murat cetin | Fenerbahce University (original) (raw)

Book Chapters by murat cetin

[Research paper thumbnail of 2021	İçten İçe; Mimarlıkta “İç” Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, [ISBN: 978-605-9386-38-8], Nika, Ankara.](

İçten İçe; Mimarlıkta “İç” Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni,, 2021

‘İçten İçe’; Mimarlıkta ‘İç’ Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, mimarlıkla iç mimarlığın ayrış... more ‘İçten İçe’; Mimarlıkta ‘İç’ Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, mimarlıkla iç mimarlığın ayrışma sürecini ele alırken, bu ayrışmanın tarihsel kökenlerini, nirengi noktalarını ve dayanaklarını ortaya koymak üzere yola çıkar. Kitap, mimarlık alanının iç mimarlığı nasıl algılayageldiğini, bu çoğu kez küçümseyici algılayışın tarihte yavaşça nasıl ortaya çıktığını esasen politik bir okuma üzerinden inceler. Bütün bir meslek camiâsının kitlesel olarak böylesi bir hikâyeye bunca zaman nasıl kolayca inandırıldığının üzerindeki perdeleri kaldırmaya girişen kitapta, vaktiyle mimarların uhdesinde olan iç mimarlığın, bugün ayrı bir disiplin haline gelişinde etkili olan ekonomik ve politik gelişmelerin tarihi, farklı disiplinlerle bağlantılar kurarak incelenir. İnsanlığın yeryüzünde varoluşu, insanlığın biyolojik evrimi, yerleşme tarihi, teknoloji, sanat, ekonomi ve siyaset tarihi gibi alanlarla ilişkilendirilen mimarlık ve iç mimarlık arasındaki ayrışma sürecinin, kapitalizmin etkisiyle ciddi bir yarılma evresine ulaştığı iddia edilen bu kitapta, kutuplaşmanın ulaştığı boyut savaş kuramlarıyla ilişkilendirilerek de açıklanmaya çalışılır. Sözü edilen bu politik ve dolayısıyla mekânsal yarılma, emek-sermaye ve kent-kır çelişkileri bağlamında yorumlanmıştır. Yine, medya ve teknolojinin bu kutuplaşmada ve bu yarılmanın kamuoyundaki algısının şekillendirilmesinde oynadığı roller analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca mimarlık teorisini yönlendiren felsefi akımların bu küresel politik ajandaya nasıl hizmet ettiği, bunun mimar ve iç mimarların gündelik pratiklerine, mesleki örgütlenmelerine, eğitim sistemlerine ve kurumsallaşmasına nasıl yansıdığı incelenmiştir. “İç mimar mısın, dış mı?” sorusu üzerinden karikatürize edilme eğilimine maruz bırakılan iç mimarlık alanının geçirdiği bu tarihsel süreçte, vaktiyle bir bütün olan mimarlık-iç mimarlık çiftinin dış etkenlerle yıkılmaya ve düşmanlaşmaya doğru sürüklenen kadim birlikteliği, bir anlamda öyküleştirilerek de ele alınmıştır. Kitap bu ayrışmanın geleceğine dair olası senaryo önerileri ile sonlanmaktadır.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Bir Nehrin Kıyısını Tasarlamak; Mimarlık eğitiminde bir Ciddiyet ve Sorumluluk Adacığı Olarak Sakarya Üniversitesi Mimarlık Öğrencileri”, Sakarya Nehri Çevresi Öğrenci Projeleri (ed. S. Doyduk), Sakarya Üniversitesi Yayınları, Sakarya [ISBN: 978-605-2238-17-2], pp.4-8.](

Sakarya Nehri Çevresi Öğrenci Projeleri , 2019

architectural education in Sakarya University and urban design studio process.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016	“Urban-Architecture as a Battleground of Socio-Cultural Struggle”, The Urban Gaze: Exploring Urbanity through Art, Architecture, Music, Fashion, Film and Media, (ed. L. Howard, S.Mazzucotelli) (e-book / ISBN  978-1-84888-453-3), Interdisciplinary.Net Press; Oxford, pp.129-140.

Architecture is closely yet paradoxically connected to the two basic and complementary human inst... more Architecture is closely yet paradoxically connected to the two basic and complementary human instincts; to construct and to destruct, in other words to live and to die. Therefore, architecture and urbanism can be considered as the spatial
dimensions of an ideological war of different interest groups in cities. Such a war mainly manifests itself as the polarisation between corporate sector and public sector, global and local, modern and traditional. Planning acts as a means of capitalist control over the urban (public) space under a macro-orthodoxy approach despite the public reaction via manipulation of public space through; microurbanism in urban-leftovers and queer-spaces, reclamation of landfills, and ephemeral architecture. A large body of community seem to resist through guerrilla war tactics of architecture against the comprehensive strategic war plans, technoscientific artillery, and devoted and well-trained troops of neo-liberal corporate bodies. Who will survive in such a relentless spatial war depends largely on the development of counter-strategies and accurate calculations based on game theory. The chapter will address the issue of reconstruction and resilience of cities with particular reference to the case of Istanbul, her transformation zones and conservation areas. Hence, the study will focus on urban paradigm shift and complexity of Istanbul as a multi-cultural, multi-layered metropolitan city in a post-modern era. The article intends to develop alternative strategies towards reshaping urban environment via architecture primarily by analysing the morphology of new urban spaces and emergent forms of life. Consequently, architecture of cities is argued as a para-military instrument for the tactical deployment of conflicting ideologies into an ongoing state of socio-cultural battle between opposing parties of the city.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2014, “A Critical Look, Subtle Talk and Judicious Walk on the Insidious Paths of Sustainable Tourism; ”, in Tourism Development in the GCC States: Reconciling Economic Growth, Conservation and Sustainable Development (ed. A. Spiess, F. Al-Mubarak, A.S. Weber), [ISBN 978-1-4614-7452-4], Springer; NY,](

A Critical Look, Subtle Talk and Judicious Walk on the Insidious Paths of Sustainable Tourism; Dealing with Dual Character of Conservation of Urban-Architectural Heritage in Saudi Arabia, inTourism Development in the GCC States: Reconciling Economic Growth, Conservation and Sustainable Development , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of From Anatolia to Bosnia; Reviews on Pendentive Dome Mosque’s Architecture, USM Press. Malaysia.

From Anatolia to Bosnia; Reviews on Pendentive Dome Mosque’s Architecture, USM Press. Malaysia., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of “Not Madness But Business; A Green Paradigm Shift in Architecture and Building Industry”, Green Technologies and Business Practices; An IT Approach ( Pablos)

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of archi... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of architecture and building sector towards a concern for environmental problems, ecological awareness, and thus, sustainable design, green technologies, and materials. Having conceived architecture and building practices as one of the leading economic activities globally, this chapter elucidates the role of architecture in creating business opportunities. The chapter tackles the subject from the perspective of technology and it analyzes the recent debates as well as developments in theory of architecture and building practice in construction industry. This chapter mainly argues that the ongoing paradigm shift moves beyond mere concern with environmental issues and creates an industry and economy of its own. The chapter introduces key concepts in the fields of green building and green architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Split-Identity as a Symptom of Contemporary Urban Form of Arab Cities”, Contemporary Architecture of Islamic Societies between Globalization and Traditions (ed.A.Mandour)

Research paper thumbnail of Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Architecture on Tourism Industry: The Problem of (Mis)use of Building Technology and Language of Heritage

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ram... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ramifications on tourism industry. It elucidates the background of issues regarding the interaction between the fields of cultural production (architecture) and cultural consumption (tourism). The chapter argues that power of tourism industry has reached, under the pressure of global economics, to a capacity to turn even daily architecture into instruments of touristic show. In this context, technology is utilized as an instrument to produce such iconography only as a surface articulation. Thus, architecture becomes a commodity of touristic consumption in this current socio-economic and cultural context. The pressure of tourism industry seems to create a significant split between the architecture and its location in terms of specific cultural roots. This tendency is discussed as a potential threat to sustainability of tourism industry itself since it damages its own very source, that is to say, richness of cultural differences.


“İzmir’in Artalanındaki Kentlerde Mimarlık”kitabı, incelenen Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Balıkesir, Ma... more “İzmir’in Artalanındaki Kentlerde Mimarlık”kitabı, incelenen Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Balıkesir, Manisa, Afyon, Uşak kentlerindeki mimarlığın durumunu “her kentin mimarlığının, o kentin sosyo-ekonomik, fiziksel, tarihsel, kültürel vb. gerçekliklerinin içine oturtularak değerlendirildiği” ve kısmen de “merkez-periferi konumunda oldukları kentlerle ilişkilerini belirleyen” bir yazılar dizgesi içinde anlamayı denemektedir.

Batı Anadolu bölgesindeki kentlere yönelik merkez-periferi olgusuna değinen kitap, bu gerilimle sınırlanmak yerine, bölgede geçmişten bugüne büyük bir merkez olan İzmir’den yola çıkarak kıyının ardında kalan yerleşimlerdeki mimarlık panoramasını kavramayı amaçlamaktadır.

Sözü edilen kentlerin İzmir merkezli bir kurgudaki bölgesel ilişkileri Emel Göksu tarafından ele alınırken, Aydın ili Emel Kayın, Denizli ili Ahmet Yoldaş, Muğla ili Hümeyra Birol Akkurt, Balıkesir ili Murat Çetin, Manisa ile Gökçeçiçek Savaşır ve H. İbrahim Alpaslan, Afyon ve Uşak illeri de Emre Ergül ve Oya Saf tarafından irdelenmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of UNDERGROUND SPACES; Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects

Underground spaces are becoming increasingly important for a wide diversity of uses. They range f... more Underground spaces are becoming increasingly important for a wide diversity of uses. They range from classical excavations to subway constructions, underground sports halls, power stations, waste repositories, underground cities and many others. The construction techniques are also very varied, from open air excavation to newly developed injection methods.

The use of underground spaces is challenging to a wide spectrum of engineers, designers, builders and constructors. Structures constructed below the terrain require special attention in their design and safety assessment. This means that the knowledge needs to be significantly higher than for surface structures and hence the importance of conferences like Underground Spaces to reach a better understanding of the issues involved. This is particularly the case when preparing to build chemical, nuclear or toxic waste repositories, where serious environmental issues can arise.

This book contains some of the papers presented at the International Conference on Underground Spaces - Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects, held on the Campus of the Wessex Institute of Technology in the New Forest. The Conference was launched to discuss not only the structural and environmental material characterization aspects but also the trends regarding the development of underground spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of BITEK KENT; BALIKESIR

Academic Journal Papers by murat cetin

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2020	“İnşa, Riya, Telafi ve Teselli: Bir Mimarlık Dramının Anatomisi”, Mimarlik (refereed & indexed - ISSN 1300-4212), V.57, N.413, pp. 12-15.

Mimarlık, 2020

neo-facadism in housing architecture

[Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2018, 	“Mimarlıkta Takiye ve Biat Kültürü; Eğitimden Pratiğe Mimarın Müzakere ‘Görünümlü’ Tek Sesliliğe Formatlanma Süreci”,Mimarca, [ISSN:1306-3138], V.86, pp. 41-52.](

Mimarca, 2018

on the theme of negotiation; architectural theory and architectural education.

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2018, 	“Emeğin İzlerine Eklemlenmek; Zonguldak Üzülmez Endüstri Mirasına Müdahale Önerisi”,XXI, V.168, pp. 14-20.

XXI, 2018

Conservation and intervention to industrial heritage in Zonguldak Uzulmez Valley

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2017, 	“Tarihi Yapıya Müdahalede ‘Zaman Yarılmaları’; Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta bir Manastırın Dönüşümü ve Ek Bina Tasarımı için Stratejik bir Yaklaşım Denemesi”,Arredamento Mimarlık, V.7-8, N.311 (ISSN 2536-4952), pp. 90-98 (w/ S.Doyduk).

