular groups of users, often at the expense and against the interest of a majority of other individuals and social groups.
Politika, 2009
The Institute for Sociological Research at the Belgrade University Faculty of philosophy has con... more The Institute for Sociological Research at the Belgrade University Faculty of philosophy has conducted in November 2003. one of the few surveys on the representative sample of the adult population in Serbia (but without Kosovo and Metohija), which included questions about attitudes of respondents towards privatization.Based on the analysis of the collected data, it can be concluded that in contrast to the government's attempts to speed up the privatization process in accordance with the short deadlines that were"recommended" by IMF and which were translated into the 2001 Privatization Act, only 19 percent of respondents supported the unconditional privatization of all social and state companies, while the absolute majority rejected privatization (71 percent), health care institutions (68 percent), water supply systems (67 percent) and oil (62 percent), while the absolute majority of respondents believed that privatization in these mostly public economy sectors should remain within the boundaries of 49 percent of capital value of privatized utilities.
Socioloski pregled, 2021
The paper examines the actuality of Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or revolution 150 years after her bir... more The paper examines the actuality of Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or revolution 150 years after her birth. The main method used is content analysis of this important polemical pamphlet placed in the context of the time/space when and where it was written, on the one hand, and today, on the other. The main finding is that Rosa's work remained relevant to our days since the capitalist mode of production is still characterized by internal contradictions producing barbaric consequences of exploitation and imperialist wars. These capitalist system's consequences ensure the permanent actuality of the dilemma socialism or barbarism which Rosa Luxemburg confronted throughout her life.
Sociološki pregled, 2020
This paper examines the relevance of Lenin's theoretical work State and Revolution for the revol... more This paper examines the relevance of Lenin's theoretical work State and Revolution for the revolutionary practice on the eave of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, 150 years after the birth of this most influential Marxist of the XXth century and inspiration of potential revolutionaries in the XXIth century.
The basic method used in this paper is the analysis of the main aspects of the Lenin's State and Revolution’s content and placement of this analysis within the context of the historically specific social and economic circumstances of the time in which it was written in summer and autumn of 1917.
The main finding of this paper is that the relevance of Lenin's State and Revolution for the revolutionary practice of the October Revolution rests in the fact that in this work Lenin clarified both to himself and to his comrades the revolutionary program of smashing the exploiting and oppressing bourgeois state and how to invent and organize the new communal social form of withering away state, without a standing army, police or bureaucracy, in which all literate citizens could take part in the administration of the common social problems. The dictatorships of the proletariat of the Paris Commune type which Lenin advocates in State and Revolution, plaid its role of a strategic theoretic orienting program for the revolutionary praxis during the 1917 revolution in Russia, up until Krondstat mutiny of Red Army sailors and repression of the uprising by the Bolsheviks attending at the time the 1921 Communist party congress, characterizing the rebels as affiliates of the middle class that succumbed to the anti-communist propaganda.
Journal of The History of The Behavioral Sciences, 2001
Volker Meja and Nico Stehr’s end-of-the-millennium two volumes selection of 60 articles dealing w... more Volker Meja and Nico Stehr’s end-of-the-millennium two volumes selection of 60 articles dealing with the history, contemporary state, and future prospects of the sociology of knowledge presents a reliable reference source not only for those especially interested in this field of sociology, but also for those interested in social conditions of genesis and changes of cognitive content of human everyday, religious, philosophical, artistic, scientific, and other beliefs.
Sociološki pregled (Sociological Review), 2023
Touraine was a very prolific writer – he wrote more than fifty books. This overview of Touraine’s... more Touraine was a very prolific writer – he wrote more than fifty books. This overview of Touraine’s voluminous opus in the present in memoriam paper will therefore be necessarily focused on short presentation of Touraine’s the most important works in a chronological order, closely connected with Touraine’s life experiences. Touraine himself self-consciously oriented his sociological theory and practice on the political engagement which he dubbed also in one of his last video interviews the method of “subjectivation”.
Sociološki pregled , vol. 30, br. 4, str. 495-511, 1996
Ova studija je potvrdila nalaze ranijih istraživanja da su najmanje religiozni prema sopstvenoj i... more Ova studija je potvrdila nalaze ranijih istraživanja da su najmanje religiozni prema sopstvenoj izjavi Crnogorci, Makedonci i Srbi, odnosno pripadnici nacija iz pravoslavnog civilizacijskog kruga. Na teritoriji celokupne bivše Jugoslavije među pravoslavnima je bilo 8,5% uverenih vernika (UV) i 18,9% vernika koji ne prihvataju sve što vera uči (VNS). Pripadnici islamske veroispovesti saopštavali su veći stepen ubeđenog religioznog verovanja (25% UV) od katolika (19,4% UV), ali manji stepen verovanja bez prihvatanja svega što religija uči (25%) od katolika (33,4% VNS). Zaključeno je da je identifikacija Crnogoraca, Makedonaca i u nešto manjoj meri Srba u Srbiji sa pravoslavljem uglavnom imala značenje potvrđivanja zasebnog kulturnog identiteta ali ne i verovanja. Nasuprot tome, relativno niska identifikacija Muslimana u BiH sa islamom postojala je istovremeno sa relativno visokim procentom UV. Za Albance u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, te Muslimane u Srbiji, identifikacija sa islamom, kao i identifikacija sa katoličanstvom za Hrvate i Slovence, predstavljala je ne samo obeležje kulturnog identiteta nego i izraz verovanja. Istraživanje je takođe utvrdilo da postoji viši stepen identifikacije sa odgovarajućom konfesijom i viši procenat uverenih vernika među pripadnicima lokalnih demografskih i konfesionalnih manjina (Srbi na Kosovu i Metohiji, Albanci u Makedoniji, Muslimani u Srbiji, Hrvati u Bosni i Hercegovini), nego među pripadnicima većinske nacije ili narodnosti u lokalnoj sredini, kao i među sunarodnicima u 'matičnoj' republici. Objašnjenje je traženo u sukobu oko iste teritorije za formiranje nacionalne države. Izuzetak od ovog pravila predstavljali su Srbi u Hrvatskoj i Muslimani u Crnoj Gori, gde tek treba istražiti razmere i uzroke tadašnje tendencije ka njihovoj asimilaciji u okviru postojećih federalnih republika. Za uzrocima različitog stepena religiozne samoidentifikacije kod pripadnika pojedinih etničkih i verskih grupacija nije tragano u etničkom mentalitetu, već u različitom društvenom i ekonomskom položaju pripadnika odgovarajućih verskih zajednica i njihovih crkvenih organizacija.
Daily Journal "Politics", 2010
In the period after a January 2010 survey of daily journal Politics („What Serbia should solve th... more In the period after a January 2010 survey of daily journal Politics („What Serbia should solve the first in 2010”) several studies were published in which the key elements оf the neoliberal strategy of ”transition” are questioned. Impoverishing and de-industrializing effects of the squandering privatization, indebting “stabilization” and one-sided deregulation of the merchandise’s, labor and capital markets are documented on the basis of relevant statistical data. The bad results of the implementation of this strategy are resumed in the title of one of these studies as “still another lost decade”. By such titles their authors suggest that Serbia in January 2010 there where it was ten years before, loosing from their sight that back then all spheres of social activity in Serbia were still not (semi) colonially occupied. To ever gloomier diagnoses of the entire social situation in the nearer and furtherer surrounding, recently was added an ascertainment by the president of the state that served as an example of “successful transition”, that „Slovenia has entered in the period of stagnation approximately two years ago”.
In the paper is pointed out the necessary practial political and economic measures for getting out of systemically induced cyclical crises of depression, that is of hyper accumulation of capital and insufficient payment capable demand in Serbia, Western Balkans and entire world system of capitalist economy.
Дневне новине "Политика" , 2010
У периоду после јануарске анкете "Политике" ("Шта Србијa прво треба да реши у 2010") објављено ј... more У периоду после јануарске анкете "Политике" ("Шта Србијa прво треба да реши у 2010") објављено је више студија у којима се преиспитују кључни елементи неолибералне стратегије "транзиције". Статистичким подацима су документоване осиромашујуће и деиндустријализујуће последице распикућанске приватизације, задуживачке "стабилизације" и једностране дерегулације тржишта робе, рада и капитала. Лоши резултати примене ове стратегије резимирани су у наслову једне од ових студија као "још једна изгубљена деценија". Оваквим насловима њихови аутори сугеришу да је Србија данас тамо где је била пре десет година, губећи из вида да тада све сфере друштвене делатности у Србији још нису биле (полу)колонијално окупиране.
У раду се указује на неопходне практично политичке и економске кораке за излажење из системски изазване кризе депресије, односно хиперакумулације капитала и недовољне платежно способне потражње у светским размерама.
The paper seeks the answers to some of the following questions: (1) was the new electro-magnetic ... more The paper seeks the answers to some of the following questions: (1) was the new electro-magnetic and chemical technology for the weather modification really applied already during the NATO 1999 aggression on Serbia? (2) does NATO still use it in this and other regions? (3) why do not the US and other NATO member states' army forces use this technology, or do not use it more successfully, for prevention of the more elementary types of disasters at home?
