Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum. | Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (original) (raw)


Papers by Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra 8 di Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (yang satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Senabastra 8 (yang satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2016

Makalah ini berisi analisis diksi kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis... more Makalah ini berisi analisis diksi kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis
Shiner. Kata Black dan White dipilih berdasarkan fenomena perang rasial yang masih terjadi di kawasan Amerika
sejak 1960 hingga saat ini. Pada 1960, kata Black berarti hitam atau yang sering dikonotasikan dengan ras kulit
hitam, sedangkan kata White berarti putih atau yang sering dikonotasikan dengan ras kulit putih. Sejak saat itu,
banyak novel yang mengkisahkan perang rasial antara kulit hitam dengan kulit putih, misalnya novel Black and
White karangan Lewis Shiner. Dalam novel tersebut, ditemukan perkembangan gaya penulisan kata yang
berkonotasi dengan Black (kulit hitam) dan White (kulit putih). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis diksi atau
pilihan kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis Shiner. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan
mengambil sample kalimat yang menggunakan pilihan kata Black dan White, kemudian dijelaskan secara deskriptif
kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan software Antconc dan Antword Profiler, analisis tersebut dilakukan dari sudut
pandang linguistik korpus. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata Black dan White menduduki peringkat pertama
dalam pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam novel tersebut dengan diikuti kata benda dan kata sifat sehingga
pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif bisa disimpulkan merupakan pendekatan yang baik dalam menganalisis diksi atau
pilihan kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis Shiner tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotik Pada Iklan-Iklan Aqua DI Media Televisi


The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water d... more The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water drink that are advertised in the television. Relating to this, these myth of Aqua has sent the messages to the readers’ mind. These myth can the readers’ mind to choose something and make a decision. In those advertisements of Aqua, the myth are sent by considering the location of video advertisement, colors choosing, ornamemts adding, time settings, choosing of musics, the characters of actors or actress, the compny image, and choosing of sentences that can persuade the readers to buy the Aqua product and specfifically make this myth becomes one of factors of influencein buying something. This analysis uses the library study to know and to observe the phenomena or conditions in producing the video advertisement of the water drink product. For this, the qualitative data are used to know the description of the myth of the product advertised and its supporting factors. The descriptive quali...

Research paper thumbnail of Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sastra, Budaya, dan Perubahan Sosial di Universitas Kristen Petra tahun 2016 (salah satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sastra, Budaya, dan Perubahan Sosial di Universitas Kristen Petra tahun 2016, 2016

Tulisan ini dilakukan untuk melihat fakta bahwa dari tahun ke tahun tingkat inflasi y... more Tulisan ini dilakukan untuk melihat fakta bahwa dari tahun ke tahun tingkat inflasi yang tidak
pernah turun. Menurut data dari Bank Indonesia, tingkat inflasi tahun 2014 sebesar 8.36%, meleset dari
perkiraan yang berkisar 4.5 dengan deviasi +1%. Hal ini menyebabkan standar nilai rupiah (termasuk
materialisme) Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) naik dari tahun ke tahun. Disebabkan kenaikan harga barang,
yang bahkan bisa melebihi kenaikan tingkat inflasi. Ini diikuti dengan turunnya tingkat pertumbuhan
ekonomi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi NKRI yang tahun
2014 sebesar 5,1%, pada 2015 menurun menjadi sebesar 4,9%. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan penurunan tenaga
kerja serta Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) para karyawan sektor industri dan jasa. Ini menimbulkan
masalah baru, naiknya jumlah pengangguran atau bahkan tidak terpenuhinya Upah minimum
Kota/Kabupaten (UMK) atau Upah Minimum Regional (UMR). Sehingga menyebabkan berbagai aliansi
buruh se-Indonesia melakukan aksi demonstrasi massal menuntut kebijakan pemerintah diperbarui.
Tujuannya adalah untuk kesejahteraan kaum proletar (buruh). Dalam aksi itu, mereka menggunakan bahasabahasa tertentu guna terpenuhinya tuntutan mereka pada pemerintah agar permintaan atau tuntutan mereka
didengar oleh pemerintah. Untuk itulah, dalam tulisan ini, bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan kaum proletar
tersebut akan dianalisis dari sudut pandang wacana kritis. Tulisan ini mengambil sample poster dan spanduk
yang diusung para buruh dalam demo massal sepanjang 2015. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa materialisme dialektik bisa menimbulkan dialektika materialism. Yang dalam paham
Marxisme adalah usaha perundingan antara kaum proletar dengan pemerintah. Sehingga diperolehlah hasil
kenaikan UMK/UMR pada awal 2016. Dan eksistensialisme kaum proletar pun semakin terasa.