Arredamento Mimarlık, 2017

Restoration and contemporary addition to Akhiropitos monastery, Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2017, "Eklerin Sosyo-Kültürel Değer Barındırma Potansiyeli", XXI, 161, pp.10-14 (w/ Ece Çokca).

XXI, 2017

Additions to Buyukvalide Han eminonu Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of Filling an urban void as a 'public interior' in Balıkesir; contemporary intervention into historic context through interior space

ITU/A-Z journal of faculty of architecture, 2017

The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. ... more The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. The interior space is discussed as extensions of urban spaces and urban spaces as extensions of interiors with specific reference to a case study selected in Balıkesir urban fabric. Under the light shed by these discussions, the paper questions the certainty of boundries between exterior and interior, thus between interior design and architecture. While the first axis of discussion fo-cuses on the duality between interior and exterior, the second axis of discussion concentrates on the insertion of new and contemporary architectural and spatial features into an existing and historic context. The Museum and Library of Photography project in Balıkesir, which is selected as case study, is based on a VOID connecting what exists with what disappeared long ago in a totally new combination. Consequently, paper shows that architectural identity of the existing (and sometimes disappeared) heritage is reproduced via injection of this new hybrid (interior-exterior) into the very heart of the existing urban fabric. The hybrid design of the VOID intends to resolve the tensions between the contrasting features of restoration and intervention merely by understanding the conditions and fun-dementals of the process of historical layering in the town.


Dosya, Dec 30, 2017

Bu yazıda kuram ve pratik ilişkisi ve/veya çelişkisi üzerinden, mimarlığın (ve özellikle de mimar... more Bu yazıda kuram ve pratik ilişkisi ve/veya çelişkisi üzerinden, mimarlığın (ve özellikle de mimarın) söylem üretme gayretinin, mimarlığın temel amaç ve araçlarının ötesine geçmekle kalmayıp, bunları hor görerek, bir prestij ve statü unsuru haline gelmesi süreci tartışılacaktır. Bu sayede edinilen prestije sahip mimar öznenin, mevcut sosyo-ekonomik düzen ve bu düzende (her şeyi olduğu gibi) yapılı çevreyi (de) emelleri doğrultusunda şekillendirme etkisi ve yetkisine sahip ‘erk’ ile işbirliği sonucunda, mimarlığın içinin boşaltılarak, ‘retorik erbabı yeni mimar’ eliyle erke teslim edilip, onun her alanda uyguladığı zulüm araçlarından birine dönüştürülme süreci sorgulanacaktır. Bu doğrultuda kasten araçsallaştırıldığı iddia edilecek olan ‘kuramsal şiddet ‘veya ‘kuram terörü’nün (gerek mimarlık eğitimi ve gerekse uygulaması alanında) yol açtığı kavramsal ve somut sonuçlar tarihteki ve günümüzdeki örnekleriyle ele alınacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Kentsel ‘Oyun Kuruculuk’tan Yedek Kulübesine Doğru...; Üsküdar Rumi Mehmed Paşa Cami’nin Kent İçi Konumundaki Dönüşüm Üzerinden Morfolojik bir Okuma…

Günümüzde sistematik olarak yürütüldüğü gözlenen ‘camiler aracılığıyla kentsel peyzajın değiştiri... more Günümüzde sistematik olarak yürütüldüğü gözlenen ‘camiler aracılığıyla kentsel peyzajın değiştirilmesi’ olgusuna dayalı kültürel politikaların eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi çerçevesinde, camilerin ‘kentsel kurgulayıcı’ rollerinin kökenlerini Üsküdar Rumi Mehmed Paşa Cami özelinde inceleyen bu çalışmada, kent morfolojisinin zaman içindeki değişimlerinde camilere yönelik algı, kullanım ve koruma durumlarının nasıl değiştiği sorgulanmaktadır. Camilerin kurgulayıcı rollerinin tartışılmasının ardından, Üsküdar’ın kentsel gelişim tarihi incelenmektedir. Rumi Mehmed Paşa camisinin 15. yüzyılda inşaası ile birlikte kendi çevresinde oluşturduğu mahallenin Üsküdar’ın morfolojisini nasıl etkilediği kartografik araçlarla göz önüne serilmiştir. Caminin kentteki diğer gelişmelerle değişen konumu ile korunma durumu arasında paralellikler kurulmaya çalışılmıştır.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2021	İçten İçe; Mimarlıkta “İç” Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, [ISBN: 978-605-9386-38-8], Nika, Ankara.](

İçten İçe; Mimarlıkta “İç” Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni,, 2021

‘İçten İçe’; Mimarlıkta ‘İç’ Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, mimarlıkla iç mimarlığın ayrış... more ‘İçten İçe’; Mimarlıkta ‘İç’ Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, mimarlıkla iç mimarlığın ayrışma sürecini ele alırken, bu ayrışmanın tarihsel kökenlerini, nirengi noktalarını ve dayanaklarını ortaya koymak üzere yola çıkar. Kitap, mimarlık alanının iç mimarlığı nasıl algılayageldiğini, bu çoğu kez küçümseyici algılayışın tarihte yavaşça nasıl ortaya çıktığını esasen politik bir okuma üzerinden inceler. Bütün bir meslek camiâsının kitlesel olarak böylesi bir hikâyeye bunca zaman nasıl kolayca inandırıldığının üzerindeki perdeleri kaldırmaya girişen kitapta, vaktiyle mimarların uhdesinde olan iç mimarlığın, bugün ayrı bir disiplin haline gelişinde etkili olan ekonomik ve politik gelişmelerin tarihi, farklı disiplinlerle bağlantılar kurarak incelenir. İnsanlığın yeryüzünde varoluşu, insanlığın biyolojik evrimi, yerleşme tarihi, teknoloji, sanat, ekonomi ve siyaset tarihi gibi alanlarla ilişkilendirilen mimarlık ve iç mimarlık arasındaki ayrışma sürecinin, kapitalizmin etkisiyle ciddi bir yarılma evresine ulaştığı iddia edilen bu kitapta, kutuplaşmanın ulaştığı boyut savaş kuramlarıyla ilişkilendirilerek de açıklanmaya çalışılır. Sözü edilen bu politik ve dolayısıyla mekânsal yarılma, emek-sermaye ve kent-kır çelişkileri bağlamında yorumlanmıştır. Yine, medya ve teknolojinin bu kutuplaşmada ve bu yarılmanın kamuoyundaki algısının şekillendirilmesinde oynadığı roller analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca mimarlık teorisini yönlendiren felsefi akımların bu küresel politik ajandaya nasıl hizmet ettiği, bunun mimar ve iç mimarların gündelik pratiklerine, mesleki örgütlenmelerine, eğitim sistemlerine ve kurumsallaşmasına nasıl yansıdığı incelenmiştir. “İç mimar mısın, dış mı?” sorusu üzerinden karikatürize edilme eğilimine maruz bırakılan iç mimarlık alanının geçirdiği bu tarihsel süreçte, vaktiyle bir bütün olan mimarlık-iç mimarlık çiftinin dış etkenlerle yıkılmaya ve düşmanlaşmaya doğru sürüklenen kadim birlikteliği, bir anlamda öyküleştirilerek de ele alınmıştır. Kitap bu ayrışmanın geleceğine dair olası senaryo önerileri ile sonlanmaktadır.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Bir Nehrin Kıyısını Tasarlamak; Mimarlık eğitiminde bir Ciddiyet ve Sorumluluk Adacığı Olarak Sakarya Üniversitesi Mimarlık Öğrencileri”, Sakarya Nehri Çevresi Öğrenci Projeleri (ed. S. Doyduk), Sakarya Üniversitesi Yayınları, Sakarya [ISBN: 978-605-2238-17-2], pp.4-8.](

Sakarya Nehri Çevresi Öğrenci Projeleri , 2019

architectural education in Sakarya University and urban design studio process.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016	“Urban-Architecture as a Battleground of Socio-Cultural Struggle”, The Urban Gaze: Exploring Urbanity through Art, Architecture, Music, Fashion, Film and Media, (ed. L. Howard, S.Mazzucotelli) (e-book / ISBN  978-1-84888-453-3), Interdisciplinary.Net Press; Oxford, pp.129-140.

Architecture is closely yet paradoxically connected to the two basic and complementary human inst... more Architecture is closely yet paradoxically connected to the two basic and complementary human instincts; to construct and to destruct, in other words to live and to die. Therefore, architecture and urbanism can be considered as the spatial
dimensions of an ideological war of different interest groups in cities. Such a war mainly manifests itself as the polarisation between corporate sector and public sector, global and local, modern and traditional. Planning acts as a means of capitalist control over the urban (public) space under a macro-orthodoxy approach despite the public reaction via manipulation of public space through; microurbanism in urban-leftovers and queer-spaces, reclamation of landfills, and ephemeral architecture. A large body of community seem to resist through guerrilla war tactics of architecture against the comprehensive strategic war plans, technoscientific artillery, and devoted and well-trained troops of neo-liberal corporate bodies. Who will survive in such a relentless spatial war depends largely on the development of counter-strategies and accurate calculations based on game theory. The chapter will address the issue of reconstruction and resilience of cities with particular reference to the case of Istanbul, her transformation zones and conservation areas. Hence, the study will focus on urban paradigm shift and complexity of Istanbul as a multi-cultural, multi-layered metropolitan city in a post-modern era. The article intends to develop alternative strategies towards reshaping urban environment via architecture primarily by analysing the morphology of new urban spaces and emergent forms of life. Consequently, architecture of cities is argued as a para-military instrument for the tactical deployment of conflicting ideologies into an ongoing state of socio-cultural battle between opposing parties of the city.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2014, “A Critical Look, Subtle Talk and Judicious Walk on the Insidious Paths of Sustainable Tourism; ”, in Tourism Development in the GCC States: Reconciling Economic Growth, Conservation and Sustainable Development (ed. A. Spiess, F. Al-Mubarak, A.S. Weber), [ISBN 978-1-4614-7452-4], Springer; NY,](

A Critical Look, Subtle Talk and Judicious Walk on the Insidious Paths of Sustainable Tourism; Dealing with Dual Character of Conservation of Urban-Architectural Heritage in Saudi Arabia, inTourism Development in the GCC States: Reconciling Economic Growth, Conservation and Sustainable Development , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of From Anatolia to Bosnia; Reviews on Pendentive Dome Mosque’s Architecture, USM Press. Malaysia.

From Anatolia to Bosnia; Reviews on Pendentive Dome Mosque’s Architecture, USM Press. Malaysia., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of “Not Madness But Business; A Green Paradigm Shift in Architecture and Building Industry”, Green Technologies and Business Practices; An IT Approach ( Pablos)

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of archi... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of architecture and building sector towards a concern for environmental problems, ecological awareness, and thus, sustainable design, green technologies, and materials. Having conceived architecture and building practices as one of the leading economic activities globally, this chapter elucidates the role of architecture in creating business opportunities. The chapter tackles the subject from the perspective of technology and it analyzes the recent debates as well as developments in theory of architecture and building practice in construction industry. This chapter mainly argues that the ongoing paradigm shift moves beyond mere concern with environmental issues and creates an industry and economy of its own. The chapter introduces key concepts in the fields of green building and green architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Split-Identity as a Symptom of Contemporary Urban Form of Arab Cities”, Contemporary Architecture of Islamic Societies between Globalization and Traditions (ed.A.Mandour)

Research paper thumbnail of Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Architecture on Tourism Industry: The Problem of (Mis)use of Building Technology and Language of Heritage

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ram... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ramifications on tourism industry. It elucidates the background of issues regarding the interaction between the fields of cultural production (architecture) and cultural consumption (tourism). The chapter argues that power of tourism industry has reached, under the pressure of global economics, to a capacity to turn even daily architecture into instruments of touristic show. In this context, technology is utilized as an instrument to produce such iconography only as a surface articulation. Thus, architecture becomes a commodity of touristic consumption in this current socio-economic and cultural context. The pressure of tourism industry seems to create a significant split between the architecture and its location in terms of specific cultural roots. This tendency is discussed as a potential threat to sustainability of tourism industry itself since it damages its own very source, that is to say, richness of cultural differences.