Sociologija, 2022
This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic... more This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic thinking, governance and action within the World Social Forum needed in order to achieve "another world". The main method used to achieve as much as possible exhaustive reconstruction of Wallerstein's answers to the title questions concerning the strategic thinking, governance and action among the World Social Forum's members, is the qualitative content analysis of 500 Wallerstein's commentaries, from Commentary No. 1, published on Oct. 1 1998, to Commentary No. 500, published on July 1 2019, some three months before his death. This paper's main aim is to induce like - thinking people within World Social Forum to carry on to best of their ability strategic thinking, governance and action within the WSF keeping in mind Wallerstein's ideas on these themes, over two decades after the first meeting of WSF in 2001 in Porto Alegre and less than one year before the next WSF meeting in Mexico.
Sociološki pregled (Sociological Review) , 1995
The latest shift of the dominant research paradigm or theoretico-methodological paradigmatic refe... more The latest shift of the dominant research paradigm or theoretico-methodological paradigmatic reference frame in social sciences is analyzed in the light of the deep socio-economic stagflation crisis and resultant social relations restructuration processes symbolized by the Berlin wall collapse.
The inappropriateness of Kun’s monoparadigmatic scientific revolution model for the explanation of the permanent confrontation between conservative positivist, reformist evolutionist or hermeneutical and critical revolutionary variant of social scientists’ worldview and self-perception orienting his/her practical political orientation is pointed out. The impossibility of social scientists’ “research neutrality” and their changing choice of social class affiliation is explained by their ambivalent intellectual petite bourgeoisie position in social division of labor. Optimistic or pessimistic spiritual mood of social scientists is explained by their role of ideological representatives of the ascending technocratic fraction of the bourgeoisie or the descending etatistic one. The impoverishment and atomization of direct producers without immediate chance of creating their “organic intelligentsia” especially in former "real-socialist" countries is ascertained.
sociologija, 2022
This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic... more This paper reconstructs the answers of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) on the tasks of strategic thinking, governance and action within the World Social Forum needed in order to achieve "another world". The main method used to achieve as much as possible exhaustive reconstruction of Wallerstein's answers to the title questions concerning the strategic thinking, governance and action among the World Social Forum's members, is the qualitative content analysis of 500 Wallerstein's commentaries, from Commentary No. 1, published on Oct. 1 1998, to Commentary No. 500, published on July 1 2019, some three months before his death. This paper's main aim is to induce like-thinking people within World Social Forum to carry on to best of their ability strategic thinking, governance and action within the WSF keeping in mind Wallerstein's ideas on these themes, over two decades after the first meeting of WSF in 2001 in Porto Alegre and less than one year before the next WSF meeting in Mexico.
Sociologija, 1992
Ascertaining the tendency, visible in the development research and management since the end of si... more Ascertaining the tendency, visible in the development research and management since the end of sixties, of 'economistic' paradigm being substituted by 'culturalistic' one, author analyses the possibilities and limits of Weber's theoretico-methodological framework for the task of overcoming both the vulgar materialistic and the vulgar idealistic conception of the nature' of social determinism. Rejecting epigonic simplifications author affirms the principle of plurideterminism and mutual feedback causation in social development. Proposed interdisciplinary and historico-comparative approach to the research of the relationship between the socio-cultural values and economic development, in the center of which is the social actor conceived as the simultaneous subject and object of the process of social structural differentiation and integration, author applies in the case study of post-war dynamic development on the divided Korean peninsula. The 'unexpected' development promoting role of Konfucian ethics on the one side, as well as the differential efficacy of development strategies in two states with identical Konfucian socio-cultural tradition on the other, namely, can not be explained through the myopic perspective of Eurocentristically and spiritualistically interpreted Weber's 'Protestant thesis', but only in a wider national and international context of the structural changes of social power relations and of institutional organization forms of social reproduction.
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, 1999
The paper examines the existence, intensity and the direction of the relationship between the con... more The paper examines the existence, intensity and the direction of the relationship between the confessional belonging, the degree of subjective religiosity and inter-ethnic distance two years before the violent breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Empirical foundation of the research is the data base of the Consortium of Yugoslav social sciences; institutes from 1989-1990. The main finding of the paper is that the ethnic distance between the members of three most numerous confessions in the Balkans, Orthodox, Catholic and Islamic, that is between the members of respective nationalities, Serbs, Croats and Muslims, was notable two years before the outbreak of the war. Even when the Catholic and Orthodox respondents verbally denied the significance of the spouse's national belonging in two fifths of the cases, and the respondents belonging to all confessions negated the importance of the work colleague's national belonging in somewhat lesser percentage, they themselves were rar...
Sociologija, 2016
This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to p... more This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to privatization of remaining state and social property, public services, infrastructure and natural resources among majority of respondents in Serbia, on the one hand, and the policy of imposition of privatization by domestic and international social actors interested in „finalization“ of privatization, on the other.
The main method of research is secondary analysis of data pertaining to attitudes of representative samples of respondents in Serbia on private property and privatization gathered during surveys conducted in 1989, 2003 and 2012, in local and global social and historical context of accumulation of capital systemic crisis in global proportions.
Research demonstrates that scarcity and insufficient comparability of survey data on attitudes towards private property and privatization, as well as ignoring of scarce findings by the decision making power centers, are socially structured by contradictory class interests of domestic and international social actors.
In conclusion the author proposes the construction of a common core of a research instrument for longitudinal, on action oriented comparative research of socializing alternatives to privatization and its destructive effects in all sub-systems of social activity, in both former „real socialist“ as well as in present „real capitalist“ societies.
This paper tests the hypothesis that there exists increasing clash between declining support to privatization of remaining state and social property, public services, infrastructure and natural resources among majority of respondents in Serbia, on the one hand, and the policy of imposition of privatization by domestic and international social actors interested in „finalization“ of privatization, on the other.
The main method of research is secondary analysis of data pertaining to attitudes of representative samples of respondents in Serbia on private property and privatization gathered during surveys conducted in 1989, 2003 and 2012, in local and global social and historical context of accumulation of capital systemic crisis in global proportions.
Research demonstrates that scarcity and insufficient comparability of survey data on attitudes towards private property and privatization, as well as ignoring of scarce findings by the decision making power centers, are socially structured by contradictory class interests of domestic and international social actors.
In conclusion the author proposes the construction of a common core of a research instrument for longitudinal, on action oriented comparative research of socializing alternatives to privatization and its destructive effects in all sub-systems of social activity, in both former „real socialist“ as well as in present „real capitalist“ societies.
Key words: privatization, socialization, class interests, real socialism, real capitalism, systemic crisis of capital accumulation, action oriented research of alternatives
Socioloski pregled, 2018
One century and seventy years that passed since the first publishing of the Manifesto of the Comm... more One century and seventy years that passed since the first publishing of the Manifesto of the Communist Party (Marx, Engels, 1848), present a good reason to invite the interested authors to reflect on the actuality of main theses of Marx and Engels who summarized them already in this programmatic work while they were still in their twenties, elaborating these theses further in later works, closely related to ups and down of the proletarian class struggle. In the following paragraphs we will review the main theses that are still relevant for
understanding the contemporary historical processes and for orienting the action of anti systemic social movements.
Sociološki pregled Sociological Review, 1972
Review of Stane Južnič: Politička kultura (Fakultet za sociologijo, politične vede in novinstvo,... more Review of Stane Južnič: Politička kultura (Fakultet za sociologijo, politične vede in
novinstvo, Ljubljana 1971)
Finally, a few remarks about this work, the main value of which we see in its encouragement. Although the author criticizes the "institutional utopianism" of the normative approach, one gets the impression that he himself failed to completely avoid conclusions with idealistic and paternalistic overtones: "The values of self-governing socialism are undoubtedly ideal and sublime, achieve them, is full of shortcomings "(p. 161). "So, let's give people new roles, which means specifically: let's invite them to participate in politics, and we will have a starting point for a new political culture" (p. 160).
This attitude towards self-management neglects real events. A very simple question that arises - who are we? - suggests that the author probably forgot not only that freedom is not a gift but that we must fight for it, but also some other "constants" that he did not remember. Namely, problematic is the statement that un- participative political culture presents only the remnant of the old political system, since it is very close to reason (which should be checked by research), that those social forces in the existing system whose positions and interests would be endangered in the case of a real direct democracy, want to maintain it as such. They succeed in that by manipulating, expelling, applying negative sanctions and intimidation. There is also the question of the "common denominator" of political culture in society, which the author says himself is increasingly differentiated today. Will it be the "rules of the game"? They are necessary but do not go beyond civil society if they mean a compromise of interests of different groups’ elites .
Sociologija, 2010
The paper focuses on socially and historically structured circumstances surrounding and moral pro... more The paper focuses on socially and historically structured circumstances surrounding and moral problems involved in the pragmatic definition of innovation as "novelty proven useful by its users". Contending conceptions and strategies of innovation of the organization of social relations in dialectical social systems are compared and socially and historically contextualized in the so-called “transition countries ” on the new Eastern border of the European Union. The conclusion is that the cited pragmatic definition of innovation may be misused for an apology of morally dubious new ends and means in the narrow interest of particular groups of users, often at the expense and against the interest of a majority of other individuals and social groups.