Kata kunci: kaum proletar (buruh), demonstrasi massal, dialektika materialisme, Fairclough, marxisme

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Speech Act and Imperative Entity Analysis in TV ONE Indonesian Lawyers Club of June 7 th , 2016 (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Indonesian Speech Act and Imperative Entity Analysis in TV ONE Indonesian Lawyers Club of June 7 th , 2016 (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2018

This analysis is related to the political speech acts that are used by the politician and the gov... more This analysis is related to the political speech acts that are used by the politician and the government officer in the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) program, one most favorite program in TV ONE (one of the private television broadcaster in Indonesia). For this research, the qualitative data are used to know the description of pragmatic elements or entities that involved in the political language or speech acts. Analyzing the data that are compiled from the ILC program of TV ONE (especially the data of 7 June 2016 edition), the researcher applied the descriptive qualitative approach. In that program of TV One, there are some pragmatic entities that are applied; they are the direct speech act (the non-literal speech act), the cooperative principles and Grice maxims, the imperative entities, and the politeness strategies

Research paper thumbnail of Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum., Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan-iklan Aqua di Media Televisi

Jurnal Paramasastra 4-Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan-Iklan Aqua di Media Televisi (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2017

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Home > Vol 4, No 1 (2017) > Puteri

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26740/parama.v4n1.p%25p
Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri


The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water drink that are advertised in the television. Relating to this, these myth of Aqua has sent the messages to the readers’ mind. These myth can the readers’ mind to choose something and make a decision. In those advertisements of Aqua, the myth are sent by considering the location of video advertisement, colors choosing, ornamemts adding, time settings, choosing of musics, the characters of actors or actress, the compny image, and choosing of sentences that can persuade the readers to buy the Aqua product and specfifically make this myth becomes one of factors of influencein buying something. This analysis uses the library study to know and to observe the phenomena or conditions in producing the video advertisement of the water drink product. For this, the qualitative data are used to know the description of the myth of the product advertised and its supporting factors. The descriptive qualitative analysis is applied to analyse these data. The result of research proves that the majority of myth that involved in the advertisement can mention Aqua is the best hygiene water drink the people consume. These advertisements of Aqua can make the audiences or people believe that Aqua is the right water drink for the body health, especially in reducing dehydration and increasing the concentration of the person that consumes it.

Research paper thumbnail of The Deixis Uses in the Ngenest, Kadang Hidup Perlu Ditertawakan Film (Sociopragmatics Study) - penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.

Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri 121514253008 Thesis S2 Magister Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Airlangga, 2018

This research was motivated by the semantic phenomenon happened in the word or word construction... more This research was motivated by the semantic phenomenon happened in the word or word
construction that is interpreted to references that are figured on the context of speech, that is
Deixis. The descriptive qualitative method approach was utilized to gather and to analyze the
data. It was started by collecting deixis words on the Ngenest, Kadang Hidup Perlu Ditertawakan
film. The dominant deixis found in that comedy film are the First Person Deixis, it is Singular
Person Deixis and the Plural Person Deixis. The Singular Person Deixis is saya, aku, kamu, wo,
gue or gua, and I. The Plural Person Deixis is kita. Besides, the Second Person Deixis is kamu.
In this research, the researcher also analyze the deixis and its social relationships. In this case,
the researcher only focuses the deixis that are correlated to the main actor of the film, Ernest
Prakasa, that has social relationship with other characters or actors in the film. The result is the
researcher found that the deixis is closely related to social power and to social position, and
cultural relationship among the main character to others. It is also found that representation of
Chinese is pointing out. So, sociopragmatics approach could be analyzed from the deixis used.
Keywords: Deixis, Sociopragmatics, representation of Chinese, Film

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra 8 di Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (yang satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Senabastra 8 (yang satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2016