“İzmir’in Artalanındaki Kentlerde Mimarlık”kitabı, incelenen Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Balıkesir, Ma... more “İzmir’in Artalanındaki Kentlerde Mimarlık”kitabı, incelenen Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Balıkesir, Manisa, Afyon, Uşak kentlerindeki mimarlığın durumunu “her kentin mimarlığının, o kentin sosyo-ekonomik, fiziksel, tarihsel, kültürel vb. gerçekliklerinin içine oturtularak değerlendirildiği” ve kısmen de “merkez-periferi konumunda oldukları kentlerle ilişkilerini belirleyen” bir yazılar dizgesi içinde anlamayı denemektedir.

Batı Anadolu bölgesindeki kentlere yönelik merkez-periferi olgusuna değinen kitap, bu gerilimle sınırlanmak yerine, bölgede geçmişten bugüne büyük bir merkez olan İzmir’den yola çıkarak kıyının ardında kalan yerleşimlerdeki mimarlık panoramasını kavramayı amaçlamaktadır.

Sözü edilen kentlerin İzmir merkezli bir kurgudaki bölgesel ilişkileri Emel Göksu tarafından ele alınırken, Aydın ili Emel Kayın, Denizli ili Ahmet Yoldaş, Muğla ili Hümeyra Birol Akkurt, Balıkesir ili Murat Çetin, Manisa ile Gökçeçiçek Savaşır ve H. İbrahim Alpaslan, Afyon ve Uşak illeri de Emre Ergül ve Oya Saf tarafından irdelenmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of UNDERGROUND SPACES; Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects

Underground spaces are becoming increasingly important for a wide diversity of uses. They range f... more Underground spaces are becoming increasingly important for a wide diversity of uses. They range from classical excavations to subway constructions, underground sports halls, power stations, waste repositories, underground cities and many others. The construction techniques are also very varied, from open air excavation to newly developed injection methods.

The use of underground spaces is challenging to a wide spectrum of engineers, designers, builders and constructors. Structures constructed below the terrain require special attention in their design and safety assessment. This means that the knowledge needs to be significantly higher than for surface structures and hence the importance of conferences like Underground Spaces to reach a better understanding of the issues involved. This is particularly the case when preparing to build chemical, nuclear or toxic waste repositories, where serious environmental issues can arise.

This book contains some of the papers presented at the International Conference on Underground Spaces - Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects, held on the Campus of the Wessex Institute of Technology in the New Forest. The Conference was launched to discuss not only the structural and environmental material characterization aspects but also the trends regarding the development of underground spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of BITEK KENT; BALIKESIR

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2020	“İnşa, Riya, Telafi ve Teselli: Bir Mimarlık Dramının Anatomisi”, Mimarlik (refereed & indexed - ISSN 1300-4212), V.57, N.413, pp. 12-15.

Mimarlık, 2020

neo-facadism in housing architecture

[Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2018, 	“Mimarlıkta Takiye ve Biat Kültürü; Eğitimden Pratiğe Mimarın Müzakere ‘Görünümlü’ Tek Sesliliğe Formatlanma Süreci”,Mimarca, [ISSN:1306-3138], V.86, pp. 41-52.](

Mimarca, 2018

on the theme of negotiation; architectural theory and architectural education.

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2018, 	“Emeğin İzlerine Eklemlenmek; Zonguldak Üzülmez Endüstri Mirasına Müdahale Önerisi”,XXI, V.168, pp. 14-20.

XXI, 2018

Conservation and intervention to industrial heritage in Zonguldak Uzulmez Valley

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2017, 	“Tarihi Yapıya Müdahalede ‘Zaman Yarılmaları’; Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta bir Manastırın Dönüşümü ve Ek Bina Tasarımı için Stratejik bir Yaklaşım Denemesi”,Arredamento Mimarlık, V.7-8, N.311 (ISSN 2536-4952), pp. 90-98 (w/ S.Doyduk).

Arredamento Mimarlık, 2017

Restoration and contemporary addition to Akhiropitos monastery, Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2017, "Eklerin Sosyo-Kültürel Değer Barındırma Potansiyeli", XXI, 161, pp.10-14 (w/ Ece Çokca).

XXI, 2017

Additions to Buyukvalide Han eminonu Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of Filling an urban void as a 'public interior' in Balıkesir; contemporary intervention into historic context through interior space

ITU/A-Z journal of faculty of architecture, 2017

The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. ... more The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. The interior space is discussed as extensions of urban spaces and urban spaces as extensions of interiors with specific reference to a case study selected in Balıkesir urban fabric. Under the light shed by these discussions, the paper questions the certainty of boundries between exterior and interior, thus between interior design and architecture. While the first axis of discussion fo-cuses on the duality between interior and exterior, the second axis of discussion concentrates on the insertion of new and contemporary architectural and spatial features into an existing and historic context. The Museum and Library of Photography project in Balıkesir, which is selected as case study, is based on a VOID connecting what exists with what disappeared long ago in a totally new combination. Consequently, paper shows that architectural identity of the existing (and sometimes disappeared) heritage is reproduced via injection of this new hybrid (interior-exterior) into the very heart of the existing urban fabric. The hybrid design of the VOID intends to resolve the tensions between the contrasting features of restoration and intervention merely by understanding the conditions and fun-dementals of the process of historical layering in the town.


Dosya, Dec 30, 2017

Bu yazıda kuram ve pratik ilişkisi ve/veya çelişkisi üzerinden, mimarlığın (ve özellikle de mimar... more Bu yazıda kuram ve pratik ilişkisi ve/veya çelişkisi üzerinden, mimarlığın (ve özellikle de mimarın) söylem üretme gayretinin, mimarlığın temel amaç ve araçlarının ötesine geçmekle kalmayıp, bunları hor görerek, bir prestij ve statü unsuru haline gelmesi süreci tartışılacaktır. Bu sayede edinilen prestije sahip mimar öznenin, mevcut sosyo-ekonomik düzen ve bu düzende (her şeyi olduğu gibi) yapılı çevreyi (de) emelleri doğrultusunda şekillendirme etkisi ve yetkisine sahip ‘erk’ ile işbirliği sonucunda, mimarlığın içinin boşaltılarak, ‘retorik erbabı yeni mimar’ eliyle erke teslim edilip, onun her alanda uyguladığı zulüm araçlarından birine dönüştürülme süreci sorgulanacaktır. Bu doğrultuda kasten araçsallaştırıldığı iddia edilecek olan ‘kuramsal şiddet ‘veya ‘kuram terörü’nün (gerek mimarlık eğitimi ve gerekse uygulaması alanında) yol açtığı kavramsal ve somut sonuçlar tarihteki ve günümüzdeki örnekleriyle ele alınacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Kentsel ‘Oyun Kuruculuk’tan Yedek Kulübesine Doğru...; Üsküdar Rumi Mehmed Paşa Cami’nin Kent İçi Konumundaki Dönüşüm Üzerinden Morfolojik bir Okuma…

Günümüzde sistematik olarak yürütüldüğü gözlenen ‘camiler aracılığıyla kentsel peyzajın değiştiri... more Günümüzde sistematik olarak yürütüldüğü gözlenen ‘camiler aracılığıyla kentsel peyzajın değiştirilmesi’ olgusuna dayalı kültürel politikaların eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi çerçevesinde, camilerin ‘kentsel kurgulayıcı’ rollerinin kökenlerini Üsküdar Rumi Mehmed Paşa Cami özelinde inceleyen bu çalışmada, kent morfolojisinin zaman içindeki değişimlerinde camilere yönelik algı, kullanım ve koruma durumlarının nasıl değiştiği sorgulanmaktadır. Camilerin kurgulayıcı rollerinin tartışılmasının ardından, Üsküdar’ın kentsel gelişim tarihi incelenmektedir. Rumi Mehmed Paşa camisinin 15. yüzyılda inşaası ile birlikte kendi çevresinde oluşturduğu mahallenin Üsküdar’ın morfolojisini nasıl etkilediği kartografik araçlarla göz önüne serilmiştir. Caminin kentteki diğer gelişmelerle değişen konumu ile korunma durumu arasında paralellikler kurulmaya çalışılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of 2015, ya içindesindir ya da dışında mimarlık çemberinin; bir iç kabuk yenileme meselesi olarak iç mimari tasarım yaklaşımına iki örnek, İç Mimar, V.40, pp.66-72.

Research paper thumbnail of 2015, 	“İnsanları Ve Mekanları Kutulamak; Bir Mülkiyet Hırsı/Pratiği: Mimarlık”,Arredamento Mimarlık, V.7-8, N.292.(ISSN 1300-3801), pp. 57-63

İnsanlık tarihinin bir mülkiyet kontrolü tarihi olarak okunduğu bu yazıda mimarlığın mülkiyetle d... more İnsanlık tarihinin bir mülkiyet kontrolü tarihi olarak okunduğu bu yazıda mimarlığın mülkiyetle dansı incelenecektir. Mülkiyetle karşılıklı karmaşık tango figürleri ve zor bale hareketleri yapmakta farkında olmadan dahi olsa ustalaşmış mimarın, içten içten daha iyi salonlarda daha usta partnerlerle dansedebilme hırsıyla yaptığı bu performansı, adeta halk meydanlarında halkla birlikte, onlardan biri gibi yaşarmış ve onların mutluluğu için halk dansları sergiliyormuş gibi lanse ettiği günümüz mimarlık ortamına bir tür ayna tutmayı hedefleyen yazı, “demokrasi ve mimarlık” dosya başlığı altında, yalnızca mimarlığın (ve biraz da mimarlık eğitiminin) sosyal ve toplumsal özgürleştirici nitelik ve yöntemleri ile mimarın bu süreç içerisindeki siyasi özne olarak rolü tartışmaya açmayı değil, ayrıca bu rol ve rolü gerçekleştirecek yöntemlerin mülkiyet üzerine kurulmuş Kapitalist sistemdeki gerçekleşme olasılık ve stratejilerini de tartışmayı hedefler. Sahip olma arzu/tutkusu/hırsı ve bunun çeşitli ölçeklerdeki mekansal karşılığını ifade etmek üzere 17 Aralık operasyonundan beri süregelen gündemde de ön plana çıkan ‘kutu’ metaforu (ve kutulama eylemi) üzerinden kurgulanan yazı, TOKİ vs. konut üretim teknoloji-süreç-ve-ürünlerini, yine kutulanmış mekanların kutulara-sıkıştırılmış-insanlara pazarlandığı sistemde, kentsel açıklıkların AVMlere kutulandığı kamusal alanlardan çalınarak üretilen rantın, başka kutularda bireylere kişisel mülkiyet olarak aktarıldığı bir süreç olarak gözler önüne serecektir. Buna karşın ‘gerçekten’ toplum odaklı paylaşımcı ve alternatif (kutulamayan) bir mimarlık felsefesi ile pratiğinin kuramsal/kavramsal çerçevesi ve dünyadaki sayılı örnekleri ile yazının tamamlanması hedeflenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of 2014, "Mitoz Çoğalan Metastatik Yerler ve Hibrid Kimlikler",Dosya, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şb., V.33, pp.18-24.