Politika, 2009
The Institute for Sociological Research at the Belgrade University Faculty of philosophy has con... more The Institute for Sociological Research at the Belgrade University Faculty of philosophy has conducted in November 2003. one of the few surveys on the representative sample of the adult population in Serbia (but without Kosovo and Metohija), which included questions about attitudes of respondents towards privatization.Based on the analysis of the collected data, it can be concluded that in contrast to the government's attempts to speed up the privatization process in accordance with the short deadlines that were"recommended" by IMF and which were translated into the 2001 Privatization Act, only 19 percent of respondents supported the unconditional privatization of all social and state companies, while the absolute majority rejected privatization (71 percent), health care institutions (68 percent), water supply systems (67 percent) and oil (62 percent), while the absolute majority of respondents believed that privatization in these mostly public economy sectors should remain within the boundaries of 49 percent of capital value of privatized utilities.
Socioloski pregled, 2021
The paper examines the actuality of Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or revolution 150 years after her bir... more The paper examines the actuality of Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or revolution 150 years after her birth. The main method used is content analysis of this important polemical pamphlet placed in the context of the time/space when and where it was written, on the one hand, and today, on the other. The main finding is that Rosa's work remained relevant to our days since the capitalist mode of production is still characterized by internal contradictions producing barbaric consequences of exploitation and imperialist wars. These capitalist system's consequences ensure the permanent actuality of the dilemma socialism or barbarism which Rosa Luxemburg confronted throughout her life.
Religija, crkva, nacija (Religion, Church, Nation) [Niš, YUNIR], 1996
About the role of religion in the wars in general and in the dismemberment of Yugoslavia in parti... more About the role of religion in the wars in general and in the dismemberment of Yugoslavia in particular, up until early nineteen nineties was most often debated on the abstract theoretical level, with occasional use of isolated empirical data as illustration for particular hypotheses (Vratuša-Žunjić Vera, 1995, Religion, war, Peace, Institut za sociološka istraživanja FF, Beograd). The aim of this paper is to examine to which degree is it possible to learn about the role of religion in the disintegration of Yugoslavia on the basis of secondary analysis of the answers to the questions concerning the attitudes to religion and nation state collected in former Yugoslavia less than two years before the outbreak of the war of 1991.
It was established that the religious contents predominantly influenced the acceptance of the statement that every nation must have its state in Croatia (in lesser degree in Slovenia), both among members of Catholic majority, as well as among the members of Orthodox minority. Predominantly secular contents, on the contrary, molded the nation state orientation in Montenegro and Macedonia, but only among the members of local Orthodox majority. Religious inspiration of the political determination for national state was more influential among members of Albanian minority of Muslim confession. It was found that the fight for the hegemony between the sacred and the secular ideology was in progress among Serbs in Serbia, Voivodina, and in lesser degree in Kosovo and Metohia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as among Albanians in K&M and among Muslims in B&H.
Taking into account the study findings as well as the deeper historic background and wider constellation of social power relations on Balkan, European and world level, the prediction is formulated that the fight for the establishment or the preservation of national states, that is for the improvement of the subordinated or maintenance of privileged status in the local and international division of labor, in the medium range perspective will be articulated in the terms of not only secular ideologies, but also in the terms of respective world religions. This pertains to Islam and Catholicism first of all, but also to other confessions inside of which the process of approaching to the religion of forefathers is in progress, as the expression of national identity in the conditions of the social crisis sharpening.
Economic Crisis - Genesis and Results, 2018
The paper contains an analysis of three basic theoretical and methodological approaches to explai... more The paper contains an analysis of three basic theoretical and methodological approaches to explaining and understanding causes of the 2008 crisis and its consequences, as well as the analysis of three main types of practical and political strategies of getting out of crisis – neo-Smithism, neo-Keynesism and neo-Marxism.
The main finding of this paper is that the ideological conflict of the partisans of these three paradigmatic approaches presents an expression of class struggle to preserve, reform or abolish existing globally predominating social relations of capital accumulation in a systemic crisis.
keywords: neo-Smithism, neo-Keynesism, neo-Marxism, systemic crisis of capital accumulation
Kosovo and Metohija: Past, Present , Future. , 2006
This paper calls into question the fruitfulness as well as the ability of Huntington’s thesis abo... more This paper calls into question the fruitfulness as well as the ability of Huntington’s thesis about the clash of civilizations to offer an adequate conceptual, theoretical and methodological framework for explaining the armed conflicts at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, using the analysis of the war in Kosovo and Metohija as an example. On the basis of evidence of cooperation between members of different “civilizations,” of conflict between members of the same “civilization,” as well as on the basis of declarations by the transnational actors themselves about the real causes of the war in Kosovo and Metohija, this paper shows that Huntington’s thesis about the clash of civilizations has a twofold ideological function. The first is to divert attention from fundamental geo-strategic and political economic interests of transnational financial and corporate capital, militarily organized into NATO and under the leadership of the US, and the second is to turn the victims of recolonization against each other, in accordance with the age-old imperial rule –divide et impera.
Author of this paper explores the social sources of unequal regional development or structural ch... more Author of this paper explores the social sources of unequal regional development or structural changes in society, economy, politics and other spheres of social activity, in the local and transnational antagonistic class division of labour on creative planning and order issuing work functions, on the one side, and the manual or routine work functions of the potentially universal human activity, on the other. Antagonistic class division of labour is accentuated in societies whose different population groups identify with particular ethnic, religious, cultural, political, racial, class and other characteristics and values, live concentrated in industrially underdeveloped regions, massively unemployed and having low personal incomes. Perspective of overcoming ensuing social disintegration within industrially underdeveloped regions, especially in circumstances of actual protracted world accumulation of capital crisis, the author finds in democratic integration through social, economic and political self-management оn local, national, regional and world level.
The Third ISA Forum “The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World Book of Abstracts, 2016
Paper investigates changing meaning and popularity of the main concepts constituting the name of ... more Paper investigates changing meaning and popularity of the main concepts constituting the name of ISA RC 10 on participation, organizational democracy and self-management, judged by the content analysis and frequency of their use in relevant sociological research, in the socio-historical context of a contradictory process of transition from proto-socialist state capitalism to full legal restoration of hierarchical and crisis ridden system of world capitalist economy, albeit dominated by emerging new hegemonic strong nation state(s) of the center, on the one hand, and contestation of this restoration in former Third, Second and First Worlds, through perpetual reemergence of social movements attempting to transcend production of exchange values for private profit by social production of use values for development of human capacities of each individual as condition for simultaneously economic, political, social and cultural freedom, equality and solidarity of all in humanized nature and naturalized humanity. The main thesis of the paper is that the main difference between concepts and practices of participation of stakeholders in decision making and profits and integral self-management of producers at the work place and consumers in the community from local to global levels of social self-organization, presents orientation on conservation, reform or overcoming of class division of labor on rulers and ruled and its legal expression, private property. Paper calls sociologists to self-reflection while answering the questions implied by the title of the 3rd ISA Forum: Who are “we”? What is “better future”? How does our socially structured value orientations on conservation, reform or radical transformation of class division of labor influence all phases of our research and practice of participation, organizational democracy and self-management, bringing about realization of self-fulfilling prophecies?
The Third ISA Forum “The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, 2016
Stimulated by the context of exacerbation of systemic accumulation of capital crisis in world pro... more Stimulated by the context of exacerbation of systemic accumulation of capital crisis in world proportions after the historical turning point symbolized by tearing down the Berlin Wall, paper proposes to search for the answer to the following questions: 1)Have sociology of work “founding fathers” (Marx, Durkheim, Weber) transcended their small bourgeois European background by inaugurating three main theoretical, methodological and practical political research and policy strategies concerning conservation, reform or abolition of class division of human labor in worldwide or global proportions? 2) Is the process of so called globalization just a new word for classical violent re-colonization of material and human resources not only in former colonies of the former “Third World” but also in the former “Second World” of self-proclaimed really existing socialism, by financial oligarchy economically organized in IMF and WB, politically into Trilateral Comission and militarily into NATO, instigating wars and refugee crises? 3) What lessons can be learned from the failure of the four decades long attempt to realize elimination of class division of labor through integral self-management of workers at the workplace and consumers in the communities in nonaligned Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia? 4) Does “workers aristocracy” exist not only in the imperialist countries of the global North but also in the actually re-colonized Global South, making it difficult to self-organize worldwide resistance to violent re-colonization and privatization of all forms of common property? 5) Are the most prosperous countries in Global South (BRICS) becoming the new hegemonic center of the world system of capitalist economy?
Slovensko sociološko srečanje 2012,: Slovenija v času negotovosti, 2012
Paper explores the relationship between opposing “modernization” and “anti capitalist” theories a... more Paper explores the relationship between opposing “modernization” and “anti capitalist” theories and strategies of “post-socialist transition” and social class-structured interests for conservation, reform or abolition of existing social relations depending on theoretician’s and strategist’s own group and individual place and role within them. The main research method applied is critical self-reflection of a highly educated petty bourgeoisie affiliate, simultaneously occupying the place and role of the exploited hired direct producer of opposing transition theories and strategies, as well as of the mediator and enforcer of ruling class exploitation, with the aim to increase the degree of conscious decision making as to which basic class a particular intellectual petty bourgeoisie affiliate should make available her or his “knowledge/power”, her or his private property of the state protected monopoly on the title of expert.
