fcuking_chic - Profile (original) (raw)
on 15 May 2004 (#3157169)
Are you Fucking gorgeous... Heres a community that will tell you ... IF you think your good enough to join then apply.
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Are you Fucking gorgeous... Heres a community that will tell you ... IF you think your good enough to join then apply.<img src=http://img65.photobuck
1. Only stamped members may Post
2. No Lying, Be straight up and tell it like it is.
3. This is a voting community, if you don't like what someone says thats just to bad. They're just being honest
4. After being accepted you MUST Vote and Promote or you will be banned
5. Have fun, don't back talk the stamped Members or mods
6. Place all pictures behind an lj-cut or you will be banned, if you don't know how, ASK!!
7. Keep application in bold. If you don't know how , ASK!!!
8. No Posting unless you are stamped
9. You must be active or you will be banned
10. Take your time on the application, You are not just being voted on looks
Where did you hear about this community?
What makes you Fucking hot shit?
Do you look like someone Famous? Who?
Favorite Bands-
Favorite Food-
Favorite activity-
What the most important thing you have, and why ( ex. friends, family, your butt......
Anything interesting that you want to say?
Promote us to one Person/Community~ who?
\~Members\~abercrombie, ae, american eagle, beautiful, beauty, billabong, bitch, blink182, blonde, boys, britney, brunettes, carmen elecetra, christina, cute, girl, giselle, gorgeous, hot, hottness, mest, modest mouse, oc, rating, roxy, sexy, sultry, sun, surf, surfer, tan, tanning, victoria secert, vote, voting, watermelon
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