Makalah ini berisi analisis diksi kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis... more Makalah ini berisi analisis diksi kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis
Shiner. Kata Black dan White dipilih berdasarkan fenomena perang rasial yang masih terjadi di kawasan Amerika
sejak 1960 hingga saat ini. Pada 1960, kata Black berarti hitam atau yang sering dikonotasikan dengan ras kulit
hitam, sedangkan kata White berarti putih atau yang sering dikonotasikan dengan ras kulit putih. Sejak saat itu,
banyak novel yang mengkisahkan perang rasial antara kulit hitam dengan kulit putih, misalnya novel Black and
White karangan Lewis Shiner. Dalam novel tersebut, ditemukan perkembangan gaya penulisan kata yang
berkonotasi dengan Black (kulit hitam) dan White (kulit putih). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis diksi atau
pilihan kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis Shiner. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan
mengambil sample kalimat yang menggunakan pilihan kata Black dan White, kemudian dijelaskan secara deskriptif
kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan software Antconc dan Antword Profiler, analisis tersebut dilakukan dari sudut
pandang linguistik korpus. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata Black dan White menduduki peringkat pertama
dalam pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam novel tersebut dengan diikuti kata benda dan kata sifat sehingga
pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif bisa disimpulkan merupakan pendekatan yang baik dalam menganalisis diksi atau
pilihan kata Black dan White dalam novel Black and White karangan Lewis Shiner tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotik Pada Iklan-Iklan Aqua DI Media Televisi


The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water d... more The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water drink that are advertised in the television. Relating to this, these myth of Aqua has sent the messages to the readers’ mind. These myth can the readers’ mind to choose something and make a decision. In those advertisements of Aqua, the myth are sent by considering the location of video advertisement, colors choosing, ornamemts adding, time settings, choosing of musics, the characters of actors or actress, the compny image, and choosing of sentences that can persuade the readers to buy the Aqua product and specfifically make this myth becomes one of factors of influencein buying something. This analysis uses the library study to know and to observe the phenomena or conditions in producing the video advertisement of the water drink product. For this, the qualitative data are used to know the description of the myth of the product advertised and its supporting factors. The descriptive quali...

Research paper thumbnail of Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sastra, Budaya, dan Perubahan Sosial di Universitas Kristen Petra tahun 2016 (salah satu penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sastra, Budaya, dan Perubahan Sosial di Universitas Kristen Petra tahun 2016, 2016

Tulisan ini dilakukan untuk melihat fakta bahwa dari tahun ke tahun tingkat inflasi y... more Tulisan ini dilakukan untuk melihat fakta bahwa dari tahun ke tahun tingkat inflasi yang tidak
pernah turun. Menurut data dari Bank Indonesia, tingkat inflasi tahun 2014 sebesar 8.36%, meleset dari
perkiraan yang berkisar 4.5 dengan deviasi +1%. Hal ini menyebabkan standar nilai rupiah (termasuk
materialisme) Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) naik dari tahun ke tahun. Disebabkan kenaikan harga barang,
yang bahkan bisa melebihi kenaikan tingkat inflasi. Ini diikuti dengan turunnya tingkat pertumbuhan
ekonomi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi NKRI yang tahun
2014 sebesar 5,1%, pada 2015 menurun menjadi sebesar 4,9%. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan penurunan tenaga
kerja serta Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) para karyawan sektor industri dan jasa. Ini menimbulkan
masalah baru, naiknya jumlah pengangguran atau bahkan tidak terpenuhinya Upah minimum
Kota/Kabupaten (UMK) atau Upah Minimum Regional (UMR). Sehingga menyebabkan berbagai aliansi
buruh se-Indonesia melakukan aksi demonstrasi massal menuntut kebijakan pemerintah diperbarui.
Tujuannya adalah untuk kesejahteraan kaum proletar (buruh). Dalam aksi itu, mereka menggunakan bahasabahasa tertentu guna terpenuhinya tuntutan mereka pada pemerintah agar permintaan atau tuntutan mereka
didengar oleh pemerintah. Untuk itulah, dalam tulisan ini, bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan kaum proletar
tersebut akan dianalisis dari sudut pandang wacana kritis. Tulisan ini mengambil sample poster dan spanduk
yang diusung para buruh dalam demo massal sepanjang 2015. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa materialisme dialektik bisa menimbulkan dialektika materialism. Yang dalam paham
Marxisme adalah usaha perundingan antara kaum proletar dengan pemerintah. Sehingga diperolehlah hasil
kenaikan UMK/UMR pada awal 2016. Dan eksistensialisme kaum proletar pun semakin terasa.