The main finding of this self-reflection is that at the world level petty-bourgeoisie ideological representative of the financial oligarchy of imperialist countries are the main proponent of the transition research from the various perspectives within variants of modernization theory. They emphasize the importance of changing cultural values and introducing “free market” institutions, through action of local “modernizing elites” who in their midst are spreading among “traditionalist” masses the model of “pioneers of modernization” and of “early late-comers”. At the local level, the main proponents of modernization theory are also petty bourgeois ideological representatives of the local national bourgeoisie. It was also found that the main proponents of the transition research from the perspective of different variants of the theory of dialectical shifts of intrinsically contradictory class modes of production, are yet again highly educated members of the petty bourgeoisie. In the absence of “organic intelligentsia” of direct producers and the protracted existence of class division of labor, the tendency is always open for transformation of the petty bourgeoisie from the allies of urban and rural proletariat in the common fight against the big bourgeoisie into a bureaucratic or technocratic faction of the state capitalist, collectively owning class, antagonistically opposed to direct producers, which sooner or later finishes the process of formal legal restoration of (neo)colonially dependent peripheral capitalism.
ESA 10th Conference Social Relations in Turbulent Times, Abstract book, 2011
The paper argues that it is high time that critical scholarship and actors go a step further beyo... more The paper argues that it is high time that critical scholarship and actors go a step further beyond description of different times types of responses to the most visible financial and fiscal aspects of the present acute manifestation of systemic crisis of capitalist mode of production as such. It is demonstrated that the common feature of apparently divergent neo-Smithean and neo-Keynesian responses to present systemic crisis manifestations in all empirical varieties of national capitalism, present the implementation of policy options that equally aim to preserve the present system of contradictory capitalist production relations whicn reproduce social crises and imperialist war disasters.
Paper proposes that the main task of critical scholaship is to examine varieties of the past, existing and possible future alternatives to the present system of exploitative , oppresive and life destructive capitalist social relations.
The main finding of the paper is that reproduction of cyclical systemic crises can be resolved only through susbstitution of present private ownership, menagerial decision-making, market regulation and private profit motivation institutional mechanismes, with social ownership, producer's and consumer's councils' decision-making, pariticipative planning and human capacities' development motivation institutional mechanismes.
9th Conference of European Sociological Association “European Society of European Societies?”, 2009
Paper argues that the 2008 credit market crisis is just one of the manifestations of the global a... more Paper argues that the 2008 credit market crisis is just one of the manifestations of the global accumulation of capital systemic crisis cyclically reappearing due to the contradiction between potentially unlimited possibilities of the development of the social production forces, on the one hand, and limited aim of capitalist mode of life reproduction - private profit, on the other hand.
The most important effects of the ongoing crisis in different sectors of social activity and existence are presented in a comparative perspective on the basis of presently available evidence with special attention to dramatic increase in inequality, unemployment, hunger, morbidity, mortality and crime rate, recolonization war complex disasters.
The main finding of the paper is that the mass emergency impacts of the global accumulation of capital systemic crisis, can best be mitigated and prevented in the future through the participation of all concerned in decision-making and ownership affecting their life reproduction. Contemporary experiences of reconstruction of the social, economic and political institutions following a strategy of self-management and sustainable human development are compared to similar XXth century attempts at overcoming the class division of labor, exploitation, repression and systemic crisis.
The 6th Conference of the European Sociological Association “Aging Societies New Sociology”, 2005
The paper critically appraises the main classical theoretical research approaches to war, from th... more The paper critically appraises the main classical theoretical research approaches to war, from the a-historical biological reductionism of "social Darwinism" to the static political reductionism of the "real state politics". Irt establishes that the expectation of sociology classics, whereby the processes of rationalization, industrialization, secularization, scientific and technological revolution would contribute to a substitution of the militaristic traditional society by the peacefully trading one, did not materialize. The explanatory hypothesis is formulated from the perspective of the dialectical historical materialism. According to this simultaneously structural and genetic perspective, war presents the ultimate repressive instrument for periodical violent solution of accumulated social contradictions in class societies. The war is namely used either to maintain or extend the validity-domain of the old class relations of production and ownership, or to install the social and institutional conditions for the new one.
This hypothesis is tested on two case studies. The first is the recent destruction by war of people’s lives and property accompanied by long-lasting radioactive and toxic pollution of the environment in the region of the violently-dismembered former multiethnic Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, The other is the actual intensification of the same war-complex disaster processes in oil-rich and otherwise strategically important countries. Both cases are related to the attempt by the dominant financial fraction of the transnational capital, economically organized in IMF and WB and militarily organized in NATO, to extricate trans-national financial and corporate capital from the structural accumulation crisis through war. The war circumstance speeded up the dismantling of the welfare nation-state protection policy, public property, redistribution practices and trade-unions worldwide, but primarily in the former and new colonies and semi-colonies. This enables the aging global financial oligarchy to acquire direct and uncontrolled access to local natural and human resources at the cheapest price or no price at all, at the expense of present and future generations.
Prerequisite for sociologists’ prediction of the Europe’s future is understanding and explanation... more Prerequisite for sociologists’ prediction of the Europe’s future is understanding and explanation oriented description/interpretation of the past genesis, present state and tendencies of this “research object”. Aim of this paper is to check the hypotheses that respective research results are influenced by complex mixture of individual and collective interests to preserve and extend social relations favorable to multinational financial capital accumulation in the local, national European and world society, to improve relative position within these relations, or to abolish them.
Believing that participant observation is insufficiently reliable hypothesis checking method, priority is given to content analysis of the inter-subjectively accessible data sources. Such empirical evidence is drawn from “program” and “abstract” booklets of 1995 Budapest and 1997 Essex ESA Conferences, “European Sociologists’ Bulletins, and entire papers that could be obtained. Texts in which appear word Europe and its derivatives are cross tabulated according to the way their authors a) define Europe, b) analyze processes of fusion/fission or inclusion/exclusion within it, c) identify their country affiliation.
The main finding of this research is that among Second and Third ESA Conference participants, especially those affiliated to EU member “central” capitalist countries, prevailed, with few important exceptions, the tendency to: 1) use the term Europe while referring just to few Western and Northern European countries, including sometimes Central European ex-real socialist peripheral countries as well, but often explicitly or implicitly excluding “countries farther East”; 2) manifest sociological research “blind spots” or practical-political biases in their analysis of social agents contributing to fusion in the “Occidental” part of the “post-Berlin-wall-fall” Europe (key case of Germany) and to fission in its “Oriental” part (key case of Yugoslavia).
It is proposed that sociologists contribute to answering the question “Will Europe work)” through more in depth research of the power relations’ evolution between social agents, interested in the conservation or overcoming of contemporary variation of the ancient multidimensional division/conflict inside, between and outside “Roman” and “Byzantine” Europe.
4th European Conference of Sociology "Will Europe Work? Abstracts
After short historical introduction, paper analyses the specific actual economic and geo-politica... more After short historical introduction, paper analyses the specific actual economic and geo-political causes, aims, high-technology deadly means, tragic effects and organized and spontaneous reactions to the USA multinational capital dominated NATO imperialist aggression on Yugoslav peoples. Focused is the bombing of Belgrade, two million capitol city of FR Yugoslavia and Serbia, that since 1991 and throughout exhausting years of economic blockade received 60% of 700.000 refugees from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is still receiving each day hundreds of refugees of all nationalities from Kosovo and Metohija after bombardment began on 24th March 1999. Presented are facts and figures on the mutually complementing coordination of the activity of state and civil defense organs, professional institutions and services specialized for emergency situations, public utilities adopted to working under total war emergency conditions, and above all, activity of self organized citizens at their work place, in the neighborhood, or within their associations. Underlined are social and psychological aspects of overcoming of the feelings of fear and helplessness in front of faceless, distant killers through socializing in the shelter, self-expression in the anti-NATO graffiti, singing on the city squares and playing in the city parks, holding hands to defend with bodies vital parts of the city inherited from previous generations and essential for material and spiritual survival of present and future generations. In conclusion are presented opposite potentialities of present grave crisis - escalation toward regional, European and finally world war, or revitalization of United Nations through checking of the political, economic and military dictate of the hegemonic superpower's elites.
XVI World Congress of Sociology The Quality of Social Existence in a globalizing World, 2006
Paper demonstrates the (mis)use of social science in the interest of transnational financial & co... more Paper demonstrates the (mis)use of social science in the interest of transnational financial & corporate capital militarily organized in NATO through the analysis of the ideologically biased 'lessons' drawn from the 'Srebrenica crisis' by a 'crisis management' specialist. The paper concludes that the task of social science should be to contribute to prevention & mitigation of social crises through exposure of their social sources, & not to their hiding & the apology of crime against peace & social crises' production in the interest of the financial oligarchy.
XVI World Congress of Sociology The Quality of Social Existence in a globalizing World, 2006
The paper argues that the use of the fashionable term globalization in the meaning of necessary, ... more The paper argues that the use of the fashionable term globalization in the meaning of necessary, unavoidable & uniform objective process of worldwide expansion of a free market resource allocation mechanism & privatization, obscures the existence of contradictory strategies of globalization by opposed social actors. The main finding of the paper is that on the one side of global divide majority shares' package owners of transnational companies & financial institutions, are attempting to get out of the accumulation of capital crisis through the violent process of recolonisation of former colonies & former socialist countries, while on the other side of the global divide the majority of population in recolonised countries & increasingly in colonial metropolises themselves, suffering from growing unemployment, poverty & disease, is attempting to re-appropriate the control over essential conditions of its life reproduction through democratic participation in strategic decision-making & self-governance. The paper concludes on the basis of the analyses of two cases of recolonisation complex disaster in former colonies & socialist countries, that in the middle of the actual proliferation of the use of ecocidal & genocidal weapons of mass destruction by military machines of the transnational financial oligarchy, social scientists should not contribute to obfuscation of this critical struggle of our time. On the result of this struggle depends not only standard of living & quality of life, but the very existence of mankind.