This paper discusses whether public space have a place-specific identity over the process which T... more This paper discusses whether public space have a place-specific identity over the process which Taksim and Gezi Park went through between 1st-27th May 2013 as well as social and political events that followed. These events epitomize social identity struggles that are conducted through public spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, "Piyonla Şah-Mat Mümkün mü? Neo-Liberalist Küresel Mekan Stratejisi Karşısında  Direncin Mekansal Ölçeği Olarak Beden", Dosya, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şb., V.32, pp.6-11.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2013 	""#Diren-ç-MEKAN; Gezi Parki'nda kamusal mekanın maddesel gücünün yeniden canlanışı", Serbest MIMAR, V.12 [Ağustos], pp.10-12.](

Research paper thumbnail of Review on Ottoman Izmir: the rise of a cosmopolitan port, 1840 -1880 (by S. Zandi-Sayek), Urban Morphology

Ottoman Izmir: the rise of a cosmopolitan port, 1840 -1880, Apr 17, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Preaching to the Perverted (Spaces); Perversion in Architecture - as an Art of Spatial Design

International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS, Mar 1, 2013

Considering architecture as a spatial art, the paper examines the nature of ongoing change in t... more Considering architecture as a spatial art, the paper
examines the nature of ongoing change in the design of
architectural spaces, in accordance with the profound conversion
in the nature of social existence on Earth. The study aims to
tackle the issue mainly from a morphological standpoint with
cross-references to sociological dimension of space. Recently,
some started to believe that virtues of modernity were not
capable of coping with the emerging diversity and complexity
brought by new bodies, who were gradually introduced into the
urban scene through democratisation. Therefore, the
de(con)struction of the canons of the modernism was the only
solution in order to achieve a new phase in the material
evolution of humankind. Spatial reflection of such an ongoing
social transformation, that is to say, a major shift from „an ideal
society centrally controlled by corporate groups‟ to a much more
pragmatic one with „flexibility of control systems‟ is of prime
concern in this study. In other words, a paradigm shift from
„rational and sensible‟ state to a „chaotic, yet, perverse‟ state of
human condition, in the name of freedom, is central to the
discussion of the evolution of space design. In brief, newly
emerging social and corresponding spatial phenomena seem to
have took over, our cultural landscape via guerrilla war tactics,
and was supported by scholars, who advocated the „death of
architecture‟ for the sake of proliferation of low culture. Albeit,
an initiative with good intentions of integrating all parties of
the community, turned out to be working against the sense of
community. Hence, the very same issues of social concerns seem
to have shifted from socialist rhetoric towards the hands of a
more capitalist rhetoric. Therefore, the new power and her
weapons should be disguised in a seducing new skin... Fluid
architecture of late 90‟s was the ideal new mediatic solution... In
result, values characterised by grace, coherence, consensus,
durability, order, have been replaced by pride, unquestioned
wealth, corruption, falsification, distortion, humour, irony,
nihilism, and „in-your-face-attitude‟ of the new generation of
Murat Cetin is with the Kadir Has University, Dept. of Int.
Architecture, Central Campus, Cibali, 34083, Istanbul, Turkey (phone:
+90-533-344-9003; fax: +90-212-533-5853; e-mail:
citizens. Masochistic experience of contemporary urban life,
grotesque images of environment, the parasitic and violent
character of architecture, yet seductive outlook of their figures
have fascinated the minds of the new (yet perverted) urban
population. Hence, a fluid, vague, indeterminate archi-tectonic
language was becoming politically correct decor for a rapidly
eroding society. In fact, this new architecture should be
evaluated within the web of concepts like otherness, utopia,
fantasy, media, Post-Modern popular culture, consumption,
marketability, pluralism, as well as the shift in the conception
of “reality and simulation”.
In this study, it is argued whether architects, as spatial
artists, should shift their focus from the timeless qualities,
tectonic virtues and ethical principles of modernism towards
transient, ephemeral imagery of this fashionable formalism,
simply because, capital is shifting hand from the former-elite
towards neo-elite (formerly accepted as underground, grunge,
illegal, disapproved, etc.). The decision obviously constitutes a
fine line between architecture and prostitution in an age of
social hysteria, schizophrenia, fetish, frenzy, disintegration,
fragmentation, and thus, perversion. The argument is primarily
based on the question of whether new vocabulary of fantastic
images is an avant-garde formal jamborine, recurrent trend or
fashion-like movement, or alternatively a major breakthrough
in the sociological, epistemological, hence architectural


The urban fabric of Ayvalik, which has a unique Aegean identity, displays one of the rare example... more The urban fabric of Ayvalik, which has a unique Aegean identity, displays one of the rare examples of water-town relationship in Turkey. The urban history of Ayvalik, like many other waterfront towns, is associated with the story of water, i.e. Aegean Sea. The local culture, which is based on water in Ayvalık, has also
been the major determinant of social life. The physical reflection of this social fabric is easily read on the urban structure as well as in the waterworks. This whole can enable us to follow the traces of a morphological formation, which is a reminiscent of a “net” constituted by waterworks. Today, a gap can be observed in the relationship between Ayvalik and water. This relationship has been limited to the waterfront level by the impact of tourism. The vehicular road lying along the coast and the serving buildings, which altogether exhibits a wall effect, seem to have caused the nodes of above-mentioned network, in other words, the points where waterfront is connected to the water elements within the city, to break up from each other. However, the path lying along the coast has always been a coastal line emphasizing the connection rather than being an obstacle. Identifying the connection between coastal water and inner water elements, their clarification and revitalisation in daily life could be a preliminary step in the renewal of urban and water culture in the town. Should such a network and its nodes could be re-interpreted in connection with the historical, urban and architectural characteristics; it would contribute to the unique urban tissue. Such a reinterpretation should focus on the concept of “net” and its “nodes”, which can be accepted as a metaphor to complete the urban tissue. In this study, the waterworks, which act as the generators of urban regeneration proposal are analysed with specific reference to Ayazma building. The contribution of these buildings to physical and social stock, their location within the projected network, and their physical relationship with each other are scrutinised. Nets of building, life and water are reconciled with the proposed scheme in Ayvalik.

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-phase systematic framework for performance appraisal of architectural design studio facilities

Purpose – The objectives of this paper are to present the development of an indicative multi-phas... more Purpose – The objectives of this paper are to present the development of an indicative multi-phase systematic framework for performance appraisal of architectural design studio facilities, and to present the findings of the post-occupancy conditions of an architectural design studio facility as a case study to demonstrate the applicability of the developed framework.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors carried out a number of activities. These include reviewing the published literature to address the significance of the architectural design studio as a resource for students majoring in architectural design, and ascertaining the significance of post-occupancy evaluation as a performance appraisal methodology in educational facilities. On the development of the proposed framework, the authors carried out a case study in one of the studios of the Architecture Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The authors utilized a series of data collection methods, including hotographic
documentation, observations through walkthrough inspection, questionnaires and interviews.
Findings – The developed framework consists of four phases. It entails identifying the performance requirements of the architectural design studio; collecting data – through conducting walkthrough inspection, questionnaire survey and interviews – to ascertain the present performance level of the architectural design studio; analyzing the data gathered from the preceding steps and subsequent reporting of findings on the degree of user satisfaction with the architectural design studio space and
facilities; and developing a plan of actions in the form of recommendations to improve the conditions of the evaluated design studio. The case study served as a validation of the developed performance appraisal framework.
Originality/value – The architectural design studio is known to be the place where students majoring in architectural design generate, review and display their design projects. Previous research on the performance appraisal of educational facilities indicates that the comfort of the architectural design studio space is a significant aspect to be considered and maintained for the success of the architectural education process. The paper provides a systematic approach for evaluating the major
performance requirements of an architectural design studio. It is of practical value to space planners, design professionals, facility managers and administrators involved in the planning, design, operation and management of such facilities.
Keywords Post occupancy evaluation, Framework, Performance appraisal,Design studio, Architecture,
Performance management


This paper elucidates the emergence and evolution of arabesque with specific reference to the cas... more This paper elucidates the emergence and evolution of arabesque with specific reference to the case of arabesque in Turkish art and architecture. It is argued here that arabesque is a fusion of styles rather than a pure and homogenous style. Furthermore, the paper aims to show that although the arabesque style appears to be a fanciful and freely organized manner of artistic treatment it is based on a very complex mathematical logic which is expressed through abstractionism. In this context, the grammar of geometry is elaborately used in the implementation of abstraction. Here, general characteristics as well as different modes or types of arabesque are discussed. Starting with the etymological roots of the term, the history of its use in the literature is explored through the paper. After the inquiry of its material and pragmatic aspects, the development of the arabesque style is evaluated with regard to its transformations that took place along with its injection to Anatolia and mixing with Turkish culture. Finally, the morphological character of this fusion is put forward.

Research paper thumbnail of Do You Speak "Urban Design"? ; Intermediations Between Grammar of Space and the Fragments of City-text

It is aimed to probe whether underlying formal regularities in urban metamorphosis may constitute... more It is aimed to probe whether underlying formal regularities in urban metamorphosis may constitute potential basis of urban-architectural interventions. Urban design is described as a formal language. Underlying principles of urban transformation are argued as what constitute the grammatical structure of urban form and its change. Thus, socio-cultural significance of grammatical encoding inherent in the morphology of urban space is emphasised whereby geometrical relationships are utilised as
instruments of spatial analysis. Urban transformation is analysed in terms of rule-based, compositional systems called ‘formal grammars’. It is observed that there is a linguistic logic composed of an initial form of the design, a set of possible rules applied to this initial form, and recursive structures which define
the sequence, order and location of the rules applied to it. Formal grammars are proposed as a helpful instrument of understanding to the broader framework of townscape and morphological analyses prior to urban design.

Research paper thumbnail of Back to Future; Essence of Mosque Design and a New Generic Architectural Typology, Lonaard Magazine, V.1, N.3, pp.57-65

Research paper thumbnail of 2014	“(Other)chitecture; Body as New Spatial Scale For Reconstruction of Resilient-Urbanspace Against Neoliberal Urban Policies”,Proceedings of the 25th UIA World Congress of Architecture Otherwhere; Resilience, Ecology, Values , UIA, Durban, S.Africa, pp.52-58.

The paper addresses the question of resilience through an ‘other’ type of architecture (of ‘other... more The paper addresses the question of resilience through an ‘other’ type of architecture (of ‘others’). Here, the notion of resilience is defined as life strategies developed by communities as well as critical interventions that oppose against government investments towards her re-configuring of the spatial economy to the benefit of a specific section of society instead of for all urban actors. In a political context of socio-economic segregation and polarization rather than poverty alleviation, attempts of suppressed urban actors to address highly specific developmental problems, to establish new relationships with a living planet, humility and, most importantly, to establish a sense of respect through diversity is analysed from a spatial perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“Urban-Architecture as a Battleground of Socio-Cultural Struggle”, Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference on Urban Pop-Cultures, 12-14 May, Prague, Interdisciplinary.Net Press; Oxford, pp. - (forthcoming).

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	“Architectural Education in between Form & Experience: a Case from Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings of the First International Congress ‘Architectural Design. Teaching and Research’, V.3, 3-7 May, Bari, Italy, pp.1329-1338.

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	“Emergent ‘Double Identity’ Of Historic Cities; Problems of Urban-Architectural Heritage in Islamic Domain”, Proceedings of FICUAHIC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pp.1-17.

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	“Dynamics of Ever-Expanding Modern Urbanism and Endangered Cultural Sustainability of Urban Heritage in Middle Eastern Cities”, Proceedings of ICSAUD 2010, Penang, Malaysia, pp.411-421.

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	“Tarsus Makam Mosque Restoration and Museum Annex”, 1.National Architectural Conservation Project & Applications Symposium, TMMOB Chamber of Architects, 5-6 Feb, Ankara, TURKEY

Research paper thumbnail of 2008a 	“Fragments Of A Burried Urban Past Revealed Through Multi-Layered Voids Hidden Below The Mosque Of St. Daniel;”, Proceedings of the 1st International Underground Spaces 2008 Conference, 8-10 September, The New Forest, UK, WIT Press, Southampton, pp.129-137.