Kata kunci: kaum proletar (buruh), demonstrasi massal, dialektika materialisme, Fairclough, marxisme

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Speech Act and Imperative Entity Analysis in TV ONE Indonesian Lawyers Club of June 7 th , 2016 (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.)

Indonesian Speech Act and Imperative Entity Analysis in TV ONE Indonesian Lawyers Club of June 7 th , 2016 (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2018

This analysis is related to the political speech acts that are used by the politician and the gov... more This analysis is related to the political speech acts that are used by the politician and the government officer in the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) program, one most favorite program in TV ONE (one of the private television broadcaster in Indonesia). For this research, the qualitative data are used to know the description of pragmatic elements or entities that involved in the political language or speech acts. Analyzing the data that are compiled from the ILC program of TV ONE (especially the data of 7 June 2016 edition), the researcher applied the descriptive qualitative approach. In that program of TV One, there are some pragmatic entities that are applied; they are the direct speech act (the non-literal speech act), the cooperative principles and Grice maxims, the imperative entities, and the politeness strategies

Research paper thumbnail of Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum., Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan-iklan Aqua di Media Televisi

Jurnal Paramasastra 4-Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan-Iklan Aqua di Media Televisi (ditulis oleh Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.), 2017

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Home > Vol 4, No 1 (2017) > Puteri

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26740/parama.v4n1.p%25p
Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri


The analysis of this paper is related to the myth analysis of the adevertisements of Aqua water drink that are advertised in the television. Relating to this, these myth of Aqua has sent the messages to the readers’ mind. These myth can the readers’ mind to choose something and make a decision. In those advertisements of Aqua, the myth are sent by considering the location of video advertisement, colors choosing, ornamemts adding, time settings, choosing of musics, the characters of actors or actress, the compny image, and choosing of sentences that can persuade the readers to buy the Aqua product and specfifically make this myth becomes one of factors of influencein buying something. This analysis uses the library study to know and to observe the phenomena or conditions in producing the video advertisement of the water drink product. For this, the qualitative data are used to know the description of the myth of the product advertised and its supporting factors. The descriptive qualitative analysis is applied to analyse these data. The result of research proves that the majority of myth that involved in the advertisement can mention Aqua is the best hygiene water drink the people consume. These advertisements of Aqua can make the audiences or people believe that Aqua is the right water drink for the body health, especially in reducing dehydration and increasing the concentration of the person that consumes it.

Research paper thumbnail of The Deixis Uses in the Ngenest, Kadang Hidup Perlu Ditertawakan Film (Sociopragmatics Study) - penulisnya adalah Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri, S.S., M.Hum.

Bunga Diantirta Yapati Puteri 121514253008 Thesis S2 Magister Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Airlangga, 2018

This research was motivated by the semantic phenomenon happened in the word or word construction... more This research was motivated by the semantic phenomenon happened in the word or word
construction that is interpreted to references that are figured on the context of speech, that is
Deixis. The descriptive qualitative method approach was utilized to gather and to analyze the
data. It was started by collecting deixis words on the Ngenest, Kadang Hidup Perlu Ditertawakan
film. The dominant deixis found in that comedy film are the First Person Deixis, it is Singular
Person Deixis and the Plural Person Deixis. The Singular Person Deixis is saya, aku, kamu, wo,
gue or gua, and I. The Plural Person Deixis is kita. Besides, the Second Person Deixis is kamu.
In this research, the researcher also analyze the deixis and its social relationships. In this case,
the researcher only focuses the deixis that are correlated to the main actor of the film, Ernest
Prakasa, that has social relationship with other characters or actors in the film. The result is the
researcher found that the deixis is closely related to social power and to social position, and
cultural relationship among the main character to others. It is also found that representation of
Chinese is pointing out. So, sociopragmatics approach could be analyzed from the deixis used.
Keywords: Deixis, Sociopragmatics, representation of Chinese, Film