Book of Abstracts 14th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Social Knowledge, Challenges, Perspectives, July 26th – August 1st, Montreal 1998, 1998
Hypothesize is explored that there is a correlation between shifts of dominant social scientists'... more Hypothesize is explored that there is a correlation between shifts of dominant social scientists' theoretical & methodological orientations & the changes in structures of social groups' & individuals' power relations on the global, regional, national, & local levels. The empirical prediction is made that, in periods when the social reproduction cycle is relatively stable, mainstream social scientists (especially those living in the central zones of the global division of labor) tend to opt, often only implicitly, for positivist answers to the paradigmatic question of what & whom should social science serve. Conversely, dominantly critical answers to the question should be expected in periods of social reproduction crisis. An empirical test of the hypothesis has been attempted in a study of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was hypothesized that, after that crucial symbolic event, social scientists' optimistic or pessimistic spiritual moods would depend on their role as ideological representatives of the ascending transnational technocratic fraction of the bourgeoisie, or the descending national statist one. Some preliminary results & problems encountered are presented.
The 9th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation, 1998
Participatory research is conceived in the tradition of “action research” theoretical and methodo... more Participatory research is conceived in the tradition of “action research” theoretical and methodological perspective as 1) conducted by social scientists having “expert power”, in partnership with concerned workers and wage earners having no or little “material power”; 2) oriented on the redistribution of the existing decision making power through “symmetric communication” that stimulates transformation of usual “research objects” into “participating subjects”. The main obstacles to implementation of so conceived participatory research in former European “real-socialist” societies is found in A) actual absence of social bearers of “material power” that would be willing or able to order and finance such participatory research, and even less to apply its results in transformation of existing social power relations. New ruling class composed mostly of old and new nomenclature and Mafia members is predominantly interested for personal gain, while worker and employee trade unions are weak, disorganized and divided along qualification, branch, income, political, gender and ethnic lines. B) Another obstacle is identified as inherent to capitalist mode of production – redistribution of participation in social power is limited by imperatives of optimal profit rate’s maintenance
Sociology on the move XVII ISA World Congress, Gothenburg 11-17 July 2010, Book of abstracts, 2010
Paper starts with the analysis of social causes of present lack of consistent, comparable, valid ... more Paper starts with the analysis of social causes of present lack of consistent, comparable, valid and reliable longitudinal data on participation, organizational democracy and/or self-management (p, o.d. &/or s.m. in future text) and proceeds to investigate the theoretical, methodological and practical-political problems of the common core of the relevant research instrument(s)’ construction.
The main assumption of this paper is that every research is social relation that includes three key actors (Gilly, 1972): the orderers of research or bearers of material power, subjects of research or bearers of expert power, and objects of research, or bearers of either negative power of passive resistance in the period of stabilization of existing social relations, or potentially active positive power of confrontation and transformation of existing social relations in the periods of social crisis. These social groups and individuals are on the basis of their different places and roles in social division of labor interested in realization of often confronted research strategies and practical conceptions concerning the possibility and desirability of participation, organizational democracy, self-management and corresponding combination of different forms of private and collective ownership, market, plan, autocratic or democratic regulation of non/participation of citizens in control of the conditions of their life reproduction and strategic decision making.
The main finding of the paper is that contradictory social interests of broad social groups having opposed places and roles in class division of labor, determine both whether the p, o.d. &/or s.m will be researched at all, and if researched, what aspects of these complex forms of social relations’ organization will be operationalized into the research instrument items and how. The aspects identified as the most often omitted are proposed to become more prominent in the content of the eventual future common research instrument of p, o.d. &/or s.m: 1) the attitude of citizens in the family, local community, school, workplace, nation state, regional and worldwide organizations, toward the basic value and normative-institutional principles of various types of p, o.d. &/or s.m.; 2) advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative experiences of the effects of existence or absence of p, o.d. &/or s.m., and 3) one’s own readiness to take part in p, o.d. &/or s.m concerning transformation of existing ownership and decision-making relations from local to global levels of social existence. The main aim of the proposed construction of the common core of the relevant research instrument, is to contribute to the accumulation of the empirical basis for the critical reconstruction of the social relations' and ownership structure's transformation strategy whose implementation would increase the p, o.d. &/or s.m involvement of citizens in sustainable development of their human capacities, generating equitable solidary satisfaction of their needs, instead of the accumulation of private profits and power of financial oligarchy, generating social and ecological disasters.
Stimulated by the context of exacerbation of systemic accumulation of capital crisis in world pro... more Stimulated by the context of exacerbation of systemic accumulation of capital crisis in world proportions after the historical turning point symbolized by tearing down the Berlin Wall, paper proposes to search for the answer to the following questions:
1)Have sociology of work “founding fathers” (Marx, Durkheim, Weber) transcended their small bourgeois European background by inaugurating three main theoretical, methodological and practical political research and policy strategies concerning conservation, reform or abolition of class division of human labor in worldwide or global proportions?
2) Is the process of so called globalization just a new word for classical violent re-colonization of material and human resources not only in former colonies of the former “Third World” but also in the former “Second World” of self-proclaimed really existing socialism, by financial oligarchy economically organized in IMF and WB, politically into Trilateral Comission and militarily into NATO, instigating wars and refugee crises ?
3) What lessons can be learned from the failure of the four decades long attempt to realize elimination of class division of labor through integral self-management of workers at the workplace and consumers in the communities in non-aligned Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia?
4) Does “workers aristocracy” exist not only in the imperialist countries of the global North but also in the actually re-colonized Global South, making it difficult to self-organize worldwide resistance to violent re-colonization and privatization of all forms of common property?
5) Are the most prosperous countries in Global South (BRICS) becoming the new hegemonic center of the world system of capitalist economy?
XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto Abstract Book, 2018
Vera VRATUSA, Sociology, Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, , B... more Vera VRATUSA, Sociology, Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, , Belgrade, Serbia
170 years after the first edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, this paper proposes to interested colleagues the organization of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) of the actuality of the Manifesto of the Communist party’s 10 points revolutionary action program for uplifting proletariat into a ruling class and conquering simultaneously political, economic and cultural democracy or self-management, on the track of lessons drawn from the 1871 Paris commune experience for accomplishing classless society in the second decade of the 21st century. PAR namely enables overcoming of the class division of labor between active small-bourgeois subjects, passively responding working class objects and minority of large bourgeois research financiers.
Proposed PAR should explore what is the current state of realization of the 10 points revolutionary action program in the field of capitalist property and labor legislation, industrial and agricultural, credit and fiscal policy of state administration as well as in the domain of communication, transportation and education means, proposed by the MCP authors as necessary for carrying out of the structural transformation of the entire capitalist mode of production. Paper recalls that the authors of the MCP proclaimed this program themselves in later editions of the MCP to be outdated and variable depending on concrete conditions of class struggle in particular countries.
The paper identifies as the main challenge to organization of the PAR on conquering simultaneously political, economic and cultural democracy or self-management, the scaling up of the participatory action research as a form of referendum of the great majority of wage laborers on the desirable organization of egalitarian, peaceful and just social production relationships through the implementation of contemporary production forces of IT technology put under the control of freely associated producers and consumers so that the freedom of each individual is the condition for the freedom of all.
Book of Abstracts II ISA Forum of Sociology, 2012
The aim of this paper is to explore past, present and future relevance of participation , self'-m... more The aim of this paper is to explore past, present and future relevance of participation , self'-management and self-government theory and practice in the historical circumstances of global accumulation of capital systemic crisis in search for just and democratic alternatives to unjust, exploitative, oligarchic and ecologically destructive commodity market production with privatized means of production for private profit.
The main finding of the critical analyses of the past (ex-Yugoslavia) and present (Venezuela, Argentina...) economic self-management and political self-government attempts to overcome class division of labor between rulers and ruled at all levels of social life reproduction, identifies the main obstacle to realization of social justice and democracy in twofold activity of global financial oligarchy to perpetuate capitalist mode of production.
Razvoj, religija, rat - Development, religion, war, 1995
Vrsta građe - naučna monografija ; оdrasli, ozbiljna literatura (nije lepa književnost) Јеzik... more Vrsta građe - naučna monografija ; оdrasli, ozbiljna literatura (nije lepa književnost)
Јеzik - српски
ISBN - 86-80269-08-5
COBISS.SR-ID - 94586119
Tranzicija - odakle, kuda? Transition - where from and where to?, 2012
In accordance with its initial hypothesis, the focus of research in all chapters of the first par... more In accordance with its initial hypothesis, the focus of research in all chapters of the first part of the study TRANSITION – WHERE FROM AND WHERE TO? is the exploration of the relationship between contradictory
theories and strategies of transition on the one hand, and on the other, the primarily social class-structured interests for the conservation, reform or abolition of the existing social relations of exploitation, oppression, alienation
and ecological pollution, which depend on one’s own group and one’s individual place and role within these relations.