Research paper thumbnail of 2008b 	“Architectural Intervention As A Container Of Archaeological Heritage İn Tarsus;”, Proceedings of the CSAAR 2008 Conference; Responsibilities and Opportunities in Architectural Conservation: Theory, Education, and Practice, 3 -5 November, Petra University, Amman, Jordan, pp.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Architecture As An Act Of Socio-Cultural Resistance”, 4th International Congress On Culture & Development, 6-9th June, Havana, Cuba,

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“(Do Not A)void Connecting Traditional with Modern”, Re-thinking & Re-constructing Modern Asian Architecture, Proceedings of the 5th International mAAN Conference, June, Istanbul, pp. 179-184.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Koruma Eğitiminde Alternatif Bir Etkileşim Modeline Doğru”, Korumada 50 Yıl Sempozyumu, Mimar Sinan University, 17-18 November, Istanbul, pp.119-126.

Research paper thumbnail of 2004a	“Ayvalık Ağları; Kentsel Yapılar, Yaşam ve Su…” , Ege’nin İki Yakası I; Ayvalık Kent Tarihi Çalışmaları Konferansı Bildirileri, 28-30 Ekim, BAYKUS Grubu, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Basım Yayın Merkezi  -  İstanbul, pp. . (with Senem DOYDUK, Hatice UÇAR)

Research paper thumbnail of 2004b	“Conservation Of Traditional Shopping Places As A Device For Regeneration Of A Turkish Town In Recession”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Architectural Conservation between Theory and Practice, Dubai, March 14-16 (with Dr. Gaye BİROL & Senem DOYDUK), pp. 444-463.

Research paper thumbnail of 2003a 	"Ideology versus Tradition; a Struggle over the Plan of A Western Anatolian Town", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF), 3-6 July, Trani (Bari, Italy). (with Gaye BİROL), pp. 475-480.

Research paper thumbnail of 2003b 	“Landscapes of Palimpsest on the Edge of the Mediterranean Sea”, Proceedings of 40th IFLA World Congress, 25-29 May, Calgary. (with Gaye BİROL)

Research paper thumbnail of 2003c 	“A Callous Diversion from A Livable Stage-Set; The 75 Year Story of A High-Market Street”, Proceedings of 2nd International Livable Environments and Architecture Congress, 1-4 July, Trabzon. (with Gaye BİROL), pp. 309-316.

Research paper thumbnail of 2003d 	“Against the Decor of Nomadic-Modernity; Urban-Architectural Education within A Small Anatolian Town”, Proceedings of 36th International Making Cities Livable Conference, 13-17 April, Santa Fe, NM. (with Gaye BİROL)

Research paper thumbnail of 2003e	“Balıkesir Tarihi Kent Merkezine Bir Yeniden Canlandırma Önerisi” , Kentsel Dönüşüm Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 11-13 Haziran, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basım Yayın Merkezi  -  İstanbul, pp. 315-321. (with Senem DOYDUK)

Research paper thumbnail of 1999a	"Principles of Urban Transformation; A Grammatical Interpretation", Transformations of Urban Form; From Interpretations to Methodologies, Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF), 23-6 July, Alinea Editrice: Florence, pp. FM 2.7-10.

Research paper thumbnail of 1999b	"A Tale of Two Cities; The Grammar of Urban Transformation", La Cittá Nuova, Proceedings of the 1999 ACSA International Conference, 29 May-2 June, Rome, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Press: Washington D.C., pp. 417-22.

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	“Tarsus Makam Mosque Restoration and Museum Annex”, 1.National Architectural Conservation Project & Applications Symposium, TMMOB Chamber of Architects, 5-6 Feb, Ankara, TURKEY

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Space Between Old & New”, UIA 2005 XXII. World Congress of Architecture, July, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2019	“Korumalı Ringlere Veda”, XXI

XXI, 2019

2019 “Korumalı Ringlere Veda”, XXI

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	"Anadolu’da Kentsel Arabesk; Taşra Kenti Kimliğinden Büyükkent İmgesine Yolculuk Macerasında ‘Süper-Kent Balıkesir’ Temalı Kentleşme Politikalarına Dair…", Arkitera , Süper Kent Balıkesir Dosyası

arkitera, 2017

2017 "Anadolu’da Kentsel Arabesk; Taşra Kenti Kimliğinden Büyükkent İmgesine Yolculuk Macerasında... more 2017 "Anadolu’da Kentsel Arabesk; Taşra Kenti Kimliğinden Büyükkent İmgesine Yolculuk Macerasında ‘Süper-Kent Balıkesir’ Temalı Kentleşme Politikalarına Dair…", Arkitera , Süper Kent Balıkesir Dosyası

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	“Ve “Karşı Köşe”de Mimarlığın Namağlup Efsane Ağır-Sıklet Şampiyonu: Koruma”, XXI

XXI, 2017

2017 “Ve “Karşı Köşe”de Mimarlığın Namağlup Efsane Ağır-Sıklet Şampiyonu: Koruma”, XXI

Research paper thumbnail of İç Mimarlık: Ne Dekorasyon, Ne de D.I.Y.; Mimarlıkta İç Mekan Tasarımı! Tektonik bir Sorun Olarak İç Mekan Tasarımına İki Örnek

iç mimarlık dergisi, Jul 7, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of #Diren-ç-MEKAN; Gezi Parkı’nda Kamusal Mekanın Maddesel Gücünün Yeniden Canlanışı

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, "Yapı ve Obje Ölçekleri Arasında Bir İç-Dış Mekan Sürekliliği Sorunu Olarak İç Mimari Tasarımı; Kurtköy'de bir Restoran Düzenlemesi", İç Mimarlık Dergisi, S.2, pp.34-45.

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	“Back to Future; Essence of Mosque Design and a New Generic Architectural Typology”, Lonaard Magazine, V.1, N.3, pp. 57-65 (

[Research paper thumbnail of 2008 	“Fragments Of A Burried Urban Past Revealed Through Multi-Layered Voids Hidden Below The Mosque Of St. Daniel; Case Of Underground Museum in Tarsus”, The Built Environment, V.102, [ISSN 1743-3509], WIT Press,](

Research paper thumbnail of 2007	“Kamusal Alanın Şifresi: Bir Yazın Olarak Kent; Biçimsel Dili Olarak Mimarlık; Ve Grameri Olarak Geometri”, Gramer Dosyası (Ed.S.Doyduk), METROPOLISTANBUL (

[Research paper thumbnail of 2015, "Kente ve Doğaya Geometri ve Strüktür ile Hitap Etmek; Atatepe Projesi" (Addressing to City and Nature Through Geometry & Structure; Atatepe Project), Panorama, V.16 [ISSN: 2146-4820], pp.66-68.](

Research paper thumbnail of 2014, Mekanın Üretimi, Mimarist, v.51, 13-14.

Henri Lefebvre’in, kitabın özgün dili olan Fransızca’da “La production de l’espace” ve İngilizce’... more Henri Lefebvre’in, kitabın özgün dili olan Fransızca’da “La production de l’espace” ve İngilizce’de “The Production of Space” olarak bilinen felsefi ve sosyolojik başyapıtı yazılışından 30 yıl kadar sonra nihayet Sel Yayınları tarafından Işık Ergüden‘in tercümesiyle Mekanın Üretimi adıyla Türkçe olarak da yayına sunuldu. Kuşkusuz, bu önemli ve aynı oranda da zor eseri kendi dilinde okuyabilmek gerek mimar, sosyolog ve kent alanına ilgi duyan başta akademisyen, araştırmacı, ve öğrencilere olmak üzere tüm okuyuculara önemli ufuklar açabilecektir. Bu çevirinin böylesine kapsamlı bir disiplinlerarası çalışmayı ve Lefebvre’in terminolojisini Türkçe’ye kazandırmasının yanısıra, editör Cihan Özpınar’ın da belirttiği gibi kitap içeriğinin Türkiye ve Orta doğu’daki güncel gelişmelerin gündemiyle çarpıcı biçimde örtüşmesi açısından sunduğu kazanç ortadadır.

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, "#diren-ç-mekan; Gezi Parki'nda kamusal mekanın stratejik gücünün yeniden keşfi", Panorama, V.11, p.23-27.

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, "#diren-en-mekan; Gezi Parki'nda kamusal mekanın yeniden artan materyal değeri", XXI, V.121, p.51.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2013, "Cok Boyutlu Kentin Sancili Kabuk Degistirme Sureci; Kentsel Donusum", Panorama, V.10 [ISSN: 2146-4820], pp.12-15.](

Research paper thumbnail of 2009	“Analysis and monitoring of the Colorscape, Texturescape and Lightscape of Istanbul”, My Project Istanbul, Academic Research Catalogue, V.3, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Press, Istanbul, pp.

Research paper thumbnail of 2006	“Preface”, Tarihi Kent Dokusuyla Akhisar (S.Doyduk ), Akhisar Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları No.2 (ISBN 975-98333 – 1-X), Allp Ajans, Istanbul, pp. 8-9.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Dünya Mimarlıklarının Pazaryeri Kongre Vadisinde Kuruluyor…”,Milliyet Sanat, July, V.2005/556,N.126301 (ISSN 1300-4425), pp. 74-76.

Research paper thumbnail of 2001,	"22. Yüzyılda Balıkesir'de Saklambaç Oynamak" (Seek & Hide in Balikesir in 22nd Century) , Megaron, V.8, pp. 8-9.

Research paper thumbnail of 1999 	"Formal Grammar Analysis of Urban Transformation; Urban Renewal of historic Town Centres in Turkey After 1980s", Ph.D. Thesis (2 volumes), University of Sheffield, 500pages (unpublished thesis).

Research paper thumbnail of 1995	"A Study on the Environmental Quality Problem in Collective Housing Settlements in Turkey", M.Arch Thesis, Middle East Technical university, 110 pages (unpublished thesis)

[Research paper thumbnail of 2020	“Mekânın [Biyo]Politikası: İnsan Olmayanın Teşebbüsleştirilmesinde Mekânın Rolü Üzerine Bir İnceleme” (completed), PhD Thesis by Emre Demirtaş, Kocaeli University, Doctoral Degree Program in Architecture, Kocaeli](

thesis, 2020

2020 “Mekânın [Biyo]Politikası: İnsan Olmayanın Teşebbüsleştirilmesinde Mekânın Rolü Üzerine Bir ... more 2020 “Mekânın [Biyo]Politikası: İnsan Olmayanın Teşebbüsleştirilmesinde Mekânın Rolü Üzerine Bir İnceleme” (completed), PhD Thesis by Emre Demirtaş, Kocaeli University, Doctoral Degree Program in Architecture, Kocaeli

