feminist_mama - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 June 2005 (#7509575)

To promote and discuss issues relating to feminism from a mom's perspective!

This community was created for feminist moms and other enlightened, like-minded individuals.
Intelligent debate is allowed. Name calling, personal attacks and pissing contests are not.
Membership must be approved and I really only have three rules:
1. No prolifers. I don't care what anyone says, that goes against the very foundation of feminism.
2. No boob nazis. If you breastfeed, that's great. Just don't condemn or judge another mom for making a different choice that you know nothing about.
3. No judgements please. You are not the perfect mother. None of us are so don't give anyone else shit for a decision they made for their own child. You are just another person with a computer, not a childcare expert no matter how many websites you researched.

Please check out the website momsrising.org! I can't say enough good things about what they are doing!

abortion rights, activism, babies, being a mom, bottle feeding, boys, breastfeeding, childcare, children, common sense, daycare, debate, divorce, equality, feminism, feminist, feminist theory, gay parents, gay rights, gender, gender issues, girls, kids, lesbian, lesbian parents, liberal, marriage, moms, motherhood, mothers, parenting, politics, post partum depression, pro-choice, progressive, racism, racism and feminism, racism within feminism, roe vs wade, sahm, single moms, stay at home moms, womens issues, womens rights, working class feminism, working moms