In the concluding chapter of the first part of this study, the focus is on summarizing the main findings of our examination of the heuristic fertility of the hypothesis that diametrically opposed interpretations of the social meaning of transition, as well as of the recommended objectives of transition, depend on whether the respective interpreters start their analysis from the social standpoint of the opressed and exploited classes, reduced to a subordinate role executing manual, repetitive segmented labor operations in the class division of labor, or if the respective interpreters, on the contrary, start their analysis from the social standpoint of the class ruling the process
of production and reproduction, the class which holds a monopoly on decisive intellectual creative planning, the supervision of the execution of given orders as well as roles of ideological legitimization of segmented labor operations in the social production process of exchange between people, and between people and nature.
Study explores social conditions for the overcoming of class division of labor through the realisation of objectively possible utopian vision of economic, political and social self-management.
Compare also URLs of book chapters:;;;;
Orientation of Research Towards Social Transformation or Conservation: Impact of Class Affiliation and Value Orientation of Researchers on Findings of Population's Value Orientation Research, 2016
In the first part of the book, we will examine the impacts of the socially structured class posit... more In the first part of the book, we will examine the impacts of the socially structured class position and corresponding interests of researchers as one of the main actors of social research processes, on the research main orientation. The focus of the examination in the first part of the book is the impact of a small bourgeois class affiliation of researchers, “founding fathers of sociology”, on their orientation of research towards social development, understood as the transformation of prevailing form of social relations of exploitation and domination, on the one hand, or towards the mitigation or the conservation of the social inequality on the other.
The main hypothesis of the study is that in all contemporary class divided societies social researchers, as other highly educated professionals, occupy contradictory places and roles in the class division of labor of wage workers performing intellectual work function including reproduction of opposing value orientations and ideologies de/legitimizing social inequality. This contradictory position in the class division of labor leaves professional researchers with a greater margin for the choice of a world view and social standpoint from which to approach the explanation and understanding of social inequality and propose policies to deal with it, than to the affiliates of the basic two antagonistic classes, bourgeoisie and proletariat.
In the second part of the book, we will test the hypothesis on the impact of the class affiliation of researchers on the research orientation, on the example of the case study of the influence of the researchers’ value orientations on their findings concerning pro-capitalist or pro-socialist value orientations of their respondents.
Key words: contradictory class position and interests of small bourgeois (middle class) social researchers, contradictory research and social development orientations, value orientation, transformation, conservation of social relations, capitalism, socialism, value norm dissonance, private ownership, class division of labor, value orientation of measurers of value orientations
Sociološki pregled (Sociological Review), ISSN (print): 2560-4880; ISSN (on line); DOAI 0085-6320 (Print); DOAI 2560-4880 (Online) , 2017
Respected colleague, Please consider the possibility to write an original scientific paper for ... more Respected colleague,
Please consider the possibility to write an original scientific paper for a Thematic Issue of Sociološki Pregled (Sociological Review, the oldest and since 2017 bilingual sociological journal in Serbia published by the Serbian Sociological Society since 1928, category of the journal K51, CEON impact factor 5 0,141, indexed in DOAJ, SCIndeks, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, ROAD, OpenAIRE, Crossref), on the non/actuality of the MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY 170 YEARS AFTER THE FIRST EDITION ): reflections on relevance, epistemological status, activism/determinism, utopianism/scientism and ramifications of implementation of hypotheses about agents and means for attaining classless society, from the second decade of the XXI century perspective.
The thematic issue is scheduled for no. 2 in 2018 with papers written in English and/or in Serbian language, containing up to 28800 characters with white spaces, handed over for the double blind review until APRIL 30 2018. This is EXTENDED DEADLINE in comparison to the original calls for papers which had set the deadline in February/March, in the case that some changes in the papers accepted for publication prove to be necessary or their translation into English and/or Serbian language.
Having in mind that the extended deadline is approaching fast, consider also to write just an abstract containing your main theses on the non/actuality of the Manifesto, containing up to 800 words.
More information on the motives and opened questions of the first call to a dialogue is available at version of the call with the extended deadline).
The instructions for authors are available at, as well as the Form for statement on authorship and Technical instructions for Assistant , the portal through which the authors should send their proposed contributions to the thematic issue for a double blind review.
If you have any questions concerning this call, please do not hesitate to contact me through the mailing system of the at , or through the email .
Grateful in advance on your answer whether you intend to offer a paper for this thematic issue as soon as possible, I wish You all the best.
Vera Vratuša, guest editor of SP 2/2018
Dictionary of the Sociology of knowledge, 2014
Историја појма Дијалектика од антике до модерних времена. History of the concept of Dialectics f... more Историја појма Дијалектика од антике до модерних времена.
History of the concept of Dialectics from the antiquity to modern times
Увод у социологију сазнања - Introduction to sociology of knowledge, 2014
Based on the proposed textbook and source literature and the ones you find, modify, supplement an... more Based on the proposed textbook and source literature and the ones you find, modify, supplement and / or elaborate the basic оntological, еpistemological and practical assumptions of typical advocates of the phenomenological-interpretative approache to investigating the problems of cognition and knowledge
Увод у социологију сазнања - Introduction to sociology of knowledge, 2014
Тabular presentation of the main ontological, epistemological and practical political assumptions... more Тabular presentation of the main ontological, epistemological and practical political assumptions of the two variants of the functionalist positivist research paradigm
Увод у социологију сазнања - Introduction to sociology of knowledge, 2014
Tabular presentation of the basic ontological, epistemological and practical political assumption... more Tabular presentation of the basic ontological, epistemological and practical political assumptions of the new-materialistic inversion of idealistic dialectical research paradigm
Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, J.Michie ed, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers: London, Chicago, 2001
This paper presents the genesis of the concept of ideology in the works of the founders of the So... more This paper presents the genesis of the concept of ideology in the works of the founders of the Sociology of knowledge
Introduction to the Theory of Society, 2009
N.B. This course is in the process of transfer to thе address[ more ](;)N.B. This course is in the process of transfer to thе address from the address
Get to know the origins of modern scientific concepts and epistemological specificity of different theoretical answers to the basic questions about people, society, culture, history аnd through participation in discussions and defense of your seminar work, improve your understanding of social and historic conditions of changing content of answers to these questions аt
Learn how to research chosen themes from different realms of social interaction from the angle of different basic theoretical and methodological perspectives and their philosophical and practical assumptions. Gain the critical insights and research tools for re-examining and deepening your knowledge about social and historical processes and your own place and role in them.
Prof. Vera Vratuša will be conducting consultations with interested students through the messaging system of the participants within this interdisciplinary electronically supported course
Action Research, 2009
N.B.: This course is in the process of transfer to the address[ more ](;)N.B.: This course is in the process of transfer to the address from the address
Welcome to the first electronically supported postgraduate sociology studies course at the Belgrade University Faculty of Philosophy.
You are on the right spot if you wish to gain knowledge through action in cooperation with the group оf stakeholders, identifying the problem, acting to solve it, observing how successful were your efforts, and if you are not satisfied with the results, reflecting what you should do in the new attempt, as well as if you intend to transpose your knowledge gained through such participatory action research into the elaboration of your master / doctoral thesis. Participate in interactive sociology studying and practicing through electronic forums, assembling and commenting of action research quotations' dictionary, solving problems of participatory research oriented toward improvement of social action and context and other activities.
Prof. Vera Vratuša will be conducting consultations with interested students through the messaging system of the participants within this interdisciplinary electronically supported course.
ISBN 978-86-88347-08-2 Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Licence
Theories and Methods of Society Research, 2005
Participate in interactive sociology studying and practicing through electronic forums, assembling and commenting of quotations' dictionary, solving research problems and other activities.
Prof. Vera Vratuša will be conducting consultations with interested students through the messaging system of the participants within this electronically supported course
English version of this course is being successively made available at, since in July 2017 wikispaces closed down. Translation of TIMID into English is in process at
ISBN 978-86-88347-07-5
The first edition of Социологија сазнања (Sociology of knowledge): 2006, COBISS.SR-ID 527480471, evidence number of authorship copyright and subjects of similar rights: A - 23/06/1; ISBN 978-86-88347-04-4: The second expanded edition: 2014, ISBN 978-86-88347-05-.Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Licence.
ISARC10InternetForum, 2008
Welcome to the ISA RC 10 Internet Forum virtual interaction capable moodle, the on line research ... more Welcome to the ISA RC 10 Internet Forum virtual interaction capable moodle, the on line research network of International Sociological Association's Research Committee 10: Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management.
In accordance with the Minutes from RC10 Board & Business Meeting, September 7 2008 and from ISA Research Council Business Meeting, September 9 2008, concerning active use of Internet as communication tools to discuss research themes, updating RC10 website, making the papers available online before and after conferences, as well as on the basis of the several months long email correspondence under the track name “RC 10 Internet forum + digital publication of conference papers + netiquette”, we have all now the opportunity to contribute to developing “the idea of a more interactive relationship among us” on the pages of this Internet Forum enabling threaded discussions.