Research paper thumbnail of 2019	“Kentsel koruma ve altyapı projelerinde koruma – süre ilişkisi” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Gizem Demirci, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

thesis , 2019

2019 “Kentsel koruma ve altyapı projelerinde koruma – süre ilişkisi” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis b... more 2019 “Kentsel koruma ve altyapı projelerinde koruma – süre ilişkisi” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Gizem Demirci, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2018	“Tarihi/Kültürel Miras Eserlerinin Bir Emlak Metası Olarak ‘Değerleme’ Sorunları” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Çisem Seda Çetintaş, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

thesis, 2018

2018 “Tarihi/Kültürel Miras Eserlerinin Bir Emlak Metası Olarak ‘Değerleme’ Sorunları” (ongoing),... more 2018 “Tarihi/Kültürel Miras Eserlerinin Bir Emlak Metası Olarak ‘Değerleme’ Sorunları” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Çisem Seda Çetintaş, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2018	“1950-70 Yılları Arasında İstanbul’da İmar Hareketleri ve Dönemin Koruma Anlayışı” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Özgür Yıldırım, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

thesis, 2018

2018 “1950-70 Yılları Arasında İstanbul’da İmar Hareketleri ve Dönemin Koruma Anlayışı” (ongoing)... more 2018 “1950-70 Yılları Arasında İstanbul’da İmar Hareketleri ve Dönemin Koruma Anlayışı” (ongoing), Master’s Thesis by Özgür Yıldırım, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2015	“Üsküdar'ın Dönüşümü Bağlamında Rumi Mehmet Paşa Camii Analizi ve Koruma Sorunları” (completed), Master’s Thesis by Irfan Ozgul, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

thesis, 2015

2015 “Üsküdar'ın Dönüşümü Bağlamında Rumi Mehmet Paşa Camii Analizi ve Koruma Sorunları” (complet... more 2015 “Üsküdar'ın Dönüşümü Bağlamında Rumi Mehmet Paşa Camii Analizi ve Koruma Sorunları” (completed), Master’s Thesis by Irfan Ozgul, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2015	“Tarihi Yapıda Ek Kavramının Büyük Valide Han İç Avlu Ekleri Özelinde İrdelenmesi” (completed), Master’s Thesis by Ece ÇOKÇA, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

thesis, 2015

2015 “Tarihi Yapıda Ek Kavramının Büyük Valide Han İç Avlu Ekleri Özelinde İrdelenmesi” (complete... more 2015 “Tarihi Yapıda Ek Kavramının Büyük Valide Han İç Avlu Ekleri Özelinde İrdelenmesi” (completed), Master’s Thesis by Ece ÇOKÇA, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“Taşıma ve Koruma Sorunları”( ), Master’s Thesis by Ugur Gokce, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“Üsküdar'ın Dönüşümü Bağlamında Rumi Mehmet Paşa Camii Analizi ve Koruma Sorunları”( ), Master’s Thesis by Irfan Ozgul, Kadir Has University, Master’s Degree Program in Preservation of Cultural Assets, Istanbul

[Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., Uysalkan, R., 2018	3rd Prize		METU Campus Cultural Center Entry Plaza and Sculpture Design Project Competition [Invited Competition] (ODTÜ Kampüsü Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi Giriş Meydanı ve Atatürk ve eğitim Heykeli MimariTasarım Yarışması) [Davetli Yarışma]](

odtü, 2018

2018 3rd Prize METU Campus Cultural Center Entry Plaza and Sculpture Design Project Competition ... more 2018 3rd Prize METU Campus Cultural Center Entry Plaza and Sculpture Design Project Competition [Invited Competition] (ODTÜ Kampüsü Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi Giriş Meydanı ve Atatürk ve eğitim Heykeli MimariTasarım Yarışması) [Davetli Yarışma]

Research paper thumbnail of Cetin, M., 2017	3rd Mention	Elazığ City Square Urban Design Project Competition (Elazığ Kent Meydanı Ulusal Kentsel Tasarım Yarışması)

arkitera, 2017

2017 3rd Mention Elazığ City Square Urban Design Project Competition (Elazığ Kent Meydanı Ulusal ... more 2017 3rd Mention Elazığ City Square Urban Design Project Competition (Elazığ Kent Meydanı Ulusal Kentsel Tasarım Yarışması)

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	2nd Mention	Samsun 19 May Urban Route National Urban Design Project Competition (Samsun 19 Mayıs İzleği Ulusal Kentsel Tasarım Yarışması)

arkitera, 2017

2017 2nd Mention Samsun 19 May Urban Route National Urban Design Project Competition (Samsun 19 M... more 2017 2nd Mention Samsun 19 May Urban Route National Urban Design Project Competition (Samsun 19 Mayıs İzleği Ulusal Kentsel Tasarım Yarışması)

Research paper thumbnail of 1st Prize, Çanakkale (Gallipoli) War Research Center Building Architectural Design Competition

Research paper thumbnail of 1. Mansiyon, Anamur Atatepe Sosyal Merkezi ve Çevresi Ulusal Mimari Proje Yarışması

Ormana saldıran kent karşısında direnirken 'çığlık çığlığa' haykıran; kentle orman arasında bakir... more Ormana saldıran kent karşısında direnirken 'çığlık çığlığa' haykıran; kentle orman arasında bakir niteliğini korumaya çalışırken strese girmiş; anamur'un sıcak günlerinde, kekik, menengiç, ıhlamur, çitlembik kokularının yörede hakim rüzgarlarla tepede savrularak insanın doğaya sıkı sıkıya kenetlendiği bir arazidir atatepe... tarih, kültür ve doğanın katmanlaştığı bu özgün lokasyon, kimliğini koruyacak, direnişine omuz verecek, saldırganına göğüs gerecek bir dosta susamıştır ve onu haketmektedir... Sosyal Merkez Binası bu dostluğa bir adaydır...

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	Assoc. Prof.	Associate Professorship by YOK-UAK (applied at the term of October - 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of 2008	Annual Award 	Conservation of Historical & Cultural Heritage Awards by Union of Historic Cities

Research paper thumbnail of 2002	Citation	Kentsel Mekanlar ve Cepheler Doğukent (I) Nationall Project Competition

Research paper thumbnail of 1994	Scholarship	Y.O.K. Postgraduate Study Abroad Schl.

Research paper thumbnail of 1990	Citation		Eşber YOLAL Methods & Materials of Construction Project Competition, Ankara

Research paper thumbnail of Küçükarmutlu Mahallesi Yerinde ve Yerlisiyle Islah Ulusal Mimari Fikir Projesi Yarışması

Mahalle ölçeğinde bir kentsel iyileştirme önerisine ulaşmayı hedefleyen yarışmada, bu mahallenin ... more Mahalle ölçeğinde bir kentsel iyileştirme önerisine ulaşmayı hedefleyen yarışmada, bu mahallenin fiziki, sosyal, siyasal ve kültürel dokusunun olduğu gibi korunarak, herhangi bir yıkım ve emsal artışı önerilmeksizin iyileştirilmesi ve kamusal alanların yüceltilmesi; değerlendirmenin en temel ve vazgeçilmez kriterlerindendir.

Ayrıca, gecekondu yerleşimlerinin pozitif kentsel ve kamusal değerlerini hala barındıran Küçük Armutlu mahallesi, Türkiye kentleşme tarihinde ‘gecekondulaşma’ sürecinden ‘çarpık apartmanlaşma’ sürecine geçmeden, gecekondunun özgün vernaküler niteliklerini bugüne dek taşıyabilmiş ve Istanbul kent dokusu içinde nadir bulunabilecek bir örnektir. Bu anlamda bu kentsel dokunun kültürel mirasolarak korunmasına dair fikir geliştirilmesi de bu yarışmanın öncelikli hedef ve kriterlerindendir.

Pir Sultan Abdal Kültür Derneği Sarıyer Şubesi, yarışma kapsamında geliştirilecek iyileştirme ve dönüşüm fikir üretimlerinin yerel olanaklar gözetilerek geliştirilmesini önemsemektedir. Yarışma, arka planındaki eşitlikçi ve komünal görüşe dayalı olarak, gönüllülük esası üzerine çalışan düzenleme ve değerlendirme ekiplerince, rekabet ve maddi karşılık barındırmayacak şekilde, ‘eşdeğer ve ayni ödüllü’ olarak düzenlenmiş olup, eşdeğer ödül sahiplerinin biraraya gelerek önerilen fikirlerin olanaklar ölçüsünde sentezlenip uygulamaya koyulacağı bir çalıştayla sonlanacaktır. Bu çalıştay, kolektif bir üretimin sonucu olarak mahallede kalıcı bir yerinde iyileştirme örneği oluşturacaktır. Bu mütevazı örnek, bugün Türkiye’de tartışılmakta olan dev kentsel dönüşüm projelerine karşı barınma hakkı için mücadele eden halkın tutunacağı bir dal olacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of 2015, Member,, Scientific Committee of ARCHDESIGN 2015, Istanbul

membership in Scientific Committee of ARCHDESIGN 2015, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2015, Member, Scientific Committee of 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIVABLE CITIES (ICLC2015)

membership in Scientific Committee of 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIVABLE CITIES (ICLC2015)

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	Member		Ph.D. Degree Thesis Jury, Yildiz Technical University, Dept. of Arch.,  “Reading of the Transformation of Berlin Through the discourse of ‘Consistency’ within Modernity” by EvinEriş, Supervised by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Yasemen Say ÖZER

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	Member	Scientific Committee, #Architext 2013;From City Branding to Spatial Activism, Northern Cyprus, (

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	Member	Scientific Committee, #Architext 2013;From City Branding to Spatial Activism, Northern Cyprus, (

Research paper thumbnail of 2014, Member, Scientific Committee, CAUMME 2014, Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism in the Mediterranean & the Middle East Symposium, Northern Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, Reviewer, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture (METU JFA),

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	Member		M. Arch Degree Thesis Jury, Girne American University, Dept. of Arch.,  “Nomadic Perception of Place; Boz Üy as a Model of Being in-the-World” by Aknazar  Tumanbaev, Supervised by Ast.Prof. Dr. S.Z.Sadri

Research paper thumbnail of 2013, Scientific Committee Member, IWLC 2013 (International Workshop on Livable Cities), Malaysia

Research paper thumbnail of 2003	Member	BASIAD I. Traditional Window-shop Design competition (Theme: 80. Anniversary of Republic)

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	Member		M. Arch Degree Thesis Jury, Yeditepe University, Dept. of Arch.,  “A Phenomenological Study of Sensual Space Experiences in Terms of Architectural Phenomenology” by Burcin Basyazici, Supervised by Prof. Dr. Fatih Pakdil

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	Member		Scientific Committee, ICSAUD 2012, Malaysia

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	Reviewer	Built and Human Environment Review, Online Journal, University of Salford

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	Reviewer	International Journal of Heritage Studies, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	Reviewer	Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	Member		M. Arch Degree Thesis Jury, University of Dammam, KSA  Dept. of Arch., “Building to Subsist;Adaptive Re-Use of Buildings in Saudi Arabia” by Sara Al-Ghamdi, Supervised by Prof. Dr. Jameel Akbar

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	Referee		Journal of Behaviour and Information Technology (Francis &Taylor Publishing),

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	Referee		Planning Perspectives, Journal of IPHS, Awards Committee

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 	Referee		KFUPM, AJSE, Review Committee

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	Education Program Assessment (with Dr. R.Reffat),	EFFAT University, Dept. of Architecture, Jeddah, S.ARABIA

Research paper thumbnail of Restoration & Renovation 1,100	m2,	Public Buildings 5,000	m2,	Commercial Buildings 2,000 m2,	Collective Housing	85,000 	m2,	Apartments	12,000 	m2,	Villas 2,000	m2,	Interior Decoration 9,000 m2,	Landscape 1,000 m2, Construction Control 30,000	m2,	Monuments   3,	Sports & Entertainment	55,000	m2

Restoration & Renovation 1,100 m2, Public Buildings 5,000 m2, Commercial Buildings 2,000 m2, Collective Housing 85,000 m2, Apartments 12,000 m2, Villas 2,000 m2, Interior Decoration 9,000 m2, Landscape 1,000 m2, Construction Control 30,000 m2, Monuments 3, Sports & Entertainment 55,000 m2

[Research paper thumbnail of 2020	"Üçüncü Türle Yakınlaşmalar…!; Tarihi Dokularda ‘Ötekileştirilen’ Mimarlığa ‘[ S ] empatik’ bir Bakış… ", 19 Mayıs, Beykent Üniversitesi Mimarlık Kulübü (MİK), Çevrimiçi Seminer,](

MIK, 2020

2020 "Üçüncü Türle Yakınlaşmalar…!; Tarihi Dokularda ‘Ötekileştirilen’ Mimarlığa ‘[ S ] empatik’ ... more 2020 "Üçüncü Türle Yakınlaşmalar…!; Tarihi Dokularda ‘Ötekileştirilen’ Mimarlığa ‘[ S ] empatik’ bir Bakış… ", 19 Mayıs, Beykent Üniversitesi Mimarlık Kulübü (MİK), Çevrimiçi Seminer,

Research paper thumbnail of 2020	“ESKİ Hamam YENİ Tas; Bir ‘Ötekileştirme’ Mecrası Olarak Tarihi Yapıya ‘Ek’ Meselesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Beyazıt Seminerleri, 29 April, İstanbul

istanbul university, 2020

2020 “ESKİ Hamam YENİ Tas; Bir ‘Ötekileştirme’ Mecrası Olarak Tarihi Yapıya ‘Ek’ Meselesi”, İstan... more 2020 “ESKİ Hamam YENİ Tas; Bir ‘Ötekileştirme’ Mecrası Olarak Tarihi Yapıya ‘Ek’ Meselesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Beyazıt Seminerleri, 29 April, İstanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2019	“Yok Mu İstanbul’u Tasarlayan?; Proje-Yorgunluğu ve Onarım İhtimalleri”, İstanbul’u Kentsizleştirme Yaz-Okulu Seminerleri, TAK - Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi/Kadıköy Belediyesi İşbirliği, 11 July, İstanbul

TAK, 2019

2019 “Yok Mu İstanbul’u Tasarlayan?; Proje-Yorgunluğu ve Onarım İhtimalleri”, İstanbul’u Kentsizl... more 2019 “Yok Mu İstanbul’u Tasarlayan?; Proje-Yorgunluğu ve Onarım İhtimalleri”, İstanbul’u Kentsizleştirme Yaz-Okulu Seminerleri, TAK - Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi/Kadıköy Belediyesi İşbirliği, 11 July, İstanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	“Yaşayan Kentler Tasarlamak…{Designing Living Cities; Ego Versus Eco: ‘Design Contradictıng the Life in Cities’}”, TASARIM ZİRVESİ (Design Summit), Bursa Tasarım ve İnovasyon Baharı - BEBKA, 26 November, Bursa

bebka, 2017

2017 “Yaşayan Kentler Tasarlamak…{Designing Living Cities; Ego Versus Eco: ‘Design Contradictıng ... more 2017 “Yaşayan Kentler Tasarlamak…{Designing Living Cities; Ego Versus Eco: ‘Design Contradictıng the Life in Cities’}”, TASARIM ZİRVESİ (Design Summit), Bursa Tasarım ve İnovasyon Baharı - BEBKA, 26 November, Bursa

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	“Tarih Senin Gelecek Senin; Mimari Mirasın Yeniden Yoğurulması…”, EOGÜ Mimarlık, Kayıt-Sız Söyleşileri, 21 November, Eskişehir

eogu, 2017

2017 “Tarih Senin Gelecek Senin; Mimari Mirasın Yeniden Yoğurulması…”, EOGÜ Mimarlık, Kayıt-Sız S... more 2017 “Tarih Senin Gelecek Senin; Mimari Mirasın Yeniden Yoğurulması…”, EOGÜ Mimarlık, Kayıt-Sız Söyleşileri, 21 November, Eskişehir

Research paper thumbnail of 2017	“İşte O Biçim Bir Kent...; Somutlayıcı Bir Alt-Bilgi Alanı Olarak Kent Morfolojisi; Kent ve Form ilişkisi üzerine...”, AURA (Architecture & Urban Research Academy), 5 November, İstanbul

aura, 2017

2017 “İşte O Biçim Bir Kent...; Somutlayıcı Bir Alt-Bilgi Alanı Olarak Kent Morfolojisi; Kent ve ... more 2017 “İşte O Biçim Bir Kent...; Somutlayıcı Bir Alt-Bilgi Alanı Olarak Kent Morfolojisi; Kent ve Form ilişkisi üzerine...”, AURA (Architecture & Urban Research Academy), 5 November, İstanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“An Intervention Prposal for Akhiropiitos Monastery”, Girne American University, Faculty of Architecture, 4th July, Girne, N.Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“An Intervention Prposal for Akhiropiitos Monastery”, Girne American University, Faculty of Architecture, 4th July, Girne, N.Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	“Re-Reading of Spatial Configuratıon of Cities; The Context of Urban Transformation in Arabian Gulf Cities”, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Arts & Design, 30th November, Cibali Campus, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	“Edifice as Xenia; and Architect as a Puzzled Figure Against Global Problems”, Girne American University, Faculty of Architecture, 2nd November, Girne, N.Cyprus

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	“Müdahale ve Mücadele Alanı Olarak Tasarım; OZSU Turistik Tesisleri Yenileme, Ic Mekan ve Peyzaj Tasarımı Proje ve Uygulaması”, Yeditepe University, Faculty of Architecture, Lunchtime Seminars, 2nd May, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of 2012	“Emergent Double-Identity of Historic Cities”, Mardin Artuklu University, Faculty of Architecture, 23rd April, Mardin

Research paper thumbnail of 2011	“Close Encounters of the Third Kind: A Plot on the Communal Identity and Conservation of Cities”, The American University, Faculty of Arch. Design & Fine Arts./ Dept. Of Architecture, 25th February, Girne, N.Cyprus (Online Video Conference)

Research paper thumbnail of 2010	“A Ray of Light on Heritage”, University of Dammam, College of Arch. & Plan./ Dept. Of Bldg. Techn., 31st March, Dammam, S.Arabia

[![Research paper thumbnail of 2010 Panelist “Korumanin Iktidari ve Katmanlarin (Yapi)bozumu” (Virility of Conservation and Deconstruction of Strata), Kayıtdışı 03 (Dokun) {TissueTouch}, 8-13 (12) Feb, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul (Panelists: Ugur Tanyeli, Murat Cetin, Senem Doyduk)

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Akhisar Kent Dokusu ve Tescilli Yapı Proje Önerileri”, Akhisar Kaymakamlığı ve Akhisar Belediye Başkanlığı, 21st February, Manisa (Senem Doyduk ile)

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Preaching to the perverted spaces; perversion in architecture – as an art of spatial design”, Siemens Art Talks, 10th May, Siemens Art Gallery, Istanbul

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Tasarım Meselesi Olarak Koruma — XXI.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of 2013	“ Gezi park and Proposal for Reconstruction of Barracks in Taksim ”, Masquarade Magazine,

Research paper thumbnail of Monocle 24 Radio Interview on Gezi Park Protests and Law about Chamber of Architects

Research paper thumbnail of Architects See ‘Witch Hunt’ by Turkish Government

PRI's The World Radio Program, Jul 10, 2013

Michae l R ass is a we b produce r for The W orld.

Research paper thumbnail of A mega Istambul de Erdogan, cidade de todos os riscos

Research paper thumbnail of 2007	“İç Mimarlık bölümünde Uluslararası Atölye Çalışması ; IN-BETWEEN”, Yeditepe Haber, Güz, pp.10-13

Research paper thumbnail of 2005	“Türkiye’de restorasyon tahribatları”, Milliyet Sanat, June, V.2005/555,N.126301, pp.74-76

Research paper thumbnail of 2003	“Fotoğrafa Yakın Kadraj”, Milliyet Sanat, V.545,N.126301, pp.70-71

Research paper thumbnail of murat cetin works

blogspot, 2020

architectural and academic works blog

Research paper thumbnail of Murat CETIN @ RG

Research paper thumbnail of MURAT CETIN @ WA

Research paper thumbnail of MURAT CETIN (Assoc.Prof.Dr.) @ KADIR HAS UNIVERSITY

Research paper thumbnail of MURAT CETIN ARCHITECTS & CONSULTANCY

Research paper thumbnail of murat cetin architectural production research and consultancy

Research paper thumbnail of Project for Conservation of Multi-Layered historical Context and Design of Contemporary Annex

Research paper thumbnail of Student Projects

Research paper thumbnail of Interior Design Studio I (

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation and Perception of Urban Form in Arab City

The paper analyzes the ongoing urban transformation and delineates an underlying rationale which ... more The paper analyzes the ongoing urban transformation and delineates an underlying rationale which enables the comprehension of the current dual character of the Arab city with particular reference to the case of Eastern Province of S audi Arabia. The re-reading of city form is mainly based on the critical interpretation of the mechanisms of urban morphology in relation to both global economic impacts and associated building boom as well as to the means of perception of urban space particularly by different strata of the urban realm. Thus, urban morphology of Arab city is analyzed as a medium which manifests a gradually increasing discrepancy between the social structure and the physical container of the public realm. Emergent urban scene seems to depict impressions of fragmentation and segregation, whereas the society itself claims to have intrinsic unity, integrity and synchronization. Thus, the paper proposes judicious and critical planning policy instead of the direct import of global urbanarchitectural typologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Building for Capturing Public Mind Through Ears: Evolution of Architectural Typology as a Mechanism of Auditory Deception and Urban Control

Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2017

The paper takes the notion of soundscape and its relation to power relations within the scope of ... more The paper takes the notion of soundscape and its relation to power relations within the scope of architecture. Indeed, sound has long been devised as a tool so as to control people and urban realm. The paper discusses the politics, aesthetics and social character of urban soundscape by elucidating the materialized shape of sound, that is to say; the close relationship between architecture and sound, between materiality of the physical form and its audio-spatial experience to understand how soundscape is controlled by architectural means for establishing power over masses and class segregation in various contexts. Similar to the case of physical-landscape, the soundscape in various types of buildings also manifests the idealized power relationships in any society through the control of sound in architectural space. Therefore, the auditory characteristics of these spatial precedents are elucidated in this study. It is argued that sound is a very political entity and auditory mechanisms are utilized for the purposes of both surveillance and suppression of political opponents. The paper intends to demonstrate that sound has a very dark history under the disguise of grandiose aesthetics, and thus, it is very important in establishing power. Spatial typologies are classified according to their auditory functions in relation to establishing power in urban realm.

Research paper thumbnail of Review article: Contrasting perspectives on the Arab city

Urban Morphology

review of [Contrasting perspectives on the Arab city]

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between Shopping Behaviors and its Spatial Configuration in Al-Khobar ; Malls Versus

This paper intends to put forward the nature of the relationship between the shopping behaviors a... more This paper intends to put forward the nature of the relationship between the shopping behaviors and shopping spaces with specific reference to the city of Al-Khobar in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. It elucidates the relationship between differences of traditional shopping spaces from contemporary shopping places and differences of traditional behaviors of shopping from contemporary behaviors based on the methodological observation of the behavior of the shoppers within both types of shopping places. Starting with an overview of the evolution of the typology of shopping spaces in historical context, the paper investigates the social dimension of shopping activity and defines the shopping spaces as a reflection of social behaviors associated with the cultural context. The paper, then argues the impacts of global economy on the transformation of both the shopping behaviors of individuals and societies as well as those of shopping building typologies. The study develops a specif...

Research paper thumbnail of Trends of the Transformation of Urban Form in Arab Cities with Specific Reference to Al-Khobar

Abstract: The paper analyzes the current trends of urban transformation and delineates an underly... more Abstract: The paper analyzes the current trends of urban transformation and delineates an underlying rationale which enables the comprehension of the current character of Arab city with particular reference to Al-Khobar. The city form is subjected to a re-reading arguments of which are based on critical interpretation of the mechanisms of urban morphology in relation not only to the impacts of global economy and building boom but also to the means of perception of urban space by different strata of the urban realm. Thus, urban morphology of the city is studied as a medium which manifests a dissociation, and thus duality, between social structure and its physical container. The paper further argues that uncritical import of urban and architectural typologies seem to create a peculiar type of urban-architectural forgery that is usually reduced to skin-deep façade mimicry. Particularly, solo performances of shiny high-rise buildings and sharp contrasts of street fronts between main art...