Let us begin in the XXI century necessary virtual and interactive practice of participation, organizational democracy, self-management research and self-reflection by editing home and other pages of our RC10 Forum, contributing to lively asynchronous and synchronous debates and deliberation concerning themes of common interest, organizing and posting contributions to past and forthcoming conferences and commenting them, creating specialized networks for planning and conducting common research of selected problems, announce and discuss RC10 statutes, past and future Boards, Budget, RC10 NEWSLETTER, calls for papers, on line courses , projects, virtual meetings, publications, propose relevant job ads, in memory, petitions, links …
Number of visitors to ISA Internet Forum increased from approximtely 25 regular viewers in 2009. to approximately double that number in 2017
Join in an interactive basic, master and doctoral study of sociology of knowledge (at http://mood...[ more ](;)Join in an interactive basic, master and doctoral study of sociology of knowledge (at through dialoguing оn the method of work, creating and commenting of the CITATION'S DICTIONARY OF THE PRECOURSORS, CREATORS AND SUCCESORS OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE, electronic discussions about your exploring seminary essays on the forums dedicated to sociology of knowledge problems which you choose and other activities. Get to know the basic concepts and approaches to resolution of the sociology of knowledge problems and acquire critical insights and research tools for the self- reflection of your own cognition practice in the socio-historic context.
Get to know and apply in your own research fundamental concepts, theories and methods of sociological research of emergence, changes, knowledge content, functions, distribution, conflict, management and influence of human ideas and ideologies, beliefs and knowledge in the context of the genesis and structural changes in the organization of relationships of subjects and objects of cognition!
Since the creator of this electronically supported sociology of knowledge course, Professor Vera Vratuša, retired, Professor Nada Sekulić will conduct the consultations with the interested students, through the messaging system of the participants.
ISBN 978-86-88347-05-1 Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Licence
Electronically supported course USOI, II, 2010
Get to know basic concepts and research perspectives of the science dealing with the social life ... more Get to know basic concepts and research perspectives of the science dealing with the social life of people, sharpen your craft of structural-systemic and historical-critical observation, acquire analytical capacities for discovering and operationalization of research problems necessary for the continuation of your sociology studies. Prof. Vera Vratuša, initiator of electronically supported study of Introduction to sociology I (II), after retirement will conduct consultations with interested students, assistants and colleagues professors through the messaging system of the participants and discussion forums within this electronically supported course, hoping that we will continue together to improve its good aspects and eliminate the bad ones through perpetual dialogue. English version of this course was being successively made available at until July 31 2018, when WIKISPACES decided to say farewell (see http://
EsociologyVera author publisher ISBN 978-86-88347-03-7, Belgrade, Creative |||||mmons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License 2010+
Note September 2014 Presently is in progress transfer of the Introduction to Sociology I (and II) to more reliable server and into the newer version of the program moodle...
Pečat, 2010
...Šta vi mislite o mogućnosti „povratka“ socijalizma? Lično nemam dilemu oko toga da ukoliko ogr... more ...Šta vi mislite o mogućnosti „povratka“ socijalizma?
Lično nemam dilemu oko toga da ukoliko ogromna većina čovečanstva ne odabere kvalitativni skok u socijalizam na osnovu ukidanja klasne podele rada, ciklične i sve razornije sistemske krize hiperakumjulacije kapitala I nedovoljne platežno sposobne potražnje, sve nas će iz kapitalizma kao modernog ropstva, dovesti preko društveno proizvedenih katastrofa, do samouništenja.
Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, br.XVII, 2002
The attempt to answer to the title question begins by exposing the limits of the etymological app... more The attempt to answer to the title question begins by exposing the limits of the etymological approach to interpretation of the meaning of the neologism sociology. More comprehensive self-reflexive, simultaneously genetic and structural approach is proposed. Paper analyses the social conditions of the concurrent appearance and the process of historical structural transformation of both the relevant segment of society that is singled out by this neologism as the object of the science of society as well as of the science of society itself and of its subjective social carriers. It is found that the changes in the meaning of the key words in the periods of intensified crises and structural transformations, express the radical transformation of the perception of people of themselves and of the constitution of social order. Paper traces different theoretical interpretations of society from the time of its differentiation into a relatively autonomous and self-sufficient sphere of market mediated exchange of private owners’ merchandises. Cyclical modification in the conception of different sociologists of the desirable organization of social reproduction and of the relationship of society to the religious and political spheres is focused. It is established that the time of institutionalization of sociology as an academic discipline coincided with the implicit or explicit identification of global society with the nation state, while the resent epoch is characterized by the contradictory emergence and conceptualization of the world society. It is concluded that hermeneutic approach is indispensable for the understanding of the personal choice of every sociologist to whom he or she offers his or her expert knowledge and power.
Development Religioin War, 1995
The second chapter of the book Development, Religion, War, deals with Weber's theoretic-methodolo... more The second chapter of the book Development, Religion, War, deals with Weber's theoretic-methodological framework’s capabilities and limits in overcoming vulgar both materialistic and idealistic interpretations of the causal relationship between the cultural, primarily religious values and economic development. It is shown that neither the "unexpected" contribution of Confucian ethics to accelerated industrial development nor the unequal efficacy of development strategies in two Korean states with identical Confucian social-cultural tradition, can be explained through the myopic perspective of western-centered and spiritualistically interpreted Weber's "Protestant thesis". Explanation is only possible in a wider context of the structural changes of dominant ownership relations caused by intrinsic contradictions of both state and market form of enlarged production regulation.
Development, Religion, War; Rayvoj, religija, rat, 1995
Development potential of the Orthodox Christian ethics is investigated in the third chapter. Rare... more Development potential of the Orthodox Christian ethics is investigated in the third chapter. Rare relevant literature is critically analyzed in order to understand and explain two phenomena: a) the relative social stagnation of the semi-Asian and semi-peripheral mode of production in Czarist Russia; and b) the role of "secular religion" in the social formations of "real socialism". Greece, as the orthodox society without “real socialism” experience, is examined as the “control case”, in order to assess the development potential of the Orthodox socio-cultural tradition in "post-socialist" social systems. It is concluded that economic underdevelopment of Eastern Europe is not due primarily to the orthodox dogmatics’ “outer-worldly mystical sensational soteriology” or absence of the spiritual “functional equivalent” of Protestant inner-worldly asceticism. Rather, it is due to the fact that institutional conditions of their ruling classes’ self-reproduction, (be it the big landowners, the prebendal state bureaucracy, the collective owners of the main means of production or merchant bourgeoisie), present the unfavorable “objective conditions” for industrial productive employment of economic surplus and for the technical and technological progress.
Es ist zweifelhaft, ob die 4. industrielle Revolution ausreichend ganzheitlich vorbereitet und um... more Es ist zweifelhaft, ob die 4. industrielle Revolution ausreichend ganzheitlich vorbereitet und umgesetzt werden wird, um so viele positive Konsequenzen zu erzielen, wie es im Buch von Schwab (2016) vorhergesagt wird. Neben den technologischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Aspekten müssen auch die psychologischen und soziologischen Aspekte berücksichtigt werden, die im Buch von Schwab (2016) nicht angesprochen werden. Deshalb gebrauchen wir (Em. O. Univ.Prof. Dr., Dr. Matjaž Mulej Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschften der Universität Maribor und IRDO – Institut für die Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung, Maribor E-Mail: und
Prof. Dr. Vera Vratuša Universität Belgrad, E-Mail:
die Dialektische Systemtheorie als eine Methode zur Erzielung einer angemessenen Ganzheit, und in der Schlussfolgerung zeigen wir einige übersehene soziologische Aspekte der 4. industriellen Revolution auf.
200 years of Friedrich Engels, 2020
This work examines the actuality of Engels' text The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Scie... more This work examines the actuality of Engels' text The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science in the first fifth of the twenty-first century, taking into account the historical experience acquired within the hundred and forty years after its first release in 1880.
The basic method used in the preparation of this work is the analysis of the content of Engels' writings and its contextualization within the historical specific social economic circumstances during the time of Engels' life and today.
The main finding of this work is that actuality of Engel's text Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science rests on the continual existence of the capitalist mode of production internal contradictions, which, according to Engels, utopian socialism overlooked, but which scientific socialism has discovered through new historical materialist and dialectical study of class conflicts throughout human history. The main contradiction between the only socially usable production forces and private appropriation of the unpaid for surplus labor of non possessing productive classes on the anarchic world market by the classes who posses the means of production, has not been overcome until our days. In the world proportions there still did not happen expected realization of the revolutionary action of the exploited class of hired workers to create conditions for the leap into the realm of freedom, that is the taking of control of freely united producers over their own product.
Elements of the utopianism of Engels' writing originate from demoralizing pressure of the devastating consequences of the capitalist production mode, which reduces the conviction of potential subjects of revolutionary class alliance in the possibility of achieving the socialist „realm of freedom“.
On the other hand, the author points out in this paper that in the case that there does not come to revolutionary leap from the realm of necessity of the anarchic capitalist merchandise production into the realm of freedom through the self-conscious and self organized revolutionary activity of all exploited and oppressed classes, there will come to the self-annihilation of the planet earth through human destructive, alienated and alienating action of accumulation of capital for the sake of accumulation, long before this annihilation was predicted by Immanuel Kant and Laplace through the natural evolution of solar system., 2017
Restoration of capitalism in Serbia 1989 - 1999 presents a translation by Vera Vratusa from Serbi... more Restoration of capitalism in Serbia 1989 - 1999
presents a translation by Vera Vratusa from Serbian to English of
the excerpt from: Vratuša Žunjić Vera (2012). ? (Vol. 1). Belgrade: Chigoja Press
Added by Ivo Kovačević on 19/06/2017.