Research paper thumbnail of Underground Spaces : Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects

Underground spaces : design, engineering and environmental aspects , Underground spaces : design,... more Underground spaces : design, engineering and environmental aspects , Underground spaces : design, engineering and environmental aspects , کتابخانه دیجیتال جندی شاپور اهواز

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural versus Material ; Conservation Issues Regarding Earth Architecture in Saudi Arabia : the Case of an Ottoman Fort : Ibrahim Palace in

Middle Eastern countries are suddenly confronted with the problem of a severe loss of architectur... more Middle Eastern countries are suddenly confronted with the problem of a severe loss of architectural heritage, which is the material manifestation of their own cultural inheritance and thus that of their identity, particularly under conditions of a sudden, rapid, radical and haphazard way of transformation as imposed over a society and its cultural geography by global impacts. This paper aims to argue whether the conservation issues regarding earth architecture in S audi Arabia are materially or culturally based with specific reference to Ibrahim Palace since it represents this conflict. The paper suggests that the problems regarding the architectural heritage conservation in Saudi Arabia are threefold; material, cultural and philosophical.

Research paper thumbnail of Cartography of major urban settlements on Saudi Arabian Peninsula between 18th -20th centuries

This paper aims to provide a urban morphological analysis of the transformation of Saudi Arabian ... more This paper aims to provide a urban morphological analysis of the transformation of Saudi Arabian cities from the late 18 century onwards through a cartographical urban inventory as its basis. The paper focuses on the cartographical information about the major cities in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula associated with the period between late 18 and early 20 centuries. This study was mainly conducted as a survey through the archives that have hitherto been kept closed for research purposes in Turkey. Therefore, a considerable part of sound and concrete information and evidence on Saudi Arabian town planning and urban design, particularly during the Ottoman era, was missing. This paper intends not only to make an inventory of the available maps and plans produced during the period between late 18 and early 20 centuries available in the Ottoman Archives of Turkey, but also to analyze this cartographical information through methods of the discipline of urban morphology and derive basic princi...

Research paper thumbnail of Filling an Urban Void as a ‘Public Interior’ in Balikesir; Contemporary Intervention into Historic Context through Interior Space

A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2017

The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. ... more The paper argues the role of interior spaces in linking with the urban open space configuration. The interior space is discussed as extensions of urban spaces and urban spaces as extensions of interiors with specific reference to a case study selected in Balıkesir urban fabric. Under the light shed by these discussions, the paper questions the certainty of boundries between exterior and interior, thus between interior design and architecture. While the first axis of discussion focuses on the duality between interior and exterior, the second axis of discussion concentrates on the insertion of new and contemporary architectural and spatial features into an existing and historic context. The Museum and Library of Photography project in Balıkesir, which is selected as case study, is based on a VOID connecting what exists with what disappeared long ago in a totally new combination. Consequently, paper shows that architectural identity of the existing (and sometimes disappeared) heritage is reproduced via injection of this new hybrid (interior-exterior) into the very heart of the existing urban fabric. The hybrid design of the VOID intends to resolve the tensions between the contrasting features of restoration and intervention merely by understanding the conditions and fundementals of the process of historical layering in the town.

Research paper thumbnail of Music and Performance as Sonic Acts of Political Struggle; Counter-Political Soundscapes in Urban Realm

Sociology Study, 2016

The paper takes the relation between soundscapes and power struggles as its problem area and focu... more The paper takes the relation between soundscapes and power struggles as its problem area and focuses on the role of music that is performed in public protests. It argues that music and street performances are conceived and therefore utilised as sonic acts of political struggle in urban realm. Starting with a general understanding of hearing mechanisms, the study elucidates the relationships among territoriality of soundscape, identity construction, social segregation and polarisation, and finally, power struggle. Within the framework of the intersection area of these concepts, the paper discusses the processes of politisation of soundscape through music as a form of protest event that is performed in public realm. Throughout the paper, it is focused on the significant cases of public protests as well as political events that occured in public space. The main emphasis is on the use of sound technologies to impose power on masses of people. The paper tackles the question of how the salient characteristics of soundscape are sonically adopted as means for counter-political acts in public realm.

Research paper thumbnail of The Emergence and Evolution of Arabesque as a Multicultural Stylistic Fusion in Islamic Art: The Case of Turkish Architecture

Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2012

This paper elucidates the emergence and evolution of arabesque with specific reference to the cas... more This paper elucidates the emergence and evolution of arabesque with specific reference to the case of arabesque in Turkish art and architecture. It is argued here that arabesque is a fusion of styles rather than a pure and homogenous style. Furthermore, the paper aims to show that although the arabesque style appears to be a fanciful and freely organized manner of artistic treatment it is based on a very complex mathematical logic which is expressed through abstractionism. In this context, the grammar of geometry is elaborately used in the implementation of abstraction. Here, general characteristics as well as different modes or types of arabesque are discussed. Starting with the etymological roots of the term, the history of its use in the literature is explored through the paper. After the inquiry of its material and pragmatic aspects, the development of the arabesque style is evaluated with regard to its transformations that took place along with its injection to Anatolia and mixing with Turkish culture. Finally, the morphological character of this fusion is put forward.

Research paper thumbnail of 2014, "Mitoz Çoğalan Metastatik Yerler ve Hibrid Kimlikler",Dosya, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şb., V.33, pp.18-24

This paper discusses whether public space have a place-specific identity over the process which T... more This paper discusses whether public space have a place-specific identity over the process which Taksim and Gezi Park went through between 1st-27th May 2013 as well as social and political events that followed. These events epitomize social identity struggles that are conducted through public spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Architecture on Tourism Industry

Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ram... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of architecture, its technological and cultural ramifications on tourism industry. It elucidates the background of issues regarding the interaction between the fields of cultural production (architecture) and cultural consumption (tourism). The chapter argues that power of tourism industry has reached, under the pressure of global economics, to a capacity to turn even daily architecture into instruments of touristic show. In this context, technology is utilized as an instrument to produce such iconography only as a surface articulation. Thus, architecture becomes a commodity of touristic consumption in this current socio-economic and cultural context. The pressure of tourism industry seems to create a significant split between the architecture and its location in terms of specific cultural roots. This tendency is discussed as a potential threat to sustainability of tourism industry itself since it damages its own very source, that is to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Not Madness but Business

An IT Approach

This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of archi... more This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of the current paradigm shift in the field of architecture and building sector towards a concern for environmental problems, ecological awareness, and thus, sustainable design, green technologies, and materials. Having conceived architecture and building practices as one of the leading economic activities globally, this chapter elucidates the role of architecture in creating business opportunities. The chapter tackles the subject from the perspective of technology and it analyzes the recent debates as well as developments in theory of architecture and building practice in construction industry. This chapter mainly argues that the ongoing paradigm shift moves beyond mere concern with environmental issues and creates an industry and economy of its own. The chapter introduces key concepts in the fields of green building and green architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies

[Research paper thumbnail of [PDF]re-reading of public life and urban- architecture in ayvalik](

The urban fabric of Ayvalik, which has a unique Aegean identity, displays one of the rare example... more The urban fabric of Ayvalik, which has a unique Aegean identity, displays one of the rare examples of water-town relationship in Turkey. The urban history of Ayvalik, like many other waterfront towns, is associated with the story of water, i.e. Aegean Sea. The local culture, which is based on water in Ayvalık, has also been the major determinant of social life. The physical reflection of this social fabric is easily read on the urban structure as well as in the waterworks. This whole can enable us to follow the traces of a morphological formation, which is a reminiscent of a "net" constituted by waterworks. Today, a gap can be observed in the relationship between Ayvalik and water. This relationship has been limited to the waterfront level by the impact of tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and conservation of social attributes in traditional shopping districts towards revatilisation of town centres in recession: Balikesir as a case study

International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, 2010

In this study, it is of interest to reveal the relationships between morphological aspects of tra... more In this study, it is of interest to reveal the relationships between morphological aspects of traditional town centre and their social attributes of civic life. The history of communal life and human settlements has always been associated with the history of shopping. Traditional shopping districts have been vibrant public realms. Nevertheless, social harmony and unity observed in traditional societies have been fragmented by global socioeconomic changes. Consequently, today's shopping places are dislocated towards the outskirts of traditional town. Hence, old town centres are neglected causing them to lose their value as traditional spaces enhancing public interactions. Therefore, morphological characteristics that maintain the unity between shopping activity and social fabric in traditional shopping space should urgently be clarified. Along this purpose, morphological characteristics required for revitalising traditional shopping spaces of Balikesir are analysed. Consequently, it is aimed to develop a new methodological basis for formulating cultural, spatial transformation of shopping spaces.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of 'negative patterns' on urban-architectural education: the case of Balikesir

International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, 2012

City and its physical environment play a remarkable role in the formation of architects. Thus, ho... more City and its physical environment play a remarkable role in the formation of architects. Thus, how qualities of urban setting are filtered into design projects that are developed in the city, particularly in schools of architecture is of interest. Hence, an excavation through four successive layers: city, architectural school, design studio and student projects are conducted on the basis of their spatial organisation and architectural features. This analysis follows an historical overview of the morphological evolution of the urban tissue and an overall examination of the curriculum with reference to a particular case study selected from a small town university in Turkey, Balikesir University, Department of Architecture. It is of interest to know whether the deficiencies of the city make a negative impact on the students of architecture since city displays an anti-urban character. The methodology, called 'negative patterns', is adapted from Alexander's pattern language, working in reverse manner.

Research paper thumbnail of Do you speak 'urban design'? Intermediations between grammar of space and the fragments of city-text

International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, 2011

It is aimed to probe whether underlying formal regularities in urban metamorphosis may constitute... more It is aimed to probe whether underlying formal regularities in urban metamorphosis may constitute potential basis of urban-architectural interventions. Urban design is described as a formal language. Underlying principles of urban transformation are argued as what constitute the grammatical structure of urban form and its change. Thus, socio-cultural significance of grammatical encoding inherent in the morphology of urban space is emphasised whereby geometrical relationships are utilised as instruments of spatial analysis. Urban transformation is analysed in terms of rule-based, compositional systems called 'formal grammars'. It is observed that there is a linguistic logic composed of an initial form of the design, a set of possible rules applied to this initial form, and recursive structures which define the sequence, order and location of the rules applied to it. Formal grammars are proposed as a helpful instrument of understanding to the broader framework of townscape and morphological analyses prior to urban design.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation And Perception Of Urban Form In Arab City

International Journal of Civil & Environmental …, 2010

The paper analyzes the ongoing urban transformation and delineates an underlying rationale which ... more The paper analyzes the ongoing urban transformation and delineates an underlying rationale which enables the comprehension of the current dual character of the Arab city with particular reference to the case of Eastern Province of S audi Arabia. The re-reading of city form is mainly based on the critical interpretation of the mechanisms of urban morphology in relation to both global economic impacts and associated building boom as well as to the means of perception of urban space particularly by different strata of the urban realm. Thus, urban morphology of Arab city is analyzed as a medium which manifests a gradually increasing discrepancy between the social structure and the physical container of the public realm. Emergent urban scene seems to depict impressions of fragmentation and segregation, whereas the society itself claims to have intrinsic unity, integrity and synchronization. Thus, the paper proposes judicious and critical planning policy instead of the direct import of global urbanarchitectural typologies.

[Research paper thumbnail of 2013 a ... by ... to 2013 by ... to 2012 “A Multi-Phase Systematic Framework for Performance Appraisal of Architectural Design Studio Facilities”, Facilities, V.30, N.7/8 [ISSN 0263-2772], pp. 324-342 (](

[Research paper thumbnail of 2013 a ... by ... to 2013 by ... to 2012 “A Multi-Phase Systematic Framework for Performance Appraisal of Architectural Design Studio Facilities”, Facilities, V.30, N.7/8 [ISSN 0263-2772], pp. 324-342 (](

[Research paper thumbnail of İçten İçe; Mimarlıkta “İç” Meselesinin Ekonomi-Politik Serüveni, [ISBN: 978-605-9386-38-8], Nika, Ankara.](

[Research paper thumbnail of Şahlar, Piyonlar ve [Meta]Kent; Totaliter Siyasetin Oyun Tahtası Olarak Buharlaştırılan Kent Mekanı](