Saved under Društvene nauke, Istaknuto (Social sciences, Highlighted)
Tags: privatizacija, Restauracija kapitalizma, samoupravljanje, tranzicija (privatization, restoration of capitalism, self-management, transition)
Promene osnovnih struktura društva Srbije u periodu ubrzane transformacije, ISIFF, Beograd, 2013
The incentive for asking the title question of this paper "'New' or 'old' social structuring/stra... more The incentive for asking the title question of this paper "'New' or 'old' social structuring/stratification in Serbia, former Yugoslav republics and former societies of 'real socialism'?" provided two titles on the same topic that appeared just four months apart. The first title "New social structuring in Serbia" - appeared in early August 2012, inviting potential participants of the project conference to present their research findings. The second title - "Stratification changes in Serbia" appeared at the beginning of December 2012, announcing the definitive program of the project conference.
The first title prompted the author of this paper to reconsider the appropriateness of the use of the adjective "new" in research into the process of emergence, existence and transformation of dominant social relations between people regarding the conditions and means of reproduction of their social life not only in Serbia, but also in the former Yugoslav republics and former societies of "real socialism", after the landmark historical event symbolized by the demolition of the wall in Berlin in 1989, i.e. after the opposite interpretations of the mass demonstrations of October 5 as a "Democratic revolution", "dredge revolution" or the "shadow" coup in Belgrade in 2000 .
Tranzicija – odakle i kuda (Vol. 1) , 2012
Ovde proveravamo heurističku plodnost polazne hipoteze o društvenoj uslovljenosti mišljenja i pon... more Ovde proveravamo heurističku plodnost polazne hipoteze o društvenoj uslovljenosti mišljenja i ponašanja pripadnika svih društvenih grupacija, njihovim mestom u klasnoj podeli rada, primenjujući je na pokušaj objašnjenja i razumevanja specifičnih ideja i delanja pripadnika grupacije visokoobrazovane inteligencije, zapravo „nove“ sitne buržoazije. Položaj u klasnoj podeli rada pripadnika ove grupacije „subjekata istraživanja“, prema terminologiji Đan Antonija Đilija,1 izrazito je protivrečan. Ovoj grupaciji pripada i autor ovog istraživanja. Svoju sitnoburžoasku pripadnost izričito potvrđujem, da niko ne bi mogao da mi zameri da uvredljivo diskvalifikujem pripadnike inteligencije kao potencijalne „sluge vladajuće klase“, dok sebe izuzimam iz stalne tendencije pripadnika ovog sloja i regrutne osnove vladajuće klase, da u meri u kojoj ne dovodim u pitanje vlastitu ulogu u reprodukciji klasne podele rada, u krajnjoj liniji služim interesima vladajuće klase. Ovaj pokušaj objašnjenja i razumevanja protivrečnog klasnog položaja visokoobrazovane sitne buržoazije predstavlja stoga oblik samorefleksije.2 Ključan elemenat samorefleksije društvenih naučnika je preispitivanje društvene uslovljenosti vlastite istraživačke delatnosti: kako na njihov (naš) izbor istraživačkih tema, prikupljanje podataka, interpretaciju i primenu rezultata, utiče njihov (naš) posrednički položaj u klasnoj podeli rada i s njime povezani interesi konzerviranja ili samo reformisanja postojećih klasnih odnosa? Da li su oni (mi) pripadnici «slobodno lebdeće» inteligencije, podređeni deo vladajuće klase ili povlašćeni deo potlačene klase?
Razvoj, religija, rat, 1995
Teško je doći do celovite teorijske razrade pojma razvoja, zbog njegove velike složenosti i vredn... more Teško je doći do celovite teorijske razrade pojma razvoja, zbog njegove velike složenosti i vrednosno "obojene" višeznačnosti. U skoro svim evropskim jezicima reč "razvoj" se povezuje s grupom glagola "odvijati". Ideja razvoja, dakle, izvorno podrazumeva odmotavanje nečega što je već postojalo u uvijenom, ne-razvijenom obliku ili stanju. Do danas je za pojam razvoja ostalo konstitutivno značenje promene oblika i strukture onoga što se razvija (u ovom tekstu nas interesuje pre svega razvoj društva i čoveka kao sveukupnosti društvenih odnosa), s tim što se pritom čuva identitet onoga što prolazi kroz proces razvoja. Realno ishodište raznolikosti pojma razvoja nalazi se pre svega u raznolikosti doživljenog načina odnošenja čoveka prema vremenu (tradicionalna-statična i moderna-industrijska društva).
Tranzicija – odakle i kuda ? I, 2012
Da li doista autori koji koriste pojam "tranzicija" u posebnom značenju prelaza od državno-plansk... more Da li doista autori koji koriste pojam "tranzicija" u posebnom značenju prelaza od državno-planskog regulisanja privrede na tržišno regulisanje i od autoritarnog jednopartijskog sistema političkog upravljanja na višepartijski sistem parlamentarne demokratije u zemljama bivšeg "realnog socijalizma", uglavnom stavljaju akcenat na odlučujući značaj evolutivne promene kulturno-idejnih i vrednosnih ili "idealističkih" činilaca i odnosa za ostvarivanje ciljeva ovako shvaćenog društvenog sadržaja tranzicije? Uvid u sadržaj takvih studija pokazuje da autori koji zapravo zagovaraju prelaz u kapitalističke odnose, mada izričito pominju najčešće samo prelaz iz tradicionalnog u moderno društvo, skloni su da usvoje i pokušavaju da dalje razviju uporedno idealno-tipska istraživanja radne etike svetskih religija koja je započeo Maks Veber. ...
Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, J.Michie ed, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers: London, Chicago, 2001
Sociološki rečnik, 2007
kompradorska buržoazija. Opisni pridev «kom pradorska« potiče iz portugalske reči compradore, što... more kompradorska buržoazija. Opisni pridev «kom pradorska« potiče iz portugalske reči compradore, što znači kupac. Komprador je prvobitno označavao pripadnika lokalne grupacije trgovaca koji su u Kini, po ugovoru o najmu, bili plaćeni da rade za piripadnike zapadnjačke trgovačke buržoazije, od kasnog XVIII do ranog XX veka. Bili su zaduženi da unajmljuju, kontrolišu i odgovaraju za preostalo lokalno osoblje razmenjivača deviza, prevodilaca, kulija i stražara. Neki su se dovoljno obogatili da bi osnovali vlastita preduzeća.
Nakon ubrzavanja procesa dekolonizacije posle Drugog svetskog rata i pojave neokolnijalizma, k.b. označava pripadnike lokalne sitne i srednje buržoazije obrazovane u školama kolonizatora, koji kao neka vrsta domaćih plaćenih agenata podugovarača pomažu kolonizatorima i neokolonijalistima sa sedištem u centru svetskog kapitalističkog privrednog sistema u izrabljivanju kolonija i polukolonija na periferiji tog sistema...
The paper contains an analysis of the three main theoretico-methodological approaches to explain... more The paper contains an analysis of the three main theoretico-methodological
approaches to explaining and understanding the causes and effects of the crisis of 2008, as well as an analysis of the closely related three main types of practico-political strategies for overcoming the crisis – neo-Smithism, neo-Keynesism and neo-Marxism.
The main finding of the paper is that the ideological conflict of the partisans of these three paradigmatic approaches is an expression of a class struggle for the preservation, reform or elimination of the existing globally predominating social relations of capital accumulation in a systemic crisis.
Рад садржи анализу три основна теоријско-методолошка приступа објашњењу и разумевању узрока кризе 2008. и њених последица, као и анализу с тим приступима тесно по-
везана три основна типа практичко-политичких стратегија изласка из кризе – неосмитизам (neo-Smithism), неокејнзизам (neo-Keynesism) и неомарксизам (neo-Marxism).
Основни налаз рада је да идејни сукоб заговорника ова три парадигматска приступа представља израз класне борбе за очување, реформисање или укидање постојећих глобално преовлађујућих друштвених односа акумулације капитала у системској кризи.
Tranzicija odakle i kuda I Tranzition Where From and WhereTo I, 2012
Here we test the heuristic fecundity of the starting hypothesis on social conditioning of the thi... more Here we test the heuristic fecundity of the starting hypothesis on social conditioning of the thinking and acting of the affiliates of all social groupations, by their place in the class division of labor, by applying it on the attempt at the explanation and understanding of the specific ideas and actions of the affiliates of the groupation of highly educated intelligentsia, in fact of the “new” small bourgeoisie. The place in class division of labor of the affiliates of this groupation of the „subjects of research“, according to the terminology of Gian Antonio Gilly,1 is extremely contradictory. To this groupation belongs also the author of this research. I explicitly affirm my small bourgeois affiliation, so that nobody could reproach me that I offendingly disqualify the affiliates of intelligentsia as potential “servant of the ruling class “, while excluding myself from the permanent tendency of the affiliates of this groupation and recruiting basis of the ruling class, that in the extent to which I do not call into question my own role in the reproduction of the class division of labor, I in the last instance serve to the interests of the ruling class. This attempt of explanation and understanding of the contradictory class position of the highly educated small bourgeoisies presents therefore one form of self-reflection.